Title: - Ethical Analysis of The Human Resource Department of Colodo

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Title: - Ethical Analysis of the Human Resource Department of Colodo

Colodo, being a global organization has its business spread over 100 countries and as such
has 14,500 employees to look after the smooth functioning of the organization. Thus, it is
very apt to examine the ethical issues those are in place for the organization to run its
business successfully amidst such variety of cultures and conglomeration of various human
resources originating from different backgrounds. In the following part of the discourse, we
would discuss regarding the ethical issues that are in place in the company to look after
different functions related to the human resource department of the organization.
 Recruitment and Selection: - It has been studied that the company always tries to
select the right people for the right jobs. In order to get the selection procedures right,
the organization has an effective recruitment process where they primarily provide
advertisements through different job portals as per the requirements in different
countries. Apart from that, the advertisements for vacancies are given through social
networking sites as well as through the local newspapers so that people having little or
no access to internet can also apply for the jobs. This makes the selection process
even more effective as there are more chances of getting right people for the right jobs
if the recruitment process is ordered in a proper manner.
From the point of view of internal sources of recruitment, it is always
preferred that the employees come up with referrals and the company also looks
forward to earlier selection processes and the availability of the people who couldn’t
join due to certain reasons or even missed out from selection by a small margin. As
such, we can say that the recruitment and selection process of the organization
maintains good ethical standards consistently throughout the countries it works in.
 Training and Development: - The most striking fact regarding Colodo is the fact that the
company strategy that is to enhance the life of the customers in a material way and the
training and development strategy has been aligned in a perfect manner and thus, they the
training programmes organized by the organization for their employees always manage to
help the employees carry out their responsibilities effectively and make optimum use of their
extreme potential. They have a complete mechanism in order to develop necessary skills in
accordance with the necessary skill sets required for specific jobs and according the
requirement of the countries they are working in.
 Employee Relations: - Organizations normally face noteworthy challenge in developing a
committed workforce. Employee commitment as well as trust in the leaders yield better
results when it comes to achieving a target. An energized and enthusiastic workforce would
always provide a level of commitment that is unmatchable. Colodo has proper mechanisms to
look after the employee-employer relationships and the pay fixation as well as the minimum
wages as well as salaries are always decided by the specific committees employed in each
country they work in. However, as there are varied interests and necessities, there is always
scope for improvement in this segment when it comes to ethical analysis of this particular
point. The same applies for leadership skills as it is found to be varied and the requirements
are different from the perspective of different cultures.
 Grievance Procedures and Disciplinary Matters: - In Colodo, there are grievance
redressal cells formed in every branch so that the grievances related to all issues such as
settlement of payment, gender issues, issues related to racism in workplace, discrimination
between workers in relation to variety of cultural issues are looked after with immediate
effect with rules and regulations from the country they are situated in. Employees are well
aware of the presence of these cells and thus can work very freely with an open mind set.
This has been a good initiative from the perspective of Colodo so that issues that can create
problems because it is a global company dealing with various levels of grievances as people
of different cultures work here are eliminated. These cells even look after the cases related to
disciplinary issues caused from both ends. Thus, the organization looks forward to an open
culture where people can work with authority with very few chances of their respect being
harmed. Further, the company can also be open with their decision making in the presence of
these grievance redressal cells as any sort of disciplinary issues are also looked after by the
same cells all across the organization and across its various branches. Still, as far as the
company is concerned, in respect to the ethical analysis part, there is still a lot of scope for
improvement in this department as the newer setups are still not capable enough to sort out all
problems and seek help from the other older branches.
 Health and Safety Matters: - The most important ethical issue related to health and safety in
the industry all around the world is the amount of confidentiality of the medical records of
employees who are suffering with various physical and psychological conditions. Further, the
organization must look after the fact that inappropriate discrimination against women,
minorities, disabled as well as hypersusceptible employees are avoided. In Colodo, apart
from looking after the health and medical conditions and ensuring safety through the
employee medical insurance scheme owned by the organization for their employees, the
grievance redressal cell also ensures the mental well being of the employees concerning the
conditions mentioned above. Thus, the health and safety of the employees has been a key
feature of the employer-employee relationship as the organization across all its branches has
ensured safety and precaution of the employees. Thus, from the perspective of ethical
analysis, this particular segment is extremely well looked after and affects the employees
very effectively and positively.
 Redundancy Procedures: - The redundancy procedure of the organization is well planned
out as the organization is aware of the differences in legal aspects as it’s branches are situated
in different parts of the world. Thus, the redundancy procedure in place follows several
inclusions such as: -
 Primarily informing the employees about the risk they are facing the
risk of redundancy and the best proposals available for them
 Identifying the roles at risk and identify pools for replacement
 Try to get the employees employed in an alternative manner
 Organize meeting that would help understand the feelings of the
employees and also help in eliminating chaos during the redundancy
process and this also helps in the employees having their say

Finally, we can conclude the discourse by commenting that when we look forward to do an
ethical analysis of a particular company; we look forward to a few pointers like -
1. The fundamental right to life and safety.
2. The human rights to privacy.
3. Freedom of conscience.
4. Freedom to speech
5. Freedom to private property.

From the perspective of Human Resource Management rights-based frameworks continue to

be relevant, particularly in areas like:
● Selection interview: - In this case, the right to privacy and confidentiality of personal
information, particularly those that are not relevant to the job and the commitment on the part
of the employer to ensure that is very important.
● Occupational testing: - The right to unbiased feedback on part of the organisation must be
looked after.
● Equal opportunities and diversity management: - The right of every employee to be treated
in the same manner or to be provided with special treatment in case of a few cases.
● Flexible employment contracts and working time: - The right of every employee to balance
profession as well as personal lives.
● Whistleblowing: - The rights to protest against wrongdoing inside the organization.
● Employee development: - the right of the employees to psychological and physical safety,
such as with relation to outdoor training, for instance and also training related to
minimization of safety hazards.

As such, from the earlier piece of the discourse, we can easily figure out that the employees
are in safe hands when it comes to the ethical implementation of human resource
management issues in Colodo. The necessary things that keeps the employees motivated as
well as reduces absenteeism as well as dropouts drastically has been implemented in a proper
manner. In spite of the fact that an ethical analysis is to look into the fact that whether the
minimum measures are taken by any firm or not, in Colodo, the Human Resource
departments all across the globe has not only been up to the minimum standards but in most
of the cases surpassed them with ease. However, there is still scope for improvement in cases
of the redundancy procedures, grievance redressal procedures as well as the safety measures
in a few branches, overall the Human Resource Department of Colodo has been up to the
standards and thus it can be assumed that the processes that are implemented over there have
been in conformity with the global ethical standards that ensures good life to their employees
both from the professional as well as the personal fronts.

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