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1. Describe anatomy of larynx. Enumerate complications of endotracheal intubation.

2. Discuss various methods of airway assessment. Discuss the anaesthesia management of 20

years old patient for surgery of temporomandibular joint ankylosis release.

3. Describe anatomy of trachea. Discuss the important indication and complications of


4. Describe anatomy of trachea-bronchial tree. How would you diagnose and manage the
complications of endotracheal intubation.

5. Describe anatomy of larynx. Mention the various causes of upper airway obstruction and their
management in brief.

6. Describe the anatomy of larynx with difference in adult and children. What is importance of
recurrent laryngeal nerve in anaesthesia Practice

7. Discuss anaesthesia management of bleeding tonsil patient.

8. What are the principles of anaesthesia for faciomaxillary surgery. How would you manage all
intra operative problems.

9. Describe muscles of larynx. Discuss the post operative complications following total

10. Describe various currently available supra laryngeal devices for airway surgery. How will you
manage anaesthesia in 30yrs old lady with post burn contracture neck.

11. Write the management of patient with temporomandibular joint ankylosis posted for
corrective surgery.

12. Describe anatomy of larynx and compare various types of vocal cord palsies diagrammatically
and its implications of these palsies on such patients.

13. Discuss anesthetic problems in patient with maxillofacial injury of vehicular accident.

14. Discuss the anesthetic management of 40yrs old male patient with odor of alcohol who has
sustained a vehicular accident and has a fracture mandible of fixation surgery.

15. Discuss assessment of difficult airway and describe supraglottic airways.

16. Define airway. Discuss methods of assessing airway.

17. Describe nerve supply of larynx. Discuss its anesthetic implications. Describe local anesthesia
of airway for awake endotracheal intubation.

18. Discuss in details various intubation aids in anesthesia practice.

19. Discuss in brief the problems of adult patient with Downs syndrome for multiple teeth

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