ESRD ConsensusStatement071210

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Consensus Statement

Medicare End Stage Renal

Disease Program:
Why We Must Have a Paradigm
Shift in Health Care
Gary A. Puckrein, PhD
Keith Norris, MD

December 10, 2007

1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Suite 575, Washington, DC 20036

tel 202.223.7560, fax 202.223.7567

1731 E 120th Street, Room 3080 Los Angeles, CA 90059

tel (323) 357-3611, fax (323) 357-3486
Gary A. Puckrein, PhD, is president and chief executive officer of the National Minority
Quality Forum.
Keith Norris, MD, is president of the Association of Minority Nephrologists.

Medicare End Stage Renal Disease Program:
Why We Must Have a Paradigm Shift in Health Care

W e need a paradigm shift in American

health care, and this fact is no more
evident than in the Medicare End Stage
Renal Disease (ESRD) Program. A recent federal
nologies cannot cope with the demands of the
21st and even the 22nd centuries.
Medicare has played a crucial role in leveling
the playing field for the poor and members of
report estimated that medical-care-trust reserves racial and ethnic minority groups, ensuring that
will be depleted by 2019.1 Despite per capita they have access to health care. The Medicare
spending about double that of most developed ESRD Program has been instrumental in provid-
nations, the United States ranks among the lowest ing quality health care for African Americans and
in health access and outcomes.2 Peter Orszag, other minority populations who have dispropor-
director of the Congressional Budget Office, and tionately high ESRD prevalence. This consensus
Philip Ellis recently wrote, “The long-term fiscal statement traces the history of Medicare coverage
balance of the United States will be determined of ESRD and explores current proposals in Con-
primarily by the future rate of growth of health gress to deploy an untested payment system that
care costs.”3 They suggest a plan to limit patient legislators previously disregarded because it would
and provider choice in the system by eliminating introduce unacceptable risks for beneficiaries.
practice variations, creating one-size-fits-all proto-
cols tied to physician reimbursement. Their cau- Findings
tionary words and solutions reflect a mindset that Based on a comprehensive review of the literature
has gained currency among many policy makers and existing data, the Association of Minority
and regulators. Their approaches to meeting Nephrologists and the National Minority Quality
looming fiscal challenges are finding expression in Forum submit the following findings to inform
a wide body of policies and regulations. If fully discussion of legislative proposals:
implemented, these measures could move us ● Minority populations are disproportionately
closer to a system of health-care rationing and represented among ESRD patients. Any pro-
underpower our ability to innovate. posed macro-level change to the ESRD Pro-
Orszag and Ellis, as well as many other policy gram must be viewed through this lens to
makers who share their perspective, assume an ensure that it does not reduce Medicare’s
almost static technological environment, with in- effectiveness in addressing health disparities.
frequent incremental innovations, placing greater ● Legislation recently passed by the U.S. House
emphasis on tighter fiscal constraints that specifi- of Representatives to reform the ESRD Pro-
cally erect barriers to patient and provider choice. gram is extremely problematic in that it man-
They fail to consider that a more productive solu- dates a move to a new payment system without
tion to mounting health-care costs would be studying the implications of such a change.
encouragement of more investment in human
capital. We need to accelerate the introduction of ● The House proposal is a nationwide,
newer therapies and technologies that are simpler uncontrolled experiment on Medicare benefi-
to use, more effective, and less costly. The current ciaries who have not consented to accept the
debate about cost in the Medicare ESRD Program risks.
is an excellent example of this creeping willing- ● Previous Congresses, policy makers, and key
ness to emphasize cost containment and to sub- stakeholders have understood the risks and
ordinate patient access to appropriate therapy, have required a controlled demonstration proj-
ignoring the mounting evidence that old tech- ect to ensure that Medicare beneficiaries would
not be disadvantaged.
Medicare End Stage Renal Disease Program: Paradigm Shift

