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Pauang {THE ACTION PAIMS: Back around 1939, vaen numbered among, ur agioal friends were Btli Roulle, BEL1 Bellinger and Hank Nowoc, we started toying wit the idea of palaing Sarde valle the canis were in ection of being shuffled. Then fn 1945 thie dee vas Introduced to the cardictens vin a booklet called OFF THE TOP, Since that tine ve have poraued thie dee further ent further. Tn the interin ve Rave developed several methods that vere kept a eecret and vere divulgea to only avery few intimates. With the ple= Thora of books, the beet of effe-ts, the best of methoio, dsvuiged by the test of nen, ve feel it 1s tine ve joined. ‘he vane apd file and aid Likewise. We feet there to no better vay to start this chapter than to quote from GFF THE TOP here the original Action Palms appeared. "Most methoda of palaing are accouplished while the park 19 at rest and already squared up. ‘Then in a fo) low-up squaring of the park the card or cards are palaed." Te palns that follov are made elther during a shuffle, Tan- ing, turning a card, counting, ete. With each palm we vill try to give its practical application. This more than any thing else should impress the student vith the principles of the Action Pals. ‘THE SHUFFLE PAIM: In thio method any mumber of warts, from (one ant up, wan be tottoa palaea immediately folloving an overhand shuffle. Tt 1s an angle palm and therefore very sultable for platform work; hovever, under certain condi tone, depending on the stedirection, it can be done slose up and completely surrounded. 1. Anousing you wish to palm out the four Aces begin by having then on top of the pack. 2. “Hold the deck 4m the right band tn readiness for an overtand shuffle. 3. shuffle off the first four cards, singly, into the left ‘hand. "Thee four carde are shuffled into the left hant in cha ganner that they vill fell into a dealing position 8 shown in Fig. 1. Nove that thte position 4e eia!lar to a Mechanica” Grip. 4, The next card, the firth, te sturried so thet it jogs onto the left forefinger ae in Pig. 2 but not beyond it. 5. The renatnder of the pack ts nov shuffled, haphazardly, into the lett hand to cover the jogged card ae vell as tie back carte. Tate means that the cards vill be atstributed, alternately, atove and below the cards tn the Lert band. Tate will sever the Jogged card at the front as well. bark. ‘tne 6. Atter all the cade have been shuffled into the left hand do act square the pack. Instead, the left fingere squeeze the botton ~ande ani at the sane tine nove close together. Due to the fact that a card vas shuffled over ‘the left foreringer only the bottos four cards will fall favay from the reot of the deck, as in Fig. 3, and down in~ to lett pala. Note that the rest of the pack te etill in fan unoquared position. 7. Once the bottom cards have fallen avay from the rest of the pack the major open ing vill be at the lover right commer, The Fight Trot ana second fingere enter into ‘the opening male between the Botton carde Fig. 3 ao the reot of the feck while the Fight that goes on to of pack. In this manner the deck is taken avay with the ° Habe tingera apd thum by the lover Fight conser. Toe left hhapd in the weantine drops to the wide vith ite sande. The eft thuad should move over to the upper left corner of #2 pelsed cards and prees dovn on thie commer. ‘Tite te {apor~ ‘tant as othervise the slight proje-ting corner vill be vi- sible from the front. "The left thuad should nove into the corner position as acon as the right hand atarte to take the pack avy. Tae action te shom in Fig. b. Note the poultion of the lert thus on ite palned packet. 8. the right hand nov can place the pack on the table or hold it to gesture with. The left bani, vith the carte Pelned, 10 down st the side. The strain can nov be taken 2 off the lett fingers by Mehtly “Lipping snd holding the pelmea certs with the thumb against. the base of the forefingera- The left hand {@ hela ae the side oo thst ‘the backs of the palsed carts face Fig. § the lere thigh. The Lert chun’ ALL will then face directly front In this position the varde vill be invisible from the front as well ae the right side; hovever, op the left etde corner of the cards vill project beyond the palm. 9. To produce, or introduce, the palned cards into the Docket tbe Left hand should gove straight upvarde and tn- to the pocket. Avoid any tendency to turn the wrist ‘thin vill expose the proje:ting corner. The left hand moves straight up, then straight dovn into the pocket. 