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Concepcion, Jamaica P.

Science, Technology & Society

BSIE1B-S (Pictures)
The Croods (Reflection)

We all know that we came from a monkey and we are called cavemen, having the
same structures and highlights of a human and being able to know the past advancement
of man and how we evolve up to presently. Within the motion picture, The Croods, it gives
us insight and understanding of what we know presently is distant different from the past,
particularly the ways of their living, how they looked for their foods and being able to
ensure themselves from danger. "Never forget to be afraid", that was the motto of their
father which is really wrong for me since we should never be afraid of something, having
that fear in your heart will break everything indeed a single mistake can destroy everything
hence you must trust yourself that you can conquer everything, all the trials and problems
that your facing it'll fair passed by, you’ll never know what comes next, since God gave
you a challenge which you'll overcome, He won't give you a problem that you cannot
unravel rather like a math problem, there will always a solution there will continuously a
solution for everything, a strategy simply can use. Eep, was a courageous young woman
who stand up and confront the fear, I was mesmerize by her bravery and beauty since
after all that her father says to her, she will unquestionably discover a light on it and being
able to prove that there's nothing to be afraid of, all you have to do is confront the reality
and you'll see what's the beauty of it. After how many years of existing, we are modernly
evolved by all implies of having a awesome features and structures of our physical
aspects; we are not the same as the cavemen. our present-day world and cutting-edge
innovation really change the living of people and the presence of the individuals, through
this innovation we are having a incredible country and community but the other reality is
that we are greatly hurting our nature of living, we got to be lazy of nearly everything back
then cavemen utilized their sense to live and utilize every small sources that they can use
to live another day. Live your life to the fullest, ma make mistakes so that you just can
really learn and don’t be afraid to do something since all you would like is courage and
believe in yourself.

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