A Review of Hybrid-Electric Energy Management and Its Inclusion in Vehicle Sizing

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A review of hybrid-electric energy

management and its inclusion in vehicle sizing

Christopher Perullo and Dimitri Mavris
School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine state-of-the-art in hybrid-electric propulsion system modeling and suggest new methodologies
for sizing such advanced concepts. Many entities are involved in the modelling and design of hybrid electric aircraft; however, the highly
multidisciplinary nature of the problem means that most tools focus heavily on one discipline and over simplify others to keep the analysis reasonable
in scope. Correctly sizing a hybrid-electric system requires knowledge of aircraft and engine performance along with a working knowledge of
electrical and energy storage systems. The difficulty is compounded by the multi-timescale dynamic nature of the problem. Furthermore, the choice
of energy management in a hybrid electric system presents multiple degrees of freedom, which means the aircraft sizing problem now becomes not
just a root-finding exercise, but also a constrained optimization problem.
Design/methodology/approach – The hybrid electric vehicle sizing problem can be sub-divided into three areas: modelling methods/fidelity,
energy management and optimization technique. The literature is reviewed to find desirable characteristics and features of each area. Subsequently,
a new process for sizing a new hybrid electric aircraft is proposed by synthesizing techniques from model predictive control and detailed conceptual
design modelling. Elements from model predictive control and concurrent optimization are combined to formulate a new structure for the
optimization of the sizing and energy management of future aircraft.
Findings – While the example optimization formulation provided is specific to a hybrid electric concept, the proposed structure is general enough
to be adapted to any vehicle concept which contains multiple degrees of control freedom that can be optimized continuously throughout a mission.
Originality/value – The proposed technique is novel in its application of model predictive control to the conceptual design phase.
Keywords Hybrid-electric, Vehicle sizing, Propulsion, Energy management, Aircraft engine
Paper type Conceptual paper

Introduction weight, which is in turn a function of the integration of the rate

of fuel consumption to that point in the mission, the choice of
Hybrid-electric propulsion is defined as a vehicle in which
how to use energy from fuel (variable weight) or electric (fixed
propulsion energy is available from two or more kinds of
weight) sources becomes closely coupled to the entire mission
energy stores, sources or converters; at least one source must
profile. This paper will examine the current status of
be electrical in nature (Lin, 2001). Hybrid-electric system
hybrid-electric vehicle analysis and will propose the next steps
components may include some or all of the following: a gas
to develop a next-generation modelling and simulation
turbine or thermal engine, fuel cells, batteries, capacitors,
generators, motors, distribution systems, gear boxes and
controllers. Some studies have shown fuel reductions from 22
per cent to 60 per cent compared to current fuel-powered Challenges in modelling
aircraft (Harmon, 2006; Bradley, 2011) A unique feature of The modelling and design of a hybrid-electric aircraft requires
designing a hybrid-electric system is the additional degree of a diverse set of tools and disciplines. Many different timescales
freedom(s) available to the system through energy management. are involved due to the dynamic nature of the problem. At the
While a conventional aircraft sizing analysis only requires the highest level, an aircraft mission analysis is performed by
assumption that thrust is equal to drag to set engine fuel flow integrating a series of discrete time steps on the order of
(i.e. power), a hybrid system allows propulsive energy to be minutes. At the engine and energy storage level, timescales
provided from a multitude of sources. This transforms the can be on the order of seconds to capture the dynamics of
aircraft sizing process from one of root-finding to one founded charging and discharging capacitors and batteries. At the
on optimization of the additional degrees of freedom. Because electrical system level, timescales can be on the order of
an aircraft’s performance is dependent on its instantaneous microseconds to capture the transients associated with
electrical system control. For most sizing problems, the
electrical transients can be neglected for a well-designed
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at system because they are several orders of magnitude smaller
www.emeraldinsight.com/1748-8842.htm than the engine and aircraft dynamics. Essentially, the degree
of hybridization will affect fuel consumption rate. In turn, this
affects the vehicle performance, thereby affecting thrust
required. In turn this will be affected by the time varying
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal degree of hybridization. The following section reviews selected
86/6 (2014) 550 –557
© Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 1748-8842]
literature to examine how this close coupling between the
[DOI 10.1108/AEAT-04-2014-0041] engine and airframe has been addressed to date.

