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Submitted by
Student 1: Mukhtar Uddin CU-863-2017
Student 2: Rizwan Amir Akbar CU-868-2017
Student 3: Aftab Hussain CU-858-2017
Student 4: Syed Jamal Shah CU-892-2017

Supervised By

Eng. Qaiser Jamal

Department of Engineering Technology CECOS University of

Information of Technology and Emerging Science

Coronaviruses are enveloped non-segmented positive-sense RNA viruses
belonging to the family Coronaviridae. The human coronavirus infections are
mild, the epidemics of the two β-coronaviruses, severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome
coronavirus (MERS-CoVS) have caused more than ten thousand cumulative
cases in the past two decades. There is a new public health crises threatening
the world with the emergence and spread of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-
nCoV). The virus originated in bats and was transmitted to humans through yet
unknown intermediary animals in Wuhan, Hubei province in China during the
month of December 2019.

We hereby declared that we are the sole authors of this thesis. This is a true copy of the
thesis, including any required revisions as accepted by our supervisor and external
examiner. It is further declared, that we have fulfilled all the requirements in line with
the quality assurance guidelines of the higher education commission.

1: Mukhtar Uddin CU-863-2017

2: Rizwan Amir Akbar CU-868 -2017
3: Aftab Hussain CU-858-2017
4: Syed Jamal Shah CU-892-2017

All praise and glory to Allah almighty, the most beneficent and merciful who enabled us
to explore the present studies and also to the Holy prophet Muhammad (SAW) the
source of knowledge and torch of guidance for the entire world.

We are highly indebted to Eng. Qaiser Jamal for their constant direction and
encouragement in all phases of our project. They devoted numerous hours from their
busy schedule for our help. It is only due to his endless help and support that we have
been able to complete this project. We take this opportunity to express gratitude to all of
the Department faculty members for their help and support. We also thank our parents
for the unceasing encouragement, support and attention.

We also place on record, our sense of gratitude to one and all, which directly or
indirectly, have lens, their hand in this venture.

Table of contents

List of figure
Figure 1.1 Picture of waste asphalt aggregate...............................................................................13
Figure 2.1 Concrete.......................................................................................................................20
Figure 2.2 Ingredients of Concrete................................................................................................21
Figure 2.3 Shrinkage of Concrete..................................................................................................23
Figure 3.1 Collection of waste asphalt sample near Hayatabad....................................................24
Figure 3.2 Ring road toll plaza Peshawar......................................................................................25
Figure 3.3 Hayatabad phase 6........................................................................................................25
Figure 3.4. Fineness test of cement...............................................................................................28
Figure 3.5 Sieve analysis test of aggregate....................................................................................29
Figure 3.6 Slump test of concrete..................................................................................................31
Figure 3.7 Weight of mold.............................................................................................................32
Figure 3.8 Asphalt sample filled mold..........................................................................................32
Figure 3.9 Impact test of coarse aggregate and asphalt aggregate................................................34
Figure 3.10 Los ageless abrasion test of coarse aggregate and asphalt aggregate.........................37
Figure 3.11 Waste asphalt aggregate in bucket.............................................................................39
Figure 3.12.Oilling of cylindrical mold.........................................................................................42
Figure 3.13 Filling of cylindrical mold..........................................................................................42
Figure 3.14 Compressive strength of cylindrical mold.................................................................42
Figure 3.15 spilt tensile strength of cylindrical mold....................................................................42

List of table
Table 3.1 Toughness property of aggregate..................................................................................33
Table 3.2 Grading of test sample...................................................................................................36
Table 3.3 Test report......................................................................................................................36
Table 3.4 Percentage of strength of different................................................................................41
Table 4.1.Sieve analysis of natural coarse aggregate....................................................................44
Table 4.2 Sieve analysis of waste asphalt coarse aggregate..........................................................45
Table 4.3 Sieve analysis of fine aggregate....................................................................................46
Table 4.4 Slump test values...........................................................................................................48
Table 4.5 Slump values and usage of concrete..............................................................................49
Table 4.6 Aggregate impact value.................................................................................................50
Table 4.6 Los angles abrasion test value.......................................................................................51
Table 4.7 Specific gravity of natural aggregate and waste asphalt aggregate...............................53
Table 4.8 Absorption of natural aggregate and waste asphalt aggregate......................................53
Table 4.9 Quantity of material used in 4in diameter and 8in height cylinder...............................54
Table 4.10 Compressive strength of natural aggregate cylinder...................................................54
Table 4.11 Spilt tensile strength of natural aggregate cylinder.....................................................55
Table 4.12 Compressive strength of 50% N.A & 50% W.A cylinder...........................................56
Table 4.13 Split tensile strength of 50% N.A & 50% W.A cylinder.............................................57
Table 4.14 Compressive strength of 100% W.A cylinder.............................................................58
Table 4.15 Split tensile strength of 100% W.A cylinder...............................................................59
Table 4.16 Compressive strength of different sample after 7, 14, and 28 days.............................60
Table 4.17 Spilt tensile strength of different sample after 7, 14, and 28 days..............................61

Chapter 1


1.1 Background:-
Concrete is the mixture of broken stone or gravel, sand, cement and water which can be
spread or proved into mould and forms a mass resembling stone on hardening. The
concrete are used in different ratios such as 1:2:4 or 1:1.5:3 Aggregate is commonly
considered inert filler. Which accounts for 60% to 80% of the volume and 70% to 85%
of the weight of concrete generally aggregate for concrete are collected by cutting
mountains or breaking river gravels or boulders, A significant amount of natural
resource can be saved if the demolished of road Asphalt concrete is recycling for new
construction in addition to the saved if the demolished Asphalt concrete is recycling of
new construction in addition to the saving of natural resource. Recycling of waste
Asphalt well also provide other benefits such as creation of additional business
opportunities saving cost disposal saving money for local government and other
purchaser and helping local government to meet the goal of reducing disposal at present.

By recycling of demolished concrete & asphalt, 20% of normal aggregates can be saved.
It is also estimated that in the next 10 years, the amount of demolished materials will be
increased to 7.5–12.5 billion tons (Torring and Lauritzen. 2002).

The sustainable creation concept was created some years ago because of the growing
problem about the failure of planet in fact, the over lasting growing amount of waste
each day produced through industries and families demand pressing measures to lessen
the amount of produced wastes and to locate viable methods of recycling for those
produced. Construction enterprise mainly is a huge waste manufacture and herbal
resource patron, with recent estimates indicates that almost of half of the wastes of
industrialized international locations has their foundation in construction and demolition

The influence of demolished concrete in the sustainability of the environment are highly
effected due to which the reuse of crushed recycled aggregates such as waste asphalt
course aggregate as a course aggregate can over the problem at certain way which has to
mobilize the different stakeholders concerned with the construction industry and the user
all around the world about the sustainability and advantages of the reused materials for
the better way to preserve the future needs.

1.2 Problem Statement:-
In Pakistan The volume of demolished materials is increasing day by day disposal of the
demolished material is becoming very difficult to the developers of the new mega
project like Building ,roads construction disposal affects the environment directly being
responsible in line with other factors for flooding , damages to landscapes road
obstruction disease proliferation and other damages to human health and living beings
without proper disposal of demolished materials landfills can cause many environmental
problem such as Air pollution land pollution water contamination ..

 Avoid pollution
 To avoid dust
 To check the comparison of the strength of both natural coarse aggregate and
waste asphalt course aggregate.
 To avoid high cost of material

1.3 Research Objectives:-

 To evaluate the potential of waste Asphalt Aggregate as concrete Aggregate.
 To utilize waste material to reduce material cost.
 To protection of natural resource of aggregate.
 To compare the compressive strength of concrete cylinder containing natural
Aggregate with recycled Asphalt Aggregate.

1.4 Recycled Aggregate:-

The physical properties of the recycled concrete and demolition debris aggregate are
dissimilar to those of the natural aggregate having properties somewhere between those
expected of conventional and lightweight aggregates. The durability and sustainability of
the concrete which posses recycled aggregate as their main ingredients on place of
coarse aggregate has lesser tendency to overcome the sever freeze-thaw conditions.
Natural aggregate have some advantages over recycled but, for the most evident is there
reuse of the recycled one.