10, Wnen working slose up, the left han vith the paln~ ed canto should go directly into the pocket. In other Words, ae soon aa the right hand renoves the deck, the Yert band govee straight beck into the pocket. In the eastize, the right band should make sone geature with The park in order to attract all eyes tovarde it. This faction of the right band should be slightly upeards vhile ‘he lef hand moves fairly slovly downwarde into the poc- Ket. An appropiate patter line along with the gesture will -d Sn enhancing the wledirection. U1, Naturally the best application of this sleight 18 to a four Ace effect wherein the “limax is the production of tthe Aces from the povket. In the case of a single eelec~ ted card it can be the one that you seeaed to have for- gotten about as you catually shuffle the deck. Later, hen reminded, you can produce 1t, or several cards, from The posket for a c)inar. In the cave of the Azes you Would only cone ou7 with one Ave first, then later with The sevond, ete. t{ll all four are re-profuced. DELAYED ACTION PAIM: Tn thie palm the sends are shuffi- fe, moved from hand to hand, then finaly plazed on the fable. It seen impossible thst any carte could bave been palnea during these e-tions, yet auch te the case. . Thie palm follows the opening actions of the ‘Shuttle 3 Pain’. Assuming you apain vish to palm off the four Aces which are on top: 2. The cards in right hand are held in reaine overhand shuttle, for the 3. Suttle off the firat four carda, singly, into the ert hand in the sane manner ae for the Shuffle Pals, Fig. 1. 4, the next card, the firth, te shuffled so that tt 10 jogged. “Again thie action 1¢ the same as for the Shuffle Palm, Fig. 2. 5. The remainder of the deck ie nov abuffled off tn ou ‘a'nanner as to cover the Jogged “ondition of the carde to be palued as well ae the Jog of the f1fth card, 6. 0 far every action has been atntlar to the Shuttle Palm bot now the change takes place 7. The right hand comes above the pack in the Left hand, the right four fingers over the top edge and the right thunb At the back end squeezes to start to equare these ends. At the case tine the left forefinger presses up~ ards on the jogged cart witle the left third and fourth Fingers sort Of pull in the eidee of the deck. Tole le ces the four ards, to be palaed, sore or lees booked by the left forefinger, ao im Pig.'5, where the right hand been onltted for clarity. Actually the right band a- ‘bove the deck vill cover the break wate by the left forefinger. Note that the deck Le not actually squared flush at thie stage. Tt should not'be squared but more oF less gathered together to make the mibsequent Fig. 5 8. the Fight hand above the deck should o-cupy the tol- lowing position. The thumb at the back ent lying alnoet parallel to it. The first finger te curled on top of she deck, the ee-ond finger is on the top end near upper left corner, the third finger ie at the center end, the fourth Finger’ ie at the upper right end. ‘The hand itself te in ' position almost parallel to the devk, ite fingertips — ing over the top of the left torefinge?. 9. Mith the right hunt in the above posttion the lett 1 hand 0 completely covered from the front fand the folloving wove ie mate ‘The left forefinger, with {to hooked cards, soves to fight Zbie vill sauee the four cards ‘fo pivot as in Pig. 6 which ohove a bot~ ton view of the action, The bare of the % Pivot WII] be the right thus and the base Fis. Of leet thumb because the tip of right ‘thum> vill be touching the base of Lert thib during the pivot action. ‘The upper left corner vill be brought di Fectly below the third fingertip of the right hand 20. Once the packet of cards has been pivoted into the proper position it san be held there ty pressing down with ‘the right third fingertip on the upper left comer of eaid packet. The right thund, at the back, presees Invarle of the plvoted packet. In this way the packet of cards is gripped betveen the right third fingertip ani the ball of She right thusb. The packet is furthermore in an angle osttion under the deck. The condition of the carde 1 Covered not only by the deck but aleo by the right and from above. 12, the right third einger and chant fel aineatne ge grip. Te deck van nov be Taken evay from the left hand and held by the right hand alone ae tn Fig. 7 voich shows « bottom view of the condi~ ‘Stone. 12. Te right hand, vith tte conte in ‘the porition show in Pig. 7, moves to- verde the table as if to place the pack om; hovever, the performer seems to ‘eens to spot’a speck of airt. He repla~ cea the deck into the left haat in auch ‘@ mamer thet the bottoz angled verde vill fo into the left palm position. Toe upper Fight corner, of the bottom packet, should Fig. @ COME at a point directly on the ball of he ere thine ringer. ‘te daner left corn of the angled packet should be at the dave of the thumb. The left thuab presses on top of deck to hold card {n poet- tion, Fig. 8 shove hov the lert band is held to accept the angled cards as well as the pack. The right band has been 5 onitted to give a clearer picture of the angled carde at hin tage. 13. As soon ao the right hand hae placed the deck into Ue potstion show ta Fg. 6) the left third and fourth Fingers squeeze tnvarde on ite corner of the angled pac~ ket, This closing of the left fingers should be uade be- {fore the right bent aoves away frou the deck. The clo ing in of the left third ant fourth fingers automat sadly HELE the totton carde into the left palm. The pack will Rov cover the palmed carde as the right hand soves to the Reker oF she Uatle to brush avay an imaginary speck of Girt, Tue right and then cones back, renoves deck from he ieft han and places it on the table. In the meantine fhe left hand can drop to the side with ite palmed cards [fe sested the hand can gragp the left efde of the table Of rest ite Pingertipe on the inside edge of the table. ik. We wilt briefly recapitulate the action thet the aun Gicnce sees during the Delayed Action Palm. Tt ta hoped ‘he stulent can thus visualize just vaat 18 expectet of bin. AL The sande are shuffled. 