Laporan Arus Kas

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Sesi 11 & 12

Statement of Cash Flow


Financial Accounting
IFRS 3rd Edition
Weygandt ● Kimmel ● Kieso

13 Statement of Cash
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

1. Mengindikasi kegunaan dari Laporan Arus Kas.

2. Membedakan antara aktivitas operasional, investasi dan pendanaan.

3. Menyiapkan Laporan Arus Kas dengan menggunaan metode tidak

langsung (the indirect method).

4. Menganalisa Laporan Arus Kas

Kegunaan Laporan Arus Kas
Learning Objective 1
Indicate the usefulness of
the statement of cash
menyediakan informasi untuk membantu menilai: flows.

1. Kemampuan entitas untuk memperoleh arus kas di masa datang.

2. Kemampuan entitas untuk membayar deviden dan kewajiban.

3. Alasan guna membedakan laba bersih (net income) dan kas bersih yang
disediakan (digunakan) oleh aktivitas operasional.

4. Transaksi pendanaan dan investasi kas selama periode berjalan.

LO 1
Cash Flow mapping from
Statement of Financial Position
• Operating Activities (Direct & Indirect Method):
✓Current Asset
✓Current Liabilities
• Investing Activities:
✓Non Current Asset
• Financing Activities:
✓Non Current Liabilities


Perbedaan Direct dan Indirect Method hanya pada Cash Flow dari Operating Activities
Cash Flow mapping from
Statement of Financial Position
• Investing net cash flow includes cash received and cash paid relating to investment
and non current assets, e.g:
• Purchase of Non Current Asset (Cash outflow +)
• Sale of Non Current Asset (Cash inflow +)
• Financing net cash flow includes cash received and cash paid relating to non current
liabilities and equity, e.g:
• Issuance of Common Stock (Cash inflow +)
• Payment of Non Current Liabilities (Cash outflow +)
• Payment of Dividend (Cash Outflow +)

Learning Objective
Classification of Cash Flows 2
Distinguish among
operating, investing, and
financing activities.

Operating Investing Financing

Activities Activities Activities

Income Changes in Changes in

Statement Items Investments Non-current
and Non- Liabilities and
current Equity

LO 2
Classification of Cash Flows

Operating activities—Income statement items

Cash inflows: Illustration 13-1
Typical receipt and payment
From sale of goods or services.
From interest received and dividends received.
Cash outflows:
To suppliers for inventory.
To employees for wages.
To government for taxes.
To lenders for interest.
To others for expenses.

LO 2
Classification of Cash Flows

Investing activities—Changes in investments and non-

current assets Illustration 13-1
Typical receipt and payment
Cash inflows: classifications

From sale of property, plant, and equipment.

From sale of investments in debt or equity securities of
other entities.
From collection of principal on loans to other entities.
Cash outflows:
To purchase property, plant, and equipment.
To purchase investments in debt or equity securities of
other entities.
To make loans to other entities.
LO 2
Classification of Cash Flows

Financing activities—Changes in non-current liabilities

and equity Illustration 13-1
Typical receipt and payment
Cash inflows: classifications

From sale of ordinary shares.

From issuance of long-debt (bonds and notes).
Cash outflows:
To shareholders as dividends.
To redeem long-term debt or reacquire
ordinary shares (treasury shares).

LO 2
Aktivitas Non-Kas yang signifikan

1. Penerbitan langsung saham biasa untuk membeli aset.

2. Konversi obligasi menjadi saham biasa
3. Penerbitan langsung utang untuk membeli aset
4. Pertukaran aset tetap

LO 2
Format of the Statement of Cash Flows

Order of Presentation:
Direct Method
1. Operating activities.
Indirect Method
2. Investing activities.

