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(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)

Iriga City


To reduce the Criminality in every Country

A Term Paper Presented To

Ms. April Casasis




June 18, 2021

(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City



Transnational and international crime is a problem that exists now all

around the world. Human rights have been infringed as a result of these acts,

which pose a threat to peace and human security. Terrorism, human trafficking,

and slavery, as well as the international trade in arms and ammunition,

environmental crime, illicit drug trafficking, piracy, and bribery of public officials,

are examples of such dangers., illicit drug trafficking, piracy, corruption, and

bribery of public officials. These can pose a threat to a country's political,

economic, and social development, as well as its security.

The goal of this study is to learn about different types of crimes and to be

able to tell whether a crime is transnational or international. Because the crimes

in question involve a huge number of people, this research could also be used to

prevent people from becoming victims. However, with the assistance of the two

countries involved, a specific crime can be rapidly solved.


Transnational crimes are violations of law that involve more than one

country in their planning, execution, or impact. These offenses are distinguished

from other crimes in their multinational nature, which poses unique problems in

understanding their causes, developing prevention strategies, and in mounting

effective adjudication procedures. Transnational crimes can be grouped into

three broad categories involving provision of illicit goods (drug trafficking,

trafficking in stolen property, weapons trafficking, and counterfeiting), illicit

services (commercial sex and human trafficking), and infiltration of business and
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City


government (fraud, racketeering, money laundering, and corruption) affecting

multiple countries. Transnational crimes are distinct from international crime,

which involves crimes against humanity that may or may not involve multiple

countries. Examples of international crimes are genocide and terrorism, which

are also included in this guide to sources. There are a growing number of texts

that provide general overviews of transnational crime. Dammer, et al. 2006,

Reichel 2008, and Pakes 2004 offer summaries of comparative criminal justice

systems with some separate treatment of transnational crime. Fichtelberg 2008

provides a summary of international justice, with a discussion of several

international and transnational crimes. These books are directed toward the

undergraduate- or early graduate-level reader. Naím 2006 examines

transnational crimes from the perspectives of its political and economic roots in

globalization. Friedrichs 2007 delineates the conceptual distinctions between

transnational crime and global criminology. Two edited volumes, Albanese 2005

and Reichel 2004, have individual chapters on specific transnational crimes,

which are discussed in more depth.

International crime is defined as a crime that threatens the peace and

security of more than one country, or crimes that are so horrific that international

bodies are forced to intervene in their investigation and prosecution. The

International Criminal Court has the power to imprison perpetrators who break

international criminal laws.

The most serious crimes of concern in the international community are

dealt with by Transnational and International Crime.

(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City


 Cyber Crime

 Terrorism

 Drug Offenses

Any crime that occurs largely or entirely online is referred to as

cybercrime. Cybercriminals frequently target computer networks or devices when

committing crimes. Security breaches and identity theft are examples of

cybercrime. Other types of cybercrime include, revenge porn, cyber-stalking,

harassment, bullying, and child sexual exploitation. Terrorists collaborate over

the internet, allowing them to move their terrorist acts forward. You may believe

that the only type of cybercrime you need to be concerned about is hackers

taking your financial data. However, it may not be so straightforward. There are

considerably more issues to be concerned about than just money. Cybercrime is

always changing, with new dangers emerging every year. When you hear and

read about the various types of cybercrime that exist, you might be tempted to

give up using the internet altogether. Instead, learning how to recognize

cybercrime is a good first step toward better protecting yourself and your data.

Taking some basic precautions and knowing who to contact if you see others

engaging in criminal activity online are also crucial. The supply of drugs as part

of an unlawful business activity is known as drug trafficking. This usually entails

larger quantities of narcotics, many acts of supply, or evidence of a well-

organized drug distribution network. The drug issue in question is known as drug

trafficking. It is a type of international and transnational crime. Some

(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City


governments are having a difficult time dealing with this type of crime because to

the use of high-tech devices and easy-to-get substances on a national and

international scale.


Along with drug trafficking, cybercrime is one of the crimes being

committed, and it is the most sophisticated sort of transnational and international

crime. Because this occurs in the borderless realm of the internet, simply

activating the button can increase the rising involvement of organized crime

groups and do more harm to every individual. The main difference is that

transnational crimes are not considered crimes against the entire world

community. The crimes in question pose significant risks to the rule of law,

economic and social development, human rights protection, and security.

Cannabis, cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine are among the

narcotics trafficked by criminal networks. As international borders become more

porous, drug usage and access have become more widespread over the world.

Drug trafficking is frequently linked to other types of criminal activity, such as

money laundering and corruption. Criminal networks can also use trafficking

routes to transport other illegal goods. Criminals are coming up with new ways to

disguise illegal drugs for transportation, and law enforcement is having a hard

time discovering them. Furthermore, because new synthetic narcotics are

(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City


manufactured on a continuous basis, police must be informed of new trends and

goods on the illicit market at all times.


Because my comprehension of this issue has expanded as a result of

performing this study, my perspectives on transnational and international crime

have changed. As a result of performing this research, I was able to find a

possible way to solve or minimize these types of crimes. The most serious threat

to human security is transnational and international criminality. As previously

said, each country's collaboration is required to reduce the commission of

transnational and international crimes. Coordination between countries can be

improved by improving intelligence and information sharing. Cooperation, on the

other hand, is a little more difficult when you have to cross an international

boundary because international and transnational crimes have been committed

across two countries.


In criminal justice, the terms international and transnational crimes are

frequently used. Because they fall under distinct crime categories, these notions

have various characteristics. International crimes are defined as crimes that have
(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)
Iriga City


a negative impact on people all over the world's peace. War crimes against

humanity are among the international crimes. Transnational crimes, on the other

hand, are defined as any illegal activity that results in the breach of laws in more

than one country. Most transnational crimes include illicit products and services

crossing international borders, as well as other activities involving several

nations, such as drug trafficking and cybercrime. The researchers will help them

to have more learning about transnational crime and international crime and to

guide those solving cases in different countries that have cases like this.

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