Numerous civilization have reused construction building materials of their earlier

civilization of their own destroyed architecture (can damaged through war or other
natural causes) to construct new building. The remains of ruined Romanesque churches
supplied the stone of various farm houses. A huge quantity of demolition waste, which
includes demolished concrete, bricks, masonry, plaster, waste asphalt coarse aggregate
etc. the nature of waste is generated due to demolition old damaged structure like

buildings, building, pavements, bridges etc. natural disasters like earthquake, cyclone
and floods etc, also leads to the increase in demolition wastes. The enormous quantities
of demolition waste have created a great challenge in its disposal and its impact on the
environment. Some of the important elements needs to be considered for protecting the
environment are the reduction of the consumption of energy and consumption of
demolition waste. Now a day this issue also drew considerable attention under
sustainable development. The utilization of recycled aggregate as particularly very
promising as 75% of volume of concrete is occupied by the aggregates alone. Recycled
aggregate was initially used as landfill because of limited recycling facilities in
significant advancement in concrete technology.

1.5 Recycled Waste Asphalt Coarse Aggregate:-

The majority of the RAP that is produced is recycled and used, although not always in the
same year that it is produced. Recycled RAP is almost always returned back into the
roadway structure in some form, usually incorporated into asphalt paving by means of hot
or cold recycling, but it is also sometimes used as an aggregate in base or sub base
construction. It has been estimated that as much as approximately 33 million metric tons
(36 million tons), or 80 to 85 percent of the excess asphalt concrete presently generated,
is reportedly being used either as a portion of recycled hot mix asphalt, in cold mixes, or
as aggregate in granular or stabilized base materials. Some of the RAP that is not
recycled or used during the same construction season that it is generated is stockpiled and
is eventually reused. The results obtained from certain investigation suggest that asphalt
concrete prepared using waste asphalt coarse aggregate. In this study an attempt has been
made to study the feasibility of using waste asphalt aggregate of locally available of
construction waste from pavement. The type of waste asphalt coarse aggregate
considered in this study is obtained during the construction of BRT in Peshawar. Normal
concrete specimens using normal aggregate which is often called natural stone aggregate
are also tested side by side. Tests results obtained are presented and discussed herein this

Figure1.1 Picture of waste asphalt coarse aggregate

1.6 Recycled Aggregate Concrete

Recycling of structural wastes represents an essential step and a pillar to approach and
satisfy the requirements of sustainable, green and environmentally responsible
construction industry Recycling is inevitable to the economics of resources "which
represents one of the main principles of sustainability. Buildings consume the majority
of the world's natural resources and energy, and contribute the bulk of landfill waste.
Thus, the way we design, construct and maintain buildings has a tremendous impact on
our environment and natural resources. energy consumed in the US and two - thirds of
all electricity (Gjerv, 2011).buildings, in the U.S, accounts for 49% of sulfur dioxide and
25% of nitrous oxide emissions, that damage urban air. They also produce 35% of
carbon dioxide, blamed for the climate change. The challenge of the sustainable, or
green, buildings is to design. Construct and maintain them in such a way to use a
minimum of renewable energy, produce a minimum of pollution and cost a minimum,
while increasing the comfort, health and safety of the people who live and work in them.
In general, the utilization of the sustainable building concept is to consider the
interrelationships between a building, its components, its surroundings, and its
occupants. Life cycle design is an important integrated part of the sustainable building
concept. It is sometimes referred to as "from cradle to grave design" or better yet "from
cradle to grave to cradle again design", as recyclability is another important component
of the sustainable building design concept. The criteria for selecting sustainable
building materials, or what is known as the "Green Features of a building material, may
be divided to the following three phases.

 Pre - building phase or the manufacture phase which include waste reduction,
pollution prevention, and recycled content. , embodied energy and use of natural
 • Building phase or the use phase and this include reduction in construction waste,
energy efficiency, water treatment / conservation. Use of non-toxic or less toxic
materials. Renewable energy systems and longer life or durability. Of the
 Post - building phase or the disposal phase which include reusability,
recyclability and biodegradability. The utilization of recycled materials in the
structural industry is. Therefore, of great importance as it will contribute to all the
three criteria of selecting sustainable building materials.

Many studies were conducted on the use of recycled concrete in concrete production
(Ivanka tetri manger. 2011). Due to the harsh environment in the South Asia. Concrete
usually experience some type of premature deterioration. The study of the durability
and behavior of concrete under expected exposures is, therefore, of great importance.
The environment in the central regions of Pakistan is describes as hot marine
environment (Anon., N.d.). A marine environment is the place where concrete becomes
wet with seawater. This could happen to concrete submerged under water, in a tidal
zone, in a splash zone or at any place inland where wind could carry the salt water spray.
The marine environment in Pakistan is characterized by high ambient temperature
during summer, which accelerates the deterioration of concrete.

1.7 Green Concrete

The rate of development of the world is now increased and the construction sector
growth is liberated fame and the accommodation of the large amount of pupil in one
single body structure is now includes in the miracles of advance engineering but, with
that rapid development the demolishing of the old structure also emerging environmental
problems and questions raised on the sustainability of the environment new approaches
are applied to overcome such uncertain circumstances which includes green buildings
concept. Today the word green is not just limited to color; it represents the environment
which is surrounding us. Concrete which is made from concrete wastes that are eco-
friendly are called as "Green concrete". The other name for green concrete is resource
saving structures with reduced environment impact for e.g. energy saving coz emissions,
waste water. Green concrete is now revolutionary topic in concrete industry. This was
first invented in Denmark in the year of 1998 by Dr. WG. Concrete wastes like slag.
Power plant wastes. Recycled concrete, mining and quarrying wastes, glass waste,
incinerator residue, red mud, burnt clay, sawdust, combustor ash and foundry sand.
Green concrete is a term given to a concrete that has had extra steps taken in the mix
design and placement to ensure a sustainable structure and a long life cycle with a low

maintenance surface e.g. energy saving. Co2 emissions waste water. The goal of the
center for the green concrete is to reduce environmental impact of concrete. To enable
this, new life cycle, i.e. structural design, specifications, manufacturing and maintenance
and it includes all aspects of performance. i.e.

 Mechanical properties (strength, shrinkage, creep, static behavior etc).

 Fire resistance (spelling, heat transfer)
 Workability, curing, strength development etc.
 Durability (corrosion protection, frost, new deterioration mechanism)
 Thermodynamics properties (impact to the other properties)

In addition to the environmental goals there are a number of environmental

intensions. Most important are discuss below

To avoid the use of materials which contains substances on the environmental protection
agency’s list of unwanted materials? Not to reduce the recycling ability of green
concrete compared with conventional concrete and not to increase the content of
hazardous substances in the wastewater from concrete production compared with
wastewater from production of existing concrete types. Different concrete types are
tested for workability, changes in workability after 30 min. air-content, compressive
strength development, E-modulus, heat development, homogeneity, water separation,
setting time, density and permeability. The water/ cement ratio, water/binder ratio and
the chloride content are calculated from the mixing report of the precise mixture
proportions and from the chloride content in the different raw materials. 1.7.1

1.7.1 Advantages
 Reduction of the concrete industry's CO;
 Emission by means of 30%. Increase concrete industry's use of water products via
 Sustainable development can be achieved by reducing environmental pollution
Green concrete holds economical venue from conventional concrete.
 It requires less maintenance and repairs.
 Good thermal resistance and fireplace resistant
 Green concrete structure are of known for its light weight

Chapter 2

Literature Review
Concrete is the most used manufactured material in the world and certainly one of those
having the most impact on the environment. However, there is no foreseen alternative to
this material within a developing world context. Therefore, a pressing need exists to
promote the reduction of the environmental impacts of concrete, guaranteeing at the
same time that its technological and economic advantages remain valid. One of the ways
to achieve this objective is by replacing part or all of the natural aggregates with
alternatives resulting from recycled materials or various types of waste/by-products from
several industries, including construction. Many of the consequences on the technical,
economic, and environmental performance of recycled aggregate concrete have been
established by the very dynamic research on this subject. Nevertheless, there is both a
tag between research and industry practical applications and a number of subjects that
must still be explored, which represent new trends in the search for sustainable recycled
aggregate concrete. This Special Issue is therefore dedicated to "New Trends in
Recycled Aggregate Concrete" and contributions on, but not limited to, the following
subjects were encouraged: Up scaling the use of recycled aggregate concrete in
structural design, Large-scale applications of recycled aggregate concrete, Long-term
behavior of recycled aggregate concrete: Performance of recycled aggregate concrete in
very aggressive environments; Reliability of recycled aggregate concrete structures: Life
cycle assessment of recycled aggregate concrete; Mesostructured analysis of recycled
aggregate concrete