3. Financing activities.

LO 2
Illustration 13-3
Format of statement of cash flows

LO 2
> DO IT!
Illustration: Classify each of these transactions by type of cash
flow activity.
1. Issued 100,000 HK$50 par value ordinary
shares for HK$8,000,000 cash.
2. Borrowed HK$2,000,000 from Castle Bank,
signing a 5-year note bearing 8% interest.
3. Purchased two semi-trailer trucks for
HK$1,700,000 cash.
4. Paid employees HK$120,000 for salaries and Operating
5. Collected HK$200,000 cash for services Operating
LO 2
Preparing the Statement of Cash Flows

Tiga sumber informasi:

1. Laporan posisi keuangan komperatif (Comparative statement of financial

2. Laporan Laba Rugi periode berjalan (Current income statement)

3. Informasi tambahan

LO 2
Preparing the Statement of Cash Flows

Three Major Steps:

Illustration 13-4
Three major steps in preparing
the statement of cash flows

Tahap 1: Menentukan kas bersih yang disediakan/digunakan melalui aktivitas operasi

dengan mengkonversi laba bersih dari basis akrual menjadi basis kas
Langkah ini melibatkan analisa tidak hanya pada Laporan Laba Rugi tahun berjalan tetapi
juga laporan posisi keuangan komperatif dan data tambahan tertentu
LO 2
Preparing the Statement of Cash Flows

Three Major Steps:

Illustration 13-4
Three major steps in preparing
the statement of cash flows Tahap 2: menganalisa perubahan di non current asset dan utang,
kemudian dikategorikan sebagai aktivitas investasi dan
pendanaan, atau diungkapkan sebagai transaksi non kas

LO 2
Preparing the Statement of Cash Flows

Three Major Steps:

Illustration 13-4 Membandingkan perubahan bersih di kas pada Laporan arus kas dengan
Three major steps in preparing
the statement of cash flows perubahan akun kas yang dilaporakan pada Laporan posisi keuangan
untuk memastikan jumlah yang disetujui

LO 2
Indirect And Direct Methods

Perusahaan mendapatkan keuntungan dari metoda tidak langsung

untuk dua alasan berikut:
1. Lebih mudah dan dengan biaya lebih sedikit untuk menyiapkan,

2. Fokus pada perbedaan antara laba bersih dan arus kas bersih
dari aktivitas operasi.

LO 2
Preparing the Statement of Cash Flows

The statement of cash flows classifies cash receipts and
cash payments by these activities:

a. operating and non-operating.

b. investing, financing, and operating.

c. financing, operating, and non-operating.

d. investing, financing, and non-operating.

LO 2
Learning Objective 3
Statement of Cash Flows: Prepare a statement of
cash flows using the
—Indirect Method indirect method.

Illustration 13-5
Comparative statements of financial position, income statement,
and additional information for Computer Services Company
LO 3
Illustration 13-5
Comparative statements of financial position, income statement,
and additional information for Computer Services Company

LO 3
Change in
2017 2016 Account Balance

Illustration 13-5
Additional information for 2017:
1. Depreciation expense was comprised of €6,000 for building and €3,000 for
2. The company sold equipment with a book value of €7,000 (cost €8,000, less
accumulated depreciation €1,000) for €4,000 cash.
3. Issued €110,000 of long-term bonds in direct exchange for land.
4. A building costing €120,000 was purchased for cash. Equipment costing €25,000
was also purchased for cash.
5. Issued ordinary shares for €20,000 cash.
6. The company declared and paid a €29,000 cash dividend.
LO 3
Step 1: Operating Activities

Menentukan kas bersih yang disediakan/digunakan oleh

aktivitas operasi dengan mengkonversi laba bersih dari
basis akrual menjadi basis kas

Penyesuaian umum ke Laba (rugi) bersih

 Tambahkan kembali biaya non kas (biaya depresiasi dan

 Mengurangi keuntungan dan menambah kerugian

 Analisa perubahan aset dan kewajiban lancar non kas.

LO 3
Step 1: Operating Activities

Which is an example of a cash flow from an operating

a. Payment of cash to lenders for interest.

b. Receipt of cash from the issuance of ordinary shares.

c. Payment of cash dividends to the company’s


d. None of the above.