● There is a general failure to acknowledge that to Medicare for most ESRD patients, regardless
the Medicare ESRD Program is essentially of age or disability status, has come to be known
built on a 1960s technology platform that is as Medicare’s ESRD Program. This program is
costly and ill equipped for the challenges of the unique within Medicare in that it is the only one
21st century. under which diagnosis of a disease provides the
● Congress should initiate a program to stimulate basis for an entitlement for a person, regardless of
the market to make investments in renal thera- age. Medicare is currently the primary payer for
pies that are less expensive and more efficient. 80% of patients with ESRD.4
The Medicare ESRD benefit has provided
Background access to care that has extended the lives of
Forty-seven years ago, individuals who received a ESRD patients, including many who are members
diagnosis of ESRD faced imminent death. Dialy- of racial or ethnic minority groups. This remark-
sis and renal transplantation were just emerging as able success has been purchased at a rising price.
experimental procedures and were available in Almost from the outset of the program, the con-
only a handful of medical centers. Renal trans- tinual increase in the population of ESRD
plantation is the surgical procedure by which a patients has prompted efforts to contain the
healthy kidney is removed from one individual costs. In 1970, three years before the implemen-
and implanted in an individual with ESRD; the tation of the ESRD Program, the number of
transplanted kidney functions as the individual’s reported dialysis patients was 2,874. By 1972,
own kidney. Demand for donor kidneys exceeds when the Social Security Act amendments were
the supply, so dialysis is used to maintain ESRD enacted, the number had climbed to 5,786.5 By
patients while they await transplants and to 1982 the number was 60,000.6 Today there are
maintain patients who are not candidates for more than 485,000 ESRD patients in the United
transplantation. Dialysis is the process by which States: approximately 341,000 are on dialysis, and
metabolic waste products normally cleared by the approximately 144,000 are recipients of kidney
kidneys through the urinary tract are removed transplants.7
from the bloodstream by an artificial kidney. Both The costs of the Medicare ESRD benefit have
transplantation and dialysis are nonelective proce- far exceeded projections. Back in 1972, during
dures for ESRD patients. If these patients do not floor debates on the issue, the Senate considered
receive one of these renal replacement therapies, various estimates of the potential costs of the
they die. benefit. The estimated range of $90 million to
In the 1960s, when modern dialysis was first $110 million annually was judged “a minor cost to
developed, the treatments were beyond the finan- maintain human life.”8 The number of ESRD
cial means of most Americans. With minor Program beneficiaries skyrocketed past expecta-
exceptions, the federal government did not pay tions, as did the costs associated with treating
for ESRD care, and a diagnosis of ESRD was them. In 1982, ESRD expenditures by Medicare
essentially a death sentence for many patients approached $2 billion annually.9 By 1991, the pro-
unable to pay for dialysis. gram was spending in excess of $5 billion annu-
The barrier to direct federal support for renal- ally.10 Currently, Medicare spends about
replacement therapy was lifted on Octo- $20 billion of the nearly $35 billion spent on
ber 30, 1972, when President Richard Nixon ESRD annually.11 If current trends continue, the
signed Public Law 92–603, amending the Social Medicare ESRD cost will rise to $53.6 billion in
Security Act. This legislation dramatically changed 2020 to cover approximately 785,000 beneficia-
the landscape for the treatment of ESRD. It ries, among whom approximately 526,000 will be
established Medicare coverage for both dialysis dialysis patients.12
and transplantation and included inpatient care, Shifting its budget priorities and focusing on
outpatient care from physicians, and care in dialy- containing the costs of ESRD, the House of Rep-
sis units. The implementation of this entitlement resentatives has included provisions in the
Medicare End Stage Renal Disease Program: Paradigm Shift

