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Johndell D.C.

Villadoz 11 STEM B Practical Research 1 Week 1

Fast Check:
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3. X
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6. X
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9. X
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Task 1. True or False

1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False

Task 3
Research Findings Subject Classification Implication to the Improvement of
the Quality of Life
Eating healthy foods everyday. Eating fruits and vegetables and Eating healthy foods helps us to stay
some foods that is rich in vitamins healthy and nourished to fight
everyday. against the COVID-19 and other
Playing basketball in public courts. Playing basketball for our happiness Playing basketball makes our body
In a public court even though there is healthy and physically active. But
a pandemic. there is a pandemic that is why we
are not allowed to play in public.
Having a home business. Business like online selling, online Starting a business at home during
transaction, and some other business the pandemic helps us to have an
that you may do at home. extra income that helps us to pay the
bills at home and get our needs at
Studying at home. Studying the lessons on each subjects Home studying is difficult for a
at home and having a self-study student like me, but it is the only way
during this pandemic. for us to learn and to make our
future better.
Good communication on the family. A communication like asking each Having a good communication makes
other about what happened to them the relationship of the family
in the whole day serves as a good stronger and makes the family act as
communication. one.

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1. Based on the article, how will you define ethics in research?
-The ethics in research should be harmless, maintain privacy, dignity and minimize the hard risks and maximize
the benefits of the people.

2. Are the Tuskegee syphilis study and diethylstilboestrol study on pregnant women unethical? Why?
-The Tuskegee syphilis study and diethylstilboestrol study on pregnant women are unethical, because a
hundreds of African American people who had syphilis are left untreated and that is an unethic research
examination. Thousand of pregnant women that were given diethylstilboestrol became a victim, because 20
years after they take diethylstilboestrol and give birth to their child, all of their child has a cancer and
abnormalities because of the diethylstilboestrol.
Task 1: Check-up
1. X
5. X

Task 2: 7 Steps
1. E. Step Five: Collect Data
2. G. Step Seven: Interpret
3. A. Step One: Define the Problem
4. B. Step Two: Review the Literature
5. D, Step Four: Design Research
6. F. Step Sic: Analyze Data
7. C. Step Three: Formulate Hypothesis and Report Data

Task 2: Correct ME if I’m Wrong

1. Rona has to make the research and finish it but she has to make sure that no one was get offended and harmed.
2. Nilo will not get mad if the research is all about of him being an honor student and not about being addicted to
mobie legends.
3. The teacher will get mad at Greg and will give him a low grades because he plagiarize the research of his
4. The HUMSS Students may gather some data from their teacher without using harmful studies that may affect to
the dignity of their teacher.
5. Rommel may force his friends without using harm, and he should make it sure that his friends will not get

Task 1: Fast Check

1. E. Critical
2. A. Empirical
3. B. Logical
4. C. Cyclical
5. G. Replicability
6. F. Methodical
7. D. Analytical

Task 2: Can You Help?

Reasons for Committing Research Misconduct Ways on How to Prevent It
Plagiarism We should not plagiarize.
Lack on Information We need to gather more information.
Lack of Data We need to collect more data from the people.
No Basis A research must have a basis
Not Understandable We should follow the 7 steps of a research carefully.

I thought research was difficult and hard to understand.
I learned that a research has a steps to make the research easy.

True or False.

Let Us Practice More

1. COVID-19
2. Distance Learning
3. Distance Cheating

True of False
1. T 4. T 7. F 10. T 13. F
2. F 5. T 8. T 11. T 14. F
3. F 6. F 9. T 12. T 15. T

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