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Assessment Task 4 Instructions

Carefully read the following:

Assume that the change management plan that was adopted by Samson Media includes training and
development for staff in a number of areas. One of these training areas is change management team
building, which is considered to be especially important during the change management process.

The training is to be delivered over an eight-week period for approximately 2 hours a week. You have also
identified that experts such as motivational speakers could also be hired for this.

You have also been given the task, in the role of Operations Manager, to send a brief to the human
resources department. This brief will be used to guide human resources personnel in regard to organising
the change management team building training and to give your ideas about the content that should be
included in the training.

Assume that, as you also believe there may be resistance to the training due to a general resistance to the

changes that you also develop a staff communication to promote the benefits of the upcoming training

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and assessment to assist in overcoming resistance to change.

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Complete the following activities:

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Develop a human resources brief
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To inform your brief to human resources about the proposed training, conduct research
about the benefits of change management team building, as well as ideas for the content of

the training and experts who could assist in providing the training. You should come up with
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at least two ideas for team building exercises. Your brief should be no more than one page.
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Using your research develop a short one-page brief to send to the human resources
department outlining the requirement to conduct the training as part of the change
management process and the timing of the training.
Outline the benefits of the training, as well as the ideas you have researched for the content
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of the training, as well as possible experts who could conduct the training.
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2. Send an email to the Human Resources Manager (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate
(polite, business-like) style.
The email text should give a summary of the attachment, and the changes that you have
made to the attachments.

Attach your human resources brief to the email.


Subject: Human Resources Brief

To: Samson Media’s Human Resources Manager

Dear Samson Media’s Human Resources Manager

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I hope this finds you well. The purpose of this email is to introduce you to the

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contents of the Human Resources Brief attached to this email, as well to the
changes that I have recently made to the attachments. The human resources brief

that I recently developed includes information on the benefits of change
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management team building, involving that it allows employees to assess and
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understand the need of the organization for change, along with the impact that
this change will have. Also to ensure that all organisational resources are in
compliance with the business to support the change and to effectively manage

the diverse cost of change. Benefits also include that employees will be able to
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reduce the time needed to implement change and to support team members
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and in the journey of understanding the change process, including change

management plan implementation and effective communication.
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You will also find information on team building training ideas and activities and
experts that could be outsourced in order to provide these coaching and
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meontoring programs. There is also information on Ideas for team building

exercises, such as change management exercises are games or activities that
motivate employees to accept change and actively engage with the change
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process, as well of of activities that will get employees excited about upcoming
change. As well information on ideas to train the staff may include to come to

group agreements in the work team by providing opportunities for effective

communication, discussion and feedback of any questions, concerns, or
inconveniences related to team building and the change management process in
general and to be able to address any issues that could arise.

When it comes to the timing, it has been decided that it goes as the following:

Period for training and number of hours per week.

● Training & Team Building Total Duration: 8 weeks

● Frequency: 2 hours a Week

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● Training Days: Every Thursday

Please let me know your thoughts on this and find attached the human resources

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.



3. Send an email to all staff (your assessor)

To inform your staff email, consider how you could best promote the training to staff to

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overcome resistance to change. Review change management literature to inform your

response. This may be the same literature you identified in Assessment Task 1.

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Outlining the rationale for the training, as well as the benefits of the training. Use the ideas
that you have researched to overcome resistance to change. Briefly outline some of the

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proposed ideas for the training.
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As a guide, your email should be between 3 to 4 paragraphs long.

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Subject: Human Resources Brief

To: Change Management Plan and Training

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Dear Samson Media’s Staff:

I hope this finds you well. The purpose of this email is to inform you about the
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upcoming change management process that will be implemented within

Samson Media. As you may already know, the reason and need of the change

includes that the number of our readers has significantly dropped over the last 24
months. Therefore, it is suspected that the decline on the readership of the target
market is mostly due to competition, including other fashion magazines and
mainly, consumers starting to read via digital media, instead of printed material.
Therefore, it is important to state that the reason why are are initiating change is
because is an organisational need for change. Nevertheless, we are aware that
unexpected change sometimes can be scary and that’s why it is important to
always communicate to everyone with strong arguments and that shares an
aspirational vision of the future that the organisation seeks to achieve through the
change management process.