Hybrid-electric energy management and vehicle sizing Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Christopher Perullo and Dimitri Mavris Volume 86 · Number 6 · 2014 · 550 –557

A review of hybrid-electric sizing methodologies process by using first-order equations to model the aircraft and
engine. Use of first-order equations precludes the inclusion of
Hybrid electric vehicle analysis can be sub-divided into three
detailed cycle effects such as performance maps, Reynolds
distinct elements. First, the modelling method and level of
effects and aircraft drag polars. All of these methods work well
fidelity must be chosen. Second, the energy management
as pre-sizing tools; however, they cannot account for detailed
approach must be chosen. This involves a method to
effects such as the interaction between the electric systems and
parameterize the degree of hybridization (e.g. the amount of
the gas turbine, as mentioned previously.
power drawn from each source at a given time step). Finally,
an optimization method may be required to determine the
optimum energy management at each point in the mission and Hybrid-electric aircraft sizing and optimization
from a global perspective. methods
Traditional aircraft sizing and optimization methods have been
Aircraft modelling methods modified to account for various forms of non-gas turbine
Three types of modelling tools are present in literature, propulsion systems. While many of these methods do not include
detailed physics-based models, first-order analytical models energy management into the actual sizing and optimization
and linearized models created from higher fidelity tools. process, they still provide useful starting points for inclusion of
Detailed models, while more accurate, present challenges in energy management into the optimization. Martins (2013)
terms of integration and run time. First-order models, while divides the optimization problem into two distinct classifications,
easy to optimize, often neglect secondary effects that lead to monolithic and distributed architectures. Monolithic architectures
over prediction of system benefits. Linearized models, often solve a single optimization problem using a single high-level
used in control design, capture some of the behaviour of optimizer. While there are many different sub-types of
higher fidelity models, but have difficulty in handling discrete monolithic architectures, they all suffer in performance and
events within the system. complexity as dimensionality is increased due to the larger
Bradley (2011) presents a hybrid-electric configuration in number of coupling variables between analysis modules.
which an electric motor is attached to the fan shaft of Nonetheless, several methods presented in the literature make
a conventional turbofan engine. The motor allows for the engine very effective use of a monolithic architecture to solve the
core to be idled at cruise conditions, enabling a reduction in fuel hybrid-electric sizing and optimization method. Choi (2005)
consumption. The aircraft carries removable batteries which and Reynolds (2013) provide multi-disciplinary analysis and
provide energy to the electric motor. The study was carried out optimization (MDAO) environments for completely fuel cell
using detailed proprietary performance tools. As part of this and completely battery driven propulsion systems. Choi
study, a set of public domain performance tools within the (2005) includes analysis and sizing modules
Numerical Propulsion System Simulation (NPSS) was also for the fuel cell, balance of plant, heat exchangers and
developed that are capable of addressing engine operability propulsor. The analysis modules are executed in a sequential
issues such as stall at low power, and the interrelationship manner. The optimizer is responsible for ensuring consistency
between hybrid turbofan operation and energy management between inputs and outputs of each analysis module so that
(Perullo, 2014). Unfortunately, as is the case with most the resulting vehicle is a “closed” solution. This method works
detailed design tools, the engine and aircraft analysis are well for a single energy source where each analysis module can
completely isolated, leading to a manual iteration between be executed independently. In the case of a fuel cell, prior
tools to size the configuration. This also makes it very difficult usage will not affect future performance; however, in the case
to address the proper energy management routine. To address of a fully battery-driven propulsion system, as described in
this, the assumption of constant electrical power draw Reynolds (2013), the total usable energy of the battery is
throughout the mission was made. This enables the sizing and dependent upon the current draw at each instantaneous
analysis to be performed, but means the resulting system may moment throughout a flight. The integrated effect of each
have room for further optimization. discrete point in time should be accounted for to identify total
Nam (2005) overcomes the limitation of predefined energy available energy for a given battery size. Reynolds neglects this
profiles by expanding the traditional aircraft constraint detail and assumes battery energy capacity is dependent only
analysis to include fixed weight sources. The work further on size. If the battery is the only source of energy for
breaks the mission into different segments, namely, take off, propulsion then neglecting the trade between power draw and
climb, cruise, descent and loiter. Finally, the hybrid-electric useable energy capacity may be a fair assumption because the
system is represented as a chain of elements with energy power draw will be relatively constant; however, when
conversion efficiencies and specific weights/powers. This multiple energy sources are involved, this trade becomes more
approach allows the designer to work within an integrated important. Pornet (2014) presents a monolithic environment
framework and enables optimization of the energy usage that includes integrated analysis modules for multiple energy
profile at each predefined mission segment. This approach is sources. This approach circumvents the energy management
similar to Harmon (2006) in which the mission is segmented optimization problem by adapting the methods from Harmon
into different operating phases, and the energy management is (2006), where the energy split between power sources is
specified to be a constant during each segment. An optimizer defined by aircraft mission segment. A high-level optimizer
can then determine the optimum constant power usage per can then choose energy splits by segment. This method is
segment. Schoemann (2012) takes this method one-step effective for a small number of segments assuming constant
further and introduces efficiency performance maps into power splits and two energy sources. This paper will present
analysis; however, all of these methods simplify the sizing an extension to this type of formulation, which will be general

