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North South University

Spring Semester: 2021

HIS 101: Bangladesh History and Culture

Instructor: Dr. Zerina Shabnaz Akkas (ZrS)
Department of History and Philosophy

Section 3

Submitted by:

Student Name Student ID

s…. 181……

Date of Submission: 2nd April, 2021

How Bangladesh govt. revived it and how can we recapture it as patronized as before

In 2014, The Bangladesh government has already taken up a project to restore it. In 2017, from
the Victoria and Albert Museum of London, researchers brought a sample of Muslin woven in
1710. They Made a DNA test of that sample and tried to genetically match it with the local
variety of cotton. The researcher noticed a close match with a local variety and cultivated in the
fields of the botany department of Rajshahi University. With the help of two weavers, who had
ancestral knowledge, they successfully produced 6 initial samples of saris estimated to be
BDT360,000 or US$4,245 (Rezwan, 2021).

Picture: Local variety cultivated in the fields of the botany department of Rajshahi University.

By comprehensive study, research, and innovation on the Muslin industry we can recapture this
heritage again. We might provide support and encouragement to the local Jamdani Weavers. By
arranging Art exhibitions, the fashion industry can recapture it. Textile museums can be
established in different districts of Bangladesh. The government might set up an archival law for
the preservation of important formulas of Muslin. In short, we need to create awareness among
our next generation and inspire them to research and innovate about Muslin.

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