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Introducing yourself $f New language Using ‘to be’ with names Aa Vocabulary Names and letters Fe New skill Saying your name you can greet people by saying “Hello!” or “Hil” introduce yourself using "lam." You may also need to spell out the letters of your name. 1.1 KEY LANGUAGE SAYING YOUR NAME ‘There are different The a ire pero vendeee poeta sere! Wis often sed mcs comersation introducing yoursel =) ee Hi! My name is Joe. | rece sisyeursonet> Rittman Pees aoe Bee * 1.2 OTHER WAYS TO SAY YOUR NAME In conversational English, speakers often use contractions. These are shortened versions of pairs of words. 4 4 I'm Lyla. My name's Joe. You can contract "lam" tom’. You can contract ‘name isto “name's* 1.3 HOW TO FORM SAYING YOUR NAME lam Lyla. My name is Joe. - - Use a captalleter at the start of name. 2 1.4 REWRITE EACH SENTENCE IN ITS CONTRACTED FORM Mynameis Jack. tae @ lam Charlotte. @ My name is Una. © My name is Simone. @ lam Carlos. © lamJuan. © My name is Miriam. @ | amSarah. *) ee, AND SAY THEM OUT LOUD subject. 1.6 USE THE CHART TO CREATE 12 CORRECT SENTENCES E J 1.5 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO, THEN NUMBER THE PEOPLE IN THE ORDER IN WHICH THEY SPEAK Finish with verb form, ME —. . 1.7 KEY LANGUAGE ‘SPELLING YOUR NA me? (My name $Jacob, J-A-c.0.5, maui ® f ape I How do you spell your last name? pale LL -A-M-s, ‘This is how you ask someone & weaaecrne ( How do you spell your full name? | LAc-0-8 W-I-L-L-A-M-S,_ ‘Thisis your frst name. Geena 2 ~ Fi *) ——___, oo 1.8 PRONUNCIATION THE ALPHABET Listen to how the letters of the alphabet are pronounced in English. Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk LI Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq | Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz | Fy) 1.9 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AS PEOPLE SPELL THEIR NAMES, AND WRITE OUT @ S EACH SPELLING ioe. oe My name is Gabriel, My name's Molly, G-A-B-RI-E-L. a ° My last name is na A | My last name's Lopez, a e ° am Ben James, & a ee *) ‘AaNamesandletters] le Saying your name [] ie $f? New language “To be’ with ages and nay, yo ib ‘Aa Vocabulary Numbers and nationalities se Hh New skill Talking about yourself BB aking about yourself alt Its useful to know how to Sa where you come from, YOu cal about these topics JR AGE 3.1 KEY LANGUAGE SAYING YOU arb “to be" t ears How old are you? e 1am 25 years old. MS =a ranges th the sbjok " 4 —————|_—- 3.2 FURTHER EXAMPLES SAYING YOUR AGE Ruby is seven years old. # Izzy and Chloe are 13. ''m 44 today. ‘ My grandma is 92 years old. @ *) _—— 3.3 HOW TO FORM SAYING YOUR AGE “The numbercan be followed by ‘years ne erage eran sentences ‘The verb chi rr anges withthe subject 3.4 VOCABULARY NUMBERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 mee 2 bn > ma 2 42 2 3 40 60 70. 80 90 100 ei 3.5 WRITE THE NUMBERS AS WORDS 3.6 FILLIN THE GAPS WITH THE CORRECT FORMS OF “TO BE” Michael___is__32 years old. | pater) @ Theo 45 years old. @ Madison 27 years old. @ Jeremy and Tanya____90 years old. Owe 29 years old. 34 years old. ~) 3.8 LISTEN TO THE AUD MARK THE CORRECT agg ND (Gora 5 0 80 stress the first syllables iastoiables “Gy © Bobby wo wo 7 30 Th a 73 ThirteeD — © Carl BO 3f) 40 Forty ~ @ Lia 91] 9 f) 4 Fourteen, 15 Fifteen, 50 Fifty ine © sam 60 60 16 sixteen © Moly = 1) 17 Seventeen 70 Seventy i 0 Eight’ 18 Eighteen 