3. the peck 4e taken ty the right hand and about to be placed on the table; hovever, the performer notes ronething ‘C. he deck 1s placed back into the left hand while ‘the right hand returne to the table to brush avay sone tm aginary duet. Dy The right hand comes back, removes deck from left apd, then places 1t on the table. 15. During the series of actions from A to D the carts hhave been palned in the left hand. Tt te obvious that thie pala can be spplied to any effect (THE COUNT COP: We have been doing a lot of expertmenta- Ton with the bottom card pickle sop. Among other things We hove developed a count from whicn a card can be palned lifter the count 4e completed. Again the palm 10 unst ceed because @ counting action te involved. ‘Taere t6- Bit any indication thst card or cards can possibly be stolen. 1, Hola the cards in the left heod in dealing position. ‘he sande are now counted by thumbing them off, one by one, into the right bend as they are counted. e 2, The firet cand counted off goea into the right hand 6 that the upper left corner of the card rests on the first Joint of the right second finger as tn Fig. 9, Hote that upper right comer reete on the right fore Tinger but @oes not project over it. Pie. 9 Fig. 10 3. the other carte are counted off onto the first one to cover it. The count 48 continued until the desired mus- ber fe reached. 4, kt the completion of the count the right sevont fin~ ger presses dnvarde on the corner of the botton enrd caus fing Te to buckle avay from the others as in Fig. 10. Sy 5. Ae thts stage the left band, which { stint hotding the peck, renolee all the cards from the right band with the exception of the pained card. in order fod thie, the left forefinger enters {sto the epening caused in Fig. 10 vbile E the left thono goes cn top of he packet. He. 11 he pace in sen taken any bebeeon et forefinger aid than viich graspa it at the lover Left sommer ae In Fig. Il while the right hhand vith the palued card. goes efther to the pocket or drope to the aide. the left hard then drops the packet on the table or sorely continues holding 12. 6, The Count Cop can te made vith @ number of carte also Ti oan be made without the use of the deck ouch no vhen handling epell peckets; hovever, before going into these we wilt agri an pplication for the Cop when the deck ‘the effect te that the face card of the deck vanishes. It To proven that the card has actually disappeared. For the Climax s¢ ie brought forth from the pocket. The method follows: 1. Gall attention to the fare card ant state that you wil saves it to vanien. 2. Do a Botton Side Steal (Seg Side Steal Chapter) and ‘the color. change wove But say "See, I rub the card and it vanishes." 3. You nov prove the cant actually gone by the following expedient. Make « double 1ift of the two face -arde and (Jog then over the side of the deck for half their width. exe theae two carda as one into the Tight hand. Th ‘ards go into the Count Cop position shown in Fig. 9. 4, me other face sande are thumbed one et a tfne off on- ‘to these two. The object ie to chow that the card hae actually vanished tos the deck. 5. After a few of the face canis have been shovn in the Ghove aanner, you say, "OF course, you know where the cand Went.” At these vords the botéoa sard of the packet tn ‘the right band, 12 buckled. The left hand comes over ant takes the packet, ao in Pig. 11, from the right hand. “The Hight hand with ite palsed card’ goes to the pocket ad pro- duces it from there. 1. Aemuming you vich to palm off four carts, count the Fleet Four earda into the position show in Fig. 9- 2. After four carte have been counted off the firth card Se jogged over onto the forefinger similar to Fig. 2 in ‘thio chapter exvept in thie case {t's the right hand. 3. Ae other sande are counted into the right hand they fare placed alternately above and below the cards already fh the right hand in onder to cover the jogged ward. 4, When the desired number of cards have been counted off, tthe Teft hand cones over and takeo the packet, at the low 3 cer lett corner, between the left forefinger and thumb as fh Pig. li of this “mapter. ‘This packet van then be toss ch onto the table or retained in the left hand. 5. The right hand hag buckled ite “ards and these cards femain in the palm. The jogged card over the right fore~ Finger {neires' the correct musber of cards quickly and easily. 6. te right hand can drop to eide or go to the pocket de~ pending on the effect that 18 being arcomplished, COUNT COP FOR SMALL PACKETS: We vill nov describe how the Count Cop san be uaea vien handling a sanll packet of Sends. We believe that the folloving method and effect shove e practical application 1. ten cands are counted off the deck by the spectator Ante the performer's left band. 2. The performer takes the renainder of the cants and places them into this right coat pocket. 3. The cardictan nov counts the cards. The first four Garde are counted, one at a tine, into Count Cop position Shon in Fig. 9. 