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I, Letter/mail: 1. Dit hang 3. Su khuyén nghi 1. account~ tai khoan. I. a variety of ~ I loat (=various) 1. appropriate~ thich hop 2. bill~ héa don 2. additional ~ bd sung/thém 2. assign~ giao/chi dinh 3. cancel~ hily bd 3. affordable ~ chiing/thich hop phai 3, attentive~ cham cha, cha y 4. charge ~ tinh phi 4. available ~ c6 san 4. attitude~ thai d6 5. confirm ~ x4c nn 5. clearance sale ~ ban xa hang 5. certificate~ gidy ching nhan 6. fee ~ phi 6. complimentary ~ mién phi (=free) 6. considerate~ thin trong, chu dio 7. no later than~ khong mudn hon 7. consumer =ngudi tiéu ding T. cooperation~ su cong tae 8. place an order ~ dat hing 8. eligible~ du diéu kién 8. demonstrate~ _chimg minh, cho xem/cho thay 9. purchase ~ mua 9. exceed~ vrgt qué 9. endeavor ~ cb ging, SYN: attempt 10. refund ~ hoan tién 10. free of charge~ khong t6n phi (=at no cost) 10. exemplary ~ guong miu, miu mye 11. reserve ~ dat truée TI. bulk~ 86 Iugng lon 11. potential ~ tiém nang 12. return ~ tra lai 12. installments~ sy tra gop 12. promising ~ day hita hen 13. ship ~ giao 13. including~ bao gom 13, qualification ~ du tw cach/kha ning 14, submit ~ ndp 14. inventory~ hang ton kho 14. reference~ sy tham khao, sy gidi thigu 15. verify ~ xde nhin 15. invoice~ héa don 15. referral ~ gidi thigu Ngurbi soan: Quan Minh 4. Sy cim on/sy xin Iai 5. Mua/giim gid 6. Kinh doanh T. apologize~ xin Idi 1. limited~ han cl han 6 gidi 1. approval~ sw thong qua/chap thuan 2. as a token of appreciation ~ nhu thé hign sy cam kich 2. markdown~ gidm gid 2. bid~ tra gid/dau thau 3, be delighted to~ vui mimg dé lam gi 46 3. office supplies~ van phéng phim 3. boost~ thuc day, ting 4, damaged~ hur hai/honz, 4, promotional~ khuyén mai 4. distribution~ sy phan phéi 5, defective~ Idi, SYN faulty 5, redeem~ 6i lai (tien doi véi hing héa) 3. endorsement~ sy tin thinh 6. delay~ hoan lai = postpone) 6. reduced rate~ gidm gid 6. expansion~ sy mé rong 7. enclosed~ duge dinh kém/kém_ theo 7. renew~ gia han, lim méi 7. expense~ chi phi = ost) 8. grateful~ biét on 8. retailer~ nha ban 1é 8. facilitate~ lim cho dé dang/tign loi 9. in recognition of ~ nhw thé hign sur cam kich/eéng nhan 9, souvenir~ do tru niém 9, feasible~ kha khi 10. invaluable~ v6 gid 10. special offer~ gidm gid dic biét 10. figure~ sd liu © number) 11. on behalf of ~thay mat I], store eredit~ phigu doi hang 11. license~ gidy phép 12. patronage~ sy lui téi cua khach hang quen, sit bao tro 12. take advantage of= tn dung Igi thé 12. market share~ thj phan 13. regretfully~ that dang tiéc, lay 13. vendor~ nha cung cp 13. profitable~ cd loi nhuan (= lucrative) Ngurbi soan: Quan Minh 14. voucher~ phidu qua tang (gift certificate) 14. warranty~ bao hanh 14. release~ phat hanh I. catering~ dich vy an uong 1. appointment~ cude hen 1. allot~ phan bo. 2. celebrate~ ky nigm 2. access~ quyén sit dung/truy cap 2. approximately~ xap xi 3. commemorate~ ky niém 3. accommodation~ chd 6, noi & (= lodging) 3. asset~ tai san 4. in honor of trong sy vinh danh/dé vinh danh 4. sign up for ~ding ky cho 4. budget ngan séch 5. on-site~ tai chO 5. assistance~ sy hé tro 3. contribution~ sy dong gép 6. organize~ t6 chite 6. amenity~ tién nghi 6. financial~ tai chinh 7. participant~ tham gia 7, convenience~ thuan tién 7, fundraising~ gay quy 8. present~ co mavhién din 8. dealership~ dai ly 8. immensely~ hét stic/vo cing 9. proceedings~ chudi sz kign 9, authorized~ quyén duge ty 9. monetary donation~ quyén gop tién 10. reception~ tige chiéu dai 10. expire~ hat han 10. possess~ sé hiru II. register~ ding ky, ghi danh II. extend~ mé rong 11. proceeds~ tign thu duge (su kign,....) 