recently passed Children’s Health and Medicare rate. Although oversight bodies have found iso-
Protection Act of 2007 (HR 3162) that, among lated instances of questionable drug administra-
other things, legislate a dramatic shift in provider tion, they have not found generalized
reimbursement with no demonstration that this overprescription. The dialysis-drug-reimburse-
new payment system will not compromise the ment system was reformed after the HHS 2003
lives of beneficiaries.13 report was issued, and MedPAC notes that this
shift “has resulted in Medicare’s drug payment no
Reimbursement System longer being as profitable as it was before 2005.”16
Since 1983, Medicare has paid dialysis providers a Having operated for so long under these
composite rate: they receive a single payment for financial constraints, dialysis providers have
each dialysis treatment, generally up to a maxi- probably maximized efficiency and minimized
mum of three treatments per beneficiary per costs. It is unlikely that bundling more costs will
week. The composite rate was designed to cover induce any further increase in efficiency without
the costs of services associated with a single dialy- jeopardizing patients’ health. Nevertheless, a
sis treatment, including nursing and other clinical drumbeat for a fully bundled composite rate that
services, social services, supplies, equipment, and includes injectables has persisted, even though
certain laboratory tests and drugs. Some items concerns were raised as early as 1990 that includ-
that were not common in 1983 and some items ing injectables in the composite rate could create
whose use varies, including some injectable drugs an incentive for providers to withhold or under-
and certain diagnostic tests, are not included in utilize those products so as to increase profits.
the composite rate and have separate reimburse-
ments. Vitamin D Therapy
Dialysis providers must operate efficiently just Consider the consequences that bundling could
to survive, because Congress did not authorize an have for vitamin D receptor activator (VDRA)
automatic annual update to the ESRD composite hormone therapy for ESRD beneficiaries. Healthy
rate and the composite rate has only been updated kidneys help maintain the proper level of calcium,
six times. This is an anomaly, because providers phosphorous, and vitamin D in the blood. The
under all other Medicare prospective payment loss of kidney function can often lead to danger-
systems receive annual updates in the rates paid ously low blood calcium and high levels of phos-
for their services. In fact, since 1973, total infla- phorous for ESRD patients. To maintain the
tion-adjusted payments for dialysis services have balance between phosphorous and calcium, the
decreased 73%.14 According to a report issued by body releases parathyroid hormone to signal the
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser- bones to release calcium into the blood.
vices (HHS) in 2003, data from dialysis clinics Untreated, an imbalance between phosphorus and
show that during 2000, the overall Medicare mar- calcium can lead to severe bone loss. ESRD
gin was only 1.4%, including both the composite patients suffering from this condition are treated
rate and separate drug payment.15 The report did with a VDRA hormone, which regulates para-
acknowledge, as had other reports by the Medi- thyroid hormone and enhances the body’s ability
care Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC), to absorb and use calcium to reverse the process
that the composite-rate payments usually fell that causes bone breakdown.
below the cost of providing dialysis and that From the early 1990s to the turn of the cen-
dialysis clinics had to rely on reimbursement from tury, approximately 60% of dialysis patients were
separately billed drugs and laboratory tests to treated with injectable vitamin D. Use of oral
remain solvent. This imbalance in the payment forms of vitamin D, such as Zemplar and Hec-
structure may have raised concern that dialysis torol, has increased in recent years: In 2005,
providers had an incentive to overutilize sepa- 52.2% of patients were treated with Zemplar and
rately billed injectable drugs to compensate for 23.8% received Hectorol.17 Nearly 80% of dialysis
the low payments received under the composite patients received vitamin D in 2005, and some
Medicare End Stage Renal Disease Program: Paradigm Shift

