English 9 Q3 Wk5 8

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(WK 5)

Module 10
1. Do not mark/write anything on the module;
2. Write your answers in a yellow pad paper;
3. Read and understand the instructions of the activities. Contact your advisers/subject teachers or ask assistance to your
parents if you have questions.
In this part of the module, you will be
MONDAY ENGLISH 9 able to:  Send outputs to
Interpreting the Google classroom
9:00 A.M. Message Conveyed  Identify the messages or account provided
12:00 P.M. in a Material symbolic values of visual cues or by the teachers or
Viewed (EN9VC- images; any other
IIIb1.2/2.2)  Show awareness of societal platform
issues present in any visual recommended by
images; and the school.
 Write a critical essay that
explains the satirical image  Have the parent
using its artistic elements. hand-in the
ACTIVITIES outputs to the
1.(Pre-Test) assigned
* Identify the word depicted in the four teachers.
pictures. Write your answers on the
space provided.
2. Recap
3. Lesson
Activity 1. Study the advertisement
given. Then, answer the questions that
Activity 2- Put a check (I) mark if the
satirical image describes the given
theme or concept and a cross (X) mark if
the image does not describe the theme.
Activity 3. Make a critical interpretation
of the satirical image given by writing a
2 - paragraph essay. Make use of the
artistic elements to analyze and
interpret the image. Create an eye-
catching title.
4. Wrap Up
Summarizes the lesson by completing
the semantic map.
5. Summative Test
(answer diligently as this will serve as
your written output in this module)

Prepared by:
Norberto Cullantes, SST-III
Joydeliza P. Sanchez, SST-III
Elyn M. Aranda, SST-I
Richard Daginotan, SST-I
Meraflor A. Gasque, SST-I
Lenny S. Mendez, SST-I
Reynard V. Pangan, SST-I
After going through this self- learning module, you are expected to:
1. Identify the messages or symbolic values of visual cues or images;
2. Show awareness of societal issues present in any visual images; and
3. Write a critical essay that explains the satirical image using its artisticelements.

You will identify the word depicted in the four pictures. Write your answers on thespace provided

02/level-6-sweet.html 03/level-283-vacation.html singapore-august-12-2019-answers/


What you’ve just done in the initial activity is identifying the word described in the four pictures. You use
the artistic elements in the pictures such as color, symbol and composition to recognize the commonalities or
similarities of the pictures and identify the word being described. In reality, you are surrounded with images,
pictures, photographs or even TV ads and commercial products that reflect the social activities of people across the
globe. What make these visual materials meaningful to you? How do you interpret these visual images? What
roles do these images play in your understanding of the world?


Due to the rapid development of technology, visual literacy becomes integral or important in interpreting the messages
or symbolic values of any visual forms. Visual literacy is the ability to interpret the meaning of visual images (Giorgis, 1999) .
It is also the ability to construct effective visuals in order to convey ideas to others (Valmont 2003 and Heinich 1999). Through
the help of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, many people have already been reacting or even giving their varied
opinions and comments on certain powerful images or visual cues which can help you gain an array of perspectives and
interpretations. However, you should take into consideration the correct ways of analyzing or interpreting the messages
conveyed in any materials, either viewed or read. So, what are the considerations you need to remember and understand?
What are the elements and components that are useful to understand the message or symbol of any visual texts?
There are many ways to represent ideas visually. Presentation can be done by drawing, photographs,
formatting information with a word processing program, video, multimedia, webpages and web- based
correspondence. Students like you should understand and interpret correctly these visual representations with
objectivity or without any biases. Let’s have this powerful image as the first example.