4, ‘me fifth cant Le jogged over the forefinger. The other sarda are counted into the right hand above and be- Sow the jogged sande to obscure thes. 5. Near the completion of the count the right hand buc- ‘eles the botton four carda ae the left hand aids the Last, Cera into the Fight hant and at the came tive takes the Sole packet. This weane that the left hand does not aad ‘he last card, leave t+ there and then go back for packet but rather the eft hand takes the pecket st the same tise that the last card 18 e114 onto packet. 6. Right band, with palned carde, goes to the poset ‘he Sarldteten saya, "I think for thie trick ve will use eleven cards.” 7. Right hand leaves three of the carte behind and comes dix Fith a single cand Vil-h ie aided to the packet held by eft hand 9 8. The aupposedly eleven carte, really seven, are false counted aa ten. The performer iooks perplexed ani re- Sacks "I'need eleven cards for thie trick." He reaches Eto the right pocket and extracts another card, 9. The cards are again falee counted as ten. Once nore , ‘card da taken out of the pocket and added to the cards. 20. Pelee count the packet as ten again. Reach into the pocket and take out another card. AL, At thie tage you vill have ten carts again. This ‘Hime count then as eleven, then say, "Finally, ve ave ‘the proper number of cards. Will you please count them ngnin?” Spectator counte then ae Yen, naturally, Con Ghude by remarking that as long as you can't seen to get eleven “ards you vill not sttexpt the trick. A variation of the above routine, one which may give a ‘more logical reason for going into the pocket, 18 to count the ten care as zine seing either the Suckle Count, ‘the Block Push-Of? Count or merely holding the lest txo cards ao one. At the count of sine you look up,at asste~ fant and say, "For this trick T need ten cards.” Reach into the pocket with the palaed cards and renove one. Continse in thie wanser as before, counting nine each ‘ise. The last tine when there are actually ten cards they agein are counted ae nine. ‘The packet 19 then hand fed to the spectator to court. When he arrives at ten, you exclais, “That's st." "Exactly what I need. Ten carde for thie trick." For thove vio vish to purgue this form of Counting Routine ‘ve refer the render to the Super Count Routine in MARLO Ti SPADES wherein vill also be found methode tor doing the necessary false counte. ‘The Count Cop can sleo be done vith a saaller packet of cards where only one card need be pelea off. "An example vould be vere you count five cards. Steal the bottom one ‘the lett hand takes the packet on the last count. ‘the Dalmed one may be a card that will seem to have vanished From asong the others. ‘COUNT COP AND TRANSFER: This 19 & good exemple of the ue fof the Count Cop without going to the pocket with the card 10 Dut actually adding it to another packet. At firat thought hie nay sound bold seeing as to hov the palmed card pro~ jects from out the hand; however, if the directions to be Given are folloved, the practitioner vill soon realtze the practicability of the combination. To describe it we will 0 00 using a transposition effect to more clearly get the dea ecrost 1. Acard te selected ant controlled to the top of the aca, ‘vo packets of ten carda each are counted off and ced side ty tide on the table. The packet on the left Tine the selected cant at the botvon. 3. Pick up the packet on the left. Tum {¢ fare up eke sure the person vho made the celestion “an sce’ cast his cant te at the face of this packet; hovever, do not orally mention thie. 4k, state that "I will count the carte race up thie time 48 onder for you to note that the cards are all different.” 5. Count the carde ae for the Count Cop, placing the first ‘ard into the position shovn in Fig. 9. The otter cards fare counted onto 1t. Reneuber the sande are face up thie ise. ‘The right hand ehould be close to the packet on the Fight during the count. 6. Continue the count t111 you reach the last card. This Inet vara te snapped and should end up being held between left thumb on the face and left forefinger on the Back. ‘The card 1 held at center of ite lert side. J. Tate final cand te e144 onto those in right hand dur- dng vhich action the right fingers buckle the bottom card. (See Fig. 10 of this chapter) 8. Lust hand, without changing postion of thud on card, take the whole packet from Tight hant, with the excep on of the buskled card, and removes it, laying it on the table, fase dow, to the left 9. Simultaneously, with the shove action, the right hand, ‘ith Ste palned card, turae over at the vrtet ae in Fig. Y2y"ani ghee Sunedtately tovards the packet on the right n where 4 adds the card to the top he action shown tn Fgh 12 de ok: Posed. Actinlly the notion of the Fight band tovarde the packet on the Hight ie nale rather quickly. ‘The Palnea card dotne the other carde erore aay ejee haven shaace fo e- von see the projecting. corner fro Pig.12 Whe tant pains 10. The packet on the right fe tmediately accoped as 00m as the right hand toushes it. The action shold ook aa Af you'serely vent to pick ht pasket up t0 al UL, Toe packet 40 turned face up and counted as ten. ‘The last two cards are held es one and they go on the face of ‘the packet. This packet 2 then plased face dovn on the right. 