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Initial test for elementary English I

1. Complete with already, just, still and yet

 I ____ haven’t finished my homework (Aún no he terminado mis deberes).
 I have ____ seen this movie (Ya he visto esta película).
 We have ____eaten (Ya hemos comido)
 Have they finished their homework ____? (¿Ya han terminado sus
 They ____ got married (Se acaban de casar).
 I ____ love you (Aún te quiero).
 They haven't arrived ____ (Aún no han llegado).
 I’ve ____ woken up (Acabo de despertarme).
 I'm ____ looking for my keys (Aún estoy buscando mis llaves).
 I’m really hungry. I haven’t eaten ____. (Tengo mucha hambre. Todavía no
he comido).

2. Complete with the correct question words (what, how, why, when,
where, whose, which, who)

 ……….do you live? - I live in London.

 ……….'s that beautiful girl? - She's my sister.
 ……….do you go to school? - By bus.
 ……….do banks open? - At Eight O'clock.
 ……… are you wearing that coat? - Because it's hot!
 …..…. language does Mr. Miller teach, French or Italian? – He teaches
 ………book is this? –It’s mine
 ………many students are in the class? –There are 21 students

3. Complete with the word in brackets and the corresponding ending /ED/
or /ING/ to form an adjective.
 It’s so (frustrate)……………...! No matter how much I study I can’t
remember this vocabulary.
 This lesson is so (bore) ……………...!
 I’m feeling (depress), …………… I’m going to go home, eat some
chocolate, and go to bed early with a good book.
 I thought her new idea was absolutely (fascinate). ……………..
 He was (frighten) …….…...when he saw the spider.
 This maths problem is so (confuse). …………….. Can you help me?
 I hate long flights, I’m always really (bore) ……………...
4. Complete with the correct modal verbs

 It’s a hospital. You _______ smoke

A. Must not
B. Need not
C. May not
D. Don’t have to

 I ____ speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Morocco.

A. Could
B. Might
C. Can
D. Must

 The teacher said we____ read this book for our own pleasure as it is

A. Can
B. Need not
C. Must
D. Should

 You ____ leave small objects lying around . Such objects _____ be
swallowed by children.

A. Should not A. Must

B. Need B. Need
C. Need to C. May
D. May not
D. Must not
 Drivers ____ stop when the traffic lights are red.

A. Could

B. Must

C. May
D. Might

5. Write the correct comparative or superlative for each sentence

 My shirt is ______________________ than hers  (colourful)

 My girlfriend is  _____________________than Rose (pretty)

 School is boring, but homework is_____________than school.


 Who is the ______________________singer in your country?


 It is strange but often a coke is ___________________than a beer.

6. Read this funny story and fill in the verbs in the correct tenses (past
continuous, present perfect, future simple,present continuous (for
future) )

The penguin

One day a husband and wife (1)    (drive) to the countryside to visit
their friends when they realised they needed to stop for gas. The man was filling

up the car when he (2)   (see) a penguin standing by a pump. He

(3)   (think) it was very strange and when he went to the cashier to
pay, he asked, 'why is there a penguin standing next to the pump?' The cashier

replied, 'I don't know. It (4)   (be) there all morning.' The man
replied.'Well, we can't leave it there, it's too dangerous. He might have an accident.
What should I do?' The cashier suggested, 'you should take it to the zoo.' 'That's a

good idea,' the man said. 'I (5)   (take) him now.' So the man and his

wife put the penguin in the car and (6)   (drive) away. One week later,

the man and his wife (7)   (return) to the same garage to fill up the
car...and the penguin was still in the car. When the man went to pay, the cashier

said to him, 'I thought you (8)   (take) the penguin to the zoo.' The

man replied, 'we did. It had a really good time so tonight, we (9)   
(take) him to a fish restaurant.'

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