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Business Sunday NEWS


September 5, 2021 • Page B1


Infrastructure bill a boon for trades

J Unions are poised for sage of the bill could have a big im- and reenergizing buildings for effi-
pact on the union’s members and ciency. If they’re going to be replac-
job growth if $1 trillion the hundreds of apprentices who ing glass panels that have more of
proposal becomes law. are learning critical trade skills at a rating to block out UV rays … we
the International Union of Painters want to be at the forefront. We’ve
By Jason Schreiber and Allied Trades Training Center always been at the forefront in
Union Leader Correspondent in Brentwood. training for the new technology,”
Nearly 450 apprentices are work- Brunelle said.
BRENTWOOD — Roger Brunelle ing in a variety of industries, from Brunelle was one of several union
is keeping a close eye on the $1 construction and glasswork to representatives who met with U.S.
trillion federal infrastructure bill commercial and industrial paint- Sen Maggie Hassan for a tour of the
that has already passed the Senate ing, which includes power plants, Brentwood center Thursday.
and could face a House vote next bridges, water tanks and other steel Hassan, who helped negoti-
month. structures. ate and pass the bill, discussed JASON SCHREIBER/UNION LEADER CORRESPONDENT
As political director and presi- “One of the things they’ve been the importance of investing in Stafon Garden, a glazing apprentice, helps install a window as part of a
dent of the Painters and Allied talking about with the infrastruc- training exercise at the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades
Trades District Council No. 35, pas- ture is combating climate change +See Trades, Page B2 Training Center in Brentwood on Thursday.

Another boost to NH economy

Business Perspective
New Hampshire Business
and Industry Association

to the data
THE GLOBAL data econ-
omy and digital ecosystem
is vast, exponentially grow-
ing and facing potential
new government regula-
tions that could hinder its
Data flows through near-
ly every aspect of life, from
work computers to smart-
phones to
a growing
of smart
devices —
Alexas, TVs,
even lamps. FABRIZIO
BAE is moving in to its new Manchester offices on Goffs Falls Road in Manchester. more cars
are connected to navigation

BAE moves into Manchester office

and information systems.
All share and receive data;
most include some degree
of commerce.
From the largest tech
companies to smallest
J Defense contractor looking to brick-and-mortar shops the
hire 800 engineers, technicians internet is a cornerstone of
business. With the conve-
for Goffs Falls Road building. nience of working, bank-
ing, shopping and staying
By Jonathan Phelps in touch comes the reality
New Hampshire Union Leader that we put a tremendous
amount of faith in the
Construction crews are putting the fin- digital ecosystem to keep
ishing touches on BAE Systems’ newest working and keep our data
building on Goffs Falls Road in Manches- safe.
ter. These all are reasons why
Now the defense contractor needs to the Business and Industry
hire up to 800 highly-skilled engineers and Association, New Hamp-
technicians to fill the 210,000-square-foot shire’s statewide chamber
renovated building near the Manchester- of commerce and leading
Boston Regional Airport. The building business advocate, has
once housed Anthem Blue Cross and Blue launched its new technol-
Shield. ogy committee. BIA mem-
Much of the work revolves around Lock- bers joining the committee
heed Martin’s F-35 fighter jet, including represent a broad range of
fully integrated radar warning, targeting industries, showing how
support and self-protection. much technology stretches
“This building was built specifically for throughout our economy.
our engineering and program manage- The committee will work
ment organization to actually employ and to create a higher level of
deliver new capability to respond to the understanding of how the
DAVID LANE/UNION LEADER digital economy works and
+See BAE, Page B3 Lisa Aucoin of BAE Systems meets with a co-worker at her new office in Manchester. assure any government
action allows innovative
businesses and leaders to
continue to lead the way.