32. Look at the spectator and ask, "Incidentally, ad you see your card ssone the ones T've shown yout” He Wilt angulene to which you aaa "Anong which ten vas it" He vill, if things have been carried off well, point to ‘the packet on the left. 23. State that you will cause his card to vanish from ‘the one paket and appear in the other. Make sone appro plate gesture. Count the nine sande face down fa say, "Your card 16 gone.” YA, Pick up the packet on the right. Count the ten cards, one at @ tine, ‘ace down onto the table. There Will e-eleven. Use the eleventh cand as © occop to pick up this packet again and hold it fare down in the left ‘hand. The eleventh card reanine on che Botton. Aak for the delestor to name Bio card, The top card of the pac~ et ie turned over to dieclote the selection. Apparently ‘the “ard hae travelled from packet to packet By using the Cop Count for several cards the above trans- porition can te ascomplished using three selected. card The proceedure 19,0P course, the sane as for the aingle ‘transposition. Here's a variation as used for the last Ace in an assen- 2 by. The Count Cop and Tranefer is here used to eteal an Oak sant out of the leader parket which has rive cards, from top to face == Ace=Acevary card-Ace. 2. Wold packet fare up An Left hand. 2. Count the firat two canis, vithout reversing their or ace, into the right hard. Tne bottom card of the two te ‘taken into the Count Cop position. 3. Tatra card goea on top of those in right hand. 4, test cart ip snapped and sla onto thoce in right hand Guring vhich action the right Tingere buckle the tottor indifferent ard: 5, Left hand takes the whole packet from right hand titn the exception of the buckled card, wnt lays it face (down on the table to the left. 6. Right and with the palwed -ard tums beck up and Hanediately addo the cara to one of the other parkets, preferably one on the Fight, ap tt ts picked up. COUNT COP EXCHANGE: This enables one to apparently count Off and place four Aces dom on the table. Actuslly only One Ace and three imiifferent carte comprise the paket 1, Assuming you want to use the sleight in a four Ace cirert, the four Anes should be at the Tare of the deck or packet of carte. 2, Suppose you are using twelve sande and four Ax Firet eff you must obtain @ breek under the geventh card from the fave of the paket. 3. Deel off the fret Ave taking tt into the right hand. Beat oft the second Ave onto the first, then the third Ace onto these two; hovever, in dealing of? the fourth Ace the Jeet thust pastes off all the cards, up to the break, a2 one which de taken ty the right hand onto the other three Gees buss break te peineained between the packete vy the Hight second, third and fourth fingers. 4. At thle potnt all sarde are astusliy in the Count Cop poottion with the cande above the break sonslating of ap Ace at the face plus three indifferent certs while the cards below the break are the other three Aves. 5. The right hand moves to the right as if to place the cee there, then changing your mind the lett fingers take ‘the packet, the ope above the treak, by the lover left Sommer ae the Tight hand drope to side vith ite three cop- ped Ares. 6, ‘The left hand leaves the Aree face up on the left of ‘the table, then ae it somes beck, the right band oves up to mect {% and immediately the left hand starte to deal ite carde, one at a time, Anto the right hapt and onto the palued Acce thie -overing thea as you sty, "And, of course Over here the tvelve indifferent wards.” 7. At the conclusion of these moves the three Aces will Zo on top of the tvelve card packet while on the table MAL! be One Ave plus three indifferent cards. Obviously rom here axy four Ace effect van be accomplished. ALGO LE must te underetocd that any combination su7h as to Aves ard two indifferent cards or three Aces and one in- Gitterent card, ete.) van be utilized. COME COP FOR LEFT HAND: At times t vill be necessary fo palm “arte in the left hand. If one vere to. count the Serta in the orthedox sanner, there vould be a definite avkvardnees unless one were naturally left handed; there- fore, in order to still keep the Count Action, alight Change in the method of bandling is wade and yet looks fatrly normel being at tines used by confirmed poker play fre to mix their hand of cards previous to looking at it. 1. Ansuning you wish to palm out the top card of a pac~ et of five cande, bold the packet of five cards with the Tight band from above by the ende. The right forefinger fe curled on top, the ball of the thumb ie at the tack Gut. The tipe of the right second and third fingers hola Onto the front end, ‘The fourth finger of right hand mere- Sy lies elongside the right third finger. The packet of carda ie bela face dovn. 2. The two hand advance tovarde each other, ‘he left hhaod, coming over to the right, 18 pala up. The lect thumb gore on top of the parket, in Hight hand, and presses on he top card. The bande aeparat® ant the top card ie peel i fe off, with the left thumb, into the lert hand, The count or ‘one’ Se sade 3. As the card te peeled off into the lert hand 1¢ goes Ineo a posttion {dentival with thet for the Shuffle Pale, Fig. 1 of thts chapter. 4. the second card is nov peeled off into the left hand, going on top of the first one; hovever, the left fourth Finger obtaine and holds a break, at the back, between the two canta. 5. The next tvo cards are similarly taken onto the otb- ere; hovever, on the fifth card, derinite actions must b- ‘sade for the subsequent pela to'be effective. 