Retrieved from:
https:/ /www.americamagazine.org/politics-
society/2019/02/01/what- black-lives-
matter- can-teach- catholics-about-racial-

To analyze and interpret this powerful image, you should take note of these artisticelements related to visual
• Print (charts, diagrams, illustrations)
• Textual techniques (layout, color, symbols)
• Perspectives or assumptions
• Variety of media (photos, plays, video

What makes this image powerful and impactful to the viewers7 If you are to analyze this image
and interpret its meaning, the first thing that you41 notice is the placards held by the protesters in the street
carrying the messages “Black Lives Matter”, “Our Generation, Our Choice” and “Demilitarize the Police”.
From these statements, you can infer that these protesters are asserting their rights to combat racial
discrimination and expose the abuses and violations of police. The neutral color used in the image only
explains that people from all walks of life are affected by the incident. The media became responsible for
giving people an awareness on what truly happened and why these protests still continue in the US.
Also, advertisements such as billboards and TV commercials can present media messages as visual
representations. In study.com, it identifies authorship, content and audience as critical factors to understand
media messages. Questions related to authorship, content and audience are given below:
• Authorship Clio is tire nuthor of this message P
- For tuhat purposie can it made P
• Content - How does the meBBage attract your attention*
- Does the message a:Sk you to do somethingP
• Audience - VNiat is the mennirir of the message P

Guided Practice
Let’s try a few items as practice exercise. To apply what you’ve learned in
interpreting messages through visual texts, what you need to do is to identify the meaning of
the satirical images or a humor or irony that is sarcastic or ridiculing using the statements
written in the box.

The feeling of isolation in the midst of technological advancement.

Correct! The image refers to the feeling of isolation in the midst of technological advancement. The
presence of textual features in the image such as layout, color and symbol led you to the
correct answer. Let’s have the second one:

You’re right! The image refers to the majority of children who preferred phones over outdoor activities. The
image symbolically magnifies the proximity or distance of the child as the focal point from the other children who
were preoccupied in using phones. Let’s have the last one:
Retrieved from: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/315603886368620103/

Excellent! The image refers to technology’s manipulation and control over people’s minds. Here, the
artistry and the elements found in the image emphasizes the social reality of the world and reveals the ugly side of
Activity 1

I. Study the advertisement given below. Then, answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of the
correct answer before each number.

1. What product is being advertised in the image?

A. Milk C. Chocolate
B. Soap D. Deodorant
2. What beneficial effect does the product have on the consumers?
A. The product can make the house clean.
B. The product can make a person healthy.
C. The product can protect a person from germs that cause infectiousdiseases.
D. The product can help the body store its energy.
3. What does the red cross sign attached on each box in the advertisement
A. Philippine Red Cross
B. National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
C. Department of Health
D. Food and Drug Administration
4. What do you think is the health workers’ role in the advertisement?
A. To make the consumers believe that health is wealth.
B. To encourage the consumers to patronize the product more because of itshealth benefits in the
medical community.
C. To display the beneficial help of the product to the health workers.
D. To satisfy the consumers’ need.

5. What message does the advertisement want to impart?

A. The advertisement wants every people to work together and be united.
B. The advertisement convinces the people to use the product.
C. The advertisement shows the effects of personal hygiene to people.
D. The advertisement wants every people to give primary importance ontheir health.
Activity 2
II. Put a check (I) mark if the satirical image describes the given theme or conceptand a cross (X) mark if the image does aot describe
the theme. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.


Activity 3

I. Make a critical interpretation of the satirical image given below by writing a 2 - paragraph essay.
Make use of the artistic elements previously discussed to analyze and interpret the image. Create
an eye- catching title.

Retrieved from: https: / / techyaya com / tech-news / 10-satirica1-illustrations-that-show-how-

addicted-we-are-to-social-media-our- phones

To wrap everything up that we have talked about in this lesson, please do thisactivity that summarizes the

How do you
interpret the

in any visual

lesson by completing the semantic map.

Pretest Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3
1. sweet 1. B 1. Answers
2. vacation 2. C 2. may vary
3. beach 3. A 3. X
4. confuse 4. B 4.
5. D 5.
Brgy. 5, San Francisco, Agusandel Sur

Quarter 3 Week 5
Directions: Match each satirical image with the statement that corresponds to its meaning.
Write the letter of the correct answer before each number.
A. People don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions
B. The shackles of slavery affecting the Black community tremendously.
C. The negative impact of industrialization to mother nature and its creations.
D. The act of betrayal is right under your nose, not everyone who smiles at you is
your friend.
E. Religious is used as weapon to attack.