80 Eighty 90 Ninety —_ © Justin w7wO mC 19 Nineteen @ Ada — *) ING WHERE YOU'RE FROM 3.9 KEY LANGUAGE SAY! ‘There are different ways of saying where you are from. ‘This describes the country Were isthe question ‘i that you belong t wore Remember, tobe" * has changes with the subject. | (va are What nationality talk about nationality you from? lam from Spain. are you? + Ap I'm Spanish. f i Nt Ul « CS Sea 3.10 FURTHER EXAMPLES SAYING WHERE YOU'RE FROM ~‘ “pel | i] a N —_—__— You use an adjective to % 6 KEY LANGUAGE “THIS” AND "THAT" — 5. This’ and "that" are called e determiners. They point AN | ‘outa specific object you it | veant to talk about. Use ll . This is my dog. this’ for something close | to you. Use “that” for something farther away. e M~ Thatis my d | ll anid pe — 5.7 FURTHER EXAMPLES “THIS” AND “THAT” —— “The dog is close to you. | This is your rabbit. This is her horse. This is its bed. e 2 ih 2 A ‘ fa in Na | That is your rabbit. That is her horse. That is its bed. (To 8h Ot f= 5.8 FILL IN THE GAPS WITH “THIS” OR “THAT” That is my dog. sore it | ell rh __ | rn —____isher horse. o ll f wh if S 26 is his cow. 25 6 ———isourrabbi. J @ 1 is your fish «) 5.9 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, PUTTING THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER =o hs Jn )) © Cam) Cater) Ci This is his horse. © (their _) Ctiy Cis) Csister) © (is) bat.) (your) (_this_) © (cen) (old) 42) Cis) Gears) Cour) © (called) (Her ) (Caspar.) father) is) “) 5.10 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO, THEN NUMBER THE IMAGES IN THE ORDER THEY ARE DESCRIBED 5.11 USE THE CHART TO CREATE 12 CORRECT SENTENCES AND SAY THEM OUT LOUD Choose a possessive adjective. ‘anoun Start with a determiner. “) ‘Aa Animals and family (] Be Talking about who things belong to [1] 27 8.8 HOWTO FORM DETERMINERS “PRONOURE 8.7 KEY LANGUAGE DETERMINERS AND PRONOUNS You can use determiners or possessive pronouns to explain who owns something. my => mine mine ete al your = yours These are a books. his = his her => hers its => ji These books are mine: 4 ¢ its | our = @P ours \ tne possessive pronoun | ‘The noun comes is used after the verb. before the verb. their => theirs ” FS j 9 FILLIN THE GAPS TO WRITE EACH SENTENCE TWO OTHER WAYS 7 ( These are Aman's books. These are his books. These books are his, i | o This is Leesa’s laptop. nt | @ _Those are Una and Ben's keys. | © These are Jo's and my passports. oe That is John’s brush. ! ! | 8.10 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO, THEN WRITE EACH NOUN IN THE CORRECT GROUP | Tom and Sarah are packing their bags a = and getting ready to go to work. . Den | purse books sadvliches chocolate bar brush cell phone _ notebook 34 8.11 USE THE CHART TO CREATE 12 CORRECT SENTENCES AND SAY THEM OUT LOUD Those are my books, Finish with one (of these nouns. Choose the singular Choose a ‘or plural of "to be" determiner determiners. to match. or name, *) Using determiners and pronouns [] hese” and “those” [] Aa Possessions [] @ REVIEW THE ENGLISH YOU HAVE LEARNED IN UNITS 01-08 INTRODUCING YOURSELF Hello! | am Joe. My name is Joe. o W HOW OLD ARE YOU? I'm 25 years old. a 31 POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES Felix is my cat. Coco is your rabbit. o 51 ‘APOSTROPHE WITH "S” Lizzie’s mother. Ginger is my parents' cat. oO et “THIS,” “THAT,” This is my dog. That is my dog. 2 56, “THESE,” AND “THOSE” These are my