LO 3
Step 1: Operating Activities

Depreciation Expense
Walaupun biaya depresiasi mengurangi laba bersih, namun
tidak mengurangi kas. Perusahaan harus menambahkan lagi
ke laba bersih (adjustment).
Illustration 13-7

Cash flows from operating activities:

Net income € 145,000
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
provided by operating activities:
Depreciation expense 9,000
Net cash provided by operating activities € 154,000

LO 3
Step 1: Operating Activities


Companies should report cash received from the sale (disposal) of
plant assets in the investing activities section. Because of this,

 any loss on sale is added to net income in the operating


 any gain on sale is deducted from net income in the operating


LO 3
Step 1: Operating Activities


Illustration 13-8

Cash flows from operating activities:

Net income € 145,000
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
provided by operating activities:
Depreciation expense 9,000
Loss on disposal of plant assets 3,000
Net cash provided by operating activities € 157,000

LO 3
Step 1: Operating Activities

Perubahan pada Akun Aset Lancar Non-Kas

Saat saldo Piutang Usaha menurun, penerimaan kas lebih
tinggi dari pada pendapatan yang diperoleh berdasarkan basis
Illustration 13-9
Accounts Receivable

1/1/017 Balance 30,000 Receipts from customers 517,000

Sales revenue 507,000

12/31/17 Balance 20,000

Karena itu, perusahaan menambahkan ke laba bersih jumlah

menurunan di piutang usaha .
LO 3
Step 1: Operating Activities


Illustration 13-10

Cash flows from operating activities:

Net income € 145,000
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
provided by operating activities:
Depreciation expense 9,000
Loss on disposal of plant assets 3,000
Decrease in accounts receivable 10,000
Net cash provided by operating activities € 167,000

LO 3
Step 1: Operating Activities


Saat saldo persediaan meningkat, harga pokok barang yang
dibeli melebihi harga pokok barang yang terjual (COGS).


1/1/17 Balance 10,000 Cost of goods sold 150,000

Purchases 155,000

12/31/17 Balance 15,000

Harga pokok penjualan tidak merefleksikan pembayaran per kas

yang dibuat untuk barang dagangan. Perusahaan mengurangi dari
laba bersih peningkatan persediaan ini
LO 3
Step 1: Operating Activities


Illustration 13-10
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income € 145,000
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
provided by operating activities:
Depreciation expense 9,000
Loss on disposal of plant assets 3,000
Decrease in accounts receivable 10,000
Increase in inventory (5,000)
Net cash provided by operating activities € 162,000

LO 3
Step 1: Operating Activities


When the Prepaid Expense balance increases, cash paid for
expenses is higher than expenses reported on an accrual basis.
The company deducts the increase from net income to arrive at
net cash provided by operating activities.

If prepaid expenses decrease, reported expenses are higher

than the expenses paid.

LO 3
Step 1: Operating Activities


Illustration 13-10

Cash flows from operating activities:

Net income € 145,000
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
provided by operating activities:
Depreciation expense 9,000
Loss on disposal of plant assets 3,000
Decrease in accounts receivable 10,000
Increase in inventory (5,000)
Increase in prepaid expenses (4,000)
Net cash provided by operating activities € 158,000

LO 3
Step 1: Operating Activities


Saat Utang usaha meningkat
➢ Perusahaan menerima lebih banyak barang dagangan dari
pada yang dibayarkan untuk barang tersebut.

➢ Peningkatan ditambahkan ke laba bersih.

Saat Utang pajak pendapatan menurun

➢ Biaya pajak pendapatan lebih rendah dari pada jumlah pajak
yang dibayarkan pada perioda berjalan.

➢ Penurunan dikurangkan dari laba bersih.