6. So far the Lert thumb has been peeling off the carde from the Tight band into the left. Nov comes ® change in proceedure.” The left thant moves over to the upper left corner of ite cards. The right hand now cones in, olides ite single card onto the packet as in Fig. 13 vai“h shove the back view. Tote that botton cand is separsted, at deck, by left fourth finger holding bresk- Je The right hand, after siid- ing ite card on to’ the packet, continues ite Journey until the Fight third fingertip touches the tip of the left thumb. Tp this vey the hands will completely ob Fig. 3 scure the edge of the packet from the front. 8. once the hands are in the above position, the left apd turne dewawvard at the wrist and falle away vith the palmed card, and right hand retaine the renainier of Cards ant either holds, then, still frou above, or tosses thea face dow on the table. Tt must be reaesbered that the sande are audibly counted during the Funning action of the carde. On the count of five, the left hand steals ito sand while the right and retains the packet In order to steal number of cards, it 40 only necessary ‘to firet run the desired munter into the Count Cop post Hons "inen the left Little finger obtains a break above 6 then. ‘The count is then fintshed and the cards palued a- way ao elzeaiy described. A good effect, to which the Count Cop for left hand can Devappited, 16 to “ase a selected sant fron anong five Dlue-backed cards to vanish end appear, faze up in a red~ backed deck. To accomplish 1t, do as follove: 2. Show the red deck freely and place tt, faces tovarte ody, in the left coat pocket. 2. ake tive blue-backed carts ant have a card selected. Control tt to the top of the packet. 3. Count the five carte to apparently show that there are really only five. The Count Cop is mate and the left hana goes to left porket to obtain the red deck. 4. Malle the Lert hand 18 in the pocket, 1t shover the palned “and soneviere In ite center. The left hand then Drings out the de-k with the request that someone hold it. 5. The blue cante, really four nov, are false counted five, Talo subtlety will convince the audien-e that, everything 18 still es $¢ was. 6, Te sele-ted ~and te now nased. The perforner seex- ingly salses 1t to veniah lesving only four eande. 7. Tae opectator, vith the red deck, {8 atked to spread the cards. In the center, face up, is the card that bad Just vanished from anong the blue ones. ACTION PALM - ONE HAND: A cara 4e controlled and palmed 4m the mere action of shuffling the pack, then banding 1% ‘to the spertator to shuffle. The pals ie into the right end and ie e regular pala. 1. Have card vele-ted, then upon ite return the fourth Tinger of the left hand obtains @ break atove st as for ‘the standard Pa 2. The right hand cute off the top portion up to the break. he renaining portion in the left band 1s tilted fon ite right aide. ‘The right band portion 1s swing into sition for ap overhard shustie. i 16 3. The portion from the right hand is shufflea off onto the face of the left hand packet, Shia vill leave the ee- Tested card on top. A, After the right hand hae completely shuftied off tte portion, the left hand card remains in the sane plane; hat Le, still on tte right side, face of cards tovaris left pais. There ion't any attempt to change this povi- ‘ton or £0 aquare the pack 5. The right hand somes down end graspa the ende of the deck, thumb st the tack, fingers in front. The left four Fingere vill be on the back of the deck and the left eum on the face of the pack. 6. then the hands are in this position, the left third fund fourth finger-tipe pull dovn the lover right hand corner of the top card. The top card will nov be jogged , fat an angle, about an elght of an inch. The ball of right thumb vill contact the top ‘angled card at the lover lert corner. The fourth fingertip of Fight hand vill be in contact Ath the upper right’ corner- The = Position of both bande and the Fig. 1b angled top cart ie seen in Fig. hy hovever, the pack e not square. ‘The Fig. 14 shove the hands at an angle actu hiy the pack 4s straight up and dova resting on tte Tight side during the Jogging action. J. The left band nov can let go of the pack. The right ‘band can now pain the top card by merely pressing down vith the right fourth finger on the upper right. comer. ‘The cart Vill opring up into the pals. The pack te drop- ped face down onto the table. The palm seeus iapossitie Sesause the pack is not squared and happens tmediately after the ahtcfle. Also the pack doesn't seen to be in ‘position for any pela. To trietly, again, des-ribe the action. A cart ts ae~ lected, returned to the renter of the deck. The pack 1s given & shore shuffle ty the performer who then anye "Pernape, you vould rather shuffle the carde?” Right My band drope the pack in front of spectator. ‘The card 1s alized. Remember that the aloppter the pack 48 ven you place it dom the more deceptive vill be the pala. [ME CLIP STEAL: While thts Clip Steal ‘9 prinartly used by ue a a aubstitute for a one hand bottom deal, 12 18 here deecrited decause it also hes possibilities aa a palm steal. 