‘Work today. Get paid tomorrow’ and Concerns about privacy,

cybersecurity and faster
and expanded high-speed

other news from the Sunshine State

internet are growing as the
digital ecosystem expands.
According to Opendatasoft,
from 2011 to 2020 the
WHERE HAVE all the work- coincided with the tide turn- volume of data in the world
ers gone? ing the other way. Employees rose by more than 3,000%
That’s the second biggest
question of the summer,
Mike Cote at retailers like Home Depot
and local clothing store chain
to 59 zettabytes, enough
data to fill the hard drives
albeit a distant second behind Business Editor’s Bealls are once again wearing of nearly 30 billion new
“Is this latest COVID-19 surge Notebook masks, and customers are get- laptops. Statista projects
going to come crashing down ting a nudge to put theirs back global data creation will
on us just when we thought Sponsored by on, too. Tensions are begin- exceed 180 zettabytes by
life was starting to feel normal ning to rise again. When did 2025.
again?” airlines start telling passen- One top technology issue
My wife and I traveled to gers to alert them if anyone is increasing the speed of
Colorado over Memorial 603-606-3391 on the plane was creating a the internet and its reach
Day weekend just as the tide ruckus? across New Hampshire.
seemed to be turning on Florida is experiencing the The state and federal gov-
the coronavirus pandemic. follow suit. Meanwhile, a same workforce woes that ernments continue to sup-
Grocery stores there had just similar scenario was playing plague New Hampshire, with MIKE COTE/NEW HAMPSHIRE UNION LEADER port and contribute funds
relaxed their mask mandates, out in New Hampshire. restaurants cutting back on This fast-food restaurant in Florida is so in need for 5G expansion, the new
and we watched the transition Our trip to Florida last of workers that it is advertising “Work today.
as other businesses began to weekend to visit my parents +See Mike Cote, Page B2 Get paid tomorrow.” +See BIA, Page B3
Business September 5, 2021 • New Hampshire Sunday News • Page B3

