Filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere Served

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Yr. & 2nd YEAR- BSN Subject GE 9- 2:15PM (SUMMER 2021

Section CLASS)
Date of Submission JUNE 15 2021 Teacher MRS. ILYN FAMINIAL Ph.D.


 Read about RA 1425

 List 10 significant points earned from RA 1425
 Organize the 10 points in tabular presentation with 2 columns. First column contains the 10
significant points learned. Opposite to each point is a reflection/realization. Make 10 reflections too.


1. All works and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal  For me, it is very important for us to gain
should be included in the curricula of all enough knowledge about all the writings of our
public and private schools, colleges and national hero because it will enlighten our
universities. minds and our patriotic spirit as a Filipino.
And schools are the only medium where it can
be discussed broadly and tackled in detailed.
2. There is s need for a re-dedication to the  The hard work and sacrifices made by our
ideals of freedom and nationalism for dear heroes for us to be saved from colonizers
which our heroes lived and died. was a big contribution that made our history
remarkable. For us to paved respect we must
ignite ourselves in learning and acquiring such
important information’s to them because they
deserved all the appreciation and respect
because they dedicated their selves in making
our country be free.
3. Novels of Dr. Jose Rizal like the El  These two novels wrote by Dr. Rizal was a
Filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere served turning point to everyone who read it because
as constant and inspiring source of it tackles the lives of so many Filipino people in
patriotism with which the minds of the the Spaniards colonization. That through
youth. writing these novels made us to be inspired
and awaken our sense of nationalism.
4. All schools are enjoined to develop moral  The schools are somewhat a place for
character, personal discipline, civic nurturance. A place where we can develop our
conscience and to teach duties of skills, broaden our knowledge and made us be
citizenship. critical thinkers. By learning the Rizal’s life
and writings which is mandatory for every
school to have in their curricula is a great way
to develop a moral character, to be inspired in
nurturing the students be like Dr. Jose Rizal.
Be more respectful.
5. All collegiate courses should utilize the  This is somewhat a specific context of the Riza
used of unexpurgated editions of the Noli law being mentioned. For me, it is good to
Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo as a learned the unexpurgated editions of the two
basic text. novels for it will give us the right details and the
right passage that could enhance ourselves to
ponder and gain enough knowledge about it.
6. Authorization to adopt forthwith  It is very important to conduct policy and
measures to implement and carry out measures in implementing the provisions
provisions including the writing and because it will give us definite and particular
printing of appropriate primers, readers details of each passage for released. And by that
and textbooks. a more emphasis and clear view and catch of
information that will able students to acquire.
7. The Board of National Education shall  Respecting of one’s decision and beliefs in life is
promulgate rules and regulations providing somewhat the main point of having this law
exemption of students for religious belief because not everyone is convinced about it and
stated in a sworn written statement. we have different perceptions in life.
8. All schools and colleges and universities to  For me it is a good decision to put necessary
keep in their libraries an adequate number materials in the library of each school like
of copies of the original and unexpurgated putting mandatory books/novels of Jose Rizal
editions of Noli Me Tangere and El so that everybody can acquire and read it for
Filibusterismo, as well as of Rizal’s other free. I believe that learning is just always there,
works and biography. the only way to achieved great learnings is to
read and read and thus reading such novels will
able to give win-win situation because you
learned on the same way respecting our hero by
remembering his great works.
9. The Board of National Education shall  I believed that it is a good idea to have
provide translations of the novels as well as translations on the books written by Dr. Jose
all the works of Dr. Jose Rizal into English, Rizal because it was written in Spanish dialects
Tagalog and the principal dialect. so that Filipino people especially students will
understand it fully without any doubt. It was
really a good move of the Board to provide
10. All writings of Rizal shall be included in the  It should be included as one of the approved
list of approved books for reading in all books for reading in all public and private
public and private schools. schools because it is the only way to expose
ourselves from the past history we have. In
order for us to create a better understanding
and to enhance our nationalistic approach and
create a way to create a change in ourselves and
for the country we love.


TheLifeandWorksofRizal. (2020). Why Rizal? Retrieved from The Life and Works of Rizal:

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