1, The cand to be stolen 4s on top. Hold the pack in ‘the right hand in readiness for the overhand shuffle. Faces of cand tovarde right palm 2. um off the top sand into the left hand. ‘The left hhend takes this card so that ‘te upper left corner vill bbe clipped at the base of the first and second fingers. 3. The reweinler of the pack 18 shuffled so that {t co- vers this card; hovever, the base of the lert forefinge? keeps these carte separated from the clipped card, at he sane tine there vill not be any break visible. 4. the lett hand, turning at the vrist, tosses the shut fled pack back into the right. ‘Te deck vill automatical- ly fall face up on the right hand. In the meartine the eft hand vith tte -Lipped card can remain ina relaxed position at valet high or 1t can drop to the side. The back of the left band must face the audience to keep the projecting card out of sight. ‘The hand has a very natur- 1, an unstrained appearance due to the fact that the card te not pelued but merely clipped. Tm doing the sbove Clip Steal, do not make the mistake of jutting out the thumb but rater let 1t eet lightly next fo the foreringer. ‘The fingers are slightly curled. In producing the card from the pocket, the body should ‘make @ slight turn to the right othervise the back ent Of the card say eving into view as the right hand and cand conee in contact with the body. ‘The Clip Steal can be made vith several carte by merely Fitzing'the Geotves mater into the necessary potions Prom here the handling ts the sane as for one, URN DOW PALM: In the mere action of turning a card, face up and then face dom, the top card or cande can’be indetectably palmed. Ls The deck 4e held in the left hand vith thumb on top faut all four fingers at the right elde of the pack. 2. The right foretinger lire the lover right comer of the top cards. Once the cart ie lifted, the right firet fand second Magers run unier ite right side till they Teach the center of the card. At this pointy the right Tingere drag the top card, left thumb still pressing Lightly on the top of deck, till ite left sige touches ‘the left fingertips and comes clear of the left thus’. The card 4p flipped face up on top of the deck, the left ‘thumb oving out of the Way to the left side of deck and ‘the right mnedietely cones over ant squares the ente of the pack. “This squaring action 16 to apparently ineure the turned card being flush on the deck. 3. The left thumb moves back to the top of the de-k. The Fight bend repeata the Lifting and turning of the card. Tals tine in turning the card faze don, {t ie caused. to fall go that it 16 jogged over the top end of the pack at in Pig. 15. The Jog 18 exaggerated in the Illustration, Actually it te no more then a eixveenth of an inch and not more than the wite border of the secont sand. 4. Apter the card has landed in the po- sition shown in Fig. 15, the right hend en comet over 20 apphrentiy square the 5 ths; however, the right four fingers Fig. 15 Gress down on the Jogged card ant lever the card up into the pals. he right hand inedintely continues squaring the pack ty running the fingers and ‘thumb along the ends of the pack. The hand with the palm fed carte van nov drop to the cide or remain to hold the pack, ‘The following effect 18 a good application of the Turn over Pala: 39 1. Have cand selected. Control 1% to the top by the Double Undercut. al 2. State thet you aay have cut his cand to the top or Potton. Show hin the botvon cand vbich he Alsavous. 3+. The top card 1s nov ready to be shown; hovever, make ‘a double-lire ana turn the tvo cards face up on top of the pack, Be sure to rin through the equaring action. 4. te tvo cards are nov turned down and both cards jog~ ed, as one, over the top end of deck as already shova in Hig. 15. 5. The right hand equares the pack, Levering the tvo Garde into the pela. The right hand drops to the side as ‘the nase of the card Le inguirea. 6. After the cant 19 nazed, reach into your right coat of trouser pocket and renove the indifferent card. 4. Hold the card face down and say, "Here 1 48." Place ‘the card, vithout, shoving ite face, back into the deck. Immediately say, "T vill do it again.” This tine down: Hitfle the upper left commer of the pack with the left thud. Have the epectater reach into your posket to re~ ove the card. 8. In case you are in company to watch the above proceed ture may be objectionable, then produce the card from the posket yourself. Be gure they know thet your band 1s un~ Bletakeatly empty. ‘the Turn Down Palm can be very easily used on a sual} pac- ‘eet of carte; t ay, pal off an Ace from one of the pac ete in an Ace nssenbly routine. 1. Let us euppose 1 te necessary to palm off an Ace fros ‘the last packet in order to vomplete the assexbly. 2, The packet has the Ace on the bottoe and four cards over it. A total of five wards but the audience is avare ‘of only four. 3, The five carde are counted ar four, reversing them 1 ‘the process by the uge of the Reverse buckle Count, TAS 20 vill bring the Ace to the top of the packet. 