BAE Legal Notice

the following student information
as directory information that may
be made public at its discretion:
Education records may be dis-
closed to other entities and indi-
viduals as specifically permitted
From Page B1 name, participation and grade by law. Parents/eligible students
LONDONDERRY level of students in officially may obtain information about
SCHOOL DISTRICT recognized activities and sports, other exceptions to the written
ever-increasing national se-
conference room on a re- to get more high school stu- SPECIAL EDUCATION height and weight of student consent requirement by request to
curity threats,” said Lisa Au-
cent afternoon, employees dents interested in science AND SECTION 504 athletes, dates of attendance in the Superintendent or building
coin, vice president of F-35
visiting the building for the and engineering. Nearly CHILDFIND NOTICE the school district, honors and administrator.
LONDONDERRY SCHOOL awards received, and photographs E. Complaints Regarding School
Solutions at BAE Systems.
first time stopped to look 30% of new hires have been DISTRICT has a duty to locate, and videos relating to student District Compliance with FER-
Employees started mov-
out the windows, which introduced to the engineer- evaluate and identify any child participation in school activities PA
ing into the building in May.
overlook Pine Island Pond. ing field through programs residing in the District who quali- open to the public. Parents/eligible students who
About 140 workers oper- The bottom floor features like FIRST robotics, found- fies for Special Education services Directory information may be believe that the School District
or any child attending the public published in student yearbooks, has not complied with the require-
ate out of the building right
a patio where workers can ed by Dean Kamen of Bed- schools who may require Section school district websites, athletic ments ofFERPA have the right to
now. take a break or eat lunch. ford. 504 accommodations or services. publications, radio programs, tele- file a complaint with the U.S.
Besides engineers, the A mix of new employees BAE employees teamed Children eligible for special edu- vision broadcasts, performing Department of Education. The
cation include those children with group graduation programs, and office that administers FERPA is:
company has an immediateand workers moved from up with the Nashua Boys & disabilities who have an intellectu- in the publication of achievement Family Policy Compliance Office
hiring need for about 100
other locations will occupy Girls Club to operate a sci- al disability, autism, deaf- awards and honors for individual U.S. Department of Education
scientists in its research and
the space. ence, technology, engineer- blindness, emotional disturbance, students. This information may 400 Maryland Avenue, SW
hearing impairment, multiple dis- also be disseminated to local Washington, DC 20202-5901
development arm, known “We needed more foot- ing and math program this abilities, orthopedic impairment, newspapers in accordance with LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD
as FAST Labs. Some of the
print in the Granite State summer. other health impairment, specific school sponsored sporting activi- Adopted: August 8, 2017
jobs require security clear-
to expand and facilitate the Aucoin said the new learning disability, speech or lan- ties and/or programs. Amended:
guage impairment, traumatic Parents/eligible students who (UL - Sept. 5)
ances. growth in our business,” building will help draw brain injury, acquired brain in- do not want the School District to
The FAST Labs positions
Aucoin said. more workers from areas jury, visual impairment, or devel- disclose directory information
are based in Merrimack Some of the roles include of the state such as the Sea- opmental delay and who, because must notify the Superintendent in Legal Notice
of such an impairment, need writing by September 15th of the
and Burlington, Mass., and
radio frequency and mi- coast, southern Maine or special education services. school year or within thirty
involve autonomy, artifi-
crowave engineering, field those looking for a reverse Children eligible for Section 504 (30) days of enrollment, whichever Rockingham County Conven-
tion Public Hearing, Wednesday,
cial intelligence, machine
programmable gate array, commute in Massachusetts. accommodations or services in- is later. This opt-out shall remain
September 15, 2021, at 6:00 p.m.,
learning, microelectronics
designers and verification Aucoin mentioned the clude those children who have a in effect until the following school
physical or mental impairment year, unless the parent or eligible Hilton Auditorium, Rockingham
and lasers. The develop-engineers, digital designers state’s affordability, schools that substantially limits a major student rescinds it earlier, or County Nursing Home, Brent-
ments make it onto the F-35
and software engineers. and outdoor activities as life activity. unless the student no longer wood. The purpose of Public
If you suspect your child has a attends the School District, in Hearing is to hear Public Com-
fighter jet, among other sys-
The company has gone to reasons employees like disability and may need special which case the opt out will remain ment on the Construction of a new
tems. great lengths to recruit, in- working in the Granite education services or 504 accom- in effect unless it is rescinded. building with financing pending
“We need the scientists
cluding placing ads on job State. modations, or if you would like Absent an opt out, the School approval of a borrowing authoriza-
additional information, please con- District may disclose directory tion of up to $30,000,000 from the
who are going to developsearch websites, installing “People like to raise their County Convention done in ac-
tact your child's teacher, or call information about former students
the next generation tech-
