Korean Conversation 2 Dialogues

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ul Bll HH = J Ki B. oH iol a Bl oH = 4Ok a %! a rime se ea EL ojo}7i84 #2 1. SIL Wot $21 WI7t Bel ABO lel oloHisis. BS wep aj ea. FELIU Ml, Sis eI | BelAtol 7197 SILE OF. HE SHO] OIA] 7H. AI MES? PELME BS. THA MBS Afa| Z 7}012. Q1Lf TaHa? As ZO] HES ANT A0ie. ofBt 2 a HoH? PE RCHLOIL} POISE OFM? SILf Behe ofS? FAL BO}, Tela FEE Zo] WAAL. PILE i, BeiAlol 7H Ati S BONS PEL AB OE. M7} MO} ONL Ulshes SUH BAe. snus 1, 2 So Sag. Tain Mee oe Belvo. 1) 2 OS My, OIE O11? Ur Bw Stole. AE FET BE NNTIO}A. A, 014 184 71d ABOjaI.2. JES, Balael7t A oles, DOH, 2) 7k: E71 Mi, Ota O1CIo4 240197 Us B9t Satalol zlo12, 2k: Of, TEICd BRO Mes SALAH Olt MES 1a? USS avixis MBsie. Tell A IY op] Se At Sega, 3) 7k IL}, OFA HOH? Ur stalaioe 20] a] 21 Solna. 2k BRO MAAS ABO O}a, Ur aes ofa JE CHS Be UA. Uru, CHE MBS A}OFAIHHIa, Pa eee eo sia olor 1st #2 1, $ Alo] Mz SIS OE BlO}2, FS az} MS % ak Ogata, te: Ogata? Fal Wl. SBpIO|OLS. % a Ie olga xa ‘eiled: & viainlot a aiyole. 21 Wea? % 3144 Wo] Boral wstSLICh MN eee Dt No ate ed Let's Talk 1. Anna and Yu-jin talk about a graduation gift. Listen ‘carefully and repeat. ‘usin: Are you going to Chris's graduation, Anna? ‘Anat No, | have another engagement. What about you, vein? Yurjn: Yes, Im going, so [need to buy a present. ‘Anna’ Really? | want to go buy a present with you, too. What kind of gift will you buy? Yurjn’ How about a bouquet of flowers ora cake? ‘Anna: What about a bouquet?” ‘Yurjn: Sounds good, Let's also get a cad. ‘Anna: Oh, and remember to take pictures. Yurjin: Don't worry. I'l take pictures and send them to you, Anna Listen and Repeat 1L_ Listen carefully and mark the gifts that were bought. {)& Miseon, how was your trip? Bt was really nice. The scenery was beautiful, and the food was great. This is a souvenir from the tip. ‘A Wow, the key chain is realy prety. Thank you 2). Where were you yesterday, Jun-ki? B: Iwas at my nephew's first bithday party. I see. By the way, what do Koreans buy for a baby's first bithday? &: They usually buy a gold ring, but | just bought some baby clothes. 3) What is this Anna? B It's clock | gott for Zui as a wedding gift. K They don’t give clocks as gifts in China. B: Oh, no. What do I do? K How about you exchange it for something else? 8: Okay, Il get another gift Unit 2. Iwas busy with work. Let's Talk :L. Two people are talking, Listen carefully and repeat. Ju-won' Hello, sir. Head Manager: Hi, Ju-won. Its been along time. .Ju-won: How have you been? Head Manager: Ive been busy but great. How about you? Ju-won: [ve been busy with work. 154 1 erso1 si Ais: 7 AbPAS| pl Ws @ xa? 1: Of, Al Mj BOF Mol SAS TOS SLC 1: 0}, THQ? HE AY Sst012. 1, MS ALANS 1p Al 412 BIBL [ O, ABSA. Tale cial = sia. 4) 92d. Cheol BaLSLICh af ae Ser oe oF ob enusa 1 B80 eae. Tela ase we Bet HEE. 1) 7h 21S M, SetptolOls. Lr a, heap? B ZILLI? 