LO 3
Step 1: Operating Activities


ACCOUNTS Illustration 13-11

Cash flows from operating activities:

Net income € 145,000
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
provided by operating activities:
Depreciation expense 9,000
Loss on disposal of plant assets 3,000
Decrease in accounts receivable 10,000
Increase in inventory (5,000)
Increase in prepaid expenses (4,000)
Increase in accounts payable 16,000
Decrease in income taxes payable (2,000)
Net cash provided by operating activities € 172,000
LO 3
Step 1: Operating Activities

Summary of Conversion to Net Cash Provided

by Operating Activities—Indirect Method

Illustration 13-12
Adjustments required to convert net income to net cash provided by operating activities
LO 3
Step 2: Investing and Financing Activities

Company purchased land of €110,000 by issuing long-term

bonds. This is a significant non-cash investing and financing
activity that merits disclosure in a separate schedule.

1/1/17 Balance 20,000
Issued bonds 110,000
12/31/17 Balance 130,000

Bonds Payable
1/1/17 Balance 20,000
For land 110,000
12/31/17 Balance 130,000

LO 3
Step 2: Investing and Financing Activities
Partial statement Illustration 13-14

Net cash provided by operating activities 172,000

Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchase of building (120,000)
Purchase of equipment (25,000)
Disposal of plant assets 4,000
Net cash used by investing activities (141,000)
Cash flows from financing activities:
Issuance of ordinary shares 20,000
Payment of cash dividends (29,000)
Net cash used by financing activities (9,000)
Net increase in cash 22,000
Cash at beginning of period 33,000
Cash at end of period € 55,000

Disclosure: Issuance of bonds to purchase land € 110,000

LO 3
Step 2: Investing and Financing Activities

From the additional information, the company acquired an

office building for €120,000 cash. This is a cash outflow
reported in the investing section.

1/1/17 Balance 40,000
Office building 120,000

12/31/17 Balance 160,000

LO 3
Step 2: Investing and Financing Activities
Partial statement Illustration 13-14

Net cash provided by operating activities 172,000

Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchase of building (120,000)
Purchase of equipment (25,000)
Disposal of plant assets 4,000
Net cash used by investing activities (141,000)
Cash flows from financing activities:
Issuance of ordinary shares 20,000
Payment of cash dividends (29,000)
Net cash used by financing activities (9,000)
Net increase in cash 22,000
Cash at beginning of period 33,000
Cash at end of period € 55,000

Disclosure: Issuance of bonds to purchase land € 110,000

LO 3
Step 2: Investing and Financing Activities

The additional information explains that the equipment increase

resulted from two transactions: (1) a purchase of equipment of
€25,000, and (2) the sale for €4,000 of equipment costing €8,000.
Illustration 13-13


1/1/17 Balance 10,000 Cost of equipment sold 8,000

Purchase 25,000
12/31/17 Balance 27,000

Cash 4,000
Accumulated Depreciation 1,000
Loss on Disposal of Plant Assets 3,000
Equipment 8,000

LO 3
Illustration 13-14

Statement of Cash flows from operating activities:

Net income € 145,000
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
Cash Flows provided by operating activities:
Depreciation expense 9,000
Loss on disposal of plant assets 3,000
Decrease in accounts receivable 10,000
Increase in inventory (5,000)
Increase in prepaid expenses (4,000)
Indirect Increase in accounts payable 16,000
Method Decrease in income taxes payable (2,000)
Net cash provided by operating activities 172,000
Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchase of building (120,000)
Purchase of equipment (25,000)
Disposal of plant assets 4,000
Net cash used by investing activities (141,000)
Cash flows from financing activities:
Issuance of ordinary shares 20,000
Payment of cash dividends (29,000)
Net cash used by financing activities (9,000)
Net increase in cash 22,000
Cash at beginning of period 33,000
Cash at end of period € 55,000
Step 2: Investing and Financing Activities
The increase in ordinary shares resulted from the issuance of
new shares.

