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Power is required in the farm for doing two types of work, namely tractive work,
requiring pulling or dragging effort, and stationary work, usually accomplished by
means of a belt, gears, or direct drives.
The source of primary farm power used in agricultural activities can be found and seen
in many forms. Each of these sources can be tapped by converting it into a
fundamental form that can be utilized, such as, heat, mechanical and electrical.

Sources of Farm Power

1. Human Power

Considered like a machine capable of producing mechanical labor as defined on

the point of view of his functionality, as ultimate machine, and can effect movements
that can not be equaled by machines. Man can also generate speed and is capable of
regaining resistance with minimum energy spent.
Humans can generate about 0.1 kW of continuous power.

2. Animal Power

Is one of the oldest sources of farm power. Cows, elephants, horses, mules,
ducks, and other animals are utilized to help farmers do farm activities like hauling,
milling, insect control, and as means of transportation.
In most areas, domestic animals are still the principal source of farm power because
of the following reasons:

a. Size of farms
b. Topography
c. Kinds of crop grown
d. Lack of suitable fuel at a reasonable cost
e. High initial cost of mechanical equipment, and
f. Plentiful supply of low cost labor

3. Water Power

Water or hydro power is the power that can be generated from the water
located in a high elevation can directly convert its potential energy into mechanical
energy by utilizing special motors called water turbines. The water wheel will rotate
from the action of the water. This mechanical power in turn can be utilized to propel a
wheel or can be converted into alternating current or electrical energy. A typical hydro
power system consists of intake weir, forebay tank, penstock and power house.
In general, for a water turbine (Figure 1) you need at least 3 feet of fall or head
(the height between the water source and the turbine location) and at least 20 gallons
per minute of water discharge. If you have higher water source, less water discharge
is required. The more fall and flow that you have, the more potential power you can
Figure 1. A water turbine housing (left) and a Pelton turbine design (right).
Other turbine designs are Kaplan, Crossflow and Francis.

I. Theoretical Power

The power theoretically available from a water power site is equal to the weight
of water flowing in a given multiplied by the drop of elevation (the head) of water. The
units are in kilowatts or horsepower. This is mathematically given by:
WHP = Q * H / 102

Where: H – head in meters

Q – mass flow rate in kg/sec
ρ – density of water ( 1000 kg/ m3)
V – velocity of water stream in m/s
A – cross-sectional area of water stream in m2

II. Actual Power

The actual power is about 60-80% less than the theoretical power due to the following
(i.e. overall efficiencies):

a. Hydraulic losses in conduits and turbines

b. Mechanical losses in bearings and power transmission systems
c. Electrical losses in generators, station use and transmission (for hydro –electric)

4. Wind Power

The wind also possesses power that can be harnessed using wind turbines. The
energy from the wind is tapped using blades to capture the wind’s kinetic energy and
rotate, turning it into mechanical energy. This rotation turns an internal shaft
connected to a gearbox, which increases the speed of rotation by a factor of 100, which
spins a generator producing electricity.

Are windmill and wind turbine (Figure 2) the same? According to the American
Wind Energy Association, people use the terms “windmill” and “wind turbine”
interchangeably, but there are important differences. People use windmills to generate
mechanical energy used to grind grain, pump water, and do other work but they do
not generate electricity. On the other hand, wind turbines are machines with more
than 8,000 parts that harness wind's kinetic energy and convert it into electricity.

Figure 2. Windmill (left) and wind turbine (right)

I. Power/ Energy from Wind

The power energy is taken as the flux of kinetic energy per vertical square
meter. This flux is mv2/ 2 where v is wind velocity. With m = pv the flux is pv3/2. Thus
the power in the wind increases with the cube of the wind speed. On the given area of
the rotor in m3, the theoretical power is given by:

Theoretical Wind Power = ρAV3

Where: ρ – air density, 1.25 kg/m3

A – area of rotor, m2
= π * d2 / 4
V – wind speed, m/s

Using Froude momentum theory, the maximum kinetic energy from the wind
that can be converted into mechanical energy by a wind turbine as determined by
German Physicist Albert Betz was 59.3%. Of this available energy, the amount that is
utilized depends on blade aerodynamic efficiency, mechanical efficiency and electrical
efficiency. These factors can be lumped into an overall turbine system efficiency.

Overall Turbine System Efficiency of Power Coefficient

The power coefficient of a wind turbine is the ratio of the actual power produced
to the theoretical wind power. Table 1 gives the various power coefficients of wind
Table 1. Power coefficient of typical wind turbines

Turbine Type Power coefficient Tip Speed Ratio

1. Four arm type 0.25
2. Multi-bladed 0.15 0.85
3. Savonius 0.31 0.90
4. Darrieus 0.35 6.00
5. Sail type 0.20 1.60
6. Twisted metal blades 0.31 2.15
7. Three-blade rotor 0.49 5.80
8. Two-blade rotor 0.45 8.00

Types of Windmills

1. According to Orientation of Shafting

- Vertical axis ( Darrieus, Savonius, etc)
- Horizontal axis ( Multi-bladed, two, three bladed, etc)
- Combination
2. According to Blade Material
- Sail type
- Metal bladed
- Wooden
3. According to Shaft Rotational Speed
- High Speed
- Low speed

Table 2. Areas in the country with high wind power potential

Mean Annual Prevailing

Locations Average Windspeed (kph)
1. Appari NE 11
2. Manila SE 12
3. Iloilo NE 16
4. General Santos NE/N 10
5. Lucena and Romblon NE 10
6. Surigao and Laoag NE/N 10
7. Vigan and Legaspi N/NE 11
8. Basco, Batanes NE 16
9. Cuyo, Palawan NE 18

Selection of wind turbine types

In the selection of wind turbines, either for design or acquisition purposes, the
following should be considered.