7h td, B XsO1. of) x}I0}2? Lb 801 Qala & dolsn of=uloles aIUch 7k OF, ee, OEHIOIE E Cima? BSOIa? UE OFLC. HOI REHCt 2h Ob 2he? BI CHsOL Esta. Uru, ate! Clo BS Lich 2) 7 OHL| Ml, BO Z oF Hop Zo}. ofc} ofs}a7 UR OLIG, =iAHoH 210] BOF 2 maa, 7k Ta1a? 22 Bal Hol TIMI. OM & AA. Ub ojujois, 2 cl sz Bol 2 lots. Phu, BAo1e. eIuAle. 3) 7k Seipto}O4D. Ojo] Al, AKO}? Ur ul, WHE ChAgIOL. 2h 242? OfCIOl 20427 Ur ss}olol 201. 7k Zumt? Sf, B12}0| Ofek? BOLL? Ubu, a2 €2loig. RPS ai eae ojoy7ieH 1. 27h Mt el Salo IS BT Gols, a Bm why af A. aiek-9oie So} Cena? 217 Of7Ioa| APSSI7IA| Oh? AR: SH BOW 10H HAS E}-D 7a. TelD AjIe4oH, xuelae air: Arena ONL 24a? AB: HAS OBB Bw 71092. 217k Ul, 2AREILICH. “BAS 24 A, MeRRILICE MS St0| oIcIol ois? BAER ADIPIOL CBOs 7x12. TeIel SapsO| wa HON. alk Wl, DESUCH Head Manager: By the way, how's Mr. Minsu Kim? _Ju-won’ Oh, Mr. Kim recently quit his job. Head Manager: Really? | had no idea. Ju-won: Yes, he quit his job and is currently taking a break. Head Manager: Oh, | see. Well, tak to you again soon. _Ju-won: Yes sir. Illsee you soon, Listen and Talk 1. Listen carefully and connect the correct answer. {DA Hi Min-woo. t's been a itil BiH, how have you been? A Good. How about you? B:1'm looking fora job and doing part-time work. Oh, really? How's your part-time job? Are you having any difficulties? 8: Oh, no. Not at all's alot of fun. ‘8 Oh, realy? talk to you again soon. 8: Ok, talk to you later. 2). Annie, you don't look too good. Is everything alright? Yes, I'm just tired because | have a lot of work in the office. ‘Really? You should go home soon and get some rest. No, it's okay. | havea lot of work to do. 8 Okay, hang in there. 3) Al's been a long time, Mei. How are you? : Good, | was on vacation, ‘Really? Where did you go? Bl went to Hawaii Really? Wow. How was Hawaii? Was it great? Bes, it was really great. USC Ld Let's Talk 1. Rika is asking a hotel clerk for directions. Listen carefully and repeat. Hotel Clerk Can t help you? Rika: How do I gett City Hall station from here? Hotel Clerk: Take the 120 bus in front of the hotel. Then get off at City Hall station. Rika’ How long does it take to City Hall station? Hotel Clerk It takes around 10 minutes by bus Rika: Olay, thank you. awhile later- Rika: Uh, excuse me. Where s the Sejong Theater? Man: Turn right at the intersection over there. Then, you! see the post office Rika: Okay, thank you. on) 155 en we 1, $Ot Mgt CHL MIS EQ SP BIS AOL. HO} HID. FOr CHL wl, Eaglo4 wha? CE OLIG. We Boe. 9197 49h 92] Bola ABO AF BIE B AAO, eH Ml SoM. QUES, B Mule AE ST Ugole Tete Fe Ml Lol ojcions7 Pt SY SA AHO WOU. CH aM] BS (Cola? OILE 22} SHE SMI FOE Se Eh Nora 120% BIAS ED OMI. iL 9) Selma QOH wel? 491 o}0} Aw 20z5 Ziel Hole. iL 9! Alpha] zing? 42% GAlOl BF ZA AA. IepTIA] OAL. SIL BCID. SERIO] 40 ee eee r ory olorrist sts2 1. NS Mo} CHLI94 AYE fo 71st, 2D wat a A, CHL AIS al, 20] a oe] aI? x) #4, Bog, CHL SHUN OLN? AL a= OE BAL Bt OAL? 3) RAS. HE we Se Hora, ASO ChLIee: “et State ele ajzrmi a? 2) Bul, WIT 34S