4, You now turn over the top cant to show the Ace. In Surning £2 dova you execute the ‘Drm Down Palm. The right hand takes the remaining cerds and drope it into ite ori~ Binal position on the table. Right hand, vith palned card fan edi the Ace to ary packet desived ty'the mere action Of scooping eaid packet up off the table. ‘The Turn Dow Pale can aloo be used to pala off four Aces to the pocket by nerely Bringing the four Aces on top ant Going e five card List to epparently prove that the Aces fare really loat in the pack: Tile procevdure can te acm Compliohed eurceastully only 1f the performer will not Yer the large block of cards unperve im during the turn- over actions The odd cara can be left in the pocket, the ees only being prodacea or the off card can be taken out fae the firet Acer The card ie not shovn but placed back fn the deck. ‘The other three Aces are nov shown as pro~ duced. Apologies are sale for pot having shown the Pret Tur fourth Ace ie now apparently caused to again travel to ‘the pocket from which {te subsequently taken. Tate bit of maneuvering will alvays leave the performer free of the extra card a2 well ap add e little anusing by-play. MISDIRECTION PAIM: Around 1946, we were using « move $0 Vaich during the pushing in of four cards into the center of the pack, the top four vere palmed off. Because the ent vee in the action of pussing in the cards, the pal Yue never suspected. We vere 90 secretive of this that Tn vetting up a routine called UP SIDE DOW, in widch ve pais use of cbis palm, we purposely left it'out. Since ‘Then ve have developed the idea even further in conjunc tion with a selestea card to pocket routine, First, hov- fver, we vill deesribe the sechant;s of the Miedire"tion Pals. 1. As already stated, the iden is eimple. Merely pela hg off the top card, oF cards, as you seeningly place a cand into the center of the pack. Tt aust be mentioned Chet it ie the application of thie idea that gives © logt- cal excuse for the whole action. 2, Wold the park in the left hant and desl off the top Gants hie cara 1s taken, at the upper right comer, Ee- 2. ‘tween the right thum on top, fingers below. 3. Insert the card from the front end of the peck Anto ‘the center of the park. 4, The card {s pushed in, for a third ite length, vith ie Fight fingers and thugh still holding the spper right 5. The right fingers and thumb nov release their hold on ‘he card. A nev position ts taken with the right and soning over the deck. Ita right thumb goes to the back ‘ent of the pack, near the base of the left thin while the right four fingers, at the front end, start to further push ip the projecting card 6. when the right four fingers have pushed tn the prow jecting cante for two thirde ite length, they move bacie ‘unit to the back ond of the pack ao in Pig. 16 vatle the left thuab uoves to the left side of deck. Tats back- vard ove 1a made Tor the sole purpose of shoving the card fonse more. Right thun maintaine ite position ae the back fend of the pack. 7. Mow the right four fingers move forvard again as @ u- nit and the ftret phalanx of the right fourth Pinger Strikes the upper right corner of the top cand. Because of the mudden forvard action, of the right fingers, the Yop card will suddenly pivot and aprina up into the palm in Fig. 17. Tote that the left thusd 12 eti21 at the Lert side of the pack. Me. 17 rig. 16 8. At thie stage the right hand, vith the card up against tis palm, moves to the right side of the pack in onder 20 ‘again show the projecting card. Not untii this card te een does the right hand coaplete pushing in the card. The spectator, keeping his eye on the projected card, will Soapletely miss the paling of the sop card. 2 9. After the card hae been pushed im flush with the devi, the rent fingere slightly riffle the frost epi of the deck. “Upon conpletion of the riffle, the right hand drops fo the eide. ‘As hae been pointed out previously, this type of pels ha fabeolutely 20 logi> unless ite application makes it appear formal. ‘The SELECTED CARD 10 POCKET routine thet follows thove ite application. Tt ie one of cur favorite routines, Ls Previous to the routine, the right coat or trouser pocket has tvo carde. These are put there either by palm [ng oF vhen no one Le locking. Cards both face inwards, ‘towards the body 2, Have a card selected or peeked at, then control it to ‘the top by means of the double untercut 3. Say, "E may have cut your card to the top." Make & ouble lite to show, apparently, the top card. ote this fcarda’ nane but do not mention it. As an example, let Gr sey it te the Queen of Hearts. Tum the t¥0 carda, fone, face down. 4, suow the totton of the pack and call tts pane. For exenple, "Ie the Four of Spades you card?” Turn the park Tce down, Take off the top card and holding tt with the Deck of the yard facing spectator, about spectator's eye Yevels ask, “Are you eure the Queen of Disnonie 19 not’ your Sarat 5. If the rand ie held at spectator's eye level slteht- y off to the right and you look directly into spectator's Qyeb, the identity of eelested card can be coon cut of the Corner of your right eye. It te tmportant that you do not fo mich ae glance at the card you are holding. 6. Return the card to the top of the park but nov you ico ite name, Aegune it te the King of Clube, address the sele-tee in thie manner! "I do not know whet card you selected but Twill cauge it to go into ny pocket. Maeven 7. Dow riffle the upper left comer of the pack with the Baan Of the Jefe thumb. Reach into the right pocket, re~

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