2.1 Up scaling the Use of Recycled Aggregate Concrete in Structural

In their study, (Hauck, 2005) evaluated the performance of reinforced recycled
aggregate concrete (RRC) columns under cyclic loading, using a fiber-based numerical
model. With this model, they performed a comprehensive parametric study to examine
the effects of a range of variables on the hysteretic characteristics of RRC columns. A
grey relational analysis was also conducted to establish quantifiable evidence of key
variable sensitivities. They concluded that the use of the additional water method
(AWM) for manufacturing recycled aggregate concrete was likely to reduce the lateral
load-carrying capacity of the RRC columns (up to 10%), whereas the opposite would
occur if a conventional mixing procedure was adopted. Moreover, compared with other
factors such as steel area ratio, the content of natural aggregates replacement had a less
remarkable effect on the seismic performance of the RRC columns. In general, the RRC
columns have acceptable seismic-resistant properties, and they can be used in
earthquake-prone regions with confidence. (Nasir Laghari, 2017) studied the effect of
recycled aggregate quality on the bond behavior and shear strength of reinforced
concrete members. They concluded that the bond strength of both natural and recycled

concrete increased with a decrease in water-to-cement ratio but not for the full spectrum
of ratio values. Furthermore, the shear behavior of reinforced concrete beams with
natural and recycled concrete is very similar, but the results depend on the size of the

2.2 Large-Scale Applications of Recycled Aggregate Concrete

In their research, (Tantawi, 2015) performed a study on the properties of recycled
aggregate concrete and its production facilities. Equipment was developed to improve
the quality of recycled aggregate to increase the use of that aggregate for environmental
improvement purposes. The results showed improvements in the air volume, slump, and
compressive strength, freezing and thawing resistance, and drying shrinkage

2.3 Long-Term Behavior of Recycled asphalt Aggregate

There has been many research carried out on recycling concrete yet construction
industry does not have a simple and cost effective method to use the recycled concrete
aggregates in second generation concrete, Works on recycled aggregate concrete have
considered water absorption and other parameters in finding the mix proportions and
strength but this is not sufficient since the percentage and quality of the adhered mortar
is essential in calculating the final strength of concrete. Though all the above parameters
as discussed are essential in evaluating and obtaining strength but still a methodology
taking into consideration the quality and the percentage of adhered mortar would be
essential if recycled concrete aggregates have to be taken in preparation of high strength
concrete. Researcher's has concluded that a 25 to 30% recycled may not have significant
collect on concrete properties, but if these aggregates contain more than 65% of adhered
mortar its impact on concrete properties have not been evaluated. Hence it would be
necessary to understand how much percentage of adhered mortar could be tolerated on
recycled concrete aggregates (siani, 2015)

By studying Properties of concrete using crushed asphalt as a coarse aggregate the

researcher (alsady, 2019) This study has found that crushed asphalts can be used
satisfactory as coarse aggregate for making concrete of acceptable strength
characteristics as can offer benefits associated with both economy and sustainability:

 The use of crushed asphalt as coarse aggregate decreases the compressive strength
of concrete at age of 7 and 28 days according to the ratio of crushed asphalt that
 Use of crushed asphalt as coarse aggregate in concrete increases the water to
cement ratio as it increases the absorption of concrete to the water.
 The workability of the crushed asphalt concrete is lower than that of normal

Recycled asphalt aggregate is induced into the concrete by different proportions some of
the researchers studied with full replacement and some with partial or at certain specific
amount as quoted to (S Pinchi, 2020) in their study which has use of recycled broken
asphalt as partial replacement coarse aggregate for the manufacturing of sustainable.

2.4 Failure of Recycled Aggregates

In this study the researcher (FrédéricGrondin, 2019) the fracture behavior of recycled
aggregate concrete has been compared with normal aggregate concrete. The results
clearly indicate that 100% replacement by recycled aggregate significantly increases the
cracking risk. Therefore, the complete replacement should be avoided in the construction
of structures using RAC. Small portion of recycled aggregate up to 30% of total
aggregate content can be used and no significant effect on the fracture properties and
fracture mechanisms has been observed. The numerical analysis of damage shows that in
RAC it develops not only in the mortar matrix and in the effective inter phase which is
the most fragile part, but also in the recycled aggregate. The width of the damage zone
decreases with the increasing of the replacement percentage by recycled aggregate.
Support from the French National Research Agency (ANR: Agency Nationale de la
Recherche) and the FEDER Pays de La Loire are acknowledged (ECOREB project).

In this study the researcher (BebrakHooman, 2019) Use of Recycled asphalt Masonry
Aggregate and Recycled Asphalt Masonry Aggregate Concrete in Sustainable
Construction concluded that Use of recycled aggregates in PCC can offer benefits
associated with both economy and sustainability. Significant research has been
performed on use of RCA in concrete elements, but until recently, use of RBMA has not
been studied in the United States. As landfill space becomes increasingly scarce, and
tipping fees continue to rise, the need to find alternative uses for demolition waste
becomes more pronounced. RBMA has been shown to be a viable material for use in
structural and pavement grade concrete, possessing mechanical properties similar to
those of PCC with conventional aggregates. Potential advantages of using RBMAC
include reduction in the use of virgin aggregates, lower embodied energies of concrete
elements, and possibly, project cost savings and creation of jobs. However, due to risks
inherent in using this (and any) waste material in new construction, guidance in the form
of standards and specifications is important. A quality program should be developed
prior to initiating work at the site in order to ensure that adequate QA QC measures
related to RBMA and RBMAC production are utilized during all stages of the project.
The suggested provisions for specifications, as presented in this paper, should assist

stakeholders interested in utilizing RBMA and RBMAC in sustainable construction

2.5 Concrete
Concrete is a well-known material in now days no need to further illustrate it but, it
needs to evaluate the ingredients of the concrete from which the concrete is composed
of. Concrete is a construction material most widely used throughout the globe for the
construction of the high rise buildings to a small sort of car porch. Concrete holds a wide
variety of its components and vast majority of applications, in terms of the usage of the
concrete it was concluded in different studies and also by the world health organization
that the concrete is used right after the water which has high abundance of the usage. If
look around to the world it become global village everything becomes sophisticated and
developing with rage and the improvements in every field are not negligible, every
aspect of the world is growing with time at the same the construction era is developing
rapidly and the world is benefited with the fruits of the modernized infrastructure and a
high standard of living, sky scrapers changes the word prospective to the ionized form
stories and the globe enhanced. The rapid growth of the construction industry is not
singly related to the men who's developed but also the items which is used to rise the
mesmerize levels. Concrete is the basic and the most essential part of this game.
Concrete in construction, structural material consisting of a hard, chemically inert
particulate substance, known as aggregate (usually sand and gravel), that is bonded
together by cement and water. Among the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians, the
bonding substance most often used was clay. The Egyptians developed a substance more
closely resembling modern concrete by using lime and gypsum as binders. Lime
(calcium oxide), derived from limestone, chalk, or (where available) oyster shells,
continued to be the primary pozzolanic, or cement-forming, agent until the early 1800s.
In 1824 an English inventor, Joseph Aspdin, burned and ground together a mixture of
limestone and clay. This mixture, called Portland cement, has remained the dominant
cementing agent used in concrete production. Aggregates are generally designated as
cither fine (ranging in size from 0.025 to 6.5 mm [0.001 to 0.25 inch]) or coarse (from
6.5 to 38 mm [0.25 to 1.5 inch] or larger). All aggregate materials must be clean and free
from admixture with soft particles or vegetable matter, because even small quantities of
organic soil compounds result in chemical reactions that seriously affect the strength of
the concrete. Concrete is characterized by the type of aggregate or cement used, by the
specific qualities it manifests, or by the methods used to produce it. In ordinary
structural concrete, the character of the concrete is largely determined by a water-to-
cement ratio. The lower the water content, all else being equal, the stronger the concrete.
The mixture must have just enough water to ensure that each aggregate particle is
completely surrounded by the cement paste, that the spaces between the aggregate are
filled, and that the concrete is liquid enough to be poured and spread effectively.
Another durability factor is the amount of cement in relation to the aggregate (expressed
as a three-part ratio-cement to fine aggregate to coarse aggregate). Where especially
strong concrete is needed, there will be relatively less aggregate.