investigators have suggested that its use may ESRD beneficiaries require the drug and it con-
reduce mortality.18 stitutes a substantial portion of the separately bill-
Injectable forms of VDRA therapy adminis- able items that are paid in addition to the
tered to ESRD patients in dialysis units are reim- composite rate.
bursed through the Medicare Part B ESRD When the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
system, whereas oral formulations are available first approved EPO in 1989, it represented an
through Medicare Part D. The bundled-payment important advance for the treatment of anemia
system passed by the House of Representatives (deficiency of red blood cells) associated with
may, however, limit dialysis patients’ access to renal disease. Anemia afflicts virtually all dialysis
infused therapy. As payment under the Part B patients. Before the introduction of EPO, the
ESRD bundle would be fixed, regardless of the only anemia treatment for most ESRD patients
therapy provided, the incentive for providers was blood transfusion, which is risky and can
would be to treat patients with vitamin D defi- interfere with a patient’s ability to receive a trans-
ciency with oral rather than infused therapy. Pro- plant and anabolic steroids. Anemia is a major
viders would still receive payment under the cause of morbidity among ESRD patients, par-
Part B ESRD bundle, while shifting the cost for ticularly among those who undergo dialysis ther-
the treatment to the Part D system. This is prob- apy. EPO alleviates patients’ anemia and
lematic, because there are extensive data on the improves their quality of life.19
effectiveness of infused VDRA agents on dialysis Following the introduction of EPO, hemat-
patients, but the same benefits have not yet been ocrit levels (a measure of red blood cells and
demonstrated for oral agents. To avoid this anemia) have substantially improved, with more
incentive structure, VDRA therapy would have to and more patients meeting the Centers for Medi-
be made part of the redefined ESRD prospective care and Medicaid Services (CMS) clinical quality
payment system, with a specific quality measure performance measure for hematocrit: above 33%.
for infused activated vitamin D that monitors In 2005, 84% of patients achieved hematocrit lev-
VDRA average dose per patient. This measure els above 33%, in contrast to only 17% in 1991.20
would need to be calculated before enactment of However, concurrent with this improvement in
a new composite rate and reviewed annually after outcomes, there has been a significant focus on
enactment to ensure that cost shifting does not the growth in spending on EPO and on incen-
occur. This legislated safeguard would monitor tives for the drug’s use.
access to VDRA therapy and avoid any Given these concerns, Medicare has had
unintended financial incentive for providers to numerous policies for payment for EPO, with the
reduce access to this life-saving therapy. In addi- aim of balancing the goals of cost containment
tion, any oral medication with an indication for with high-quality care. The Erythropoietin Moni-
ESRD patients should be included in any new toring Policy was implemented in 2006 and
composite-rate legislation to eliminate the finan- replaced predecessor policies. Under this policy,
cial incentive to shift patients away from the dialysis providers are penalized for maintaining
proven benefits of VDRA therapy to unproven patients at high hematocrit levels. Specifically, if a
therapies that would potentially remain in Medi- provider fails to reduce a patient’s EPO dosage in
care Part D. response to a hematocrit over 39%, the provider
is subject to a 25% payment reduction. Addition-
Epoetin Alfa and Darbepoetin Alfa ally, if a patient’s hematocrit remains above 39%
There must be real and meaningful vigilance for three consecutive months, the provider faces a
about access to VDRA therapy, but much of the 50% payment penalty. Lastly, providers are not
debate regarding bundling is associated with epo- reimbursed for high doses: above 400,000 units
etin alfa and darbepoetin alfa (for simplicity’s per month for epoetin alfa and 1,200 micrograms
sake, both are referred to as EPO herein). EPO is per month for darbepoetin alfa.
at the center of this debate because virtually all
Medicare End Stage Renal Disease Program: Paradigm Shift

In addition to CMS, other government agen- OIG identified similar concerns in a Septem-
cies keep a close watch on Medicare payment for ber 1990 report, based on how EPO was being
EPO and EPO utilization. For example, the used under the case-rate reimbursement that was
Office of Inspector General for Health and in effect at the time.22 Initially, the Medicare pay-
Human Services (OIG) regularly audits dialysis ment policy for EPO under the case rate was $40
facilities with regard to EPO use and EPO Medi- per treatment for doses below 10,000 units and
care billing. Notably, although the occasional $70 for doses of 10,000 units and above. OIG
dialysis facility has been singled out for improper found that EPO doses under this payment system
use or billing of EPO or other injectables, no were about half of what Medicare had anticipated.
oversight body has found a generalized practice Patients also had concomitantly low hematocrit
among providers of using EPO or other levels relative to the hematocrits achieved in the
injectables medically unnecessarily. It is unclear EPO clinical trials. The OIG report recom-
what benefits, if any, could be gained by bundling mended eliminating the case rate, and Congress
the payment for EPO with the composite rate. subsequently modified the EPO-payment policy
away from a case rate to a fee per each 1,000 units
Bundling Too Much, Too Tight administered.
As early as 1990, concerns were raised that bun- After Congress eliminated the case rate and set
dling injectables, and specifically EPO, in the reimbursement for EPO based on the units
composite rate could create incentives for provid- administered, policy makers and Congress contin-
ers to withhold or underutilize those products so ued to explore how the composite rate might be
as to increase profits. In May 1990, the Office of updated to bundle items that the ESRD Program
Technology Assessment (OTA) issued a report was reimbursing separately. Generally, these
that reviewed the various payment options for studies reinforced the basic points made in the
EPO, including the bundling of injectables in the OTA report.23 Nevertheless, concerns about
composite reimbursement rate.21 Its findings are growth in spending for ESRD have resulted in
instructive, because they set out the clear limita- continued discussion of bundling as a possible
tions of bundling—limitations that subsequent solution.
studies have confirmed. OTA found that bun- Since 2001, a number of policy makers have
dling EPO into the composite rate would elimi- come out in support of a broader payment bundle
nate financial incentives to treat more cases or to in ESRD, despite the acknowledged potential for
provide larger doses of this biologic than are undertreatment, cherry-picking patients, and
clinically appropriate, but it might limit medically inadequate payment leading to facility closure or
appropriate access. Under a bundled payment, other access issues. MedPAC and the
providers might have a strong financial incentive U.S. Government Accountability Office support a
to deny EPO to some patients for whom it would broader payment bundle, and as early as 2003
be clinically appropriate or to administer doses of CMS issued a report suggesting that a broader
EPO that are below clinically appropriate levels in payment bundle would be feasible.
order to increase net revenues or reduce losses. Ultimately, the policy debate on a broader
OTA found that besides raising the risks to payment bundle for ESRD led Congress to
patients with regard to medically necessary access require under the Medicare Prescription Drug,
to the drug, bundled payment could disadvantage Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003
providers. The adequacy of compensation would (MMA) that CMS develop a demonstration pro-
vary with doses provided to patients and the mix gram to test a fully bundled payment system. Spe-
of patients at the dialysis center. Inequitable com- cifically, the MMA required CMS to consider how
pensation could also result if providers, because a fully bundled payment system could be devel-
of different markets, incur different acquisition oped, submit a report to Congress outlining this
costs for EPO, labor, or other inputs. analysis in 2005, and launch a three-year demon-
stration project in 2006 to test the payment sys-
Medicare End Stage Renal Disease Program: Paradigm Shift