Hybrid-electric energy management and vehicle sizing Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Christopher Perullo and Dimitri Mavris Volume 86 · Number 6 · 2014 · 550 –557

enough to allow for more than two energy sources and will profile. Harmon (2006) allows for the power split to be
remove the burden of having to give a high-level optimizer optimized in each flight segment. This creates several
control over the parameterization of each mission segment. high-level control variables that may be optimized using
As mentioned, Martins (2014) also describes a second traditional techniques; however, further parameterization,
classification of MDAO environments called distributed which involves varying the energy management power splits at
architectures. A primary purpose of using a distributed each mission analysis point, require more sophisticated
approach is to reduce the solution and convergence time. By optimization techniques. These topics are discussed in the
breaking a large optimization problem with many independent next section.
parameters into several self-contained, smaller sub-problems,
solution time can be reduced. An example of this approach
Energy management optimization approach
can be found in Skillen (2008). Skillen proposes a distributed
As mentioned previously, optimization of the energy
approach to the problem of selecting the sweep angle for a
management profile can be sub-divided into instantaneous,
variable sweep wing for a supersonic aircraft. This is analogous
global and real-time. Real-time optimization is usually
to selecting the energy usage split between the battery and gas
required for control of systems and requires its own set of
turbine in a hybrid electric system. Rather than segmenting
modelling assumptions and trade-offs. Because the goal of this
the mission into phases and handing the sweep angle for each
paper is not to control a vehicle, but rather propose a better
phase to a single optimizer to solver simultaneously, Skillen
sizing method, real-time simulation is not discussed.
breaks the mission analysis into discrete analysis modules.
Bradley (2009), Lin (2001), Pei (2013) and Brahma (2000)
Each analysis module then contains a local optimizer that
all discretized the mission and applied deterministic dynamic
determines the optimal sweep before passing the vehicle state
programming to split the optimization problem into a set of
at the end of that segment to the next analysis module. A
recursive one-stage problems. The optimal control sequence,
high-level optimizer can then control design parameters to
which contains the energy split between the energy storage
minimize the overall fuel burn. The following sections will
and thermal engine is recursively calculated. This approach
discuss how energy management (i.e. the optimization of
effectively explores all possible control policies to reach the
multiple degrees of freedom throughout a mission) has been
global optimum. While accurate, this approach is not efficient
treated in the literature. Energy management will define how
and is likely to be infeasible using higher fidelity aircraft and
energy usage is parameterized within the context of an MDAO
propulsion system models due to the required simulation
times. This problem can be overcome through instantaneous
optimization, where the power split is optimized only for a
Energy management approach specific, discrete time step; however, as discussed in Zhang
While hybrid electric energy management is a relatively new (2010) this may result in a sub-optimal global solution. Zhang
challenge for aerospace, the problem has been extensively (2010) presents a predictive energy management strategy that
explored for land-based vehicles. There are many similarities accounts for the future state of the system. The concept is that
in the problem definition, but aircraft sizing has one important the system knows its energy demands in the future and can
distinction. The rate of fuel consumption affects vehicle optimize its current state to meet those demands in the
weight by a significant margin during a mission. Vehicle globally most efficient manner. For example, if an automotive
weight drives lift-dependent drag. Therefore, the operation vehicle knows a hill is coming up, it can use more fuel during
and optimal degree of hybridization is dependent on all points the flat portion of its journey to charge up the battery. This
preceding and following a given time step. It should be noted allows it to make it over the hill more quickly, potentially using
that the reviewed energy management and control less total energy.
optimization strategies assumed a sized system already existed. While deterministic programming can solve the prediction
They did not take into account the impact of mission problem presented in Zhang, it is computationally inefficient.
optimization on the sizing of the vehicle itself. The controls optimization field, driven by the need for
Serrao (2011), Salmasi (2007) and Bayindir (2011) present real-time modelling, has developed several techniques that
comprehensive overviews of energy management strategies. allow for the minimization of the fuel consumption over an
While the three reviews differ somewhat in categorization, the extended period of time. One area of interest is model
types of energy management can be roughly grouped into the predictive control (MPC). This technique is explored in
following areas: rule based, fuzzy rule based, optimization Borhan (2009) using a relatively simple plant model. Koot
based, global optimization and real-time optimization. (2005) compares MPC to dynamic programming to
Rule-based (heuristic) optimization requires the engineer to determine that MPC is capable of finding the answer close to
use intuition to develop a series of energy management rules. the global optimum and at increased computational efficiency.
Hiserote (2010) extends the concepts of Nam and Bradley to He also found it worked well for optimization of hybrid
introduce rule-based management through the use of electric power split for systems with non-linearity and
predefined control strategies. Jalil (1997), Chau (2001) and time-varying inequality constraints. As these issues are also
the E-thrust concept developed by Rolls-Royce and EADS found in gas turbines, it means the method is broadly
also present examples of rule-based energy management. In all applicable. Finally, Vahidi (2006) provides perhaps the most
of these concepts, the rules for when to use, charge or keep the relevant use of MPC for hybrid electric energy management
electric storage system idle are predefined by mission segment by applying it to a non-linear fuel cell plant model
or energy storage state-of-charge. Rule-based approaches can incorporating detailed compressor performance maps and
be optimized, but this requires parameterization of the energy model dynamics. Vahidi (2006) linearizes the model as