1. Wind speed characteristics of the site

Average windspeed if possible Weibul distribution

Hourly data is appropriate

2. Characteristics performance of wind turbines

a. Efficiencies
b. Power performance curves
c. Power coefficient
d. Torque coefficient
3. Application
a. High torque for mechanical purposes (water pumping)
b. High speed for electrical generation
4. Fabrication technology
5. Initial capital cost and maintenance cost
6. Control measures during typhoons
7. Life/ Durabiltiy/ Warranty

5. Electric motors

Contributes directly by supplying heat, light and power. Electric motors for
stationary power have several advantages such as:

a. They are relatively simple and compact in construction

b. They are light in weight per horsepower
c. They require limited care and servicing
d. They start easily and readily
e. They operate quietly
f. They produce smooth and uniform motion
g. They are adapted to uniform or variable loads

6. Solar Energy

This source of energy taps the power of the sun. The sun directly produces heat
energy. The heat can be collected by photovoltaic cells that can transform the heat
into electrical energy that can be stored, for example in batteries.

I. Definitions:

a. Solar constant – this is the amount of solar energy received per unit area of
surface perpendicular to the radiation and at the outer limit of the atmosphere
when the earth is at its mean distance from the sun. The value of the solar
constant is 1353 W/m2.
b. Direct radiation – the solar radiation received by the earths’ surface without
having been deflected/ intercepted or absorbed by the atmosphere. The
maximum mean radiation receive at the surface of the earth at sea level on
clear days is about 1000 w/m2.
c. Diffuse Radiation – the solar energy received by the earths’ surface that is first
intercepted by the atmosphere ( clouds, dust particles, etc) and re-radiated to
the ground.
d. Total solar radiation – the sum of direct or beam radiation and diffuse solar
e. Pyranometer – a reliable and convenient measuring device for total (global)
solar radiation.
f. Pyrheliometer – a device for measuring direct solar radiation.
g. Solar collector – a device that serves to collect soalr radiant energy and
transform it to some other useful form of energy. Such collectors may be of the
flat type or focusing type.
h. Photovoltaic cell – a device use to convert solar radiation directly into
electricity. The most common type is single crystal silicon solar cell ( current
efficiency is 16%). A 55 Watt-peak application costs about P 25, 000. This is
the present setback of the technology-high investment cost.

II. Regional variation of solar energy

From the average monthly insolation values taken from PAG-ASA stations
located at each region in the country, results showed that the northern regions (Region
I, II, III) receives the highest insolation at an average of 5.2 kWh/ m2-d with a peak
of 6-7 kWh/m2-d during the months of April and May. Regions VII and VIII receives
an average of 4.1 kWh/m2-d with peaks of 5 kWh/m2-d. For the rest of the regions,
the average is 4.4 kWh/m2-d with peaks at 6 kWh/m2-d.

III. Magnitude of solar energy received by the earths’ surface

The following figure shows a simplified sketch for the paths of solar radiation.
Radiation (direct + diffuse) absorbed by the earth is about 690 w/m 2. This figure is an
average value; it varies according to site (Latitude), season (time of the year), time
of day, particularly cloudiness. It may reach a value of 1100 W/m2 or more at noon on
a clear day and may go down to 100 W/m 2 or less during heavy overcast.

8. Geothermal Energy

The power that can be tapped by allowing the heat of the earth to
produce steam that can be used to run steam engine. The steam engines in return run
generators that produce electricity.

9. Tide Power

Relatively a new form of power source that taps the energy of ocean current to
generate power.

10. Biomass Energy

The energy that can be generated by converting gases produced by chemical

reactions of wastes products such as animal manure and agricultural wastes.

A. Sources of biomass available for energy

a. Livestock manures
b. Crop residues
c. Fuelwood
d. Sugar crops
e. Household and urban refuse
f. Rural and municipal sewage
g. Aquatic plants
h. Energy farming
B. Biomass conversion processes
a. Thermochemical conversion
i. Gasification
ii. Pyrolysis and carbonization
iii. Combustion
b. Bio chemical conversion
i. Ethanol production
ii. Biogas production

11. Internal combustionEngine

The most common source of farm power which utilizes crude products. It is a device
which changes thermal energy into mechanical energy.

Heat engines may be classified according to:

1. Physical Design
a. Reciprocating
b. Gas turbine
c. Jet propulsion engine
d. Rotary combustion engine
2. Types of fuel used
a. Gasoline engine
b. Diesel
3. Mechanics
a. Two cycle
b. Four cycle
4. Cooling system
a. Air cooled
b. Water cooled
5. Ignition system
a. Spark ignition
b. Compression ignition

1. At noon on a cloud free summer day, sunlight intensities at the Earth’s surface are
nearly always less than 940 W/m2 (0.12 hp/ft2).
a. At this intensity, if the solar collector and electric motor could convert 10% of
the collected solar energy to mechanical power, how large a collector would be
required on a tractor to supply 100 kW (134 hp) of mechanical power?
b. If the length of the collector was twice its width, what would be the dimensions
of the collector?

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