Prepared by:

Norberto Cullantes, SST-III

Joydeliza P. Sanchez, SST-III
Elyn M. Aranda, SST-I
Richard Daginotan, SST-I
Meraflor A. Gasque, SST-I
Lenny S. Mendez, SST-I
Reynard V. Pangan, SST-I

English 9
Quarter 3 Week 6
Self-Learning Module 13
Using verbals:

1. Do not mark/write anything on the module;
2. Write your answers in a yellow pad paper;
3. Read and understand the instructions of the activities. Contact your advisers/subject teachers or ask assistance to your
parents if you have questions.
In this part of the module, you will be
MONDAY ENGLISH 9 able to:  Send outputs to
Using Verbals: Google
9:00 A.M.  Define a participle; classroom
12:00 P.M. (EN9G-IIIa-21)  Determine the form and use account
of present and past provided by the
participle; and teachers or any
 Use participles appropriately. other platform
ACTIVITIES by the school.
* Complete the given sentences by  Have the parent
supplying the correct word. hand-in the
2. Recap accomplished
3. Lesson
outputs to the
Activity A. Underline the participle assigned
in each of the sentences. teachers.

Activity B. Choose from the pool of

answers the correct participle that
will complete the thought of the
following sentences. Write the word
in the line provided.

Activity C. Identify the form of the

underlined participles. After the
sentence write whether it is Present
Participle or Past Participle.

4. Wrap Up
Complete the sentences in the given

4. Valuing
Complete the graphic organizer by
writing a participle that would
describe your family.

repared by:
orberto Cullantes, SST-III
oydeliza P. Sanchez, SST-III
lyn M. Aranda, SST-I
ichard Daginotan, SST-I
Meraflor A. Gasque, SST-I
enny S. Mendez, SST-I
eynard V. Pangan, SST-I

This is your self-instructional learner module in English 9. All the

activities provided in this lesson will help you learn and understand: Using
verbals: Participials.

Specifically, you will learn about the following:

1. Define a participle;
2. Determine the form and use of present and past participle; and
3. Use participles appropriately.


Complete the following sentences by supplying the correct word. Choose

the letter of the correct answer.

1. My mother remains the most person I have met in

my life.

A. inspired B. inspiring C. inspire

2. My father is an example of a selfless, leader.

A. nurtured B. nurturing C. nurture

3. In a family, we offer a hand when you see a parent

laboring with a heavy task.

A. helped B. helping C. help

4. The poem was written by a loving parent to his child.

A. beloved B. beloving C. belove

5. My other siblings have nose like my grandparents.

A. pointed B. pointing C. point


We have learned in our past lesson the different parts of speech and
their functions. We know that the function of a noun is to name, a pronoun
is to replace while adjective and adverb modifies. But other than the parts of
speech mentioned, there are also other structures which functions similarly
like them. They are what we call verbals.


A verbal is a verb from that act as another part of speech. It can either
act as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Participles, gerunds, and infinitives
are the three verbal types. (https://www.k12reader.com/term/verbals/)
For today‘s lesson we are going to discuss, Using Verbals :

Read the article ―US couple adopts Pinay kid with no arms and legs,
shares touching story‖ published at News.ABS-CBN.Com

US couple adopts Pinay kid with no arms and legs,

shares touching story
Posted at Mar 05 2017 06:22 AM

Maria, a Filipina kid who was born without arms and legs wasn't dealt
the kindest of cards to start off her life. But things appear to be looking up for
her after she was adopted by a pair of loving US-based parents. Back in 2015,
couple Adrianne and Jason Stewart flew from Utah to the Philippines to adopt
Maria from an orphanage in Cavite. More than two years later, in an article
published by Coconuts Manila, the Stewarts shared just how their smiling
bundle of joy has changed all of them.

"She loves to do things on her own," Adrianne said when asked about
how the 3-year-old has settled in her new home. "She gets a huge smile on
her face and so excited when she finally is able to do something completely
on her own. It is so inspiring to see and brings me a lot of joy."