Bo] A\H9. CHLIQE 017191 ett olan ae SMO. S02 Ul WAALICh TaD See SezeUUCh X| Baja? At 10197 Bele Sejota $47} ISUch CHL: i, ZHAPRILIC snwas 1.2 Boj wae. 72/2 82 201 vee. 1) 518k A, 72 URSUICE. Stell SAL. OF: AAPRILICE. A BeOS. 42 uo SMa. PAU, VAELICE Of: aia tO] Of0kSz? FEL: Fal BIO] BO] ZoIA| SID BIRO}, 2) 213i: Rist al, 121 So}Opx|@? SAH x1zkO| Of Stelol@ Zo| xe ox) Zea? Listen and Talk 11. Su-an and Anna are planning to watch a soccer match this Saturday. Listen carefully. Su-an’ Anna, ae you busy this Saturday? ‘Anna: No, | don't have anything special planned. Why? Su-an’ A couple of friends and | are planning to watch a soccer match this Saturday at my house. You should come ‘Anna: Wow, that's great | wanted to see it as well. Where o,you lve? Suan’ live near Central Park. Where do you live, Anna? ‘Anna’ | live near the Lala Department Store. Su-ani Um, then take the 120 bus in front of the department store ‘Anna: How long wilt take to Central Park? Suan: it will probably take around 30 minutes. ‘Anna: What time should Ibe there? Suan’ The soccer game starts at 6 p.m. You can come by then. ‘Anna’ Okay, Ill see you Saturday. ees ele Let's Talk 1. Ji-yun and Daniel are talking. Listen carefully and repeat. Danie J-yun, do you want to have lunch together? di-yun: Okay, sounds good. Daniel: How about dakgalbi? Do you lke spicy foods? Jleyun: Ofcourse. lke spicy foods. -atthe restaurant Daniel Shall we get two orders of dakgalbi? Ji-yun: Olay, and let's order some noodles. Daniel: Excuse me! Can we have two orders of dakgalbi and some noodles? Server: Okay. And beverages are free of charge. Jiryun: Really? What do you have? Server: We have Coke and juice. Daniel Okay, thank you. Listen and Talk 1 Listen carefully and place a check mark next to the discussion you hear. 1) Server Excuse me. Heres the cumy you ordered. Enjoy your meal. Mark: Thank you. It looks good. Hope you enjoy it Su- jin Surjn: Okay, thank you Mark: How’s the cumy? 156 1 erso1 si Xi: $0}, THe} 5 Pale 37} B1EI0197 >|: 22 1210] IB 17/7} Bora. 2 ze ST HOD. x] A 1 Ih BOHID? HIG: Mis C} Bolshse, 2] O|u}7} zhat Aizls seh? aja: Bola. o}o}7iaH 1. U4 Wt ale Wl7t SH SION Os Olofriste. BS wap EMS. SLE AY Ue 2S 24 Sethe? aivl: ME OFMOICH +218 dt slojse FLL OMOICH +348 s427 mlme}A] shore? Avl: NBO & MBH Tae WAO}a. Uy als ese? SLE UL ME Me Ole Go] 30 2218 ae Tel Be FHAPIAD Biol AIS a oH. ALL HS Hole ASO £58 Hole. eid ee 2140] BOHM Ol 2BOz UIROIR, enue 1 80 eMe. Tela ave 28 eetsls. 1) 7 AE Beat APBENES? LeBzBie. On| Bbl SES et Sol Aza Jk MWe] ALAS 213 4049. Lae Bol oF FOR. THOS OLS. SIL, S, A UL 2)7k Ae a, AEIS UB HO1R? HALE Ad Oks Us Atle 27 ofa tat aelol S18 io 7k BBQ? Belol a 20197 Us AGLS uli OS 491 Bet ol BI mo} BB 719, ANSI A Al alOlaig. Ofp aa Ara! ala we Hole. 7k Of, axe? DORI. Sujin: The cury is sweet and delicious with a lot of fruit init. 2) Rico’ J-yun, you lke chicken, don't you? There's a really 00d chicken restaurant nearby. Do you want to 0 together for