tem to make sure that the changes would not put could monitor and analyze patients’ and provid-
at risk beneficiaries’ safety, quality of care, or ers’ experiences during implementation.26
access to services.24 At the June 2007 hearing, CMS’s acting
CMS has yet to meet the ESRD bundling administrator, Leslie Norwalk, noted that “CMS is
requirements in the MMA and has neither sub- generally supportive of such reform,” but once
mitted its report on a fully bundled ESRD again raised the same cautionary points that OTA
payment system to Congress nor initiated the raised in 1990 about incentives under bundling. 27
ESRD bundling demonstration project. A key Testifying in December 2006, she had noted that
challenge facing CMS is to design an accurate and a bundled-payment system “should guard against
adequate bundled-payment system. For example, incentives to under-treat patients or to ‘cherry-
a CMS 2005 analysis shows that under the bun- pick’ patients in order to maximize facility profits.
dled-payment system that the agency had devel- Accomplishing these goals will require
oped and was considering for the ESRD bundling (1) research to support the development of an
demonstration, 44% of facilities would experience adequate case mix adjustment for a fully bundled
payment gains or losses of 10% or more.25 Pay- system, and (2) mechanisms to ensure beneficiary
ment variations with such significant ranges could protections and promote quality care.”28
be extremely disruptive to the delivery of ESRD Others also testified at these hearings about
services and could make it difficult for facilities to the risks of increased bundling. For example,
stay in business, possibly forcing them to operate Congresswoman Donna Christen-Christensen,
at a loss, given that many small dialysis facilities physician and member of the Congressional Black
operate on razor-thin margins. In addition, if the Caucus, testified before the House Ways and
payment under bundling is inadequate, facilities Means Committee, focusing on the dispropor-
might undertreat patients or cherry-pick patients tionate incidence of ESRD among minorities and
for treatment. Each of the aforementioned emphasizing the need to be cautious and judicious
potential implications of inadequate payments when considering any changes to Medicare ESRD
could seriously limit patients’ access to and quality reimbursement. She was particularly concerned
of care. that bundling separately billable services into the
The inaction by CMS on the bundling report composite rate as a cost-containment mechanism
and demonstration, coupled with cost- could have a disproportionate negative impact on
containment concerns and shifting budget priori- minority patients, given their overrepresentation
ties, appears to have motivated some policy among ESRD patients. She also reminded com-
makers in Congress to support moving forward mittee members of the devastating effects that
with untested bundling. The House Ways and payment changes in ESRD had on patients in
Means Committee and its Subcommittee on 1997, when CMS issued the original EPO-
Health, in particular, have been very active on this monitoring policy (Hematocrit Measurement
issue, holding hearings in December 2006 and Audit Program Memorandum), which limited the
June 2007, respectively. Despite CMS’s own ability of physicians to treat anemia and resulted
research demonstrating the complexities and dif- in poor outcomes until it was changed in 1998.
ficulties associated with developing an adequate She also highlighted the need for prevention of
fully bundled payment system and despite CMS’s ESRD in the face of the growing incidence of the
inability, to date, to conduct the related demon- disease.
stration project to test bundling, the agency testi- Despite the cautionary testimonies, the OTA
fied in June 2007 before the House Ways and 1990 report and other reports that raised concerns
Means Subcommittee on Health that it could about bundling, and the inability of CMS to con-
implement an untested fully bundled payment in duct a bundled-payment demonstration, the
ESRD, systemwide, within two to three years of House passed HR 3162 on August 1, 2007, which
the passage of authorizing legislation and that it requires a shift to an untested bundled-payment
system, in concert with a 4% cut in ESRD
Medicare End Stage Renal Disease Program: Paradigm Shift

