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Negara, agama dan bangsa

Teachers bear the heavy responsibility of molding the minds of our

nation’s most precious resource, its children.

As a future teacher, my goal it will be to establish a classroom that would

be print rich environment that invites the students to learn, a safe place
to be, and a place where learning is fun.

As a teacher, I believe it is my moral obligation to bring to the classroom

an open mind, positive attitude and the highest expectations for each and
every student. I believe by maximizing the benefits of dedication,
perseverance, and hard work, I will inspire and encourage my students to
give their best towards education.


My teaching experience began in June of 2009 when I attended an

interview session for the position of Contract Graduate Teacher, a
position offered by the Ministry of Education. I was eager to explore
this opportunity and I took up the offer to attend the interview
session as I had always been interested in the teaching profession.

I was pleasantly surprised when I received a telephone call only two

weeks after my interview asking me to report for work as a contract
teacher at the Taman University Secondary School, or SKTU 1 in
short. The school I believe is a prominent primary school situated in
Taman University, Skudai here in Johor Bahru. There I was evaluated
by the head mistress, Pn. Tumirah and the others teachers as well.

I was based at the school for the next 6 months between

the months of June to December) were I was given the
task of teaching Year 1 English, Math, Science, Moral,
Music and Art. I was not required to teach all these
subjects at the same time but rather in stages. During my
tenure at the school I was also elected replacement
teacher for Year 1 and 2, replacing teachers who were
away on maternity leave. Later I was also granted the
opportunity to grade the final year and the PKSR exam
papers. As I gained experience and confidence of the
senior teacher I was then asked to set exam an papers for
a number of subjects such as Moral, Art and Music to
name a few.

Being a temporary / contract teacher has allowed me to

gain experience in many areas and has both rewarding as
well as educational for me. Through teaching I at the
school I was responsible for the student attendance or
daily register, disciplinary and attendance records,
students report and health cards, the 001 card details
and student ranking within a class for the year 2010. I
also gained experience dealing with parents to collect the
annual school fees. This included learning the art of
persuasion when dealing with sometimes difficult or
sensitive issues related to the collection of fees.
Besides this, I also enjoyed teaching with help of teaching
aids provided as an alternative method with the help of
information readily available in the resource rooms,
libraries, laboratories all within the school grounds. Of
course the best experience is the one gained in the class
room where interaction with students is always the most
precious experience.

At a more professional level I attended most teachers

meetings and contributed ideas on how teachers can
improve the learning experience and gain better support
and attention for their students.

Teaching has helped shape the way I think and act in

public as well as thought me many of life’s lessons on the
importance of education, the availability of resources
such as text books for the less fortunate, dealing with all
levels of people from difficult students to parents and
school staff.

After my contract ended at SKTU , my journey in the teaching line

continued as I was excepted to join a private religious school called
Madrasah Tahfiz Al Iman in the same location as SKTU1. At this
school I was offered the position of English teacher for a further 6
months. Here as an English teacher I was in charge of guiding
UPSR, PMR and SPM students in the English language according to
the allocated syllabus. This included both the written and spoken or
oral aspect of the subject as preparation for the final examinations.

I was also involved in the co-curriculum activities and served as the

English Club and Society advisor, where I was in charge of the
“English corner” project, an idea derived to both beautify the
English corner for the school as well as to create awareness on the
importance of the language.

- Being a library teacher -

From this I decided to further expand my resume and wanted to

provide an environment where I could learn, improve and educate
all in one. I started giving private tuition to all interested students
who wanted extra guidance in this subject.

Though I have only had little experience in comparison to my more

senior colleagues, I hope this could be a stepping stone for me to
grow as an educator and as a person. I have always believe in the
notion no river to wide , no mountain to high and I hope my journey
does not end here as I still hunger to absorb so much more from this
line of work.

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