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A pitot-static tube is used to measure the airspeed at the test

section of a wind tunnel. If the pressure difference across the

pitot-static tube is 0.11 m of water, what is the airspeed at the
test section? If the ratio of the cross-sectional area between the
largest section and the test section is 100:1, what is the
airspeed at the largest section? Assume incompressible flow at
standard sea level conditions.
Ans. V2 = 41.97 meters per sec. V1 = 0.4197 meter per sec.

The diameter of a horizontal tube is 4 in., in which

tetrabromoethane (spec. grav. = 0.30) is flowing at the rate of
0.50 cu ft. per sec. The pressure is 30 lb. per sq. in. (gage). If the
tube gradually decreases to 3 in. in diameter, what is the
pressure there?
Ans. PB = 6,416.16 lb per sqft or 44.56 lb per sq in

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