Adrianne explained that she and her husband do not see Maria as
having a disability. "She is just our daughter and even though she may have

to learn to do things a little different than everyone else, she is still doing the
same things as all the other kids."

Besides Maria, Adrianne has two biological daughters with Jason and
another adopted son, who is also from the Philippines. "Her brother loves to
play with her and I help him come up with ideas on how to better include her
in whatever he is playing with. Her sisters are wonderful with her and love
teaching her how to do things," the doting mother said.

According to Adrianne, Maria loves to listen to music, particularly beats

from the 1980s. She is also fond of coloring using a custom designed
mouthpiece that holds her markers and stuffed animals.

Adrianne also shared that Maria will be attending preschool soon, in

addition to receiving the speech and occupational therapy services she
needs. Next year, the Stewarts are planning to adopt another child from the
Philippines. "There are so many orphans all over the world and all of them
deserve love and a family," Adrianne said.

"It doesn‘t matter if they have special needs or are healthy or if they are
older children or younger children. They all need a family. Being able to love
is really what matters most when considering adoption." (https://news.abs-

Who adopted a Filipino kid?

The US-based couple, Adrianne and Jason Stewart.

How did Maria give joy to the couple?

Maria became a part of the family and learned to do things like all the
other kids. It made the couple proud of her.

Describe Adrianne and Jason as parents.

Adrianne and Jason are loving, caring, and understanding.

What is the message of the article?

Everyone needs a family who accepts and embraces them. Acceptance

and respect to member‘s differences promotes a healthy relationship in the

Why is it important to value family?

Family is about love and support. A family helps, supports, respects

and to whom one share life‘s joy.

How was the couple described?

They are loving, caring, and understanding.

Loving and caring are examples of participles.

The answer in our earlier exercise - falling, fallen, breaking, broken,

burning and burnt are also examples of participle.

Notice how the words end.

What is a participle?

A participle is a verbal that functions as an adjective. It modifies a noun

or a pronoun. The participle comes before the noun.

They will have two forms:

Present Participle ( ends in ―-ing‖)
Past Participle ( ends in ―-ed‖, ―-en‖, ―-n‖, ―-t‖ )



exciting work excited parents

inspiring message inspired man

tiring experience tired woman

marrying couple married couple

connecting words connected families

How does the encircled words in the first column end?

They end in –ing.

What do you call these underlined words?

They are nouns.

In the first example, the word work is the noun. When asked ―What kind of
work?‖ the answer will be exciting. Exciting is the participle modifying the
noun work. It is in the present form thus it ends in –ing.

The encircled words in the first column are the participles in its present form
or the present participle.

How do the encircled words in the second column end?

They end in –ed.

The encircled words in the second column are the participles in its past form
or the past participle.

In the second column, first example, the noun modified is parents. What kind
of parents? The answer will be excited. Excited is the participle modifying the
noun parents. It is in the past form thus it ends in –d and –ed.

The present and past participles come before the noun or pronoun it modifies.

Going back to the article ―US couple adopts Pinay kid…‖, try to identify the
present and past participle in the text.

The example present participle are;

smiling bundle of joy

touching story

doting mother

The example past participle are;

stuffed animals

adopted son

designed mouthpiece

Smart use of verbals can make our outputs more colorful and more precise.

Guided Practice

Fill in the blanks with the correct participial form of the verb in
1. Tina‘s (care) brother gave her a special card.

2. The (cry) baby wants to be on his mother‘s side.

3. He was a (devote) husband to Marissa.

4. An (interest) story was written by my father.

5. The (excite) children are happy to be reunited with their


The answers are 1-caring, 2-crying, 3- devoted, 4-interesting, 5-excited


A. Underline the participle in each of the sentences.

1. The screaming child is waiting for her mom.

2. Looking after your two sleeping sisters is my responsibility as the
eldest son.
3. It was a tiring day after celebrating uncle‘s birthday.
4. The untold story of our family was revealed by my grandmother.
5. We reminisced the memories of our great grandfather‘s ruined

B. Choose from the pool of answers the correct participle that will
complete the thought of the following sentences. Write the
word in the line provided.
listening exciting married loving spoken

1. ―I love you,‖ those are the words of my caring father

to us.
2. The best things that you give to a family member is the gift of a
3. My aunt fixed our toys.
4. We were planning an adventure for our family
5. The couple works for a living and looks after their

C. Identify the form of the following underlined participles.

After the sentence write whether it is Present

Participle or Past Participle.