spending.29 At present the Senate is considering populations. Congress, CMS, and other federal
these House proposals. policy makers must develop and support policies
that stimulate innovation to stem the growing
A Need for Innovation tidal wave of patients with ESRD and improve
The implementation of bundled payment without the lives of patients already living with ESRD.
a test is tantamount to a nationwide uncontrolled Government is afforded a unique and crucial role
human experiment. CMS must conduct a con- in stimulating the market to address these needs.
trolled demonstration of bundling to ensure that To protect the advances that we have made and
it does not compromise the health care and health the special benefits that the ESRD Program has
status of vulnerable ESRD beneficiaries. We are provided the minority community, we need novel
disappointed that the House has passed legislation approaches to renal-replacement therapy and dis-
(HR 3162) requiring a shift to a fully bundled ease prevention that are effective and efficient. It
payment system for ESRD without requiring a is our recommendation that Congress play a more
demonstration project to study its impact on direct role to encourage investments and innova-
patients’ access to and quality of care. In sup- tions that will more constructively reduce costs in
porting implementation of a fully bundled the ESRD Program rather than continue blunt-
payment system for ESRD under these condi- force approaches, such as forcing a move to bun-
tions, the House and CMS appear to be focused dling without testing it first to understand the
on cost containment at the expense of patient risks and benefits for patient care.
well-being. We believe that such a major change We recognize that the escalating costs of
in payment policy, without proper testing and ESRD treatment must be reined in, but short-
research, will result in limitations on access to and sighted expenditure limits would necessitate a
quality of care for ESRD patients—a vulnerable retreat toward the treatment gap that patients
population that comprises disproportionately faced before 1972. A significant consequence of
large numbers of minority patients. the Medicare ESRD benefit is the growth of the
On average, African American patients require ESRD-patient population. This growth is driven
higher weekly dosages of EPO than white by both incidence (new cases) and prevalence
patients and other minority patients to maintain (growing number of patients surviving with the
appropriate hemoglobin levels.30 Any payment disease), which together are contributing to a lon-
system, such as the proposed fully bundled pay- gevity revolution that fuels our modern-day
ment system, that may lead to undertreatment conundrum: We have the capacity to keep people
with EPO will have a proportionally greater nega- alive longer with impaired health, but we cannot
tive impact on patients who require larger doses cure them and the need for constant intervention
of the drug, including, generally speaking, African is driving medical expenditures. This pattern is
Americans. manifest in the ESRD benefit, which has led to
Instead of focusing on only short-term con- the diffusion of a lifesaving therapy to those who
tainment of ESRD costs, Congress, CMS, and were previously unable to access needed thera-
other stakeholders must adopt a long-term per- pies. This remarkable success has come with a
spective on effective ESRD treatment and pre- significant price tag, as the patient population and
vention. Doing so would help to curb federal use of therapies grow. Financial realities have
spending by eliminating unnecessary expenses and sparked discussions about how government might
curtailing the growth of the population in need of adjust payment policies to encourage efficiency
dialysis and transplants. The specific issues that while maintaining patients’ access to quality care.
must be addressed are growth in the number of The proposed restructuring to a fully bundled
patients with kidney disease, growth in the num- payment system would only have marginal finan-
ber of kidney-disease patients who progressing to cial benefit, if any, and if it is not done carefully
ESRD (stage IV of chronic kidney disease), and and thoughtfully, it would jeopardize patients’
the disproportionate impact of ESRD on minority quality of life and survival.
Medicare End Stage Renal Disease Program: Paradigm Shift

