Acresmeth - Learning Activities - Egeron, Joshua Z

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Learning 1.

1.) When the business research is done successfully, the final result (information) will be
useful for the managers in making economically useful decisions.

2.) If I am to conduct business research, I would prefer doing quantitative research because
the result can be generalized across a given population and the time to collect the
information is quicker than the qualitative and given that the survey is done
anonymously, randomly and without direct observation.
Learning 1.2
1.) It is a scientific endeavor because business research has proven to be an effective and
efficient solution to the problems regarding the functional areas—marketing, management,
human resource, finance etc. and also to non-quantifiable areas like the behavior of the
internal and external stakeholders, customers and employees.

2.) Exploratory research is designed to find more information about the problem, issue, or
phenomenon. It is also intended to reduce the research options to a manageable size.
Exploratory research can be applied through depth interview, focus group discussion, and
ethnographic research.
Learning 1.3

1.) A.) For quantitative basic business research, it must he grounded on theory and empirically
verifiable, especially if the research model is confirmatory in nature. The findings should
validate the variables of the theory; if it is exploratory in nature and no existing theory is
available, then some valid explanation would suffice, but subject to hypothesis testing and
more empirical testing (to avoid accidental generalization).
B.) It must contribute to the advancement of knowledge in business and management.
C.) It results in scientific knowledge that is ethically neutral (not offensive).
D.) For qualitative basic business research, the observation could be interpreted by the
experts (psychologist, sociologist, or anthropologist). Their interpretation serves as basis for
the managers to understand the customers to pave the way for a correct strategy.

2.) A business case study is used when you want to reinforce your company’s reputation as
business that solves a customer’s problems.



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