Hybrid-electric energy management and vehicle sizing Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Christopher Perullo and Dimitri Mavris Volume 86 · Number 6 · 2014 · 550 –557

needed to apply the MPC prediction algorithm. This optimization environment that combines the best aspects of
application is most relevant to the proposed environment to be distributed optimization with detailed analysis modules. An
discussed in the next section. The efficiency of MPC relative important enabler of this proposed approach is the ability
to dynamic programming makes it appealing for use with high to execute analysis modules concurrently rather than
fidelity codes. sequentially, as in the aforementioned studies. Furthermore,
by decoupling the sizing process from the mission analysis, the
Proposed environment for a hybrid-electric problem can be decomposed into two sub-problems, namely,
design optimizing high-level design parameters such as aspect ratio
and engine cycle parameters, and optimizing the degrees of
The authors could not find evidence that anyone has yet
freedom available to the system during a mission such as
combined high fidelity conceptual design tools with full
power split from multiple sources, thrust distribution, or any
mission energy management optimization. All of the controls
additional degrees of freedom from the advanced system.
optimization techniques reviewed assumed sized systems;
An overview of this proposed approach is shown in Figure 1.
furthermore, higher fidelity conceptual design tools usually
The high-level optimizer has control over design variables (e.g.
precluded optimization of the energy splits for the simple
fan pressure ratio and wing aspect ratio), while the low-level
reason that the more detailed design tools are disparate and
are not contained within the same environment. As controls optimizer uses a MPC algorithm to optimize the operation of
optimization requires a common plant model, iteration mission adaptive features of the propulsion system at every
between codes is undesired. The authors propose a discrete point along the mission. Because the analysis modules
methodology to apply controls optimization techniques to the in block “A3” are executed concurrently, predefined tables are
vehicle sizing problem. This requires an integrated tool-set not necessary. This greatly reduces the complexity of the
described herein. The proposed modelling framework is environment and eliminates the need for large tables of
platform independent; however, the authors believe NPSS is a coupling variables between analysis modules.
suitable choice given its ability to linearize models for MPC The design process starts with the initialization of the
algorithms and its application to both hybrid electric engine vehicle design variables within the high-level optimizer (A1).
modelling and vehicle mission analysis (Perullo, 2014; Design variables controlled by the high-level optimizer could
Kestner, 2012). include airframe geometry variables such as aspect ratio and
Recall that all of the methods presented previously made wing area and engine design variables including major cycle
use of a sequentially executed design environment. This limits parameters. Because the system is hybrid electric, the
the ability to optimize power usage between analysis modules optimizer also has control over the electrical system, including
with strong, non-linear, mission time-dependent couplings. the amount of energy (e.g. battery size) storage available on
Because a desire of the proposed method is to be flexible the system. Each of the design variables from the optimizer
enough to account for multiple interacting effects including feeds into the appropriate design module (A2) highlighted
multiple power sources, boundary layer ingestion, interactions within the green box in Figure 1. The four design modules
between distributed propulsion and vehicle trim, and any include the airframe design, propulsor design, gas generator
other integrated effects, the authors propose a bi-level design and the electrical system design. Within the four design