billboards and launching a families here,” she said. the District's Director of Pupil without the consent of the pa- cordance with NH RSA's 28:23
nology so that the engineers
new career page on its web- Services, Kimberly Carpinone at rent/eligible student. and 33:10 for the purpose of
will eventually use the site. Drawing talent 432-6920 extension 1113 or email 2. Military Recruiters/Institu housing the Registry of Deeds,
at tions of Higher Education County Attorney's Office, Sheriff's
products,” said Cheryl Para-
Aucoin said job fairs have The company offers flex- (UL - Sept. 5) Military recruiters and institu- Office, Delegation Office, and DOC
dis, vice president of FAST
also been successful. At ible schedules, including tions of higher education are Community Corrections; Executive
Committee Meeting to immediately
Labs. Some of the research
some point, the company a 9/80 schedule, which entitled to receive the names,
is implemented by the F-35
will have an open house offers every other Friday Legal Notice addresses and telephone numbers
of secondary students and the
follow, AND
Rockingham County Conven-
Solutions teams. and allow potential em- off. Some are able to work School District must comply with tion Meeting, Monday, September
ANNUAL NOTICE OF STUDENT 27, 2021, at 6:00 p.m., Hilton
New Hampshire is com-ployees to tour the campus. four 10-hour days. Hybrid any such request, provided that
Auditorium, Rockingham County
EDUCATION RECORDS AND parents have been notified that
petitive with technology “We are getting word out schedules could allow for INFORMATION RIGHTS they and secondary school stu- Nursing Home, Brentwood. The
hubs in other areas of the
in any way we can,” she remote work for some. The Family Educational Rights dents have the right to request purpose of the meeting is to raise
and appropriate the sum of up to
country, she said. said. The new space has been a and Privacy Act ("FERPA") provides that this information not be
$30,000,000 to finance the con-
certain rights to parents and released without their prior writ-
“We are doing cutting- The company also works hit with employees. eligible students with respect to ten consent. Parents/students struction of a new building for the
edge leading research inclosely with area universi- “This facility has been de- the student's education records. who do not want the School purpose of housing the Registry of
southern New Hampshire,”ties, including University signed so that it has a lot of A. Defmitions. District to disclose this informa- Deeds, County Attorney's Office,
1. "Parent" means a parent of a tion without their prior written Sheriff's Office, Delegation Office,
Paradis said. of Massachusetts in Low- collaborative space. People student and includes a natural and DOC Community Corrections.
consent must notify the Superin-
The company has aboutell, Nashua Community can come together to solve parent, a guardian, or an individu- tendent in writing by September Alternate date, if necessary, Wed-
6,000 employees in New College, Southern New problems,” Aucoin said. “At al acting as a parent in the 15th or within thirty (30) days of nesday, September 29, 2021, at
absence of a parent or guardian. enrollment, whichever is later. 6:00 p.m., same format.
Hampshire, which includes
Hampshire University and this same time, it is an en- 2. "Eligible student" means a Rep. David A. Welch, Clerk
3. School Officials with Legit-
its electronic systems sector
University of New Hamp- vironment where it is quiet student who has reached 18 years imate Educational Interests Rockingham County Convention
headquarters in Nashua. shire. enough to really concen- of age or who is attending an Education records (and person- (UL - Sept. 5)
The work doesn’t just trate on solving those really institution of postsecondary edu- ally identifiable information from
‘Footprint in the
cation. Generally, once a student an education record) may be
begin at the college level, hard, challenging problems becomes an eligible student, rights
Granite State’ the company has also in- we are asking this group to under FERPA transfer from the
disclosed to school officials with a
"legitimate educational interest." A
From the fourth floor vested in programs in hopes solve.” parents to the eligible student. The
School District may, however,
continue to disclose education
school official has a legitimate
educational interest if he/she
needs to review an education
records to a parent without prior
written consent if the student
record (or to receive personally
identifiable information from an
your right
BIA qualifies as a dependent under the
Internal Revenue Code.
B. Inspection of Records
education record) in order to fulfill
his/her professional responsibili-
ty. School officials include persons
to know!
Read them in
From Page B1 Parents/eligible students may employed by the School District
inspect and review the student's
education records within 14 days
(or the School District's school
administrative unit) as an admin-
New Hampshire
wireless standard designed
to connect virtually every-
haven’t been shown to
cause adverse health
the consumers to which
it belongs. Having robust
of making a request, or before an
IEP Team meeting or due process
istrator, supervisor, instructor, or
support staff member (guidance,
Union Leader
one and everything to the effects. 5G is critical to safeguards is paramount to hearing. Such requests must be
submitted to the Superintendent
health or medical staff and the and
district's law enforcement unit
digital ecosystem. Expand-
ing 5G in New Hampshire’s
expanding access to high-
speed internet, which the
protect against theft. New
Hampshire could have up
or building administrator in writ-
ing and must identify the record(s)
personnel, if any); members of the
School Board; persons or compa-
New Hampshire
cities, suburbs and rural proposed setbacks would to $10 million over four to be inspected. The Superintend-
