Philosophy and Art, Purpose of Art in The Society

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1. How is Philosophy and Art connected?

The study of philosophy and art differs from their subject – matter. Philosophy understand the
truth in the world, the existence of a human, the knowledge, values, reason, mind and language. As we all
know, philosophy is the love of wisdom and it talks about the activity of a human to seek their true selves
and to find out their purpose to the world and its existence. Art is everything, it refers to anything that
human sees as creative and designed with their sense of imagination. Art is created with human mind.
Artist may use their experience to create a visual representation of their emotions. Art can make it
through their feelings and observation to the world they live in.
While philosophy is a formal understanding of what the universe really is. Artist produces an art
with their own reflection of what attributes universe and their relationship to it. In simple explanation,
philosophy is the truth and art is the complex creation of the either the truth or what they think about the
universe. It means that we can integrate philosophy and art into two things, the process of creating an art
can be objective and imaginative. First, if we look into our society, what comes into our mind? Society
plays a big role in our identity, it can stand alone as our own reflection. Having a vision of reality, we see
our society as sometimes a mess. Of course, there is no perfect in everything. We balance our society with
good and bad. The reality when composing an art, an artist can be a philosopher at same time. On the
other hand, we seek to find our own ways to create the world we imagine. We use art as a resemblance,
putting all the emotions we have and showing it to world.

2. Discuss the various purposes and functions of art in our society.

The functions of art can be classified into the following;
Art for Delight
aesthetics is one of the word that we can relate to art. Everybody was given an awareness
of beauty; we have our own eyes to see the beauty in art. There is no standard of beauty, it is
universal and so is art. It has a connection to each other, art can give beauty to our lives. On the
contrary, beauty may vary depending on time and places. The definition of beauty can differ on
different cultures. If we take a look into two different things, we may recognize them one and/or both
of them as beautiful based on what we think our beauty is. Art doesn’t have to be beautiful all the
time, it is everywhere.
Art as Commentary
documents an event happens. It is a communication between the artist and the audience.
If we look into an art, we might see a meaning behind it. What does it employ? Why does the artist
create it? Art can reveal an event that happened a long time ago and can act as an evidence through
our understanding of what the creation implies.
Art in Worship and Ritual
a way to aid and enhance the connection of human and religious contemplation. Art
intended to show and uplift the spiritual side of a human. Using an artwork, humans can raise their
understanding of intelligible truths.
Art for Commemoration
aids our memory. Art reminds us to celebrate the successful events and mourn in the
saddest time of our life. It retains a key events or person for us to honor their memory. It can be
political, an artwork that shows the person who has offered his perseverance to his work.
Art for Persuasion
art can make an influence to people. It is an act of getting people to do things with shared
benefits. It aims to change the perception of a person into some event, idea, object or other person.
Art as Self-expression
the creation of an art through the desire to share something. It shows an interior emotions
of an artist. Art is an active way of enjoying and at the same time releasing all the emotions in your
mind. It is all about the artist’s limitation of their imagination. As we go on into our daily lives, we
experienced different kind of situations and problems and we might want to exteriorize our emotions.
We might want to know the purpose of art in our society. First, art can keep us hopeful and makes us
less lonely. It clearly depicts that we may look into the brighter side. That pretty things matters and that
we as the member of the society is capable to live despite of our own problems. And we can look into art
as our hope to continue living our happy and good lives to the fullest. Art is visible, we can see it and it
can make us happy. Although we are facing different circumstances, we may feel pain and be hurt. But,
art reminds us that all the pain is part of our condition. That we humans should never be afraid to accept
the pain and learn from it.
Art rebalances us, it gives us the things that we don’t have. It compensates us with what we lack to be
more whole and rounded. In our society, there are issues that we can’t solve because of the lack of
perseverance and unity. And through art, we can show the world what we are fighting for and why are we
in that situation. Art helps us to appreciate things (stuff), we are now in the modern world where media
evolves. And that we were amaze with its beauty. Small things can make a big impact into the society and
so a simple art can be glamorous and can bring happiness to people. With this, we can return the glamour
to the things that were ignored by us, humans. Then, art is a propaganda for what really matters. Art can
raise awareness to our society. It leads us to the be united to make a tender approach into issues that been
going on our society. And it gives us a platform and authority to share our thoughts to a certain problem.
In our society, there are many issues that we are facing. Today, we are struggling to find ways to
solve it. But, art made a way for us to show our affection and to withdraw our anger without affecting
others. Art has been used by people who fight for righteousness and dignity. Art is everything, from what
we see to what we do. And I help us conquer our deepened emotions. And that we must appreciate its
beauty in every little way. We should use it as a source of support and encouragement for our better
selves and for the betterment of the society.

3. Explain the meaning of “And no wonder, for art is a powerful catalyst for such abilities as
power of imagination, keen intuition and the knack of association, abilities needed by both
scientists and philosophers.”

Art is powerful, as philosophers and scientist tries to seek the answer to their questions. Art is
everything, it matters in anything that we do. Philosophers tend to find the truth with the world and the
existence of a human, and they try to look for it using their imagination and understanding. And for
scientist, as they analyze an information and conduct experiments and trials. It is a great association of
creativity as it is required to make scientific discovery and art as a product of knowledge. It can make an
impact on each other.
Art can rule this two, it can make a difference with it. It gives us a unique perspective of manipulation
and personal opinion. People start thinking in their own, which allows us to view, try and figure out
things. And if it wasn’t with the art of thinking, people would still be clueless and will never arrive to
conclusions. Philosophers understand the mysteries in life through exploring and involvement with art.
And if scientist wanted to have a better scientific report, he must incorporate art to his work. And that
philosophers and scientist cannot arrive to conclusion without using art. They may use art or it can be the
one they are looking for.

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