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Gyms of the Future: How IoT is Changing

Fitness and Sports Experience

Fitness hits the reset button post-lockdown. Let’s dive in to see how workouts
will change the Fitness and Sports Experience. (elaborate)

Staying fit and healthy is the main driver of modern lifestyles. And when we
talk about innovation in the fitness industry, IoT is contributing substantially to
transforming the future of the fitness industry and changing, how people engage
in workouts and fitness. Now let’s delve into The Internet of Things (IoT).

It is a cutting edge concept of connectivity that’s linked to things like smart

buildings, cars, automation — so it may be astonishing to find out that IoT is
making its way into gyms and workouts, as well.

The future of IoT-driven fitness is assuredly bright, especially because cloud

technology has made collecting, storing, and delivering large amounts of data
relatively affordable. Standards bodies have made it more accessible than ever
to plug new data into the collective, and wearable development platforms have
allowed developers to create stigmatized experiences in wearable product

If you are a naive, IoT, it refers to the interlinking of devices through the
Internet, bridging the gap between the analog world and the digital one. It is all
around us, and you most likely have seen it already, if not in real life, at least in
movies. For example, places where lights switch on automatically when
someone enters the room, or doors and curtains that open by themselves when
someone is close.

But IoT has done a lot more in the fitness industry too. Keep reading to find out
how IoT will change workouts and sports experience.

The fundamental thought of a gym does not say much about personalization –
people rarely trust themselves with what they want in terms of getting fit, so
most of it was heavily reliant on human intervention – in the form of a trainer,
therapist, or specialist. Now, however, the rise of personalized trackers tells us a
different story.

Increased smartphone and computer penetration have led to people becoming

more self-aware and wanting to monitor their workouts. As the world slowly
heads towards a time-crunch, they are taking their health and wellness into their
own hands and smartphones – which includes intelligent devices like Fitbits,
Gearfits on their wrists.

Smart Measuring and Weighing Solution

The new-age fitness app links data accumulated by the band and the smart
weighing scale. It tracks fitness vitals and progress over time, as you change
your workout and diet habits. With all data at fingertips, examine outcomes over
days, weeks, and even months to analyze minute details and see actual progress.
Imparting high-end body configuration data with unmatched accuracy makes it
a unique app.

Ellipticals, Treadmills Integrate with Fitness Trackers

The way exercise enthusiasts keep track of their overall fitness goals has
evolved over the years. Information can then be synced to a computer or
smartphone to keep track of progress over time. New advancements have come
about in recent times with fitness devices being able to be integrated with
wearable technology. The prime trends that can be seen nowadays in smart
gyms are ellipticals and treadmills being connected to the Internet-of-Things
and integrating with wearable fitness trackers to provide more accurate workout

IoT integration could allow machines to recognize wearables and automatically

adjust to the weight or resistance level aligned with a user's fitness plan.
Extreme personalization could keep members accountable and engaged, which
in turn, may even boost membership retention.

Wearable Tech changed our lives for the better

Wearable tech, fitness trackers, smartwatches, and smart bands these wondrous
activity trackers are capable of sensing using the sensors: the quality of sleep,
steps taken, caloric intake, distance traveled, monitoring heart rate, and
monitoring hydration levels. The wearable electronic devices may motivate you
to stick to a diet or exercise plan.

The trackers, which are worn on the belt or wrist, detect the body's movement
and convert it into data. The data are sent to an application on a smartphone,
tablet, or computer, where software computes the number of steps taken,
distance traveled, or calories burned. All count the steps you take every day, and
most also track the duration and intensity of your activity and estimate calorie
use. A few have alarms to remind you to get up and move around when you
have been sitting too long. Some also log the minutes you spend sleeping,
tossing and turning, and walking during the night, and also some keep a track of
our drinking habits which helps us to monitor the hydration level. Additional
features, such as heart rate monitors and altimeters—which measure elevation
climbed—are also available on some of the devices.

AI-Based Personal Trainers

The more you use the fitness app the more bespoke to your behavior it’ll
become. What’s more exciting is that AI personal trainers act like human
trainers. They have been created keeping in mind that everyone has the right to
stay fit. Unleash your inner self and let your pocket personal trainer push you as
you’ve never been pushed before.

The smart integration of Alexa and Google Home lets you talk to your machines
making your workouts even smarter. Use voice commands or simply chat,
experience the whole new AI-enabled workouts that have changed the way we
all look at workouts.

Bottom Line

AI or artificial intelligence has stepped into almost all types of industries,

including health and fitness. The technology helps people stay fit by making
them achieve their fitness goals without heading to a gym. Today we have many
AI-powered mobile applications with AI personal assistants to provide people
exercises based on their fitness goals and eating habits.
These apps help its users to track their daily fitness routine. Apart from
individuals, the technology also aids businesses to drive sales by making better
decisions based on the collected and analyzed data.

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