ent or building administrator will
nies with whom the School Dis-
trict or school administrative unit
Sunday News
areas is a priority for boost- slow and limit. years to help increase state notify the parent/eligible student has contracted to provide specific and
ing tele-health, internet Another top issue is and local cybersecurity of the time and place where the services (such as attorneys, audi-
for students and work- legislative attempts to initiatives if the $1 trillion record(s) may be inspected in the tors, medical consultants, evalua- online
from-home opportunities, restrict the use of location federal infrastructure presence of school staff. Pa-
rents/eligible students may obtain
tors, experts, and therapists); and
volunteers who are under the at
in addition to everyday
conveniences. Yet, 5G faces
data services. Last session’s
House Bill 384 would have
package becomes law. BIA
and its members can help
copies of education records at a
cost of $0.50 per page, subject to
direct control of the School Dis-
trict with regard to education
reasonable limitations. records.
possible state regulations required active consent direct this money to the C. Amendment of Records 4. Health or Safety Emergen-
that would restrict its avail- from a consumer anytime right places through the
ability. a computer application new Technology Commit-
Parents/eligible students may
ask the School District to amend
In accordance with federal regu-
Legal Notice
A bill expected in the shared their location data tee’s work. education records they believe are lations, the School District may
inaccurate, misleading or in viola- disclose education records in a REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL
2022 session of the New with a third party. BIA The digital ecosystem tion of the student's right to health or safety emergency to any The Town of Hampstead is
Hampshire Legislature opposed the bill because and data economy together privacy. Such requests must be person whose knowledge of the seeking for proposals for the
would restrict the place- it was overly burdensome, can reshape our lives and submitted to the Superintendent infonnation is necessary to protect replacement of the roof at the
or building administrator in writ- the health or safety of the student Meetinghouse. Specifications are
ment of wireless equip- requiring constant consent expand prosperity from ing, clearly identify the part of the or other individuals without prior on the Town's web site: www.ham
ment. As reported by approvals. The bill failed to large cities to small towns. record they want changed and written consent.
Communications Daily, pass the Legislature, but it’s But any government regu- how they want it changed, and 5. Other Schools Proposals will be accepted until
specify why it is inaccurate or The School District sends stu- 4:00PM on Monday, September
the bill will seek 1,600- likely a similar attempt will lations must be practical, misleading or in violation of the 13, 2021 and should be mailed or
foot wireless equipment be made again. informed by businesses student's right of privacy. If the dent education records to schools,
school systems, or institutions of hand- delivered to Sally Theriault,
setbacks and periodic Cybersecurity and data and not so burdensome Superintendent or building admin- CPM, Board of Selectmen's Office,
istrator decides not to amend the postsecondary education where
measurements of wireless breaches perhaps are the they drive up costs and the student seeks or intends to 11 Main Street, Hampstead, NH
record as requested, the pa- 03841 and clearly marked "Meet-
emissions. The New Hamp- biggest concerns in the slow commerce, which is rent/eligible student will be noti- enroll, or where the student is
already enrolled, if the school, inghouse roof."
shire Commission to Study data economy. Just late last why the Technology Com- fied of the decision, their right to
school system, or institution of The Town reserves the right to
request a hearing and information accept or reject any or all propos-
the Environmental and month, cyber criminals mittee will be a pivotal part about the hearing process. postsecondary education has re-
als, waive any informalities in the
Health Effects of Evolving stole $2.3 million from the of BIA’s advocacy work in D. Disclosure of Records quested the records and so long as
proposal process, to negotiate with
the disclosure is for purposes
5G Technology published town of Peterborough by the future. The School District must obtain
related to the student's enrollment any and all responsible qualified
its report last November, collecting three scheduled . a parent/eligible student's written Proposers, and to enter into an
consent prior to disclosure of or transfer. Such records shall
Rick Fabrizio is director of communi- agreement with the Proposer
alleging the Federal Com- payment transfers and cations and public policy for the Business personally identifiable information include, but are not limited to,
whom the Town in its sole
grades, report cards, disciplinary
munications Commission converting them to cryp- and Industry Association. He can be in education records except in
records, attendance records, spe- discretion determines is in the
may be ignoring wireless tocurrency. The U.S. Secret reached at The circumstances permitted by law or best interests of the Town even
regulations as summarized below. cial education records and health
BIA, New Hampshire’s statewide cham- though the Proposer may not
radio frequency dangers Service is investigating the 1. Directory Information records.
submit the lowest bid or proposal.
ber of commerce, produces this column 6. Other Entities/Individuals
due to industry influence. theft. monthly for the Sunday News.
The School District designates (UL - Sept. 5)
However, radio frequen- Data is an asset for
cies and wireless devices businesses holding it and