Figure 2.1 Concrete

2.6 Ingredients of Concrete

Concrete is a composite material of sand, gravel, cementations material i.e. cements and
water. Concrete is made both in nominal mix level and also on design mix; the scenario
depends upon the scope of the project and the desired condition. All ingredients of the
concrete are had own rule in the ultimate strength of the concrete both tensile and
compressive strength.

Sand: Sand is termed as a fine aggregate in terms of the cement concrete mix and the
basic need of using sand in the concrete mix is to avoid the unnecessary voids in the
concrete which highly affects the strength of the concrete and the honey combs gives
noisy look to the structure.

Gravel: Gravels is termed as a coarse aggregate and this item is solely responsible for
the bulky shape of the concrete, the irregular shape of the gravels and its high strength of
itself gives high compressive strength to the concrete and a proper bondage because of
the irregular shape and high strength.

Cement: Portland cement which is widely used in the construction of the conventional
concrete as a bonding material due to which all the concrete behaviors are solely
responsible on the amount and on the grade of the cement used in the concrete. Cement
is used in the fewer amounts in the ratio.

Figure 2.2 ingredients of concrete

2.7 Strength of Concrete

The strength of concrete is measured in pounds per square inch or kilograms per square
centimeter of force needed to crush a sample of a given age or hardness, Concrete's
strength is affected by environmental factors, especially temperature and moisture. If it
is allowed to dry prematurely, it can experience unequal tensile stresses that in an
imperfectly hardened state cannot be resisted. In the process known as curing, the
concrete is kept damp for some time after pouring to slow the shrinkage that occurs as it
hardens. Low temperatures also adversely affect its strength. To compensate for this, an
additive such as calcium chloride is mixed in with the cement. This accelerates the
setting process, which in turn generates heat sufficient to counteract moderately low
temperatures. Large concrete forms that cannot be adequately covered are not poured in
freezing temperatures.

2.8 Types of Concrete

Concrete is the most commonly used man-made material on earth. It is an important
construction material used extensively in buildings, bridges, roads and dams. Its uses
range from structural applications, to saviors, kerbs, pipes and drains. Concrete is a
composite material, consisting mainly of Portland cement, water and aggregate (gravel,
sand or rock). When these materials are mixed together, they form a workable paste
which then gradually hardens over time.

There are several different types of concrete, including: Plain/ordinary concrete.

 Lightweight Concrete.
 High density concrete.

 Reinforced concrete.
 Precast concrete.
 Prestressed concrete.
 Glass reinforced concrete.
 Air-entrained concrete.
 Polymer concrete

2.9 Properties of Conventional Concrete

Concrete is a composite material obtained by mixing Cement, sand, aggregates, and
water in suitable proportions. Concrete has become a universal building material which
is extensively used in civil engineering construction. It is necessary to know about
important properties of concrete Tor every civil engineering to design a structure.
Properties of concrete are controlled and influenced by the various factors, out of them
mix proportions plays an important role in concrete strength and these proportions
control the properties of strength.

2.10 Properties of Concrete during its Hardened Stage

The concrete gains 95% of desired compressive strength within 28days by periodic
curing. The hardened concrete should possess following properties;

2.11 Compressive Strength / Concrete Grades

The strength of concrete is designated as the Characteristic compressive strength of
150mm cube at the age of 28 days when tested with the universal testing machine in
N/mm2. As grades of concrete vary between 15 to 80 N/mm2. These grades differ on the
basis of mix proportions. A good concrete should not fall under less than 5% of desired
concrete strength that means, we know that M20 grade concrete has a compressive
strength of 20N/mm2. A good concrete should not show less than 19N/mm2 (5%) of
compressive strength when tested with UTM after 28 days.

2.12 Poison Ratio

When concrete is compressed in one direction the effect of this compression is observed
in other directions. The compression of concrete in one direction and its bulking occurs
perpendicular to the direction of the compression force. The compression force usually
affects the shape and cause. Strain in the values so, for this the it is the ratio between the
lateral strain to the longitudinal strain. A strong concrete will give a value of 0.1 and a
weak concrete give 0.2.

1.13 Shrinkage of Concrete

The property of concrete which occurs when the concrete is drying and hardening and
transforming from plastic shape to hard and permanent shape the decreasing of volume
occurs. This phenomenon may occur and leads to surface cracks or called hair cracks.
The shrinkage of the concrete depends upon the ingredients of the concrete and the
environmental condition..

Figure 2.3 Shrinkage of concrete

Chapter 3
Methodology/Experimental work
3.1 Materials Collection
The research mainly contains the mention materials which are mainly cement, fine
aggregate (sand). Coarse aggregate (natural stone or recycled asphalt aggregate) and
water. These are the basic requirement for a conventional concrete to be prepared for a
research study to be carried out in the required specific way.

Figure 3.1 Collection of waste asphalt sample near hayatabad

3.2 Recycled asphalt Aggregates

Sampling of asphalt one of the most critical aspects of the research project was
obtaining the samples to be used in the experiments. It was decided that sampling should
be done at various levels:

 Level 1: Samples of asphalt in this level are targeted to obtain in relatively good
quality which has fluent sides and have possess relatively good condition.
 Level 2: samples obtained during demolished of roads sites this type of asphalt
may be known and the age may be known.
 Level 3: samples obtained from C&D debris stoke pile. Both the type of asphalt
and the age will be unknown.

A total of four different samples type of waste asphalt were gathered. These brands
new to more than five years old asphalt. At level 1.(new asphalt) we collected two
type samples from to near ring road toll plaza. Level 2.(old asphalt) a two simple
were gathered from demolished road site from Nowshehara. Level 3. 1 sample were
obtained from C&D debris stockpiles

Figure 3.2 Ring road toll plaza Peshawar

3.3 Mix Design

Concrete is a normally a composite mixture which consists of Cement. Sand and
Aggregates. Concrete mix design is the required procedure which is adopted to find out
the right and the required quantities of materials to obtain the desired strength. Accurate
and design oriented concrete mix makes the construction economical and sustainable.
The construction of large bodies such as bridges, dams and other requirement of mass
concrete may need massive amount of concrete which will costs bigger but the right
quantity of constituents make the structure economical.

3.4 Adoption of Concrete Mix

There are two types of concrete mixes uses normally which is.

 Designed Mix
 Nominal Mix

The concrete mix which is adopted in this research is the nominal mix, the reason behind
the selection of the nominal mix is the moulds which is poured by the concrete are on
small quantity and normally the concrete in which admixtures are used (fly ash) are
poured on small level, that's why the nominal mix has been selected for the study.

3.5 Nominal Mix

Nominal mix is generally adopted for small amount of concrete constructions. In this
type of mix. The constituent proportions and the mix ratios are prefixed and specified. In
taking consideration the MI5 Concrete: the quantity of the constituents such us cement,
sand and aggregate is batched in volume as per fixed ratio of 1:2:4 which means there
will one amount of cement, two amount of sand and four amounts of coarse aggregate
(natural stone in one case and recyciedAsphalt aggregates in other one).

3.6 Representation
Normally the representation of the nominal mix is considered by the name of the
concrete in which the "M" represents Mix and 15 represents the Compressive strength in
MPA of the concrete 18 days of curing

3.7 Testing
As it was mentioned earlier that different tests were performed for the comparison of
concrete blocks made from recycled brick aggregates and from natural stone aggregates
Test conducted were presume pre comparison tests and post comparison test. The pre-
comparison test has included the following.

3.8 TO test the fineness of cement by sieve analysis method

Theory and importance
This experiment is carried out to check the proper grinding of cement. The cement
which is produced by an industry is checked for its quality, that either it is good for
certain type of construction or it doesn’t possess that much strength. For example, for
RCC and other heavy load bearing structures such as bridges it is essential that the
cement which is being used in the concrete should have the ability to provide the
required strength, while in the PCC structures it is not so much critical.
The ability to provide strength of a certain type of cement is checked by finding the
fineness of that cement, because the fineness of cement is responsible for the rate of
hydration and hence the rate of gain of strength and also the rate of evolution of heat.
If the cement is fine then greater is its cohesiveness, which is the property, required in
the concrete because it gives compactness to the concrete. Usually cement loses 10% of
its strength within one month of its manufacturing.