12. select~ chon 12. maintenance~ sy bao trifduy tri 12. project~ dy 4n 13. take place~ dign ra 13. reliable~ dang tin cy 13. property~ ti san . venue~ dja diém 14. termination~ cham dit 14. reimburse~ hoan tién Ngurbi soan: Quan Minh 1. appraisal~ sy dénh gid, thim dinh 1. applicant~ img cir vien, ngudi xin viée 1. address~ xt ly, gidi quyét, SYN: deal with 2. floor plan~ so d6 tang 2. assessment~ su danh gid 2. agenda~ chwong trink nghi sv 3. furnished~ duge trang bj do dac 3. benefits (package)~ goi loi ich/phic loi 3, board of directors~ ban gidm déc 4. landlord~ cha nha © owner) 4, candidate~ img ctr vie 4. brainstorm dong nao 5. lease~ thué, hgp ddng cho thué 5. degree~ bing cp 5. committee~ ity ban 6. on the premis nha/khuén vién S~ trong toa 6. human resources(HR)~ quan ly nhn sw 6. compile~ soan thao 7. real estate agency~ dai ly bat dong sin 7, job openings~ vj tri tong cn tuyén (= vacaney) 7, extension~ sy m6 rong 8. rent~ thué, cho thué 8, preferences thy gigi thigwngudi gidi thigu 8. minutes~ bién ban 9. resident~ eu din, SYN: citizen 9. qualified~ da tiéu chudn/phdm chat 9. nomination~ sy tign ett 10, short-term~ trong thi gian ngin 10. recruit~ tuyén dung 10. outline~ phat thao 11. site inspection~ kiém tra toa nha TI. requirement~ yéu chu TI. performance~ higu suat 12. story~ ting (nha) 12. shift~ ca lam viée 12. review~ danh gid 13. tenant~ ngudi thué 13. short-staffed~ thiéu hut nhan vién 13. scheduling conflict~ tring lich 14. utility bills~ héa don tién ich (dign, gas, nude) 14, ¢ temporary~ tam thdi short-term) 14. shareholder~ cd dong (= stockholder) 15. within walking distance~ trong khoang cich cé thé di bé duge 15. vary~ khde nhau 15. unanimous~ —_nhat tri/théng nhat Ngurbi soan: Quan Minh 4) 1. administrative~ hanh chinh, quan tri 1, bulletin board~ bang théng bio -commodate~ cung cap ché 6 2. assume~ dim nhiém (-take on) 2. city council~ hdi dong thanh phd 2. artisan~ nghé 3. be appointed~ duge b8 nhiém (be named) 3. commuter~ ngudi di lai 3. craft~ thi cong 4. CEO~ gidm déc diéu hanh 4. convert~ chuyén di, bién déi 4. customized~ ty chinh/kim theo yéu cdu 5. CFO~ gidm déc tai chinh 5, disruption~ sy gidn doan 5. device~ trang thiét bi 6. chair~ cht tich 6. grant~ tro cap 6. durable~ bén 7. extension~ sy mo rong 7. implement~ thye hién 7. energy efficient~ tié kigm ning lugng 8. headquarters~ try sé chink main office) 8. launch~ phat hanh, ra mat 8. exclusively~ dOc quyén 9. on duty~ dang trong ca lam vige/gig lam vige 9. mayor~ thj trréng 9. feature~ tinh nang/daic tinh 10. oversee~ gidm sat 10, municipal _(thude) thanh phé, 46 thi 10. intricate~ phite tap (= complicated) evaluation~ 11. overhaul~ sy dai tu 11. replica~ ban sao (= duplicate) 12. replacement~ sy thay thé 12. renovation~ suv cai tao, tan trang 12. specialize in ~chuyén vé 13. serve as ~lam viéc voi tu cach 13. resume~ tigp tue 13. testimonial~ thy gidi thigu/gidy chimg nhan 14. task~ nhiém vu 14, waive~ bo mi phi,...) (thué, 14. trial~ ding thir 15. transfer~ chuyén déi 15. wing~ chai nha © annex) 15. versatile~ link hoat, da ning Ngurbi soan: Quan Minh 1. adjust~ digu chinh © modify) 1. admission~ si 1. competition~ c du, sy canh tranh 2. adopt~ chip thugn/théng qua y tién vao cong 2. content~ noi dung 3. allocate~ phan b6 3. baggage allowance~ hanh ly ky gui 3. critie~ nha phé binh 4. cooperation~ sy cdng tae 4, carry-on~ hanh ly xach tay 4, deadline~ han chot 5, dedicated~ tn tam/tn tuy/cam 5. destination~ diém dén 5. description~ sy mo ta 6. effective immediately~ c6 higu lye ngay lap tire 6. frequent flyer~ khach di lai thuéng xuyén (may bay) 6. draw~ sur bée thim, (v) thu hitt, SYN: lotto 7. instruction~ sy huéng din 7. guided tour~ chuyén tham quan ¢6 ngudi huéng dan 7. entry~ tée phim dir thi, sur vao cita 8. mandatory~ bat cudc 8. in advance~ truéc 8. exhibit~ trién lim 9. policy ~ chinh sch 9. itinerary~ hanh trinh 9. judge~ giam Khao 10. productivity~ nang suat 10, landmark~ danh thang canh lam 10. material~ vat ligu, tai ligu 11. resouree~ tai san TI. landscape~ phong canh TI. nominee~ ngudi duge tien ctr 12. retain~ git, duy tri, SYN keep 12. peak si 12. notify~ théng bao 13. revise~ chinh stra/stra di 13. tourist attractions~ thu hut khach du lich 13. on a first-come, first- served basis~ dya trén co sé dén trade phye vu trude 14, violation~ vi pham 14, transportation~ sy di lai Ngurbi soan: Quan Minh 6] 1. portable~ co thé theo/xach tay mang 1. extend an invitation~ giti loi moi 1, amount~ s6 tién 2._ in good condition~ trong diéu kign/tinh trang t6t 2. Keynote speaker~ dign gia chinh 2. balance~ s6 tién con ng (MONEY OWED) 3. worn~ mon/bj hur hong 3. conference~ hdi nghi 3. billing address~ dja chi thanh todn 4, used di qua sit dung © second hand) 4. bi-annual~ 2 nim 1 an 4, cover~ chi tra, SYN: pay for 5. exterior~ ngoai that, bén ngoai 5. host~ chi nha, ngudi t6 chite 5, deduct~ khau trir 6. easy to operate~ dé dang van hanh/dieu hanh 6. registration~ sy ding ky 6. deposit~ gtri tién/dat coc 7. high performance~ higu suat cao 7. charity~ tir thign 7. estimate~ uéc_ tinh/dyr tinh 8. appliance~ thiét bi dign tr 8, fundraiser~ nguoi_ gay quy 8. outstanding~ sd tién chua thanh toan 9. consumption~ sw ding éu thy/tiéu 9. upcoming~ sip t6i 9. overdue~ qua han 10. thoroughly~ tri y luong 10, coordinator~ ngudi diéu phéi/phéi hop 10. partial payment~ thanh toan timg phan 1. install= Tp dat TI, banquet= tie chiéu dai/bita tiée, SYN: party TT, preferred= duige wa thich/mong muén 12. latest~ moi nhat (= up-to- date) 12. facility~ tign nghi/trang thiét bi/eo so 12. quote~ ban bio gid 13. state-of-the-art~ hign dai 13. representative~ ngudi dai dign 13. reduction~ gidm gid/ha gid 14, manual~ sé huéng dan 14, delegation~doan dai biéu/phai doan 14. reimbursement~ sir hoan tién Ngurbi soan: Quan Minh 7I 1. application(app)~ img dung 1. botanic garden~ vudn bach thao 1. landscaping ~ canh quan 2. come with ~di cing 2. charter bus~ xe bus thué (thué nguyén xe) 2. establish~ (-found) thinh lap 3. equipment thiét bi 3. conduct a tour~ tién hanh chuyén tham quan 3. founder~ ngudi sing Hip 4, fragile~ d8 vo 4. courtesy bus~ xe bus mién phi 4. decade~10 nam 5, fanction~ chite nang 5. eustoms~ hai quan 3, reputation~ danh tiéng, néi dan 6. furishing~ sy trang bj dd dac 6. dining _establishment~ phong an/nha ain 6. brand awareness~ nhan thitc vé thuong higu = brand