dinner? J-yun’ Okay. What's good at that particular restaurant? Rico: The soy sauce chicken is their most popular item (on the menu. It’s a bit sweet and savory. What kind of flavors do you ike? Jeyunt like everything, Shall we have the soy sauce chicken then? Rico: Sounds great remy Cie ne Let's Talk 1. Yurna and Kevin are talking about their exercise habits. Listen carefully and repeat. Yurna’ Hi Kevin. What kind of exercise are you doing these days? Kevin: | go swimming every moming, Yurna: You go swimming every morning? Don't you feel tired? Kevin: | felt tired at fist, but now I'm okay. Do you work out, Yuna? ‘Yurna’ Yes, go jogging for 30 minutes after dinner. My body feels lighter and I sleep better at night. Kevin: | used to work out after dinner, too. But Ive been busy these days and changed to a morning routine. Listen and Talk 1. Listen carefully and connect the correct answer. DA Shall | begin? B: Wait a minute. Let's warm up fis. But realy want to start playing tennis BF you don't warm up, its bad for your body. Okay, follow me. One, two, three, four. 2)K: Jin-woo, have you seen Steve? He's not answering his phone. 8: Steve? I think he may be at the park next to the school. The park? Why did he go to the park? B: Steve goes to the park these days to take pictures. Photography is his hobby. He's probably still taking pictures right now. 40h, really? Thanks. on) 137 Cor Udo ae ale ojo}7i84 #2 1. ELMS! CHL WI} O10 Ista. 3 ET We oH A, RACH My, 271= w OMS? ZoMMOI2? CyUgt Ul, 41014 alaortoie, # UAee Ao] seal wate? CLgE UP x1 Soy AL47|74 2. F TWBBa? Szoie odo] WIS S012. CyLIeh ALIZILIME 28 8 ZION. BA AejOl Ofc} 7¢ ZO 3-7 HD. A= At 71S ALOF cea. Ugh Ta}, TeiGl xa HIE Bol SUSE O70 2 7g, eng 1, e7jolola. a Sol aie, ‘At Olvidli= Se BME etorASLIct JISAEL QB OINAOS 3 WHORLS? OS ofAIRt A9| 71S 20/7} HY BASUCL Of! ISS 92 W MetZD SOE 7120] 25=741 SN 2a BASU. S207 Hol gee Sul A BASLE Sele Sheol vial Kiet 8 SAAN sole HO] Hol Mize Lich. EtAjolo| 1304 UI7t 2z1et Ula! OFBIOH= aAeUC. uigauict, Prime ra Bad bog ojoy7ta4 3 1, Xl uI7t Alstol StS Bie. Seta eM. 2/8 QUAPRILICH AS AAS SILICh Za: CRSSHIO? HD 4 AL OOS & tI Necie. aigb 2d 8 Al2 Ore SETI? Alo: 2% TALS OffeH HH, 218 U, BASLCh. ee BOLE? Xia: 4 Bolo, Bak ul Melon ee gel Fale. ‘lai: 2 1e12. 010-2863-0690%0}012. 2pSL QUAPRILICH. UR 1 TAL, Zl A OFF Ses Such. Ale: ALSLICE LARSILICE. ROM eu COe a hc e gc Let's Talk 1. Yusjin and Daniel are talking, Listen carefully and repeat. Yurjn: Daniel, how is your cold? Has it gotten better? Daniel Yes, I got some rest and feel much better. Yuxjn: Then do you want to go play basketball? Daniel What? It’s raining right now. Yurjn: Really? | didn't know. | didn’t hear the weather forecast this morning, Daniet t's just a sudden shower, so it will probably stop 5000. ‘Yuxjin: Then let's play basketball later. | just need to stop by the dormitory Danie: Okay. t's raining hard, so leave your basketball here Listen and Talk 1 Listen to the weather