However, we are all a team within this company and management will always

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provide all team members and coworkers with a clear vision of change, in order for
everyone to effectively understand the need for it, as well on how to achieve it.
Threfore, In order to ensure that the change management plan is effective and
that everyone is feeling comfortable with it, it may be necessary to obtain
feedback and conduct meetings on the employees opinion towards the change,
as well on the positive results of these implementations. As well, It’s always
important to identify the need for change and make sure that the employees
understand that change it’s an opportunity, not a threat. Therefore, the benefits of
the proposed change must be clearly stated, in order for the employees
understand that the change is a win-win for everyone.

Therefore, in order to ensure that we all happy with the change, we will be
implementing team building activities, which will enable and empower
employers within the change management process. This means that, team
building and group activities can help to create bonds between team members
and encourage them to work together towards achieving organisational goals.

Team building activities can also help employees to develop new skills, talents and

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acquire knowledge, aswell to get to know each other to become more motivated

and adaptable to the work environment. The team building can be later applied

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within the work environment in order to enhance trust among a team and most

importantly, to ensure a positive reception to change management within the
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organisation. This activities will include team building and group activities can
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help to create bonds between team members and encourage them to work
together towards achieving team goals.

Colleagues can also help team members to develop a skill, acquire new talents, or
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get to know each other to become more motivated and adaptable to the work
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environment. The team building can be later applied within the work
environment in order to enhance trust among a team. As well, coaching and
mentoring, which involves creating an optimum environment for learners to
perform to the best of their abilities and it allows team members to understand
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the scenario and discover their own solutions. A coach or mentor does not
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necessarily have to be in a similar role to that of the learner and mentoring

involves regular contact with a person in a similar or higher position. And the
learner will be able to use the skills learned from the mentor in order to help you
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handle issues the change management process in the best way.


The period for training and number of hours per week will goes as the following:

● Training & Team Building Total Duration: 8 weeks

● Frequency: 2 hours a Week
● Training Days: Every Thursday

Please let me know your thoughts on this and I’m looking forward to hearing from

Operations Manager

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4. Review and evaluate your change management plan

Review your change management plan and evaluate each section to determine changes
that need to be made based on the new activities identified.
Make any changes to the plan that are appropriate.

Save this document as Revised Change Management Plan

5. Send an email to the CEO and Senior Management (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate
(polite, business-like) style.

The email text should give a summary of the attachment, outline your evaluation of each

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section, and the changes that you have made to it.

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Attach your revised change management plan to the email.

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Subject: Revised Change Management Plan

To: Samson Media’s CEO and Senior Management

Dear Samson Media’s CEO and Senior Management:

I hope this finds you well. The purpose of this email is to outline the changes that I
have recently made to the change management plan of Samson Media. The
changes mainly include that we are going to be feautring team building activities
that seek to enable and empower employers within the change management
process. This means that, team building and group activities can help to create
bonds between team members and encourage them to work together towards

achieving organisational goals. Team building activities can also help employees

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to develop new skills, talents and acquire knowledge, aswell to get to know each

other to become more motivated and adaptable to the work environment.

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Therefore, changes also include assess and understand the need of the
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organization for change, along with the impact that this change will have. Also to
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ensure that all organisational resources are in compliance with the business to
support the change and to effectively manage the diverse cost of change.
Benefits also include that employees will be able to reduce the time needed to

implement change and to support team members and in the journey of

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understanding the change process, including change management plan

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implementation and effective communication. In order to assess the employees,

there will be an individual assessment after each training session.

The training and team building for change management will include to outsource
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an expert on the topic, in this case a Change Management Expert, which will be
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conducting training and team building sessions on the employees. The activities
will take place on the meeting room, during an 8 week period, 2 hours a week.
Then as mentioned earlier, there will be an employee assessment after each
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session, in order to assess the performance of all team members towards the
change management process.

Please let me know your thoughts on this and please find attached the revised
change management plan to this email.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.



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Assessment Task 4: Checklist

Student Name:

Did the student: Successfully Comments

Yes No
Implement actions from the change management plan
by completing the activities required?
Identify appropriate team building exercises that can
assist with resistance to change, as well as embedding
Develop information for staff to assist with facilitating
embracing of change and to encourage participation in

change management processes?

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Evaluate change management project plan and update


eH w
Task Outcome: Satisfactory ◻ Unsatisfactory ◻

Assessor signature
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Assessor name

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