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Registrations for the upcoming workshop, "Bridging the Gender Pay Gap

through Transparency" to be held ONLINE on the 22-23 September

2021. are now OPEN. You can register here. Please note that registration is
free but it is required for administrative reasons.

The workshop is organised by Dr. Sara Benedi Lahuerta (Sutherland School

of Law, UCD) and Ms. Katharina Miller (European Women Lawyers
Association), with the collaboration of the Berkeley Center on Comparative
Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law (BCCE).

The aim of the event is to critically evaluate how and to which extent pay
transparency regulation can contribute to addressing the Gender Pay Gap
(GPG). The discussion will focus on key challenges and best practices to
consider when enacting, implementing, or reforming pay transparency
regulation on the basis of the experiences of supranational bodies (EU), a
wide range of national jurisdictions and a non-for-profit certification system
(The Fair Pay Innovation Lab).

The agenda is available here.

We look forward to 'seeing' you there.

Kind regards,

Sara and Katharina

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