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Тема: Я, моя сім’я, мої друзі

Підтема: Особистість та її якості.

Мета: - практична: вміння роботи з картою, стимулювання інтересу
учгів через використання мультимедіа, комп'ютерних технологій;
- освітня: закріплення лексичних одиниць і модельних фраз за темою
«Моя сім’я”;
- розвиваюча: розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію
- виховна: виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
Обладнання: підручник, роздатковий матеріал.
Тип уроку: комбінований
1. Introduction
2. Greeting
3. Aim
4. Check on Homework
5. Warm-up
If you were in a bar and a person offered you $50 to kiss a complete stranger
on the cheek without saying anything first, would you do it? Why or why not?
What would you have done if you hadn’t gone to school?
6. Listening
Write on the board three possible options to the following statements. Read
the sentences and ask students find the correct conditions.
a) Type I (probable condition)
b) Type II (improbable condition)
c) Type III (impossible condition)
1) If it rains, I’ll wear a raincoat.
2) If we had taken enough water, we wouldn’t have been thirsty.
3) If the children were older, they would go to the party.
4) Harry could fly to Helsinki if he had more money.
5) If Mark does the washing up, his mother will have more time for him.
6) What would you do if you saw a burglar?
7) We might have had a glass of hot chocolate if you had bought some milk.
8) If I were you I should keep the secret.
9) Ron would understand more if the teacher spoke clearly.
10) If Doris had got up earlier, she wouldn’t have been late for school.
Key: 1 a, 2 c, 3 b, 4 b, 5 a, 6 b, 7 c, 8 b, 9 b, 10 c.
3. Writing
Do ex. 3, p. 81.
4. Reading
Do ex. 4, p. 81.
5. Listening
Listen to the song by Taylor Swift and fill in the gaps.
It’s strange to think the songs we (1)... sing
The smiles, the flowers, everything
Is (2)...
Yesterday I (3)... about you
Even now just looking at you
Feels wrong You say
That you’d take it all back,
(4)... one chance
It was a moment of weakness
And you (5)... yes
You should’ve (6)... no,
You should’ve (7)... home
You should’ve (8)... twice ‘fore you let it all go
You should’ve (9)... the word of what you did with her’d
Get back to me (get back to me)
And I should’ve (10)... there,
In the back of your mind
I shouldn’t (11)... asking myself why
You shouldn’t (12)... begging for forgiveness at my feet
You should’ve (13)... no,
Baby and you might still have me
You can see that I’ve (14)... crying
And baby you know all the right things
To say
But do you honestly expect me to believe
We could ever be the same
You say that the past is the past,
You need one chance
It was a moment of weakness
And you said yes
I can’t resist
Before you go, tell me this
Was it worth it?
Was she worth this?
Noooooooo, nooo
No, no, noooooo, nooo...
Key: 1 used to, 2 gone, 3 found out, 4 given, 5 said, 6 said, 7 gone 8 thought,
9 known, 10 been, 11 be, 12 be, 13 said, 14 been.
6. Writing
Do ex. 5, p. 82.
7. Homework
Ex. 6, p. 82.

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