Types of sieves
There are different types of sieves such as # 10, # 100,# 200,# 300 etc. the number of the
sieve indicates the number of holed present in a linear inch of that sieve. For finding the
fineness of Wet or Dry cement following number sieve is recommended by ASTM.
Cement by wet process = # 300 sieve
Cement by dry process = # 200 sieve
Take the triple beam balance and adjust the reading of the balance to zero.
Take a pan and note its weight.
Put some cement in the pan placed on the balance, so that the weight of cement becomes
100 grams. This will be weight w1 of the cement.
Put the cement in the sieve carefully and close the sieve tightly.
Start shaking the sieve horizontally; keep on shaking the sieve for 10 to 15 minutes
After 15 minutes take the residue left in the sieve, put it in a pre-weighed plate and note
the weight w2 of the residue with the help of triple beam balance.
Then by using the following formula calculate the percentage fineness of cement:
W1= Total weight of cement
W2= Weight of residue

Percentage of fineness = W1-W2x100

Figure 3.4 Fineness test of cement

3.9 Sieve Analysis we followed the following procedure

The purpose of this test is calculating and experimentally determines the particle size
distribution of the soil particle sizes in terms of percentage. In sieve analysis test the main
attributes which can be obtained is the coarse and fine grained in the soil sample. The soil
behavior is depending upon the particle distribution of the soil which plays a key role in
the characteristics of the soil.

A set of organized sieves are used to evaluate the grain size distribution of the soil which
can exhibit the engineering properties of the soil and the classification of the can be done
after getting results from the sieve analysis test.

1) Balance 2)Set of sieves 3)Brush 4)Sieve shaker

 Record the weight of sample and put it in the trowel.
 Weight each sieve and write down as well as the weight of the pan will be taken.
 •Alter weighing the sieves, arrange all the sieves and clean it with cloth or brush so
that no residual can remains in the sieve hole.
 Arrange the sieves in ascending order (84 at the top and #200 us the bottom) and
place the pan below the sieve 200.
 Pour the soil in the sieve set carefully and cover the top sieve.
 Place the sieve stack in the mechanical sieve shaker and turn it on for about 10 to 15
minutes of continue shaking.
 Remove the stack from the shaker and carefully weigh and record the weight of each
sieve with its retained soil. In addition, remember to weigh and record the weight of
the bottom pan with its retained fine soil.

Figure 3.5 Sieve analysis test of aggregate

3.10 Slump Test
Slump test is a laboratory or at site test used to measure the consistency of concrete.
Slump test shows an indication of the uniformity of concrete in different batches. The
shape of the concrete slumps shows the information on the workability and quality of
concrete. The characteristics of concrete with respect to the tendency of segregation can be
also judged by making a few tamping or blows by tapping rod on the base plate. This test
continues using since 1922 due to the simplicity of apparatus and simple procedure. The
shape of the Slump cone shows the workability of concrete

Principle of Slump test

The slump value of concrete is just a principle of gravity flow of surface of the concrete
cone that indicates the amount of water added to it, which means how much this concrete
mix is in workable condition

Apparatus for Slump test

Followings apparatus are used in the slump test of concrete:

I. Metallic mould in the shape of a frustum of cone having bottom diameter 20 cm (8 in), or
diameter 10 cm (4 in) and height Ma cm (12in).

2. Steel tamping rod having 16 mm (5/8 in) diameter, 0.6 m (2 A.) long with bullet end.

Procedure of Slump test

During Slump test following steps are followed:
 First of all, the internal surface of the mould is cleaned and free from moisture and
free from other old sets of concrete.
 Then place the mould on the smooth horizontal, rigid, and non-absorbent surface.
 The mould is then filled with fresh concrete in four layers with taping each layer 25
times by taping rod. And level the top surface with a trowel.
 Then the mould is slowly palled in vertical and removed from concrete, so as not to
disturb the concrete cone
 This free concrete deforms the entire surface to subside due to the effect of gravity.
 That subsidence of concrete in the periphery is a slump of concrete
 The height difference between the height of subsidence concrete and mould cone in
mm is slump value of concrete

Figure 3.6 Slump test of concrete

3.11 Density of sand, natural stone aggregates and waste asphalt

Density is also called the unit weight of a substance. It is represented by a symbol called
a line (p). Density represents the degree of compactness of a material. If the material is
of higher density, it is more compacted material.

The density of construction materials is their Mass per unit volume of materials. It is

expressed in kg / m3 or lb / ft3 and shows the compactness of the construction material.

The density can be expressed as

 p = m/V = 1/v

Figure 3.7 Weight of mold Figure 3.8 Waste asphalt Filled mold

3.12 Impact Value Test

 The aggregate impact value gives a relative measure of the resistance of the

Aggregate to sudden shock or impact.

 2. The property of a material to resist impact is known as toughness.

 3. The aggregates should have sufficient toughness to resist their disintegration
due to impact.

The aggregates are classified with respect to toughness property as

given below:

Table 3.1Toughness property of aggregate

Aggregate Impact Value (%) Toughness Properties

< 10 Exceptionally strong
10-20 Very tough

20-30 Good for pavement surface course

>35 Satisfactory for pavement surface course

1. Balance of capacity not less than 500 g readable to 0.1 g.
2. Sieves: 14.0 mm (1/2 in), 10.0 mm (3/8 in), and 2.36 mm (No. 8).
3. Impact Testing Machine
a. Consist of a cylinder hammer of 13.5 kg sliding freely between the two
vertical Supports.
b. Its fall is automatically adjusted to a height of 380 mm.
4. There is a brass plate over which an open cylindrical steel cup (big cup) of
Diameter 102 mm and internal depth of 50 mm is placed and fixed.
5. Cylindrical metal measure (small cup) with internal diameter of 75 mm, and
Internal depth of 50 mm for measuring aggregate.
6. Tamping rod of 16 mm diameter and 60 mm long with both ends
 Sieve the aggregate and obtain the portion passing 14 mm and retained on
10 mm sieve.
 Wash and dry this aggregate at a constant temperature of 105C to 110C
for period not more than 4 hours.
 Cool to room temperature before testing.
 Fill this aggregate in three layers and to the cylindrical measure and tamp
each layer for 25 stokes with the temping rod.
 Level the surface using temping rod as a straight edge.
 Weight the aggregate in the measure M1(gram)

 Transfer the aggregate from the cylindrical measure to the cup, and
compact the aggregate by tamping in 25 strokes with the rod.
 Release the hammer to fall freely on the aggregate. The test sample is
subjected to a total of 15 blows.
 Remove the aggregate sample from the cup.
 Sieve the aggregate through 2.36 mm sieve.
 Weight and record the masses of the fraction passing through the sieve

Figure 3.9 Impact tests of coarse aggregate and asphalt aggregate

3.13 Los Angeles Abrasion Test

 Abrasion Test is the measure of aggregate toughness and abrasion resistance

Such as crushing, degradation and disintegration.

 The aggregates are used for the surface course of the highway pavements and

They are subjected to wearing due to movement of traffic.

 The percentage wear due to rubbing with steel balls is determined and is

Known as abrasion value.

1) Los Angeles Machine

2) Abrasive charge balls

3) Oven

4) Balance

5) Sieves: # 12, # 8, # 4,1/4”, 3/8”,1/2 “, 3/4“, 1”, 1-1/2”

 Obtain the aggregate sample to be tested.
 Wash the sample and oven dry at 105° – 110°C.
 After drying, sieve the material into individual size fractions, and recombine to
one of four specified grading that most nearly represents the aggregate gradation
as received.
 Record the total sample mass. The total sample mass should be approximately
5000 g. Call it𝐌1
 Choose the abrasive charge balls as per the given table depending on the grading
of aggregates.
 Place the aggregates and abrasive charge balls in the abrasion-testing machine and
fix the cover
 Rotate the machine at a speed of 30 to 33 revolutions per minute (RPM). The
number of
 Revolutions should be 500 for all the grades. • The machine is stopped after the
specified number of revolutions and aggregate sample is
 Discharged to a tray. • The aggregate along with the stone dust obtained made
from the machine is sieved on Sieve
 No. 12 (1.70 mm). • The material size retained on Sieve No. 12 (1.70 mm size) is
washed, dried in an oven at 105° – 110°C and then weighted accurately to the
nearest one gram, Call It 𝐌2• The difference in weight of 𝐌1and 𝐌2 is reported
as a percent of the original weight and called the "percent loss".