Share Capital - Ordinary

1/1/17 Balance 50,000

Shares sold 20,000

12/31/17 Balance 70,000

LO 3
Step 2: Investing and Financing Activities
Illustration 13-14
Partial statement
Net cash provided by operating activities 172,000
Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchase of building (120,000)
Purchase of equipment (25,000)
Disposal of plant assets 4,000
Net cash used by investing activities (141,000)
Cash flows from financing activities:
Issuance of ordinary shares 20,000
Payment of cash dividends (29,000)
Net cash used by financing activities (9,000)
Net increase in cash 22,000
Cash at beginning of period 33,000
Cash at end of period € 55,000

Disclosure: Issuance of bonds to purchase land € 110,000

LO 3
Step 2: Investing and Financing Activities
Retained earnings increased €116,000 during the year. This
increase can be explained by two factors: (1) Net income of
€145,000 increased retained earnings, and (2) Dividends of
€29,000 decreased retained earnings.

Retained Earnings

1/1/17 Balance 48,000

Dividends 29,000 Net income 145,000

12/31/17 Balance 164,000

LO 3
Step 2: Investing and Financing Activities

Which is an example of a cash flow from an investing
a. Receipt of cash from the issuance of bonds payable.
b. Payment of cash to repurchase outstanding ordinary
c. Receipt of cash from the sale of equipment.
d. Payment of cash to suppliers for inventory.

LO 3
Illustration 13-14

Statement of Cash flows from operating activities:

Net income € 145,000
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
Cash Flows provided by operating activities:
Depreciation expense 9,000
Loss on disposal of plant assets 3,000
Decrease in accounts receivable 10,000
Increase in inventory (5,000)
Increase in prepaid expenses (4,000)
Indirect Increase in accounts payable 16,000
Decrease in income taxes payable (2,000)
Net cash provided by operating activities 172,000
Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchase of building (120,000)
Purchase of equipment (25,000)
Disposal of plant assets 4,000
Net cash used by investing activities (141,000)
Cash flows from financing activities:
Issuance of ordinary shares 20,000
Payment of cash dividends (29,000)
Net cash used by financing activities (9,000)
Net increase in cash 22,000
Cash at beginning of period 33,000
Cash at end of period € 55,000

LO 3
Using Cash Flow to Evaluate a Company
Learning Objective
Free cash flow describes the cash 4
Analyze the statement of
remaining from operations after adjustment cash flows.

for capital expenditures and dividends.

Illustration 13-15
Free cash flow

LO 4
Free Cash Flow Illustration 13-16
Anheuser-Busch InBev cash
flow information ($ in millions)

free cash

Cash provided by operating activities $17,451

Less: Expenditures on property and equipment 3,869
Dividends paid 6,253
Free cash flow $7,329
Illustration 13-17
Calculation of Anheuser-Busch InBev’s free cash flow ($ in millions) LO 4
Step 1: Operating Activities

Illustration 13A-2
Major classes of cash receipts and payments LO 5
Direct Method

Illustration 13A-1
Comparative statements of financial position, income statement,
and additional information for Computer Services Company

LO 5
Illustration 13A-1
Comparative statements of financial position, income statement,
and additional information for Computer Services Company

LO 5
Change in
2017 2016 Account Balance

Additional information for 2017: Illustration 13A-1

1. Depreciation expense was comprised of €6,000 for building and €3,000 for
2. The company sold equipment with a book value of €7,000 (cost €8,000, less
accumulated depreciation €1,000) for €4,000 cash.
3. Issued €110,000 of long-term bonds in direct exchange for land.
4. A building costing €120,000 was purchased for cash. Equipment costing €25,000
was also purchased for cash.
5. Issued ordinary shares for €20,000 cash.
6. The company declared and paid a €29,000 cash dividend.
LO 5
Step 1: Operating Activities


For Computer Services, accounts receivable decreased
€10,000. Illustration 13A-4
Analysis of accounts receivable
Accounts Receivable
1/1/017 Balance 30,000 Receipts from customers 517,000
Sales revenue 507,000

12/31/17 Balance 20,000

Illustration 13A-5
Formula to compute cash receipts from customers—direct method

LO 5
Step 1: Operating Activities


In 2017, Computer Services Company’s inventory increased
€5,000 and cash payments to suppliers were €139,000.
1/1/17 Balance 10,000 Cost of goods sold 150,000
Purchases 155,000

12/31/17 Balance 15,000

Accounts Payable
Payment to suppliers 139,000 1/1/17 Balance 12,000
Purchases 155,000

12/31/17 Balance 28,000

Illustration 13A-8
Analysis of accounts payable LO 5
Step 1: Operating Activities


In 2017, Computer Services Company’s inventory increased
€5,000 and cash payments to suppliers were €139,000.

