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Lasap, Elysa Jana M.

PSYC 40033
BSA 1-3 February 20, 2021

Discuss how ethics and trust can play a role in effective leadership.

Leadership is the art of leading a group of people and motivating them to act toward
achieving a common goal. It is an ability of an individual to lead, influence and guide other
people or member of the group, or the entire organization to success. Moreover, it is about
anticipating the direction of the company, where it will be placed? Therefore, a leader is
someone who can direct the workers with a strategy to meet the company’s need and to be able
to establish a solution. Furthermore, a good leader must help other people to do the right things.
Leaders set a direction in order to create something new out of their vision. A leader should not
be afraid to be accountable for the accomplishment of the team, he shall possess a clear vision
and focus on what they need to accomplish. I believe that he is someone who set his mind into
winning but making a right landing in a smooth and efficient way. He must be able to gain trust
from the followers and encourage a culture of open communication. Certainly, leadership is
significant as it plays an important role in the management which support efficiency of the group
in achieving the company goals. A good leadership can be seen when there is ethic and trust.
Ethics in a simple definition is a moral principle which affects how people make
decisions. In leadership, a leader must demonstrate and promote appropriate actions and
conduct that is directed by respect for ethical beliefs and values and for dignity and rights of the
others. In order to become a great business leader, it is a responsibility to behave in a moral
way in the workplace. In addition, it is important to understand, develop and recognize ethics in
the business world as it plays in all roles. Ethics can help the company to gain trust and loyalty
as the investors will invest more and the employees and customers are more likely to stand by.
Also, in the long term, the company will gain more partnerships and customers which can lead
them into making a huge amount of money that can benefit the organization.
Trust is one of the important aspect that a leader must gain in order to become a good
one. It is defined as the vulnerability of a person to another expecting them to be successful. In
an organization, trust means that the employee believe that their leaders will treat them well and
will be able to set a vision for the whole. Employees become comfortable and open on the
decisions that a leader makes even with uncertainty; they will be influenced by words and
actions. In a way, trust can be developed over time, it is not a one-time occurrence. Actions
matters most in wanting to earn the trust of the whole organization, it takes involvement in every
level to create a deep bond that can motivated the employee.
I also believe that ethics and trust are the foundation o leadership. These two can help
promote the brand reputation, employee engagement, and productivity. A leader can gain trust
when he possesses a moral behavior which can attract employee and customers loyalty. He
must be embodied with ethical ways of managing an organization that can help with their
success. Consequently, the success of an organization comes with the collective role of the
leaders and members. Members put effort and time on doing their job as well as trusting the
decision of the leader. Leadership guarantees the organization has a reliable meaning of
initiative and that individuals who best address the way of life and qualities are elevated to
administrative roles. Everybody understands what administration is, however couple of
individuals can really articulate it. Making a firm definition inside the association is a pivotal
advance for creating future pioneers and keeping up solidarity and a solid administration center.

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