Table 3.2 Grading of test sample

Passing from sieve Retained on Sample A Sample B Sample C Sample D

sieve inches

1½ 1 1250±25 g

1 ¾ 1250±25 g

¾ ½ 1250±25 g 1250±10 g

½ 3/8 1250±25 g 1250±10 g

3/8 ¼ 1250±10 g

1/4 #4 1250±10 g

#4 #8 5000±10 g

Total weight 5000±10 g 5000±10 g 5000±10 g 5000±10 g

No of steel balls to used 12 11 08 06

Table 3.3 Test report

Passing from sieve Retained on sieve Sample B

inches inches

1½ 1

1 ¾

¾ ½ 2500 g

½ 3/8 2500 g

3/8 ¼

1/4 #4

#4 #8

Total weight 5000 g

We used No of steel balls 11

Los Angeles Abrasion Value = _____ < 25 %

Figure 3.10 Los ageless abrasion test of coarse aggregate and waste asphalt aggregate

3.14 Specific gravity and water absorption of coarse aggregate

The specific gravity of aggregates normally used in construction ranges from about 2.5

to 3.0 with an average value of about 2.68. 2. Specific gravity of aggregates is
considered as an indication of strength. Material having higher Specific Gravity is
generally considered as having higher strength.

Apparent Specific Gravity

Apparent specific gravity =weight of the impermeable portion of aggregate /weight of

Equal volume & stated temperature in air

Bulk Specific Gravity

Bulk Specific Gravity =weight of aggregate (permeable + imper. Portion)/weight of


Equal volume & stated temperature in air.

Not including the voids between the particles.

1) Sample Container
2) Water Tank/container
3) Absorbent cloth
4) Aggregate Sample
5) Balance
6) Oven
7) A wire basket

 Thoroughly wash the aggregates to remove any dust.
 Dry the sample for 24 ± 4 hours to constant weight in oven, cool and weigh, call it
A (gm).
 Immerse the aggregate in water at room temperature for a period of 24 ± 4 hours.
 Remove the specimen from water and roll it in a large absorbent cloth until all
visible films of water are removed.
 The sample is now in SSD condition.
 Weight the sample and obtain the SSD weight, B (gm)
 Place the saturated surface dry specimen in wire mesh bucket and weight it in
water, W1 (gm)
 Remove the sample from the wire bucket.
 Find weight of the empty bucket in water, W2 (gm)
 Weight of saturated aggregate in water, C (gm) can be obtained as:
 Calculate specific gravity and absorption using the equations in the following.


 Weight of oven dried aggregate in air = A = ______ gm
 Weight of saturated surface dry aggregate in air = B = ______ gm
 Weight of saturated aggregate and wire bucket in water = W1 = ______ gm
 Weight of empty bucket in water = W2 = ______ gm
 Weight of saturated aggregate in water = C = (W1 –W2) = ______ gm

 Water absorption (percent) = B-A/A*100
 Apparent specific gravity = A/A-C
 Bulk specific gravity = A/B-C
 Bulk specific gravity (SSD) = B/B-C

Figure 3.11 waste asphalt aggregate in bucket

3.15 Compression and split tensile test

As we all know that concrete is a mixture of sand, cement, and aggregate. The strength
of the concrete depends upon many factors like individual compressive strength of its

constituents (Cement, Sand, aggregate), quality of materials used, air entrainment mix
proportions, water-cement ratio, curing methods and temperature effects.
Compressive strength gives an idea of the overall strength and above-mentioned factors.
Through conducting this test, one can easily judge the concrete strength psi and quality
of concrete produced

Why do we test concrete for 7 days, 14 days & 28 days?:

Concrete gains maximum strength at 28days. Since in construction sector great amount
of capital is at stake, so instead of checking strength at 28 days we can check strength in
terms of concrete strength psi at 7 and 14 days to predict the target strength of
construction work.

From the below table it is clear that, Concrete gains 16 % of its strength within 24 hrs,
whereas concrete gains 65% of the target strength by the time of 7 days of its casting.

Till 14 days concrete shows 90% of the target strength and thereafter the gain in strength
slows down and it takes 28days to achieve 99% of strength.

We cant judge the strength of concrete until it becomes stable. And we also won’t wait
for 28 days to judge the concrete whether it suitable for construction or not to keep it
balanced, concrete is tested at various intervals

Table 3.4 Percentage of strength in different days

Age in days Percentage of strength

1days 16%

3days 40%

7days 65%

14days 90%

21days 94%

28days 99%

1) Steel mold
2) Mixing tools
3) UTM (universal testing machine)
4) Tamping rod
5) Electronic balance

 We Placed the prepared concrete mix in the steel circular mould for casting.
 Once it sets, After 24 hours remove the concrete cube from the mould.
 Keep the test specimens submerged underwater for stipulated time.
 As mentioned the specimen must be kept in water for 7  or 14 or  28 days and for
every 7 days the water is changed.
 Ensure that concrete specimen must be well dried before placing it on the UTM..
 Testing specimens are placed in the space between bearing surfaces.
 Care must be taken to prevent the existence of any loose material or grit on the
metal plates of machine or specimen block.
 The concrete cubes are placed on bearing plate and aligned properly with the
center of thrust in the testing machine plates.
 The loading must be applied axially on specimen without any shock and increased
at the rate of 140kg/sq cm/min. till the specimen collapse.

 Due to the constant application of load, the specimen starts cracking at a point &
final breakdown of the specimen must be noted.

Figure 3.12 Oiling of cylindrical mold Figure 3.13 Filling of cylindrical mold

Figure 3.14 Compressive strength of Figure 3.15 Split tensile strength of cylindrical

Cylindrical mold mold

Chapter 4

Results and Conclusions

In this chapter the experimental work which is discussed in the previous chapter are
performed with a physical performance under a controlled environment in the well-
equipped laboratory of our university. Different tests were performed and then their
results are putted in the chapter later.

4.1 Fineness test of cement

Weight of taken Sample (OPD) = 100 gm

We used Sieves size = #200

Weight of cement Passed = 92 gm

Weight of cement Retained on # 200 = 8 gm

Fineness of cement = cement retained on sieve/weight of sample taken * 100

Fineness of cement = 8/100*100=8% ok recommended

Standard fineness of cement ≥10%

We have 8% fineness of cement which is OK

4.2 Sieve analysis tests

4.2.1 Gradation of natural coarse aggregate

Take sample of aggregate = 3000 gm

Table 4.1Sieve analysis of natural coarse aggregate

S.NO Sieve size Weight of % of weight Cumulative % passing

(inches) retained retain (gm) % weight
(gm) retained

1 1-1/2 0 0 0 100

2 1 684 22.8 22.8 77.2

3 ¾ 1838 61.26 84.08 15.94

4 ½ 260 8.66 92.72 7.28

5 3/8 146 4.87 97.58 2.41

6 3/16 60 2 99.58 0.41

7 Pan 0 0 99.58 0.41

8 Total 496.34

The Fineness Modulus (FM) is an empirical figure obtained by adding the total percentage of the

Sample of an aggregate retained on each of a specified series of sieves, and dividing the sum by 100.

Fineness modulus = ∑ cumulative % retained = 496.34/100 =4.9634

Fineness modulus of coarse aggregate = FM ≥3

We have fineness modulus 4.96 which is OK.


100 100 100 100

a 80 77.2
s 60
n 40
% 20 15.94
0 0.41 0.41 2.41
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Sieve oppening (mm)

4.2.2 Gradation of waste asphalt coarse aggregate

Take sample of aggregate = 3000 gm

Table 4.2 Sieve analysis of waste asphalt coarse aggregate

S.NO Sieve size Weight of % of weight Cumulative % passing

(inches) retained retain (gm) % weight
(gm) retained

1 1-1/2 0 0 0 100

2 1 358 11.93 11.93 88.07

3 ¾ 1260 42 53.93 46.07

4 ½ 858 28.26 82.19 17.81

5 3/8 154 5.13 87.32 12.68

6 3/16 174 5.8 93.12 6.88

7 Pan 196 6.53 99.65 0.35

8 Total 428.14

The Fineness Modulus (FM) is an empirical figure obtained by adding the total percentage of the

Sample of an aggregate retained on each of a specified series of sieves, and dividing the sum by 100.