forecast. Listen carefully. Newscaster: Let's find out about today’s weather. Weather forecaster: I's become chillier in the morning and evening these days. Today we will see a big gap in between temperatures. In the morning, the temperature wil bea bit chilly at 9 degrees and go up to 25 degrees in the afteroon. Please make sure you wear a jacket. Skies are clear in the moming but will become cloudy towards the afternoon. It will rain in the evening but will stop ‘tomorrow morning, And that was the weather forecast. Vem ne ten tea neg ra Let's Talk 1 Ji-hyeiis calling a restaurant. Listen carefully and repeat. Staff Thank you for calling, Thisis Sejong restaurant. Ji-hye: Hello, 'd like to make reservations for dinner tomorrow, Staff Okay, sure. How many will that be? Jye’ Three, please. Staff: Sure. Could you give me your name and number? Jirhye: My name is Ji-hye Kim and my number is 010- 2863-0600. SSaff.Thank you. Reservations have been made for three under the name, Ms. Jitye Kim, 7 pm. tomorrow evening, Jichye: Ok thank you 158 1 erso1 si e2 wil 1, BHol MMe. Tein awe ae slats. 1) BAF OfteN12? wo] WH] BAIA. 0} S14} Lo] et BLY AY ZI Ml WO MIEN & SE Pol. xis mfste| ogee ‘icin Be BAO Hor wos. 816] 2x2, StuLsizea Cal aaa nol 22t0|2. ojey7t #2 Date OfSH97 77] ABAEIOIRI? ARCH, PES, AAI OMAHA. HS AIMIO|AIT BILICH ARIS Aes we USN, aigl-dl Mea at SoU Ah Of, 21 Sol? {aL G1 AJOL 9 1012 OEY SEINE? Coen Ee core lo} i832 1. IG Aig} OF aI7t ofS CHAE CIO IONE. BED cto 42. Rlg: O15 Ml, 74 Hole? DIAL O}, cid elt Molole2. ov! #7I0l HOR Os rein aa. AG 2}. SHU. o(C|2 7197 setloe 2 iol, AIS MIE Sti0l 7 8018? UME 2 Holl COIR, OI: ofc aed Beto? RIS Ae ASU BE Sola. Tela AMAlTeE xoley ana. OS: #, SAE OCI? BOQ? DES WD ARE AAS 9.47} Wor. BMo(x)OH A ete SOHAL, Ou, Bal aolsle. sruas 1 8 80l eae. Tela age ie eee. 2) 7ECHLIeH M, Amel OF88 a ChaRtojS? Leu of Batata. 7k ABIRIOL #012? Urg2's 722019. TeIn sore ams paBOS, 2 7k-+Zt ole OBO AROS #7} Heine Zo) zeHs? Lb Bois, As GHRON 7F a VetOt 2k 77101 Al BIE AA, Ur el ula] Fe ofa Smt? Listen and Talk 1 Listen carefully and connect the correct answer. )Jong-suk Hello, Mei? This is Jongsuk | wil be running late for the party because work hasn't finished, Pease tell J-yun that | am sorry Mei: Okay, take your time. H PPS SOHD. F0| O1% Holo? OL BAF GE X]OPROOLY 58 Be ZI, SUI: e4O? HO} }OHBEHO] Yo Be|aHAUIa. O|AFST ge oma? ge S Jeo M Solty meee, Tela SAH, SRE UT IHS slo Eola. x7} the AcHeIAIe. =2/o4a. SOL ACH FAD. ato eawas 1, $21 ut oo] MIE IC aloe. B Ho} SAIS, FL ofo| ul, o1C]o4a7 0): 2A, ORAS. HAS EX] et AIZIO| Rte OF 20 minutes prior to the performance. Ju-won’ Okay, sounds good. But ths isthe first time for me to see a classical performance so I'm a bit nervous: Isthere anything | need to prepare? Mei: No, there is nothing to prepare so don't worry. Ju-wor’ Oh, can | take drinks inside? Mei: No, we normally cannot bring any beverages or food toa concert hal. But water would be okay. .Ju-won: Okay, Il