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PED 701 – Pedagogical Theory and Practice

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TOPIC 1: Reading 2

Reading Guide
1. Take note of key terms used in the article (schemas, flexibility, active co-construction of learning,
cooperative learning).
2. Fill in the matrix to show how constructivist approach differs from instructivist approach.
Illustrate how each is observed by giving sample classroom practices. Be ready to do a role play
of the classroom practices you listed.

Constructivist approach Sample classroom Instructivist approach Sample classroom

practice practice
1.Knowledge is The students experience 1. Knowledge is shared Teacher does talk-and-
constructed. activities that will help by the teacher. chalk discussion in the
them stimulate their classroom.
critical thinking,
creativity, higher order
thinking skills, decision
making skills that are
very useful in
understanding their
current life situation in
the EsP subject.
2.Through experience, Students experience 2. Through the shared Students listen to the
students construct their various situations in ESP information the students discussion and answer
understanding and through debates, moral construct their knowledge when being asked.
knowledge of the world. dilemma, role playing and about the world.
spoken poetry.
3.The role of the teacher For Values Education 4. The role of the teacher Teacher discusses the
is to model. (EsP), must have the is to feed the students concept and importance
skills and knowledge that with information through of family through lecture.
will equip learners with lectures.
lifelong learning, teachers
must be able to model the
different skills and values
that are useful to real-life
4. The role of the teacher The teacher provides 5. The role of the teacher The teacher gives a quiz
is to coach. feedback based on is to assess and evaluate after the lesson and see if
students’ performance students, then provide the students understood
and provides assistance to grades based on students’ the lesson.
students if necessary. academic performances.
5. The role of the teacher Teacher provides 6. Teacher imposes her If most of the students did
is to scaffold. diagnostic test to look knowledge to the not understand the lesson,
into the prior knowledge students. she tries to explain the
of the students, then work lesson more, but can
on her lesson based on the proceed with the next
results. topic if most of the
students got the quiz.
6. The teacher assists Teacher is always ready 7. Teacher creates the The teacher executes the
students as they create to answer students’ learning journey by lesson by following her
their learning journey. question regarding the planning the lesson well lesson plan and making
lesson. and deciding the content sure to discuss the
of the lesson. content.
7. Students play an active Students engage in 8. Students are passive Students are passive
role in and take activities that focused learners, who merely learners. They just sit
responsibility for their around writing, talking, accepts what is being fed inside the classroom,
learning. problem solving, or to them. listen to the teacher,
reflecting. They answer when being asked
participate in lesson, ask and answer quizzes and
questions, make their seatworks.
outputs, do performances
and write reflections.

3. Consider the sample article given as the text that you will use for your lesson. Read it carefully
and plan learning tasks/activities that illustrate the given principles on constructivism. Fill in the
matrix for your answers.

Selection 1
Music Can Heal Mental Wounds but Only in the Right Hands By Eva Dorothee Schmid
Human beings have known about the healing properties of music since Biblical times – according to the Old
Testament for example. David soothed King Saul’s aching brow by reaching for his harp.
There are also many references to the healing potential of music in texts left behind by the ancient Greeks.
The same properties are not put to good use in the modern field of music therapy. Music therapy is
psychotherapeutic procedure which does not compete with traditional medicine but rather tries to complement it.
Music arouses emotion, soothes, comforts and can lead to changes in behavior. It can also encourage the healing
process, increase a person’s ability to tolerate pain and help them overcome their fears.
All of this can result in changes in the body’s chemistry. Studies show that the right sort of music causes the body to
release an increased amount of so-called endorphins with the results that the person becomes less sensitive to pain
and feels much better.

A. Preliminary Information
Selection Chosen: Selection 1- Music Can Heal Mental Wounds but Only in the Right Hands
By Eva Dorothee Schmid
Target Grade Level: Grade 8
Subject: Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 8
Learning objective/s: Naisasagawa ng mag-aaral ang mga angkop na kilos upang
mapamahalaanan ang kanyang emosyon. The student will be able to make appropriate actions to
manage his emotions.
Time Allotment:1 hour

B. Learning tasks illustrating constructivist principles

Constructivist principle My Plan My Instructions to Class
1.Pose genuine questions that Ask relevant questions Have you ever had an
are or will be relevant to regarding the topic being experience of having
students. carried out. wounds? Whether physically
or emotionally? Write in your
notebook an instance where
you have experience having
physical or emotional
2.Structure learning around Follow the most essential What did you feel about these
essential concepts in the learning competency. wounds? Where you able to
curriculum. control these emotions?

3.Be aware that students’ Point the importance of being Let us do Think-pair-and-
points of view are windows good listeners and encourage share. Group yourselves into
into their reasoning. them not to judge their peers two, and share what you have
based on their personal written about the questions
experience. that were mentioned earlier.
4.Adapt the curriculum to Emphasize the importance of List down reasons why
match your students’ current managing their emotions. managing emotions is very
schema and developmental essential for students at your
abilities. age.
5.Assess student learning in Ask the students to write a Write a reflection on your
the context of your teaching. reflection in their journal, journal about your personal
following the basic steps in experience of having physical
writing an essay. Rubrics will or emotional wounds and
be provided as standard of how were you able to manage
rating the output. your emotions about it.

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