Fineness modulus = ∑ cumulative % retained = 428.14/100 =4.2814
Fineness modulus of coarse aggregate = FM ≥3

We have fineness modulus 4.28 which is OK.


100 100 100 100

a 80 77.2
s 60
n 40
0 0.41 0.41 2.41
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Sieve oppening (mm)

4.2.3 Gradation of fine aggregate

Take sample of aggregate = 500 gm

Table 4.3 Sieve analysis of fine aggregate

S.NO Sieve size Weight of % of weight Cumulative % passing

(inches) retained retain (gm) % weight
(gm) retained

1 #4 0 0 0 100

2 #8 2 0.4 0.4 99.6

3 #16 5 1 1.4 98.6

4 #30 86 17.2 18.6 81.4

5 #50 230 46 64.6 35.4

6 #100 138 27.6 92.2 7.8

7 #200 22 4.4 96.6 3.4

8 pan 17 3.4 100 0

9 Total 373.8

The Fineness Modulus (FM) is an empirical figure obtained by adding the total percentage of the

Sample of an aggregate retained on each of a specified series of sieves, and dividing the sum by 100.

Fineness modulus = ∑ cumulative % retained = 373.8/100 =3.738

Fineness modulus of fine aggregate = 2-4

We have fineness modulus 3.738 which is OK.


100 100 100 100

a 80 77.2
s 60
n 40
0 0.41 0.41 2.41
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Sieve oppening (mm)

4.3 Determination of density

4.3.1 Density of sand

 Weight of mold=M1=1.794(kg)
 Wight of mold + sand sample=M2=3.530(kg)
 Weight of sand sample= M2-M1=1.736(kg)

 Volume of mold=V=0.0399cft
 Volume of mold change in cubic meter=V=0.399/35.28=0.00113095cubic meter
Density of sand = mass/volume
Density of sand =1.736/0.00113095
Density of sand =1534kg/m^3

4.3.2 Density of waste asphalt

 Weight of mold=M1=1.794(kg)
 Wight of mold + sand sample=M2=3.456(kg)
 Weight of sand sample= M2-M1=1.662(kg)
 Volume of mold=V=0.0399cft
 Volume of mold change in cubic meter=V=0.399/35.28=0.00113095cubic meter
Density of sand = mass/volume
Density of sand =1.662/0.00113095
Density of sand =1469kg/m^3

4.3.3 Density of natural aggregate

 Weight of mold=M1=1.794(kg)
 Wight of mold + sand sample=M2=3.558(kg)
 Weight of sand sample=M2-M1=1.764(kg)
 Volume of mold=V=0.0399cft
 Volume of mold change in cubic meter=V=0.399/35.28=0.00113095cubic meter
Density of sand = mass/volume
Density of sand =1.764/0.00113095
Density of sand =1560kg/m^3

4.4 Workability test

We performed the slump test for the 100% natural aggregate, 50% natural and 50%
waste asphalt and 100% waste asphalt in which the result are shown below.

Table 4.4 Slump test values Aggregate % Slump Slump types


1 100% natural stone 3 True
2 50% waste asphalt 3 True
50% natural stone
3 100% waste asphalt 2 True

The workability of concrete is decrease due to the increase of waste asphalt aggregate

We performed the absorption test on natural aggregate and waste asphalt aggregate

The waste asphalt aggregate absorb more water than natural stone aggregate. So that’s
why the workability is decrease.

Table 4.5 Slump values and usage of concrete

Slump value( inches) Degree of workabality Uasge location

1-3 Low Mass concrete lightly
reinforced sections in slab,
2-5 Medium Heavily reinforced sections
in slab,slipform
columns pumped concete.
4-6 High Trench filling, in- situ
>6 Very high Temporary work, termie

4.5 Impact test

The aggregate impact value gives a relative measure of the toughness or the resistance of
aggregate sudden shock or impact is not proportional to the resistance to a slowly
applied compressive load. We performed this test and result is shown below.

4.5.1 Aggregate impact test for waste asphalt coarse aggregate

 Weight of mold=2212(gm)
 Weight of mold + weight of aggregate= 2850(gm)
 Weight of aggregate =M1=638(gm)
 Weight of aggregate passing from the 2.36mm sieve=M2=48(gm)

Aggregate impact value = M1/M2 *100

Aggregate impact value =48/638*100 = 7.52%

Aggregate impact value =7.52%

4.5.2 Aggregate impact test for natural stone aggregate
 Weight of mold=2212(gm)
 Weight of mold + weight of aggregate= 2978(gm)
 Weight of aggregate =M1=766(gm)
 Weight of aggregate passing from the 2.36mm sieve=M2=38(gm)

Aggregate impact value = M1/M2 *100

Aggregate impact value =38/766*100 = 4.96%

Aggregate impact value =4.96%

Table 4.5 Aggregate impact value

Sample Impact value %

Natural aggregate 4.96%
Waste asphalt aggregate 7.52%

The tests are show that the sample both aggregates are exceptionally strong.

4.6 Los Angeles Abrasion Test

Los Angeles Abrasion test (LA abrasion Test) is normally used to measure aggregate
hardness, toughness, and abrasion resistance with respect to scuffing, scratching,
wearing, marring, rubbing, and disintegration. This test is suggested by AASHTO T 96
or ASTM C 131. We performed this test in the university and the result is shown below.

4.6.1Los Angeles Abrasion Test for natural stone aggregate (AASHTO

 Weight of taken sample passing from 1/2” sieve and retained through 3/8” sieve
 After the test weight of sample retained on #12 sieve=M2=3872(gm)
 Weight of sample passing through #12 sieve=M1-M3=1128(gm)

%Loss=𝐌1−𝐌2/ 𝐌1 ∗100%


4.6.2 Loss Angeles Abrasion Test for waste asphalt aggregate

 Weight of taken sample passing from 1/2” sieve and retained through 3/8” sieve
 After the test weight of sample retained on #12 sieve=M2=3976(gm)
 Weight of sample passing through #12 sieve=M1-M3=1024(gm)

%Loss=𝐌1−𝐌2/ 𝐌1 ∗100%
Table 4.6 Loss angels’ abrasion test values

Types of sample % loss

Natural aggregate 22.56%
Waste asphalt aggregate 20.48%
The result show that the natural aggregate is stronger than waste asphalt aggregate.

The test results show that the loss% is less than 25% which is ok

4.7Specific gravity

4.7.1 Specific gravity of natural coarse aggregate

Weight of oven dried aggregate in air = A =3000gm

• Weight of saturated surface dry aggregate in air = B =3020gm

• Weight of saturated aggregate and in water = C =1798gm

 Water absorption (percent)=(B-A)/A

Water absorption (percent)=(3020-3000)/3000X100

Water absorption (percent)=20/3000X100

Water absorption (percent)=0.0067X100

Water absorption (percent)=0.67%

 Apparent specific gravity=A/A-C

Apparent specific gravity=3000/(3000-1798)

Apparent specific gravity=3000/1202

Apparent specific gravity=2.49

4.7.2 Specific gravity of waste asphalt aggregate

Weight of oven dried aggregate in air = A =3000gm

• Weight of saturated surface dry aggregate in air = B =3042gm

• Weight of saturated aggregate in water = C=1748 gm

 Water absorption (percent)=(B-A)/A*100

Water absorption (percent)=(3042-3000)/3000X100

Water absorption (percent)=42/3000X100

Water absorption (percent)=0.014X100

Water absorption (percent)=1.4%

 Apparent specific gravity=A/(A-C)

Apparent specific gravity=3000/3000-1748

Apparent specific gravity=3000/3000-1748

Apparent specific gravity=3000/1252

Apparent specific gravity=2.39

Table 4.7 specific gravity of natural aggregate and waste asphalt aggregate

S.No Material Specific gravity

1 Natural aggregate 2.49
2 Waste asphalt aggregate 2.39

Table 4.8 specific gravity of natural aggregate and waste asphalt aggregate

S.No Material Absorption %

1 Natural aggregate 0.67%
2 Waste asphalt aggregate 1.4%

The results show that the waste asphalt absorbs more water than natural aggregate.