African Americans, especially those who live in nological advances as unwarranted costs that are
rural regions, may be disproportionately harmed fueling medical expenditures with little return on
by the implementation of an untested fully bun- investment. They propose a system in which phy-
dled payment. If the untested fully bundled pay- sicians’ and patients’ choices are constrained by
ment system fails to compensate dialysis artificial financial barriers. They have fundamen-
organizations adequately, such organizations may tally lost faith in our ability to stimulate our econ-
be forced to consolidate to remain solvent, or omy to innovate and create medical technologies
they may go out of business altogether. Dialysis- that are simpler to use, more effective, and less
facility closures are already affecting African costly. This school of thought has seduced legis-
Americans disproportionately with respect to lators into believing that cost-containment strate-
access to care: According to MedPAC, when gies are the proper answers to the challenges that
comparing characteristics of dialysis facilities that we face in the 21st century. Their proposals must
closed in 2004 with characteristics of facilities that be vigorously debated. If they have sway, our
opened in 2005, closed facilities were more likely health-care system will be powered by old tech-
to be less profitable as measured by the Medicare nologies that lack the capacity to improve patient
margin (–13.7% versus 3.9%) and to treat a outcomes or to reduce costs, except in an artifi-
greater proportion of African American patients cially contrived world.
(48% versus 29%).31 As stated above, on average, This consensus statement has focused on the
African Americans require higher doses of EPO Medicare ESRD Program and the remarkable
than do other patients to treat anemia. If there are achievements that it has made. We have seen how
flaws in the untested Medicare payment system government policy has molded medical practice
that would render facilities vulnerable to financial within the boundaries of 1960s technology to the
loss when treating patients who require high benefit of many patients. The success has occa-
doses of EPO, they could exacerbate the trou- sioned an unsustainable cost structure, prompting
bling closing trend observed among dialysis facili- some to promote excursions down corridors that
ties whose patient bases are largely African were previously marked as hazardous.
American. Moreover, if facility closures result, It is important that we understand and
patients who live in rural regions will likely face an respond to present realities and trends, but we
additional burden of traveling farther to receive must not map a course that bypasses opportuni-
renal care at other dialysis facilities. ties to reverse the continual growth in incidence
To make real progress in grappling with and prevalence of ESRD or to ease the burdens
ESRD, the government should encourage inno- on patients, providers, and payers. The govern-
vation and investment. The economically, politi- ment has the power and thus the responsibility to
cally, and medically sound approach to the open doors to innovations in prevention and
growing burden of ESRD is to devote resources technology. If government were to search aggres-
and energy to preventing ESRD and to finding sively for solutions beyond existing therapies,
more cost-efficient technologies and therapies to what innovations might emerge?
treat ESRD. Government has a crucial role in The rise in the incidence and prevalence of
stimulating the market to address these needs. ESRD is largely the result of innovations in
Government has promoted diffusion of and treating other diseases, allowing patients to sur-
access to renal-replacement therapy, and it should vive other life-threatening illnesses, but not with-
now create an imperative to innovate. out confronting kidney failure. The government is
rightly concerned about the consequent growth in
Looking Forward health-care costs from kidney-replacement ther-
Some policy makers look into the future and apy. If one rejects a policy of abandoning ESRD
postulate a static medical world in which health- patients, the most obvious candidates for miti-
care costs rise to the point that they undermine gating ESRD are primary and secondary (after the
our economy. They pooh-pooh incremental tech- onset of kidney disease) prevention. Experience
Medicare End Stage Renal Disease Program: Paradigm Shift

with technological innovation tells us that there

must also be room for improvement in dialysis 6 U.S. Renal Data System, “Prevalence and Cost of ESRD
and transplantation after the onset of ESRD. Therapy,”
(accessed December 3, 2007), p. 26, chapter III in USRDS
As significant as ESRD’s rising costs are for a 1994 Annual Data Report (Bethesda, MD: National Institutes
developed country, such as the United States, they of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and
present an even greater challenge to less- Kidney Diseases, 1994).
developed countries, which are also experiencing 7U.S. Renal Data System, “Précis,”

the worldwide surge in ESRD. The United States

has the capacity to conduct pioneering work in (accessed December 3, 2007), p. 20, in USRDS 2007 Annual
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