see you tomorrow. Listen and Talk 1. Atourist guide is talking to people. Listen carefully. Tourist guide: Okay, we have now arrived in front of the National Museum. First, we will get off the bus and take pictures. After taking pictures, we will go inside the museum, ‘The museum is quite big so take your time. Please do not tak in a loud voice or touch anything with your hands. After the tour, please come back to the bus by 330, Please do not be late and come backin time VPA ea Dreeeats Let's Talk :L. Sumi and Mei are talking. Listen carefully and repeat. Su-mi:You come to work so early, Mel. Is your house close towork? Mei Yes, it's been two months since | moved near work. ‘Su-mi Realy? Isn't housing near the office expensive? Mei It is expensive compared to other areas. But | like being nearby. Su-mi What area are you at? Mei | live 5 minutes away from the subway station, in front of the office. Su-mi Really? It must be convenient to live near the subway station, How's the new place? Mei The room is a bit small, but it’s clean since it’s new. Also i's great because there's a park and cafe nearby. UWinvite you over sometime. You should come by. su-mi Okay. Please do invite me over. Listen and Talk 1. Ju-won is waiting for Mei. Listen carefully. .Ju-won: Mei, where are you? Mei sorry Jurwon. Ive been on the bus for more than an 162 1 erso1 si HAMS. HAVE [HE BRET 222 49 oy Baluig. Fal Fe OFC BOIS? nfo): -~. Of] APO] oHe. eI Che A ore. Fal IH Old 2 SAeigule. YE ONG. fo): i. Rot CH (CIA FAS. Zw ojokeHe BS Besa ea Ca oad olor 1. MO] APE et MOI PRS BI lOIe. w BT MFEh ALS. Ol: 4 a 2S wha? 2b 01. 197 HO 7+ FBIOM OLE Piel AIZt NOD NB Soke + sioia? 49k 282. Ht SEAL. ote 1H? MHOr: .2eI04 ae, TeICA BI WEIS OF & BO}a. OF AHO? TAtAI7} AI BAIS SOAS. om] SOTA? nfo: EaeIol si2129., 42k 2e Saelol ofo] | Hox Wie. YF4 8 72H Bag. HOE 8. ABA SALA. Tete of OFLIeH att AS 4 1S 4 Lola. A|SIeIoH LEIA ais}atet a2 Uap. 40k ul eatoiel alsiaiale, nok Az BOAR. enue 1 #80 eMe. Tela ave 28 eietsls. 1) 7: 0| Ml, sf Bol gt 7127 Le sfol Uizzecl @ato| ola ol 2131 cH tote. IE AEE SHO) SL OID. Up BB.O? Tel O}oreir|OF CAS WAI 4 1010? ual 8 S24 Seg. JkeO1g. HUE SAS Sie. Tel ele IcHelale, 2) 7k 01 M, Fe @ Q0}a? Ur APAL BIE} a et SIA QE CI sole olptetriet Bele] 4 BF 21012? PhS ME B SEA. Te A MeOH ge MAIS Ag. LL, BOISI, Of albtel x} HEtCHAY oleate, 7k OO. 2s CBO ele Med At EAL. hour but m stil on the bus. it usually takes an hour but todayt's taking too long. _Ju-won’ Where are you right now? Mei: Hmm... see City Hall. | think Im almost there. u-wor: You should arrive soon. Please hurry. Mei: Okay, just please wat a bit more. I'm really sory. Unit 13. Can you help me? Let's Talk 1L Mei is asking Su-an for a favor. Listen carefully and repeat. Mei: Are you busy these days Suran? Suran: No, why? Mei: 'm moving this weekend and was wondering if you could help me? ‘Su-an: Of course, I'l help you. When are you moving? Mei:I'm moving this Sunday. But | haven't packed my things yet. Sura’ Really? can help you with packing, When should | help? Mei was planning to doit on Saturday. Listen and Talk 1 Listen carefully and connect the correct answer. 