Figure 1 MDAO environment top-level design flow

A2 - Design Modules A3 - Integrated Mission Analysis
A1 - High Level
Aero A4 - Low
Optimizer Airframe
Performance Level MPC
[ Vehicle
Design ] Design
(with BLI) Optimizer
Mission Performance Metrics

Design Variables
Point Performance Metrics

Propulsor Propulsor
Fixed Vehicle


Design Performance

Gas Gas
Generator Generator
Design Performance
Electrical Electrical
System System
Design Performance
No Converge
on Range

Yes Definition
Design Complete

Hybrid-electric energy management and vehicle sizing Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Christopher Perullo and Dimitri Mavris Volume 86 · Number 6 · 2014 · 550 –557

modules, the design variables are used to create the complete Figure 2 Integrated mission analysis module
vehicle design including vehicle layout, geometry and mass
properties. Aerodynamic
The information from the fixed vehicle is then passed to BLI Module
an integrated mission analysis module (A3) highlighted
Drag Delta
within the yellow box in Figure 1. In a conventional
environment, the engine performance model must assume a Mission
Vehicle Alt, MN Analysis
predefined mode of performance. In other words, to

generate a static engine performance deck, the engine must Mission Performance

Total Fn
assume a priori how the battery and gas generator are used
throughout the mission. The proposed concept circumvents

Inlet Pt, Tt
this issue by developing an integrated mission analysis
module. The vehicle, through the use of MPC techniques, is Thrust & Power Split
able to choose an operating mode that optimizes performance
dynamically, depending on the requirements of the mission Gas Turbine

Pwr(+) Management
and the vehicle capabilities. The fixed vehicle information is
passed to one of the four performance modules; aero Fn1 Fn2
performance (including boundary layer ingestion [BLI]), Propulsor Propulsor
propulsor performance, gas generator performance and Bank #1 Bank #2
electrical system performance. Each of these modules is linked
to each other and to a mission analysis module. At every step Torque Torque

of the mission, each of the models is executed to generate Motor #1 Motor #2
performance data based on the current state of the vehicle.
The NPSS modular aircraft performance module can serve as Pwr(-) Pwr(-)
the backbone of this integrated mission analysis (A3)
(Kestner, 2012). Bus
The performance of the vehicle during the mission is
controlled by the low-level optimizer (A4). MPC algorithms Pwr(-)
are used to optimize the mission operation variables, which
include the power split between energy storage and gas Battery
generator and thrust distribution amongst the propulsors. The
optimization occurs by adjusting the control variables at each
point in the mission to optimize total integrated mission proposed environment will have the aerodynamic, propulsion,
performance. When the mission analysis is completed, the electrical and mission analysis modules communicating and
performance data are then passed back to the high-level passing data during their executions for each step in the
optimizer for the next pass. Details of the integrated modelling vehicle mission. A more detailed depiction of the information
environment (yellow box in Figure 1) are expanded upon in flow within the integrated mission analysis module is shown in
Figure 2. Specifics are left to the individual implementation, Figure 2.
but high-level interfaces and requirements are defined. The To develop the integrated mission analysis module from a
example is shown for a distributed propulsion application with functional standpoint, the modules must be able to
BLI; however, the method is easily adapted to other communicate seamlessly and rapidly. This suggests either a
architectures. single tool set, such as Kestner (2012) or another
A gas generator connects, via a shaft, to an electrical
environment. The main benefit of an integrated model is
generator. The generator ties into an electrical bus that then
NPSS’ native ability to linearize the model at a given point
distributes power to/from the battery and to the propulsion
providing a plant matrix for MPC.
system. The rest of the gas turbine is treated as a standard
The exact distribution of thrust production across the
steady state analysis because the engine dynamics are much
propulsors is the first of the two control variables to be
quicker than the fuel and energy consumption rates of the
aircraft. optimized. Once the thrust distribution is known, the
For a given set of inputs in a single pass of the optimizer, the propulsors’ individual power requirements can be calculated.
question then becomes how to operate both the hybrid- Then, the power management sends a power split signal to the
electric system and distributed, electrically driven propulsors gas turbine model and the energy storage (e.g. battery) model.
throughout the mission to achieve maximum energy This power split is the second control variable requiring
efficiency. This sub-optimization needs to take place in an optimization. The power split controls the level of power
integrated, time-dependent mission analysis and sizing block provided to the propulsors from the gas turbine or energy
[yellow (A3) shaded block in Figure 1]. This block integrates storage. Possibilities include no gas turbine power, partial gas
vehicle aerodynamics, gas generator and propulsor performance turbine power, all gas turbine power (no battery usage) or
and electrical system performance into the vehicle mission excess gas turbine power in which the power from the gas
analysis. Unlike traditional MDAO environments, which pass turbine is used to power the propulsors and recharge the
pre-computed information between analysis elements, the battery. Finally, the fuel burn and battery state-of-charge are