Nominations are open for the

2022 Class of
40 Under Forty!
The New Hampshire Union Leader will profile 40 of New
Hampshire’s young leaders in a special section in early
2022. Awardees will also be honored in person at a gala.
Visit to submit your nomination today!

Nominees must not turn 40 before February 1, 2022, and must have lived in the state for at least
the past three years. Candidates may nominate themselves. Previous winners are not eligible.
Selections are not final until announced. Nominations must be received by September 30, 2021.
Page B2 • New Hampshire Sunday News • September 5, 2021 Business

The year is halfway over, so do your Mike Cote

From Page B1
before-year-end financial checkup how many days they are
staying open. One cafe we
shire.) When we informed
her that we were vaccinat-
waits — and the restau-
rant’s workforce woes —
It’s hard to believe, but visited was about to shut ed, she told us we still had have temporarily vanished
2021 is more than halfway down for a week, citing to be cautious: Ten percent as tourists abandoned the
finished. This makes it a
great time to do a financial Money slower business in the wake
of the delta variant. Fear
of the new cases were
people who had received a
beaches. We were seated
immediately, and our wait-
checkup before year-end. $ense “Your goals might has returned. More people vaccine. ress had plenty of time to
The effect of the COVID-19
pandemic has made this Marc Hebert have to change are staying home.
We stopped at an urgent
Headlines in the newspa-
pers in Venice and Sarasota
share some of her entrepre-
neurial adventures in small
step even more important.
How might your situation
as your financial care center an hour before
it was due to close and en-
seemed a throwback to ear-
lier pandemic days, includ-
Businesses along U.S.
have changed since the In addition to retire- situation changes. countered a young woman ing revised safety protocols 41, a comfortable distance
beginning of the year? ment, insurance is an area in scrubs heading out to for public gatherings. from the stench and sting
Here are a few sugges- you might want to look at. Review your her car. She told us it was We had hoped to spend of red tide, had plenty of
tions to consider if you are
on track:
Is your homeowners or
renters insurance policy priorities and closing earlier due to staff-
ing issues. We would have
some time soaking in the
sun by the Venice Fishing
“now hiring” messages.
A sign outside Checkers,
You may have set some
financial goals at the start
adequate? Do you have an
umbrella liability policy?
make adjustments to go somewhere else so I
could get that nasty case
Pier but were thwarted
by another microscopic
a double-drive through
burger chain, promised
of the year. This might’ve These protections are based on the of poison ivy checked out. threat. Red tide has in- potential hires they could
been to save more money important for providing (Yeah, I’m still a bit itchy, vaded the shoreline for “work today and get paid
or perhaps to spend less. security to you and your results. but at least I don’t have miles around. Toxins from tomorrow.”
The level of your debt may family. shingles.) the algal bloom turned the A mobile home parts
have been a top concern. While you’re reviewing the year is a possibility. The intake worker at the coastal waters a brackish warehouse had the best
Mid-year is a good time your insurance, check if Uncle Sam has an IRS Tax next urgent care center brown and left the beaches come-on thanks to an odd
to see if you have made you have disability insur- Withholding estimator we visited warned us to covered with dead crabs juxtaposition of messages:
progress on meeting your ance. You may receive on their website at IRS. be careful while we were and other sea life. “Now hiring. We have
goals. Perhaps your goals this from your employer. gov that could be useful in visiting the Sarasota area, When we visited Shar- doors & windows.”
are no longer your goals! This coverage protects you the process. If you want to alerting us to the spike key’s on the Pier restaurant Where have all the work-
Your goals might have to and your family’s finances adjust your withholding, in COVID cases that was for lunch, we were greeted ers gone?
change as your financial against income loss while you can submit a W-4 with filling up the local hospi- by a team of employees Maybe they are hiding
situation changes. Review you are alive. And to your employer. During this tal, where 88 percent of that looked like they were in places with doors and
your priorities and make protect your family in the process, don’t forget to the patients had not been welcoming passengers on windows.
adjustments based on the event you pass away, life check your state taxes. vaccinated against the a cruise ship. They out- .