1. Tina‘s grandmother prepared boiled eggs for breakfast.

2. Jenny‘s stepsister told us an amusing story that nobody could
3. I‘ve got surprising news for mother.
4. Spending time with family is the best relaxing vacation this year.
5. My brother and sister are like twins because of their blond hair
and freckled faces.


Complete the sentences in the diagram.

Now, I realize that

The part of the
lesson that I
The most challenging is
meaningful lesson .
that I learn today
is .


Complete the graphic organizer by writing a participle that

would describe your family.


Cathyducky. CC Search. Accessed July 30, 2020.

―Fallen Autumn Leaves-3.‖ CC Search. Accessed July 30, 2020.


―Shattered Wine Glass.‖ CC Search. Accessed July 30, 2020.


―Broken Chain.‖ CC Search. Accessed July 30, 2020.


Brgy. 5, San Francisco, Agusandel Sur

Quarter 3 Week 6

A. Choose the correct participle and write in the blank provided to complete the sentence.

1. The __________ daughter gave joy to her parents.

a. adopting b. adopted
2. The __________ article was published at News.ABS-CBN.com.
a. inspiring b. inspired
3. Everyone deserves a _____________ family.
a. respecting b. respected
4. Her parents said some _____________ words to her children.
a. encouraging b. encourage
5. The ___________ love of the couple makes their relationship successful.
a. committing b. committed

B. Underline the participle or participial phrase in each sentence.

6. Abandoned animals need somebody to take care of them.
7. The swinging door makes scary noises in the night.
8. Jill and Terrie tired from working out decided to take a nap.
9. Running quickly, the policeman caught the burglar.
10. The burned brownies did not satisfy my chocolate craving.
11. Leaping over the hurdles, Cindy appeared as graceful as an antelope.
12. Being the best on my team, I was shocked when Jim was chosen as the captain.
13. Laughing, Dave rescued the whining puppy from the high bed.
14. Racing cars can go as fast as 400kph.
15. Many of his paintings depict the setting sun.

Prepared by:

Norberto Cullantes, SST-III

Joydeliza P. Sanchez, SST-III
Elyn M. Aranda, SST-I
Richard Daginotan, SST-I
Meraflor A. Gasque, SST-I
Lenny S. Mendez, SST-I
Reynard V. Pangan, SST-I

Quarter 3 (WK 7)
Self-Learning Module14
Analyzing a One – Act Play

1. Do not mark/write anything on the module;
2. Write your answers in a yellow pad paper;
3. Read and understand the instructions of the activities. Contact your advisers/subject teachers or ask assistance to your
parents if you have questions.
In this part of the module, you will be
MONDAY ENGLISH 9 able to:  Send outputs to
Analyzing a One- Google
9:00 A.M. Act Play (EN9RC-  Define a one – act play; classroom
12:00 P.M. IIIa-20)  Identify the elements of a one account
– act play; provided by the
 Analyze a one – act play; teachers or any
 Write your own script of a other platform
one- act play. recommended
by the school.
1.(Pre-Test)  Have the parent
* Read and understand the hand-in the
questions very carefully. Then, accomplished
choose the letter of the correct outputs to the
2. Recap
3. Lesson teachers.

