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r | t 1 Deceptive Steisties: The brane on eolesting » Sesmentr dl poor | | Aesigaracrt™ LW het ig stettisties 2 Explain dikbevences belween Desptive sm) gloclistics Ang: skihitigs: Sledistics bs * by sion, analysis * preteaion ata. ot! h example? ach of mmeehernaies crelig and presentation and 7 ngerert with the collec ok masges 0% snumericer| 4 ok qwentitatve cada. juo benches 0% Glovdisies: ocuses There aye ok siectistics jhot q sel 0% an data. nea se at of ese NTS vons aor} o population. jo draw conclusio Sam ple daia and inherentie| Didterences beluee™ deseviplve statistics Shot sties: [Desig Sto {Tt gives inks “ion alot | Ly makes jkr yaw dada which describes Popul Jodion Sin, tee the data in seme manner | Agom mkt , 2H helps m eieing, 2.7 alls “Ss }o compare analyzing and fo peert dela make hypet hesis in @ mening dl S Fnderential Gectistics and predictions deca manner. 3.11 is wed ® deseribe (3.8 js used To exphin siuation. ithe chance ok occurence ok an acer: j 4H con ‘be achieved with 4. 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