Illustration 13A-9
Formula to compute cash payments to suppliers—direct method

LO 5
Step 1: Operating Activities


Cash payments for operating expenses were €115,000.

Illustration 13A-10
Computation of cash payments for operating expenses

Illustration 13A-11
Formula to compute cash payments for operating expenses—direct method
LO 5
Step 1: Operating Activities


In 2017, Computer Services’ had interest expense of €42,000.

Interest Payable
Cash paid for interest 42,000 1/1/17 Balance 0
Interest expense 42,000

12/31/17 Balance 0

LO 5
Step 1: Operating Activities


Cash payments for income taxes were €49,000.

Income Tax Payable

Cash paid for taxes 49,000 1/1/17 Balance 8,000
Income tax expense 47,000

12/31/17 Balance 6,000

Illustration 13A-13
Formula to compute cash payments for income taxes—direct method

LO 5
Step 1: Operating Activities

Illustration 13A-14
Operating activities section of the statement of cash flows

LO 5
Step 2: Investing and Financing Activities

Increase in Equipment. (1) Equipment purchased for €25,000,

and (2) equipment sold for €4,000, cost €8,000, book value
Illustration 13A-15
Analysis of equipment
1/1/17 Balance 10,000 Cost of equipment sold 8,000
Purchases 25,000
12/31/17 Balance 27,000

Accumulated Depreciation
Equipment sold 1,000 1/1/17 Balance 1,000
Depreciation expense 3,000
12/31/17 Balance 3,000

LO 5
Step 2: Investing and Financing Activities

Increase in Equipment. (1) Equipment purchased for €25,000,

and (2) equipment sold for €4,000, cost €8,000, book value

Cash 4,000
Accumulated Depreciation—Equipment 1,000
Loss on Disposal of Plant Assets 3,000
Equipment 8,000

LO 5
Step 2: Investing and Financing Activities

Increase in Land. Land increased Significant non-cash

€110,000. The company purchased investing and financing
land of €110,000 by issuing bonds. transaction.

Increase in Building. Acquired Investing

building for €120,000 cash. transaction.

Increase in Bonds Payable. Bonds

Significant non-cash
Payable increased €110,000. The
investing and financing
company acquired land by exchanging
bonds for land.

LO 5
Step 2: Investing and Financing Activities

Increase in Share Capital—

Ordinary. Increase in Share Capital—
Ordinary of €20,000. Increase resulted
from the issuance of new shares.

Increase in Retained Earnings. The

€116,000 net increase in Retained Financing
Earnings resulted from net income of
(cash dividend)
€145,000 and the declaration and
payment of a cash dividend of €29,000.

LO 5
Preparing a Worksheet

1. Enter in the statement of financial position accounts section the

statement of financial position accounts and their beginning and
ending balances.

2. Enter in the reconciling columns of the worksheet the data that

explain the changes in the statement of financial position
accounts other than cash and their effects on the statement of
cash flows.

3. Enter on the cash line and at the bottom of the worksheet the
increase or decrease in cash. This entry should enable the
totals of the reconciling columns to be in agreement.