results. insurance is important. It Another important area coronavirus. (That figure is numbered the customers Mike Cote is senior editor for news
and business. Contact him at mcote@
One goal many people is a good idea to review the to review is your emergen- 95 percent in New Hamp- arriving. The two-hour or (603) 206-7724.
have is to retire. Are you amount and type of cover- cy fund. Are these savings
saving enough? It is a good age you may have. Re- sufficient for your situa-
move to save enough to member that life insurance tion? Depending on your
obtain the entire company
match available through
needs change over time.
For example, the birth of
circumstances, three to six
months of expenses is the Trades
your employer provided a child may increase the typical amount to have on From Page B1
retirement plan. You might need for income at your hand.
want to look for ways to death and you might want You might want to also infrastructure to grow the they’re trained up, they’re pay funds the apprentice-
save more, such as saving to increase your life insur- review these items: economy and create good ready to do critical work ship program, which costs
part of a salary increase. ance accordingly. Your beneficiaries on jobs. and they’re ready to do it $12,000 to $15,000 a year to
Don’t forget that the You also may want to your life insurance policies She said her visit re- well and to do it safely, and educate each student.
amount you are allowed to review your tax situation. and retirement plans. inforced for her the im- so as we work to expand op- “They have no student
contribute into a retire- It is a good idea to have The balance in your flex- portance of investing in portunity for everybody this loans. This is free of charge,
ment plan can increase an estimate of your tax ible spending account. workers and making sure is a part of the equation.” and they earn while they
over the previous year. It liability. There still may be Your annual credit that there are highly skilled District Council 35 has learn on the job. With some
might make sense to see tax planning opportunities report. tradespeople to perform approximately 4,000 mem- of the college tuitions out
what the limits are for the you can take advantage of. Your estate planning for the work needed to build bers in Rhode Island, there, our members pos-
year and where your con- Last year’s return serves any updates. 21st-century infrastructure. Maine, Massachusetts, New sibly can make $80,000 to
tributions are in relation as the starting point for Your asset allocation She said the center’s at- Hampshire and Vermont. $100,000 a year right out of
to the limit. If you are age this review. Your income and risk tolerance to make tention to educating its Its three-year apprentice- high school,” Brunelle said.
50 and over, the potential can be adjusted for any sure they are still appropri- workforce and understand- ship currently has approxi- Apprentices start at 50%
increase is even larger for anticipated changes or ate for your needs. ing critical safety principles mately 450 apprentices who of the salary of a jour-
certain retirement plans. deductions. .
“really reflects how impor- are required to perform neyperson. Once they
For those already retired After estimating your Marc A. Hebert, MS, CFP, is a senior tant training is, and the fact 6,000 hours of on-the-job complete the 6,000 hours,
member and president of the wealth
or close to it, it is time to tax liability for the year, it management and financial planning that this is training provided training and 160 hours a Brunelle said they become
review your income needs is a good idea to compare firm The Harbor Group of Bedford. for a union by a union really year of classroom training. a journeyperson and begin
and decide how your re- your tax withholdings Email questions to Marc at mhebert@ focuses on how well unions The training is free to the earning the top rate with Your question and
tirement savings will meet against it. Adjusting with- his response might appear in a future
do in expanding opportuni- apprentices as a portion numerous benefits.
these. holdings over the end of column. ty for folks, making sure that of each union member’s

Summer Get-Away
After a challenging year, it has been a long time coming.
While you put plans in place for a much deserved break
for yourself – turn to Ledgewood Bay to ensure a senior
in your life is safe, well cared for, enjoying life and having
fun during their own get-away.

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» 3 delicious Eat Fresh, Eat Local meals daily
» Exercise & yoga, painting classes, & more!
» Excellent care & safety
*Minimum of 30 Days, Maximum of 60 Days

Call Kathleen to learn more:

Call: 603.686.7595
Ledgewood Bay at Milford
Assisted Living & Avita Memory Care

We’re located at: 43 Ledgewood Drive in Milford, NH

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