recognition) 7. goods~ hang héa, SYN: item 7, exotic~ ky la, ngoai lai 7. proprietor~ chi sé hiru (= owner) 8. laboratory~ phong thi nghiém: 8. expedition~ cuge hank trinh/chuyén di, SYN: joumey 8. location~ dia diém, vi tri 9. light fixture~ thiét bi chiéu sang 9. group rate~ chi phi/gia theo nhém 9. family-ran~ diéu hank boi gia dinh (family owned) 10. merchandise~ hang héa 10. immigration~ tram/phéng xuat nhgp cnh 10. respected~ duge ton trong TI, part~ 66 phan, linh kién 11. native~ thuge ban xtr 11. consistently~ —_nhat quan/lién tuc 12. rechargeable battery~ pin c6 thé sac lai 12, observatory~ di quan sat/thién van 12, overseas~ 6 nude ngoal 13. specification~ thdng s diém ky thuat 13. restriction~ sy han ché 13. warehouse~ kho Ngurbi soan: Quan Minh 14. vacuum cleaner~ may hut byi 14. stopover~ dimg chan ns poll 1. track~ theo doi 1. audience~ khan gid 2. shipment~ 16 hang (hang héa) 1. autograph~ ky tén 2. biography~ 2. conelusion~ phan két ludn, két thie 3. a large volume of mot s6 lugng Ién 3, circulation~ tong s6 phat hanh 3) costume~ trang phye (san khéu) 4. overnight delivery~ van chuyén qua dém 4. edit~ chinh stra 4. debut~ ra mat 5. express~ t6c hank 5. edition~ an ban 3. formal~ trang trong, chinh thitc 6. expedite~ xite tién/ddy nhanh 6. format~ dinh dang 6. intermission~ Tic tam nghi (biéu dién) 7, back order~ hién tai dang hét hang (nhung sé c6 hing tiép) 7, freelancer ngudi lam nghé ty do 7. masterpiece~ kiét tac 8. courier ngudi van chuyén/eéng ty chuyén phat nhanh 8. hardcover~ bia cimg 8. overwhelming~ 4p dio, da sé 9. process~ xir IY 9. informative~ cung c&p théng tin hitu ich/cé loi 9. refrain from~ cinv/tranh lam gi dé 10. stock~ hang tn kho, cd phiéu 10. issue~ béo (in ra), dt hinh, sO 10. premiere~ budi_ ra mit/chiéu dau tién TI. take long~ matnhigu thai gian II. periodical~ dinh ky 11. preview~ xem trude 12. custom order~ don dt hing theo yéu cdu 12. publication~ sy xuat ban. 12. prohibit~ cm 13. customer inquiry~ yéu cau cia khéch hang 13, submission~ sw nop 13. sequel~ phan tiép theo, doan tiép Ngurbi soan: Quan Minh 14. business day~ ngay lam vige ] 14. subscription~ sw dang [14. star~ dong vai chinh ky (bao, tap chi 15. distance~ khoang cach 15. volume~ quyén, tp | 15. usher~ ngudi huéng (sach) din ché ngdi (nha hat, rap chiéu phim) IV. article/announce: 1. analysis~ sy phan tich 1. flexible working hours~ gig am vige linh hoat 1. authority~ ngudi cé nim quyén, nha chite tréch 2, commerce~ thong mai and sép nhap 2. merger acquisition~ si va mua lai 2. ballot~ bd phiéu kin 3. debt~ ng 3. morale~ tinh than 3. city hall~ hoi tuéng thanh phé 4. expenditure~ chi tiéu 4, motivate~ thic day 4. city official~ vién chite thank phd 5. fluctuate~ bién dng/dao dong 5. obstacle~ tro ngai 5. debate~ tranh Tuan 6. generate~ tgo ra 6. pioneer~ ngudi tién phong/di diu 6. environment-friendly~ than thién véi méi trang 7. investment~ sy dau tt 7. primary~ chi | 7. gathering~ cudc hop/gap mit yéu/chinh 8. loan~ cho vay 8. prosperous~ _ thinh | 8. improvement~ sy cai thién vugng 9. offset~ bi dip 9. rapport~ moi quan hé 9. measure~ bién phap, cach xir yy 10. plummet~ gidm manh 10. reward~ phan thuéng, tign thuéng 10. population~ dan Ngurbi soan: Quan Minh 10] TI. recession~ sy suy thoai © downturn, depression) TI. step down~ ti bd vi tri/cdng viée TI. recycle~ tai ché 12. sector~ nganh/linh vuc 12. strategy~ chién lrge 12. region~ khu ve 13. significant~ ding ké 13. take over~ dam nhigm, phy tréch 13. the majority of~ phan lén/da sé 14, statistics~ sy thong ké 14, workforce lye Ivong lao déng 14. vote~ bau/binh chon 31. Kinh té 32. Giao thong 33. Vin héa/nghé thuat 1. account for~ chiém, gidi thich 1. alternative~ thay thé 1. author~ tac gia 2. audit~ kiém toan 2. divert~ chuyén huéng 2. award-winning~ gidnh/doat duge giai thuéng 3. disposable income~ thu nhfp kha dung 3. fine~ tign phat 3, composer~ ngudi soan, ngudi sang tic 4. finance~ tai chinh, tién von 4, infrastructure~ co sé ha tang 4. contemporary~ duong théi 5. lack~ thiéu hut 3, interrupt~ gidn doan ( disturb) 3. contributing writer~ nha vin cOng tic 6. noticeable~ dang chi y 6. lane~ Hin dung 6. depict~ mo ta 7. quarter~ quy 7. parking garage~ bai do xe 7. draft~ ban thao ®. revenues doanh thu profit) 8. permit~ giay phép 8. honored~ duge vinh danh 9. risk~ ri ro 9. public transportation~ giao thong céng cong 9. innovative~ sdng tao 10. sluggish~ chm chap 10. ramp~ doan duéng déc 10. literature~ van hoc II. soar~ tng vot TI. route~ tuyén dung TI, manuseript~ ban thio Ngurbi soan: Quan Minh 11] 12. spokesperson~ ngudi phat ]12. _suburban~ __ngoai | 12. novel~ tiéu thuyét © fiction) ngén vién thinh 13, stable~ én dinh 13. toll~ phi théng | 13. play~ vo kich hanh/cdu duong 14. struggle~ xoay sé 14, traffic congestion~ tie duéng 14. poetry~ tho 15. support ho tre 15. undergo~ phai/trai qua experience) . Sculpture~ tac phim diéu 1. aid~ sy vign trg, gidp do I. adjacent~ ign ké 1. acclaimed~ ndi ting 2. associate~ ket hgp, cong tac 2, archaeologist~ nha khao cé hoc 2. archive~ kho luu trir 3. commission~ hdi dong, u ban, tién hoa héng 3. architect~ kién trie su 3. artifact~ d6 tao tac 4. competitor~ d6i thi, nha canh tranh 4, be torn down~ pha hiy 4. aspiring~ khao khat, khat vong 5. core~ phan trung tam/chinh 5. capacity~ sire chita/kha nang chita 5. authentic~ dich thye, dang tin cay 6. corporation~ tip doan 6. extensive~ quy mo Ion 6. collaboration~ sy cong tae 7, domestic~ trong nude 7. insulation~ cach nhiét 7. collection~ b6 suu tap, tuyén tap 8. enormous~ to 1én 8. in the vicinity of ~ving lan can 8. distinguished~ ndi tiéng 9. entrepreneur~ doanh nhain 9. plant~ nha may 9. diverse~ da dang © various) 10. executiv hanh, ngudi di can 69 digu hanh 10. proximity~ gan, lién ké 10. inspire~ truyén cdm hing Ngurbi soan: Quan Minh 12] TI. expand~ mé réng 11. refurbish~ tan trang | 11 hai hang quen patron~ nha trai trg, khach 12. initiative~ ké hoach 12. restoration~ sw khéi phuc 12. publicize~ céng khai 13. output~ san Iugng 13. transform~ bién doi 13. famous) renowned~ noi tiéng = 14. bring about~ gay ra 14, underway~ dang dién ratién hanh 14, respected~ duge tén trong | 1. advanced~ tién bé, tién tién 1. brochure~ tai ligu, cudn sch nhé quang cdo 1. affiliation ~ sy lign két, hop tac 2. by courtesy of ~ bai su cho phép, duge cung cép 2. comment~ binh luan, phé binh 2. cancellation ~ sy hay bo 3. cuisine~ am thyc 3. complaint = phan nan 3. credentials ~ trinh do chuyén mén 4, culinary~ thudc nau nuéng 4, complete~ hoan thanh (fill out) 4. current~ hign tai 5, enrollment~ sy ding ky 5. content~ ngi dung 5. expertise~ chuyén mon 6. fair~ hi chy 6. coupon~ phiéu gidm gid 6. facilitator ~ nguéi cé van 7, forum~ dien dan 7. feedback~y kién phan héi 7. field~ linh vye 8. instructor~ ngudi huéng din 8. flyer~ to roi(= leaflet) 8. guideline ~ huéng din 9. intermediate~ trung cp 9. form~ mau, mau don 9. membership ~ tu céch hi vién 10. pastry~ banh ngot 10, receipt~ ~ tra Idi, phan hoi 10. organization~ t6 chite 11. sanitation~ vé sinh 11. schedule~ bang lich trinh, thoi gian biéu (timetable) II. post~ thong bao, buu Ngurbi soan: Quan Minh 2B] 12. occasion~ dip survey~ _ khio timonial~ thu gidi thiéu, thu sat | 12. profile~ tiéu sir so luge 13, parade~ cude digu han 13. response~ phan hoi, tra T0i | 13. recent~ gin day 14, serve~ phuc vu thiéu, thu tien ctr 14. testimonial~ thu gidi 14. subject~chu dé 15. stall~ quay/ban bay hang 15, evaluation~ sy danh gia 15. third-party~ bén ther3 [_“~“a | | 40. Bang danh gid] 1. accompanying~ di cing/di kém - category~ loai, hang 1. ATTN~ kinh giri 2. adjourn~ d0i lai, hodn lai, | 2. cleanness~ sysach sé | 2. balance due~ SYN: suspend ng/chua tra 3. attendance~ s6 ngudi cé|3. comfortable~ thoai mai | 3. bill to~ tinh phi toi mit/s6 ngudi dy 4, auditorium~ thin phéng | 4. disappointed~ tht vong | 4. credit~ thé tinh dung, 5. excursion~ chuyén tham | 5. indicate~thé hin, chi ra | 5. details~ chi tiét quan, SYN : trip 6. immediately~ ngay lap tire 6. measure~ do hong, bién phap 6. gratuity~ tién bo, SYN: bonus itute~ vin, truéng, t6 7. minor~ nhé, khong quan trong 7. order form~ mau don dat hang 8. last-minute~ phit cudi 8. overall tong thé 8. payment~ sy thanh todn 9. moderate~ phai ching/hgp ly (gid ca) 9. rate~ gid, SYN : price 9. method~ phurong phap 10. opening remarks~ budi tuyén bé mé ming 10. recommend~ dé xuat 10. quantity~ sé Iugng. 11. preliminary~ mé dau, so b6 11. responsive~ phan hoi, tra li I. ship to~ chuyén/giao dén 12. presentation~ sy thuyét trinh 12. satisfied~ hai long 12. standard~ tiéu chuan Ngurbi soan: Quan Minh 741 13. press~ bao chi 13. scale~ quy m6 13, subtotal~ sy tinh tong ting phan 14. rear entrance~ cira sau 14, suggestion~ sy dé xuat 14. tax~ thué 15. Unit~ don vi [42.Vigedingky | 1. alert~ canh bio 1. applicable~ thich hop/ap dung duge 1. badge~ thé 2. boulevard~ dai 16, SYN: avenue 2. beverage-do udng, SYN: drink 2 duration~ Khodng thoi gian (= period) 3. brief~ ngan gon, van tit 3. dimension~ kich thudéc, co 3. employer~ 6ng chit 4, connecting flight~ chuyén bay chuyén tiép 4. double check~ kigm tra 2 in 4, ID (identification)~ thé chimg minh thy 5. contract renewal~ suv gia han/kim méi hop déng 53. ingredient~ thanh phan 5. lecture~ bai ging 6. curator~ ngudi phy tréch, ngudi quan ly, SYN: manager 6. measurement~ sy do luong 6. option~ tiy chon 7. fare~ tién vé 7. per~ moi 7. penalty~ phat 8. inclusive~ bao gdm, Ké cA, SYN: include 8. refreshment d6 an va nude uéng 8. previous~ true = former) 9. followed sau/ké tiép b duge theo 9. remainder~ phan con lai 9. provide~ cung cAp/dwa ra 10. rate~ gia/ty 16 10. summary~ tom tat 10. related~lién quan Tl. scholar hoe gid, nha nghién ctru TI. surcharge~ phy phi TL. request= yéu clu 12. seating~ cho ngoi 12 dich transaction~ sy giao 12. session~ phién/budi ing~ tham viéng . vegetarian~ ngudi an chay 13. signature~ chi ky 14. zip code~ ma buu dign, SYN: postcode 14. due~ dn han 14. individual~ ca nhan Ngurbi soan: Quan Minh 15 |

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