Advent of British

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Q) What were the methods through which British expanded in India?


Ø Battles
Ø Annexations
Ø Doctrine of Lapse
Ø Subsidiary Alliances (by Lord Wellesley)

Q) Why were the British/BEIC/Europeans interested in India? [7]

Ø Trade
Ø As Britain was passing through a period of Industrial Revolution, it needed
• Raw material for its industries
• Markets for its products
Ø Christian Missionaries wanted to spread Christianity in India, as they thought it was the true faith.
Ø British wanted to “make India their area/sphere of influence” and “to turn the other Europeans out”.
Ø India was strategically located.
• British could secure the trade routes to East Asia.
• British could put a check on her other colonies.

Q) Why was power transferred from the BEIC to the British Government? [7]

Ø BEIC was corrupt and would mismanage India – e.g Bengal famine resulted in the death of 1/3 of the entire
Ø Officials of BEIC would indulge in private trade. They would become rich, while BEIC’s financial condition was
turning worse.
Ø Public opinion in Britain was turning against BEIC because of its reported wrong doings.
Ø There was threat of French and Russian invasions of India from time to time.
Ø War of 1857 – it had shown that India was too precious a territory and too serious a business to be dealt by a mere
trading company.
Therefore, BEIC was abolished in 1858 and India was brought under crown rule.

Advent of British & Expansion

Ø 1600 – Queen Elizabeth granted a charter, allowing BEIC to trade to the East of Africa.
Ø 1608 – British arrived in Surat.
Ø 1612 – BEIC set up trading post in Surat (allowed by Prince Khurram/ future Shah Jehan)
Ø 1615 – Commercial treaty signed b/w Emperor Jahangir & EIC
Ø 1640 – Another trading post set up at Bombay.
Ø 1688 – Aurangzeb takes action against BEIC, after it refuses to pay taxes. After defeating it, however, he forgives
BEIC but imposes heavy fine.
Ø 1690 – BEIC allowed to set up trading post in Calcutta (present).
Ø 1707 – Aurangzeb died.


Ø 1740s-1750s – Karnatic Wars: French defeated by BEIC. FEIC dissolved.

Ø 1757 – Battle of Plassey: Fought between Nawab of Bengal (Siraj-ud-Dula) and BEIC (Robert Clive)
Siraj-ud-Dula defeated due to disloyalty of Mir Jafar (later made Nawab of Bengal).
Ø 1764 – Battle of Buxar: BEIC defeated combined forces of
• Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II,
• Nawab of Bengal (Mir Qasim)
• Nawab of Oudh
Ø 1799 – Tipu Sultan of Mysore killed by Wellesley.
Ø 1818 – Marathas defeated.
Ø 1839 – British capture Afghanistan, its entire army destroyed two years later.


Ø 1843 – BEIC annex Sindh, after provoking Amirs of Sindh to attack (Charles Napier).
Ø 1846 – 1 Sikh war (Sikh army defeated by British).
Ø 1849 – 2 Sikh war (BEIC annex Punjab and NWFP).
Ø 1852 – Doctrine of Lapse issued by Lord Dalhousie.
Ø 1800 – Subsidiary Alliances by Wellesley.

Q) What were the methods through which British expanded in India? [7]

Q) How successful was Indian opposition to British take over of their lands? Explain your answer. [14]

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