Hybrid-electric energy management and vehicle sizing Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Christopher Perullo and Dimitri Mavris Volume 86 · Number 6 · 2014 · 550 –557

sent back to the mission analysis to calculate the next as the fuel burn when using batteries is zero, followed by the
sequential mission point. usage of the gas turbine once the battery power is depleted.
Because the choice of propulsor thrust distribution and The problem with Scenario 1 is that it is not optimal from a
battery/gas turbine power splits impact the time integrated mission standpoint. By using the battery first, the vehicle
mission performance, the control values (e.g. power split and carries extra fuel weight for the first part of the mission,
thrust distribution) at a given point in the mission analysis thereby increasing total fuel consumption.
impact future points. To account for this the sub-optimization Another objective function could be defined to locally
technique, one must be able to choose the optimum minimize drag (required thrust) at the end of each mission leg.
time-dependent settings for each control variable. The This approach is represented by Scenario 2. In this case, the
sub-optimization is accomplished using a dynamic prediction optimizer would select to use only gas turbine power early in
algorithm based on techniques from MPC. The integrated the mission to burn fuel as quickly as possible to achieve
dynamic sub-optimization of the propulsor thrust distribution minimum gross weight at the end of each mission leg. Once
and the battery/gas turbine power splits are performed for each the fuel is depleted, the battery would be used until power is
high-level optimizer pass (e.g. each set of high-level design no longer available. This approach would be more optimal
parameters that the optimizer sets while maximizing vehicle than locally optimizing for fuel burn on a mission basis for
performance). cruise segment only, but may not be globally optimal. The
The fundamental challenge to be solved can be formulated green, “Optimum” path line represents an optimum use of gas
as a constrained optimization that predicts a future path. In turbine and battery power from an overall mission perspective.
other words, the two control variables (power split between In reality, a battery’s available energy is inversely proportional
energy storage and thrust distribution across the propulsors) to its discharge rate. Higher discharge rates reduce the
must be simultaneously optimized at every point in the effective capacity of the battery. In Scenario 2, the battery is
mission analysis while considering future operating states. A discharged at a maximum rate once available fuel is used;
notional example of this problem is shown in Figure 3 however, in the Optimum scenario, the power split varies
assuming a fixed aircraft. This example will be used to throughout the mission. The gas turbine is used more in the
demonstrate why a predictive, path constrained optimization beginning of the mission to burn off fuel and produce a lighter,
is necessary and how MPC techniques can be used to solve it. more efficient vehicle; however, the gas turbine is still used
The top graph in Figure 3 represents available fuel as a towards the end of the mission to provide a buffer on the
function of range, and the bottom graph shows the power split amount of power the battery must provide. Using the battery
between the battery and gas turbine. It is assumed the battery in this manner allows for more total energy to be extracted and
can only be discharged to simplify the example. Three provides an optimal overall mission.
completely notional scenarios are presented, two extremes and In the above example, determining the optimal path may be
one “optimum” solution. In Scenario 1, it is assumed a done using traditional MDAO methods; however, the power
point-based, instantaneous optimization is used with the split curve would have to be predefined for a given mission
objective function being to minimize fuel burn. Keep in mind analysis; furthermore, the curve would have to be
that point-based optimization only considers each discrete parameterized to apply traditional optimization schemes. It is
point in the mission analysis. It is not hard to see that an not hard to see how conventional MDAO methods would
optimizer would react by first using all available battery power, break down when the number of control variables (i.e. the

