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IERM 498: Research Methods in I.T.

and Engineering
Semester: Summer 2020- 2021

1.1 Research problem:

People may make the goal of your study obvious to yourself and the target audience by
formulating the research problem. Concentrate the research on presenting pertinent opportunities
to clarify it. A problem analysis can be a useful and important tool for staying focused with the
study and evaluating it. How do users come up with a compelling research question? Consider
the following five ways to phrase this research problem:

 Make a list of the research goals;

 Examine the context or setting in which it exists.
 Investigate its surroundings;
 Determine the connections between variables;
 Consider the potential repercussions of different methods.

1.2 Research objective:

A few objectives can assist help in keeping the research relevant. Such statement additionally
aids instructors in evaluating the topics the research project addresses as well as the various
approaches that take to approach those.

 Establish a method of Mobile networking for "Smart Dust".

 To explore and understand To explore and understand Emerging Challenges: Mobile

networking for "Smart Dust"

1.3 Research questions:

Research question aims satisfy the research objectives.

 What method to be used to Emerging challenges.

 Research is well suited for answering positive questions.
 How are we going to monitor the Mobile networking for smart Dust?

1.4 Hypotheses, and project Scope.

The process of establishing and recording a summary of precise project objectives, deliverables,
activities, expenses, and schedules is known as project framework. That documentation assists
this same project team with staying focused as well as on schedule throughout the program. A
hypothesis is a statement that expresses the expectations for the results of the investigation.
Sometimes may need to create numerous hypotheses to cover various parts of their research topic
for certain research initiatives. A hypothesis must be founded on current ideas and information,
not merely a suggestion.

Project title:

Emerging Challenges: Mobile networking for "Smart Dust".


Significant wireless networks have become a popular subject of research. The fundamental
features of both the emerging technology termed "Smart Dust" are reviewed, and also the
research difficulties it will get from the mobile networking & applications industry, that must
offer consistent connection to high amount of mobile network devices co-located in such a
limited volume. Smart Dust sensed data, which are made up of cubic millimeter-scale sensor
network possessing with minimal processing, detecting, and passively optical communication
with such a base station, are intended to help with complicated large-scale monitoring tasks in a
variety of fields. Also for sensor node industry, RFID technology has enabled "smart-dust"
technologies. RFID sensor nodes (RSNs), that are made up from RFID readers with RFID sensor
network (WISPs), expand RFID to incorporate sensors and provide wireless sensors the benefits

of tiny, affordable, and long-lasting RFID tags. Fine-grained nodes localization is critical in
several possible Smart Dust applications, including such object recognition and track.


Wireless sensor networks (WSN) were a popular issue in academia right now. The WSN is made
up of a large group of similar node that work together to perform limited computing, wireless
connectivity, and sensors. Environmental monitoring, precision farming, ecosystem monitoring,
transport, and military systems were just few of the applications. WSNs are designed to handle
complicated monitoring duties and business operations. Perfectly alright physical locations for
sensor nodes play a crucial role in several common sensor systems. Target tracking, target
detection, as well as target categorization are some instances. Methods for physical place sense
having long been researched, particularly in the context and mobile computer systems. A few of
the techniques established have indeed lately been used for WSN, with an emphasis on solutions
based on specific features (Joseph et al., 2006). Because of these benefits, RFID is now widely
used in industrial supply-chain applications including such tracing containers & particular goods.
RFID technology, on the other hand, is confined to detecting & inventorying things in a certain
location. RSNs encounter significant problems when attempting to merge the two technologies
since the typical RFID consumption paradigm differs significantly from those of WSNs. RSNs,
for instance, must deal with intermittent renewable, but unlike RFID, should allow sensing
querying instead of just identifying. The researches into “Smart Dust Systems” are relatively
recent. The primary objective of this study is to describe a few of the technical potential and

difficulties in order to pique that attention of additional systems-level researchers throughout this
important field. (Jang, Kang and Lim, 2008)

Literature view:


Figure shows an example of a Smart Dust particle. MEMS sensor, innovative laser diodes, as
well as a MEMS beam-steering mirrors providing optical sensing broadcast, a MEMS edge retro
reflectors providing passively optical signals, and optic transmitter, sensor fusion, with control
circuitry too are connected to a central device.

That amazing bundle is self-powered but also has the capacity to detect and communicate!
Effective integration of all of these activities whilst maintaining extremely low energy
consumption, therefore optimizing operational life given the restricted capacity required for

energy storing, is indeed a big problem (Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS
2009). Their entire energy stored is already on the range of tens Joule inside the design objective
of such a cubic millimeter volume utilizing the best available battery technology. That dust
particle energy consumption could not indeed surpass 15 microwatts when utilized continually
and over course of the whole day. The functionalities envisaged by Smart Dust could only be
realized when a dust mote's total energy consumption be kept below microwatts when rigorous
energy management methods are used. Solar panels may be used to salvage quite enough power
as possible whenever the sun is shining and when the house lights were switched on, allowing
dusty motes to operate for days. Technologies of achieving low-power sensors & processors are
quite well established. The development of ultra-low-power significantly improved the
performance is a much more difficult task (An Ultra Low –power Media Access for Wireless
Sensor Networks, 2018).

The generation of digital network interfaces enabling Smart Dust is a major undertaking. The
complimentary optical connections need further line-of-sight pathways, (ii) because active and
passive dust mote broadcasters possess directional properties which must be addressed into
system development, and (iii) there really are significant trade-offs among bit rate, power each
bit, especially bit rate/energy each bit. Within those energy-limited free-space optical
connections, distance both secular reflection are important. RSNs integrate RFID or sensing
technologies alongside sensor node use patterns to create RSNs. The incompatibility between
both the RFID application scenario as well as that of wireless communication, though, presents
problems somewhere at network level. In the part, we go over a few obstacles. (Han and Shon,


The data for this dissertation will be collected through secondary sources. Several methods
including case studies, published articles, prior research theses, conference papers, industrial
advancement presentations, and reviewing all kinds of relevant materials available on the
internet and in books. The results will help in understand Emerging Challenges: Mobile
networking for "Smart Dust".

Smart Dust is an integrative approach for network with millimeter-scale detecting node which
we've presented. Smart Dust may transmit power passively utilizing innovative optical reflectors
technologies, which would be a low-cost approach to explore sensors or comply with the terms
of data. A fiber sensor transmission is indeed feasible, but it uses more energy and has been
utilized whenever passive methods aren't viable, including when the dusty mote's line-of-sight
pathway to both the BTS is obstructed. Researchers can extend the application space for wireless
communication to ubiquity, embedding sensor jobs by utilizing RFID technology. In the gap
among conventional mote networks but also RFID based chain management monitoring, we've
sketched some example sensor connected devices.

Jang, B., Kang, M. and Lim, J., 2008. Performance Analysis of the UHF RFID Reader with the Range
Correlation Effects of the Phase Noise. The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering
and Science, 19(2), pp.152-160.

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2008. Biomedical Circuits and Systems
Conference (BioCAS 2008). 2(1), pp.63-63.

Han, K. and Shon, T., 2012. Sensor Authentication in Dynamic Wireless Sensor Network
Environments. International Journal of RFID Security and Cryptography, 1(2), pp.36-44.

International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering & Research, 2018. An Ultra Low –power Media
Access for Wireless Sensor Networks. 5(4), pp.13-22.

Joseph, A., Diaz, A., Merino, P., Rivas, F., Kulkarni, U., Vadavi, J., Thyagaraju, G., Joshi, S. and Yardi, A.,
2006. Mobile and Ubiquitous Objects. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 5(3), pp.57-59.

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