Activity 1. Answer the crossword

Activity 2- Analyze the script given.
Then write a short analysis about it
using the elements of one- act play.
Activity 3. Write a short one- act
play using the elements which is
consists of 2 scenes about any
member of your family who wants to
be a volunteer in the quarantine
facility of your community despite
the pandemic. Follow the rubric
4. Wrap Up
Identify the elements of 0ne- act
play that the sentences refer to.
5. Summative Test
(answer diligently as this will serve
as your written output in this

Prepared by:
Norberto Cullantes, SST-III
Joydeliza P. Sanchez, SST-III
Elyn M. Aranda, SST-I
Richard Daginotan, SST-I
Meraflor A. Gasque, SST-I
Lenny S. Mendez, SST-I
Reynard V. Pangan, SST-I


This is your self-instructional learner module in English 9. All the

activities provided in this lesson will help you learn and understand:
Analyzing a One – Act Play.
Specifically, you will learn the following:
1. Define a one – act play
2. Identify the elements of a one – act play
3. Analyze a one – act play
4. Write your own script of a one- act play

Read and understand the questions very carefully. Then,
choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is a dialogue?
A. It is a conversation between and among characters in a play.
B. It is the long speech by a character who is alone on stage.
C. It is the speech by a character on stage with other characters listening.
2. She is simple, dignified, yet feisty, witty and beautiful lady. She embarks the
beauty of man to her wits in conniving trickery.
What element of one- act play does the sentences above refer to?
A. CharacterB. Characterization C. Character portrayal
3. And I stop. My one foot is suspended in the air. In front of me is a hole covered
in green leaves, only a child with no food on the table can fit in. However, the
whistle of the wind and the rustle of the leaves are so inviting.
What element of one- act play does the sentences above describe?
A. Plot B. Plot structure C. Suspense
4. Upon seeing that hole, I doubt myself. Will I follow you beyond the hole or just
wait you in the threshold until dusk?
Which of the elements does the sentences refer to?
A. Suspense B. Conflict C. Plot
5. Shylock went crazy when it reached to his knowledge that his favorite dusty
bunnies were missing in the woods. Unknown to him, the magical lion who is
feared by all imprisoned the bunnies in his lair.
The person and animals mentioned in the sentences are example of
what element?
A. Characterization B. Character C. Antagonist


In the previous lesson, we have learned that verbal is a verb in form

but has different function in the sentence. It does not indicate actions in the
sentence but it takes the functions of noun and modifier

Now that you already know verbal and its functions, let‘s read this passage.

But soft! what light through yonder window breaks?

It is the east, and Juliet is the sun! —
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief,
That thou her maid art far more fair than she.

---Romeo (Act 2, Scene 2)

Does the passage sound familiar to you? Indeed, it has been taken
from one of the famous lines in the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. These lines
are uttered by Romeo to Juliet to woo her in the balcony; one of the famous
scenes of the play. Just like Romeo to her Juliet, we also want to experience
this kind of feeling through dramatization.
Drama has been part of our student‘s life especially in the classroom activities
where we need to act and perform like actors and actresses.
Today, let us talk about the elements of one-act play for us to make
an effective analysis.
A play is a literary form of writing for theatre, which narrates a story
with elements which writers present their feelings, emotions, and ideas
through their characters and make them speak while a one- act play has
one act which consists of one or more scenes.
A one -act play has many elements these are:
1. Dialogue - It is the conversation between and among characters in a play. The
dialogue need not be abrupt, but must be concise and full of meaning.
2. Setting – It is the place and time where the events of the drama take place.
3. Characters – These are the persons, creatures, entities with specific and
distinguishing attributes portrayed by the actors in a play.
4. Characterization – It is the process of creating believable character by
exploring the character‘s physical, social and psychological aspects of the role.

5. Plot – It is the sequence or ordered structure of a play as the action progresses

through the story.
6. Plot Structure – It is also known as the dramatic structure of a story, novel
or script includes the events that make up the idea of the writing.
7. Conflict – It is the oppositions of persons or forces giving rise to dramatic
8. Atmosphere – It is created by the set, lighting, furnishings etc., including the
growing tension in the plot.
9. Suspense – It is the situation in the play that rouses the concerns for the
welfare of the character which can be created in many ways.
10. Theme – It is the basic idea of the play; the point of view or perception that
binds together a work of art.
These are the elements of a one- act play which one has to consider in
analyzing even in writing a script.
Now, let‘s analyze this scene of a one- act play from ―The Death of the
Insurance Man‖ written by D.M. Larson as an example. Let‘s identify the
elements stated above.