bags and those are your bags. 81 DETERMINERS AND PRONOUNS These are my books. These books are mine. a 87 I ur job gf New language Using "| am’ for you, job Talking avout YP b. e- perto describe your jo ‘Aa Vocabulary Jobs and workplac You anus weve ie hl oss re ifrmation Br New skill Describing your job . The verb "to yu wo! d wh out where you work an abou 10.2 FILLIN THE GAPS wity 5, YOUR JOB CORRECT VERB AND ARTICLE He 10.1 KEY LANGUAGE se to be’ before the job noun i Ginn ‘eat before a noun begin 1 am an. . Vy engineer | | v with a consonant | lam i icer. im}? police officer. ‘jj You cane contractions | for these sateen o ( You —___________docto, 7) t She___farmer, sean’ before a noun beginning with a vowel. | He is ae if ‘There isnoartide before a plural s They are scientists. rs FJ 10.3 CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORD IN EACH SENTENCE ae @teis/are a vet. She is / are a waitress. | @ You are /is a driver. @ We am / are sales assistants. @ We is / are receptionists @ lam/isamechanic, @ They is/are businesswomen. @ Shes /are agardene" «) | 38 10.4 VOCABULARY WORKPLACES i og oe theater (US) farm office theatre (UK) school iz ie ca] ial laboratory restaurant construction site hospital 4) al 10.5 MATCH THE JOBS 10.6 KEY LANGUAGE INSIDE / OUTSIDE TO THE WORKPLACES Use "inside" for jobs in buildings. (ane (4) Ascientist works inside. (Gissaun | Use “outside” for jobs in the open air. my A farmer works outside. “) © (waiter) 10.7 MARK THE CORRECT ANSWERS © (teacher) Ahnairdresser works out True [| False (7 e ex J @ driver works outside. True [_] False [_) © ke @ A chef works outside. True ["] False [) e a @ A doctor works inside. True [] False [~ ° chef @ A gardener works outside. True |) False ay — 10.8 KEY LANGUAGE USING “WORK IN” AND “WORK ON” Use “workin for the locations of most jobs l ror in a hospital. B, | work ona farm. Pon | work on construction sites, Et Use "work on’ for farms and construction sites, 10.9 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND NUMBER THE IMAGES IN THE ORDER THEY ARE DESCRIBED | Tom __is a farmer. He works on a farm. @she Bip Telling the time There are two ways of saying the time in English. You can gf New language Times of day use hours and minutes, or you can say the minutes first Aa Vocabulary Words for time and state their relation to the hour. Be New skill Saying what the time is 11.1 KEY LANGUAGE TELLING THE TIME Use the verb "to be" : oe when giving or asking What time is it? the time in English, ) It's five o'clock. It's five fifteen. & It’s a quarter past five. US Engi can we “quarter after’ instead ouster pat” It's five thirty. @ It’s half past five. ste ove) Youcan eave out the ‘a before‘quarter™ It’s six twenty-three. “) 11.2 VOCABULARY TIMES OF DAY ery Ken) ey Ken midnight noon 3am 3pm «) 11.3 MATCH THE CLOCKS TO THE TIME PHRASES (6, nie E y 11.4 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND MARK THE TIMES YOU HEAR R 7 11.5 WRITE THE TIMES IN FIGURES Itsaquartertofive. = = 45 @ it’s nine o'clock. = @ it’s one fifteen. @ It’s three twenty-five. Q its half past two. ita quarter past twelve. = Aa Words for time o (4200) ° ) (CeCe Sas PYG) ° & ( It’s ten thirty. ) © (09:15) c J 11.6 WRITE DOWN THE TIMES, THEN SAY THEM OUT LOUD 0) DLT ~) es quarter past nine. \ @ eG) ke e@s) (Me o@s)( Me o@s)( le @ (0022) ( Me «) yying what the time is (] 43

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