Methodology Three (Met3) Worksheet A: Vocabulary Grammar Lexis

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Book Learning Teaching

Learning outcome I can relate lexis with skill work


Complete the following sentences using the words in the box.

Vocabulary Lexis Productive

Realia Co-text Receptive

1. _____________ lexis is the set of lexical items that we recognize and understand,
but don’t use them in everyday speech. (apprehend, converse, scrutinize)
2. _____________ are everyday objects and material that we can use as part of our
lessons to introduce new lexical items.
3. _____________ mainly refers to our internal database. Things like traditional
single-word vocabulary items, collocations, and chunks or multi-word items are
also part of this.
4. _____________ lexis is the set of lexical items we know and understand since we
use them frequently. (understand, talk, watch)
5. _____________ refers mainly o single words and sometimes to very tightly linked
two- or three-word combinations (e.g. computer game, baby shoes, turn off).
6. _____________ is the words surrounding a particular word or passage within a
text that provide context and help to determine meaning. Also, it provides
important exposure for learners to samples of the language being used.

Look at the following chart and complete it with examples for each of the categories.

Single words and Collocations “ready-made Formation of new
fixed two-/three- chunks” phrases and
word combinations sentences

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Put it Into Practice

Look at the students’ vocabulary activity below and complete the route map on a separate
piece of paper with how you would start the lesson and present the vocabulary.


A. Review the meaning of the words in blue with your Word Bank
teacher. Then complete the sentences about yourself Opposites
1. I usually ________ every night. (be) asleep ≠ (be) awake
a. go to bed at 10 or 11. Fall asleep ≠ wake up
b. stay up late (midnight or later) Go to bed ≠ stay up (late)
2. In bed, I ________. Get up ≠ stay in bed
a. fall asleep quickly
b. am awake for a long time.
4. In the morning, I usually _____
3. I ________ wake up at night.
a. get up (from bed) fast.
a. hardly ever.
b. often.
b. stay in bed for a while.

Route Map Step Description Interaction

1. Pre-class:

2. In class:

3. Vocabulary

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