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BY :

Dewi Saputri


Lecturer : Farida Hanim Saragih, S.Pd.,M.Hum.



Praise and gratitude to Allah SWT for His mercy and guidance, the author
was able to complete the critical book report on time.The paper is prepared to
fulfill the tasks of the Productive Oral Language course.

In addition, this paper aims to criticize a book or chapter in a book. I

would like to thank ma’am Farida Hanim Saragih, S.Pd.,M.Hum. as Lecturer of
the Productive Oral Language Course at the Univesity Of Medan State.

I realize this paper is still far from perfect. Therefore, suggestions and
constructive criticism are expected for the perfection of this paper.

Medan, September 2021





a) Summary of chapter 1

b) Summary of chapter 2

c) Summary of chapter 3

Identity of book

Book title: Speaking of speech book

Authors: David Harrington and Charles LeBeau

Publisher: MacMillan

City of publication: Tokyo

Year of publication: 1996

Edition : 2009

Number of pages: 111 pages


This book as a whole discusses how to communicate (speaking, giving

speeches, and presentations). This book consists of three chapters. Each chapter
discusses techniques in conveying messages. Starting from the technique of
conveying messages through physical (body language, eye contact, voice),
techniques for delivering messages through visuals (how to display creative
visuals), and techniques for conveying messages through stories (starting from the
introduction, body, and conclusion).

The important thing in this book is in chapter one, because that chapter
discusses how to be able to practice the technique of conveying messages in
speech, one of which is conveying messages through physical means. Starting
from gestures such as eye contact, because eye contact is very important and can
maintain confidence when making a speech. It can also give positive energy to
Description of the contents of the book

Summary of chapter 1

In chapter one, discuss about convey messages physically. Techniques for

conveying messages through physical means can be through gestures, eye contact,
posture, and voice. In addition, this chapter also discusses how important it is to
convey messages physically. Delivering a message through the physical is very
important because it can convey a positive message to the audience.

Advantage :

1) using language that is easy to understand,

2) equipped with pictures or illustrations to make it easy to learn

3) equipped with exercises or questions that can be practiced directly.


1) This chapter contains exercises using DVDs, this makes the practice
cannot be carried out optimally because of the use of very short language
and DVDs that cannot be played directly.

2) In addition, on pages 23 and 24 can confuse the reader because of the

layout of the pages in the book.
Summary of chapter 2

In the second chapter discusses the technique of conveying messages

through visuals. Delivering a message visually is very important because it can
summarize the content of the text and make the audience understand the topic of
the presentation through images. In addition, the technique of conveying messages
through visuals can be presented through pictures, graphics, charts that are
designed creatively.

Advantage :

1) using easy-to-understand language

2) Use good pictures or illustrations

3) Accompanied by examples of good visual displays to convey messages

through visuals


1) on pages 40, 42 and 51 the effective and visual explaning section uses a
DVD, so there are some explanations that are missed in the book.
Summary of chapter 3

Chapter 3 discusses conveying messages through story techniques.

Conveying a message through a good story will keep the audience interested in
the topic of the presentation. In addition, conveying messages through story
techniques can also make it easier for the audience to understand and remember
the material presented.

In conveying the message through the story technique has three structures.
The structure is introduction, body, and conclusion.


1) accompanied by a chart in the discussion so it is easy to understand.

2) The explanation of the material is more complete than the previous



1) the language used is too long

2) The image layout is too dense,

3) As well as equipped with a DVD so there are some explanations that are

This book is very suitable to be read by everyone, especially teachers

because teachers need communication skills in order to convey the material well
so that students can understand the material easily. In addition, this book is
presented in simple language, as well as illustrations or pictures for each
explanation and is equipped with tasks or exercises that are practiced directly.


This book should be read with more than one person, because this book
contains hands-on practice with partners. In addition, this book is equipped with a
DVD so that to read it, you must turn on the DVD, otherwise there will be some
missing parts in each chapter.

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