Figure 3 Model predictive strategy

Fuel Full

Zero Fuel
Scenario 1
Scenario 2


All GT

Power Split

All Battery


Hybrid-electric energy management and vehicle sizing Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal
Christopher Perullo and Dimitri Mavris Volume 86 · Number 6 · 2014 · 550 –557

power split) are increased. MPC techniques allow for the Conclusion
green Optimum line in Figure 3 to be calculated in-line as the
A survey of appropriate modelling techniques for hybrid
model is analysed.
electric architectures is reviewed and the issue of hybrid
MPC techniques apply linear algebra to solve the constrained
electric energy management for the aircraft sizing problem is
path optimization problem. The MPC problem can be
confronted. While many techniques exist for addressing some
summarized as shown in Figure 4 (Maciejowsi, 1989). The
of the issues including high fidelity modelling and
algorithm uses both a prediction horizon, P, and a control
parameterization and optimization of the energy management
horizon, U. The constrained optimization problem is solved at
method, none have been combined into a single environment
each time step to identify the optimal setting of the control
capable of combining the effects of the optimization of a
variables that maximizes the objective function over the
transient power split combined within the vehicle sizing
prediction horizon. The optimum control variables are then
process. As significant work has been done on this problem in
executed over the control horizon and the process repeats. The
the land-based vehicle area, the authors have proposed a
model predictive formulation also allows for constraints on both
strategy of using mathematical formulations from MPC to
inputs and outputs of the model. For the hybrid electric vehicle
optimize energy management within the vehicle sizing
the final formulation is envisioned to be as follows:
● Control variables (u):
– Gas turbine/Battery power split
– Thrust distribution across propulsors Further work
● Constraints:
The groundwork has been laid to construct an integrated
– 0 ⬍ battery state-of-charge ⬍ 1
hybrid-electric modelling environment for vehicle sizing and
– 0 ⬍ available fuel
optimization. The next steps include construction of the
– 0 ⬍ gas turbine power ⬍ rated gas turbine power
proposed environment and application to real-world
– Total thrust required ⫽ Total thrust produced by
● Objective:
– Maximize vehicle range References
It is important to note that while an MPC formulation will Bayindir, K., Gozukucuk, M. and Teke, A. (2011), “A
be used to solve the problem, the final method is not comprehensive overview of hybrid electric vehicle:
actually a controller. True MPC formulations allow for powertrain configurations, powertrain control techniques,
deviation between predicted and measured values in the and electronic control units”, Energy Conversion and
prediction horizon and often include techniques to infer Management, Vol. 52 No. 2, pp. 1305-1313.
state variables from measurable parameters (e.g. thrust Borhan, H., Vahidi, A., Phillips, A., Kuang, M. and
from engine pressure ratio). In the proposed MDAO Kolmanovsky, I. (2009), “Predictive energy management of
approach, all variables are calculated in the model; a power-split hybrid-electric vehicle”, 2009 American
therefore, all state variables are known to perfect precision, Control Conference, St. Louis, MO, pp. 3970-3976.
and the prediction will not deviate from the model. Bradley, M. and Droney, C. (2011), “Subsonic ultra green
aircraft research: phase I final report”, NASA/CR-2011-
Figure 4 Example MPC process 216847.
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Measurement, and Control, Vol. 135 No. 5, pp. 0510131-
Perullo, C., Trawick, D., Clifton, W., Urcinas, A., Tai, J. and Further reading
Mavris, D. (2014), “Development of a suite of hybrid
Berg, F., Balchin, M. and Keogh, P. (2013), “New principles
electric propulsion modeling elements using NPSS”,
for dynamic aircraft exergy mapping”, Journal of Aircraft,
Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2014, GT2014-27047,
Vol. 50, pp. 1088-1098.
Pornet, C., Gologan, C., Vratny, P.C., Seitz, A., Schmitz, O.,
Isikveren, A. and Hornung, M. (2014), “Methodology for Corresponding author
sizing and performance assessment of hybrid energy Christopher Perullo can be contacted at: chris.perullo@
aircraft”, Journal of Aircraft. ae.gatech.edu

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