1) A Mei, why aren't you going home? 1 went outside but since | don't have an umbrella, | came back. Ihave an extra umbrella, Really? Then, can | borrow it? return it tomorrow. Okay. You can take your time returning it. Can you weit a minute? 2) Hi, Mei. Is there something wrong? The office printer is not working so | couldnt ‘my work. I'm sorry but can you take @ look at the printer? K-Hmm.1 don't know what's wrong as well. You can just use the printer on my desk. Okay, thank you. 'm sorry | keep asking for help. K-No problem. You can treat me to dinner next time Dene Ee ee clotted 1. QIL9} F210] ObIO| HOE. BETO wD. iL #2 ehsbia” te opto, FRU, Bw Velpio|ole IE w alto}? QIU a, 2 xoI. a6 OIL Ml m0] WAOl Ba Sou. oes Mast of CHAS? SHE Be. Ce e710] Fa toe septa. SA: SH CHES. BHO} AIO] GO| SAA. Lk Of ola, OF CHD. AaB Bor, Ht Tele SIL pale SIONS SLA 9 at ol? 2: A SRB alaig gle. TY sole wien 201 Ligol esol ofgle 7h Bis Aretat olopIeEa ao19, en wae 1, Maiela} of m7 ojo}, wot MIS, BAL OID M, 28 HO BH7t of? OS: BEE CO}7} BOA w O12 cI AHS AHO|ZIO}2. BAF OF BOD 01a? Of: 420] Bet OH Hl 7H mie 1S chal stole, HAE Bet So} Sit ula. eI OFS WEE oF SOS Wie7] Alstatois? OLA: AID} os SIRES BOA SIROHS wHe7] APO. ‘Siig! ABS esol Rate 7h ees IE BoD MOL, E 7107} SI BIR SHALOM BE oH 4 Bl 2m Enola, BAL IU. HE OA Mel BS Sasa. Unit 14. You're pronunciation has gotten Pence Let's Talk 1 It's been a long time since Anna and Ju-won have met ‘each other. Listen carefully and repeat. ‘Anna’ Hi, Juswon. It's been a while, .Ju-won: Yes it's been along time. How have you been? ‘Anna: Great. Ju-won: Your pronunciation has gotten better, Anna. Do ‘you sil take classes at the Sejong Institute? ‘Anna’ OF course. 'm moving up to the intermediate class nest semester Ju-won: Wow! That's great: Your Korean must have really improved. ‘Anna: Not really 'm stil not good enough. | have a lot to learn. .lu-won: But why are you learning Korean, Anna? ‘Anna’ Actually, | don’t have any special reason. I'm just learning it as 0 hobby. I'd lke to talk with Koreans when I visit Korea later on, Listen and Talk :L. The teacher and Markare talking, Listen carefully. Teacher Hi, Mark. How are your studies going? Mark: it's a bit dificult with so much new vocabulary, but itsa lotoffun Teacher: How do you study these days? Mark: go home and review what I leamed in class. Teacher: You are working really hard. By the way, why did you first start learning Korean? Mark: | love Korean movies and that's why | first started learning the language. But now | would really like to go to Korea and major in Korean films. IF! have the chance, I'd also like to work for a Korean movie ‘company. Teacher: That's great. You have my full support, Mark! 14 1 erso1 si

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