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I. Directions:
What do you think will happen to the Filipino students if they don’t
have the subject Rizal? State your reasons. Create a quote on how
important is it for the students like you to know Dr. Jose Rizal.

I think Filipino students will not have any idea on how Dr. Jose Rizal
fought for our country and we all know that he was one of the
reason why we have freedom today. Students will not know his
sacrifices and his great works. They will not pay tribute to our
national hero for devoting his life and works in shaping the Filipino
character. I also think that Filipino students today, will not
understand better ourselves us a Filipino citizen. Dr. Jose Rizal taught
us that being a Filipino is what we should be proud of, that we
Filipinos are more than we capable of, and he also taught us that as
a Filipino, we need to stand and fight for our country.

“Rizal’s life taught us so many great things, so better use it in the

now and future.”

II. Directions:
1. Make a quick survey about who among your (10) college friends
know about RA 1425
2. Interview or Ask them
How do they pay tribute to our national hero for devoting his life and
works in shaping the Filipino character?
Why did Rizal fought and died for the Filipino people?
3. Synthesize the answers that they have and Write your reaction
about their Reponses.

❖ “I know what RA 1425 is all about. I pay tribute to our national

hero by reading his works like the Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo.” – Allyssa Kim Guevara
❖ “I know about RA 1425. I pay tribute to our national hero by
admiring his past works and I, always been amazed how he
talented and smart he is.” – Primitivo Lapuz
❖ “I am aware about RA 1425. I pay tribute to his works by not
forgetting how he fought for our country back then.” – Lorbey
Jane Santos
❖ “I know RA 1425. I pay tribute to Dr. Jose Rizal by visiting museums
to gain more knowledge about him.” – Renellie Mae Alcantara
❖ “I am well informed about RA 1425. I pay tribute to our national
hero by applying what he has taught on the past to my life
today.” – Sydelle Jaed Cabinalan

All of them know about RA 1425. I am happy that my friends are

all aware of this act and that they still pay tributes to our national
hero because in today’s generation, many teenagers are not
interested in Rizal’s life because they are busy with the
technology we have today and they are busy having their own
vices. And instead of reading Rizal’s novels, they prefer to read
other novels. Dr. Jose Rizal once said that “Kabataan ang Pag-
asa ng Bayan” so we should not fail him and do our best for the
country just like what he did in the past.

III. Directions:
1.Write a brief summary of Spanish Colonization in the Philippines.
2.Include some pictures taken from this period

The Spaniards had been exploring the Philippines since the early 16th
century. Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese navigator in charge of a
Spanish expedition to circumnavigate the globe, was killed by warriors
of datu Lapulapu at the Battle of Mactan. In 1543, Ruy López de

Villalobos arrived at the islands of Leyte and Samar and named

them Las Islas Filipinas in honor of Philip II of Spain, at the time Prince of
Asturias. Philip became King of Spain on January 16, 1556, when his
father, Charles I of Spain (who also reigned as Charles V, Holy Roman
Emperor), abdicated the Spanish throne. Philip was in Brussels at the
time and his return to Spain was delayed until 1559 because of
European politics and wars in northern Europe. Shortly after his return to
Spain, Philip ordered an expedition mounted to the Spice Islands,
stating that its purpose was "to discover the islands of the west". In
reality its task was to conquer the Philippines for Spain. The population

of Luzon and the Visayas at the time of the first Spanish missions is
estimated as between 1 and 1.5 million, overall density being low.

The Spanish successfully invaded the different local states by

employing the principle of divide and conquer. Under Spanish rule,
disparate barangays were deliberately consolidated into towns,
where Catholic missionaries were more easily able to convert the
inhabitants to Christianity. Under Spanish rule, Catholic
missionaries converted most of the lowland inhabitants to Christianity.
They also founded schools, a university, hospitals, and churches. To
defend their settlements, the Spaniards constructed and manned a
network of military fortresses across the archipelago. Slavery was also
abolished. As a result of these policies the Philippine population
increased exponentially.

The Spanish colonial period ended with the Philippine Revolution in

1898, which marked the beginning of the American colonial era of
Philippine history.

IV. Direction:
1. Make a historical timeline during the Spanish Colonization.

Christopher Columbus, together with the
brothers Martin and Vicente Pinzón, sails west
from Palos in Spain.
Vasco Núñez de Balboa reaches the Pacific
coast and claims the ocean for the king of

In the Treaty of Rijswijk, Spain cedes the western
half of Hispaniola to France, which names its
new colony Saint-Domingue.

Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador become
the Spanish viceroyalty of New Granada, with
Bogota as the capital.

With acts of defiance in Sucre, Bolivia becomes
the first American province to rebel against the
Spanish authorities.
The newly independent republic of Argentina
takes possession of Las Islas Malvinas (the

The Ten Years' War ends in Cuba, with Spain
promising extensive reforms including the
abolition of slavery

The US battleship Maine is blown up in Havana
harbour, sparking off the Spanish-American War.

The three-year Philippine-American War is
brought to an end, and the Philippines become
a US colony.

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