LO 6
Illustration 13A-16
Statement of cash flows,
2017—direct method

LO 5
Activity SCF Activity Affected Cash Inflow, Outflow, or No Effect
Recorded depreciation expense on the plant assets Operating No Cash Flow Effect
Incurred a loss on disposal of plant assets. Operating No Cash Flow Effect
Acquired a building by paying cash Investing Cash Outflow
Made principal repayments on a mortgage. Financing Cash Outflow
Issued ordinary shares. Financing Cash Inflow
Purchased shares of another company to be held as Investing Cash Outflow
a long-term equity investment.
Paid cash dividends to ordinary shareholders. Financing Cash Outflow
Sold inventory on credit. The company uses a Operating No Cash Flow Effect
perpetual inventory system.
Purchased inventory on credit. Operating No Cash Flow Effect
Paid wages to employees Operating Cash Outflow
Direct Method
Operating Activities (Cash Inflow)
From Customer
• Revenue
• Account Receivable (AR)
• (+) Decrease in AR  AR payment, cash received increase
• (-) Increase in AR  Credit sales/AR increase, cash received

Related Accounts Increase Decrease

Account Receivables Dr. Account Receivable Dr. Cash
Cr. Cash Cr. Account Receivable

Direct Method
Operating Activities (Cash Outflow)
For Suppliers
• Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
• Inventory
• (+) Increase in Inventory  inventory purchase, cash outflow increase
• (-) Decrease in Inventory  purchase return, cash outflow decrease

Related Accounts Increase Decrease

Inventory Dr. Inventory - Purchase Dr. Cash
Cr. Cash Cr. Inventory
• Account Payable (AP)
• (+) Decrease in AP  AP payment, cash outflow increase
• (-) Increase in AP  Credit purchase, cash outflow decrease

Related Accounts Increase Decrease

Account Payable Dr. Cash Dr. Account Payable
Cr. Account Payable Cr. Cash

Direct Method
Operating Activities (Cash Outflow)
For Operating Expense
• Operating Expense
• (-) Amortization / Depreciation / Depletion Expense  Adj. Non-Cash Activity
• Supplies
• (+) Increase in Supplies Supplies purchase, cash outflow increase
• (-) Decrease in Supplies Return of supplies, cash outflow decrease

Related Accounts Increase Decrease

Supplies Dr. Supplies Dr. Cash
Cr. Cash Cr. Supplies
• Accrued liabilities (AL)
• (+) Decrease in AL  Payment of accrued liabilities, cash outflow increase
• (-) Increase in AL Accrued, cash outflow decrease

Related Accounts Increase Decrease

Accrued liabilities Dr. Cash Dr. Accrued liabilities
Cr. Accrued liabilities Cr. Cash

Direct Method
Operating Activities (Cash Outflow)
For Income Tax Expense
• Income Tax Expense
• Income Tax Payable
• (+) Decrease in income tax payable Income tax payable payment, cash outflow
• (-) Increase in income tax payable  not yet paid, accrued.

Related Accounts Increase Decrease

Income Tax Payable Dr. Cash Dr. Income Tax Payable
Cr. Income Tax Payable Cr. Cash
For Interest Expense
• Interest Expense
• Interest Payable
• (+) Decrease in interest payable Interest payable payment, cash outflow increase
• (-) Increase in interest payable not yet paid, accrued.

Related Accounts Increase Decrease

Interest Payable Dr. Cash Dr. Interest Payable
Cr. Interest93Payable Cr. Cash
Indirect Method
Operating Activities
Adjustment to reconcile net income to net cash flow from operating activities with these
following steps:
• Begin with net income from the income statement.
• Add back noncash expenses, such as depreciation, amortization, and depletion.
• Remove the effect of gains (-) and/or losses (+) from disposal of long-term assets, as cash
from the disposal of long-term assets is shown under investing cash flows.
• Adjust for changes in current assets and current liabilities to remove accruals from
operating activities.
• (+) Decrease in Current Asset, (-) increase in Current Asset,
• (+) Increase in Current Liabilities, (-) decrease in Current Liabilities

Accounts Increase Decrease

Current Asset Dr. Current Asset Dr. Cash
Cr. Cash Dr. Current Asset

Current Liabilities Dr. Cash Dr. Current Liabilities

Cr. Current Liabilities Dr. Cash

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