4.8 Compressive Strength (ASTM C-39)

The compressive checks on the concrete cylindrical specimens are carried out with
desired amount of the replacement of coarse aggregate. The substitute changes into
achieved up to 100% i.e. 0% S% and 100%. The test is performed in secure vicinity after
the curing duration of 7, 4 and 28 days.

Calculation of quantity material for the mold

We used standard ratio M15 (1:2:4)

Diameter of mold=4 inch =0.1016 meter

Height of mold=0.2032meter

Area of mold= A=π d 2 / 4

Area =3.14x(0.1016)^2/4

Area=0.008107 meter square

Volume of mold=0.001647 meter cube

Dry volume=0.001647x1.54=0.002536 meter cube

Sum of ratio=1+2+4=7

 Cement = 1/7x0.002536= 0.0003622 meter cube

Weight of cement=1440x0.0003622=0.52(kg)

 Sand=2/7x0.002536=0.0007245 meter cube

Weight of sand =1534x0.0007245=1.11 (kg)
 Aggregate=4/7x0.002536=0.001449 cubic meter
Weight of aggregate=0.001449x1560=2.26(kg)

Table 4.9 quantity of material used in 4inch diameter and 8 inch height cylinder

S.N % Material quantity(kg) Material quantity in (m^3)

O replacemen
t of waste
Cemen Sand C.A Cement Sand C.A
1 0% 0.52 1.11 2.26 0.00036 0.0007245 0.001449
2 50% W.A 0.52 1.11 1.13 0.00036 0.0007245 0.0007245
50% N.A (N.A) 2 (W.A)
1.06 0.0007245
(W.A) (N.A)

3 100% W.A 0.52 1.11 2.12 0.00036 0.0007245 0.001449


Table 4.10 compressive strength of natural aggregate cylinder

S.N Days Compressive Strength of sampleN/mm^2 Average N/mm^2

Sample 1 Sample 2
1 7 15.67 16.10 15.88
2 14 20.92 18.58 19.75
3 28 26.42 25.11 25.76

compressive strength N/mm^2




12 compressive strength
6 11.16

7 days 14 days 28 days

Figure 1 Compressive strength graph of natural aggregate

Table 4.11 split tensile of natural aggregate

S.NO Days Strength N/mm^2

1 7 11.16
2 14 13.70
3 28 17.30

Split tensile strength N/mm^2

14 13.36

10 9.46
Split tensile strength N/mm^2

7 days 14days 28 days

Figure 2 Tensile strength graph of natural aggregate

Table 4.12 compressive strength of 50% natural aggregate and 50% waste asphalt
aggregate cylinder

S.N Days Compressive Strength of sample N/mm^2 Average N/mm^2

Sample 1 Sample 2
1 7 14.28 13.67 13.97
2 14 18.36 17.58 17.97
3 28 22.86 21.36 22.11

compressive strength N/mm^2

14 13.36

10 9.46
compressive strength N/mm^2

7 days 14days 28 days

Figure 3 Compressive strength graph of 50%waste asphalt aggregate and 50%natural


Table 4.13 Split tensile strength of 50% natural aggregate and 50% waste asphalt
aggregate cylinder

S.NO Days Strength N/mm^2

1 7 10.86
2 14 12.36
3 28 14.87

split tensile strength N/mm^2"

14 13.36

10 9.46
split tensile strength

7 days 14days 28 days

Figure 4 Split tensile graph of waste asphalt aggregate and natural aggregate

Table 4.14 compressive strength of 100% waste asphalt aggregate cylinder

S.N Days Compressive Strength of sample N/mm^2 Average N/mm^2

Sample 1 Sample 2
1 7 10.90 10.34 10.62
2 14 15.36 16.04 15.70
3 28 19.45 20.06 19.75

Compressive strength N/mm^2


15 compressive strength

10 19.75

5 10.62

7 days 14 days 28 days

Figure 5 Compressive strength graph of 100% waste asphalt aggregate

Table 4.15 Split tensile strength of 100% waste asphalt aggregate cylinder

S.NO Days Strength N/mm^2

1 7 9.46
2 14 10.58
3 28 13.36

split tensile strength N/mm^2"

14 13.36

10 9.46
split tensile strength N/mm^2

7 days 14days 28 days

Figure 6 Split tensile graph of 100% waste asphalt aggregate

Table 4.16 compressive strength of different sample after 7, 14 & 28 days.

S.No % Replacement Compressive strength (N/mm^2)

7 days 14 days 28 days
1 0% asphalt or natural 15.88 19.75 25.76
2 50% waste asphalt 13.97 17.97 22.11
aggregate and 50%
natural aggregate
3 100% waste asphalt 10.62 15.70 19.75

The compressive strength after the desired amount of days with the specified
replacement of replace waste asphalt aggregate (RWAA) are shown in the figure which
gives a clear indication about the desired amount of RWAA to be used by obtaining
required result.


18 17.3

14 13.7 13.36
12 11.16
10.86 10.58 0% asphalt or natural
10 9.46
50% waste asphalt aggregate
and 50% natural aggregate
8 100% waste asphalt

7 days 14 days 28 days

Figure 7 Compressive strength graph of natural aggregate, (50% waste asphalt aggregate
and 50% natural aggregate) and 100% waste asphalt aggregate

The graph shows that the increase of waste asphalt is decrease the compressive strength
of concrete.

Table 4.17 Split tensile strength of different sample after 7, 14 & 28 days

S.No % Replacement Split tensile strength (N/mm^2)

7 days 14 days 28 days
1 0% asphalt or natural 11.16 13.70 17.30
2 50% waste asphalt 10.86 12.36 14.87
aggregate and 50%
natural aggregate
3 100% waste asphalt 9.46 10.58 13.36


18 17.3


14 13.7
12 11.16
10.86 10.58 0% asphalt or natural aggregate
10 9.46 50% waste asphalt aggregate
and 50% natural aggregate
100% waste asphalt

7 days 14 days 28 days

Figure 8 Split tensile graph of natural aggregate, (50% waste asphalt aggregate and 50%
natural aggregate) and 100% waste asphalt aggregate

The graph shows that the increase of waste asphalt is decrease the split tensile strength
of concrete.

Chapter 5
Conclusions and Recommendations
5.1 Summary
The fundamental purpose of this research is to carried out the cross comparison of the
concrete blocks containing the conventional material (Natural stone as a coarse
aggregate) with the recycled waste asphalt aggregate as a coarse aggregate by
replacement with different amount. For the illustration of this core theme different tests
were carried out which is termed as pre-comparison tests and these tests were performed
before the concrete pouring in the concrete specimens and then the core level test the
compressive strength was performed and then the result was examined and the qualities
are identified. The post comparison tests have performed by adding a constant
percentage of recycled asphalt aggregates in intervals by removing the natural stone
aggregates, a total of 28 moulds were prepared with a percentage of 0%, 50% and
1001% of the recycled asphalt aggregate as a coarse aggregate and then cured for
duration of 7, 14, and 28 days. The tests performed on, first three specimens who have
completed a duration of 14 days in curing period and then so on. After examining the
whole specimens through compressive testing and split tensile testing.The conclusions
are listed below.

5.2 Conclusion
In our research it is concluded that

 Increasing the percentage of recycled asphalt aggregate the workability is

 The strength of concrete depends upon percentage of RAA added
 Increasing the percentage of recycle Asphalt aggregate the weight of cylinder is
 Concrete which have RAA has economical against the natural stone aggregate

5.3 Recommendations
The use of concrete is increasing and the rate of demolished concrete is also increasing
which causes environmental and social issues. Demolished structures specifically which
have waste asphalt produces bulky trashed materials which cause several effects, the

scope of this study was related to the comparison which competed the conventional
coarse aggregate by recycled waste asphalt aggregate.

Following are a number of tips and desires stated that need to be

1. The RAA concrete posses light weight and have less compressive strength which
doesn't resist the different state of structure loads when used in heavy structures.
2. After analyzing the RAA concrete mould in slump tests, it gives high values
when 100% RAA are used which means the shrinkage of concrete is highly
desirable if RAA is used as a coarse aggregate
3. In premature stage the concrete which have 100% RAA needs twice of the curing
as of the conventional concrete due to the porous behavior of the RAA
4. This study was related to the comparison of both the concrete types and no use
of any admixture were carried out but, we suggest to use any appropriate
admixture in a contrast with RAA to examine the behavior of concrete

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