D. M. Larson

(GIL enters and goes up to RALPH. GIL is grabbing his chest and looks very
sick... like a heart attack. RALPH sees GIL and jumps up)

RALPH: Are you okay?

GIL: Fine, fine. I need some insurance...
now. RALPH: You don't look so good. I
better call…
GIL: No! No... I'm fine. I need some of your life
insurance... now. RALPH: Um... well... if you're sure
you don't need any help.
GIL: No... please... insurance... now.
RALPH: Oh... okay. I remember you were looking at several policies last time
you came by... GIL: The one for heart attacks...
RALPH: With the mega care add on?
GIL: Right... mega... add… (GIL is fading and slipping out of his chair)
RALPH: I really should call someone. (GIL pulls
himself back up) GIL: No, I'm great... never better...
give me the policy!
RALPH: Well, there are several
options… GIL: Give me the best…
RALPH: That will require some underwriting... we'll have to fill out this paperwork…
GIL: Never mind... what's the quickest
option? RALPH: Level 1 and 2 are simple...
no underwriting. GIL: Give me those.
RALPH: You just need one.
GIL: Give me the better one... now... please…
RALPH: Well, I have a lot of your information on file... just sign here and we'll get
this processed for you. (GIL struggles to sign and finally manages with some help
from RALPH)
GIL: We good?
RALPH: I'll just need a payment... you can do a credit card or here is a form for payroll

GIL: Credit card… (GIL struggles to get wallet and gets card with Ralph's help)
RALPH: I'll run this now for you.
GIL: Now... yes, please…
RALPH: And there we go. Looks like you're good to go.
GIL: So, I'm covered…
GIL: For say... a heart attack.
GIL: Good. (GIL falls on the floor) GIL (CONT.) You can call for help now. (GIL passes out and
RALPH gets on his phone)

Comprehension Questions:
1. Who are the characters in the play? Which part is the dialogue? And what is
the setting?
2. How can you describe the characters based on their physical and other
3. What is the atmosphere of the scene? Where is the suspense part?
4. What is the conflict? What about the theme?
5. What is the plot structure?

In this scene, there are only two characters, Gil and Ralph whom Gil
is the client while Ralph is an insurance agent. We can describe Gil as a
person who‘s having a heart attack because of his struggled breathing upon
arriving in Ralph‘s office but does not tell about it. Ralph, on the other hand
is a person in business mode. He obeys Gil‘s demand even if he sees him
struggling. Their attitudes tell that both persons are determined to get what
they want.
Based on the script, the atmosphere around the office turns into a
nerve- wracking mood as Gil arrives very sickly with deep breathing and
intermittent talking. Also, it‘s very suspenseful in part where Gill is slipping
in his chair but does not take the offer to call the doctor first instead, he
demands on getting the policy.
Moreover, the conflict lies whether Ralph is going to call the doctor or
granting Gil‘s request of the policy which the latter happens. Likewise, this
event shows us the theme that death is inevitable, and insurance is vital.
Though, this is just part of the play, we can say that the plot structure is in
its turning point as the situation suggests. Towards the end, Gil gets his
help after acquiring the policy but we do not know whether he is alive or
Guided Practice
This time, let‘s try these items as practice exercise on analyzing a one- act play
using its elements. Let‘s start.

It is already near midnight, in the small bare room, there is only an old wooden table and a broken chair
supported by pile of hollow blocks to make it stand. Lily, a 10 year- old girl, is hand sewing her mother’s
torn mask. The flashlight serves as her only source of light. In the corner is her mother preparing the
mats on the floor as their bed.

Mother: (With a sleepy and tired face). Lily, you can finish that tomorrow morning. Let‘s go to sleep.

Lily: (with a smile) I‘m almost done, Mom. You may rest and sleep now. I know it is a tiring day for
you. Being a streetsweeper is not an easy job, Mom.

What elements are present in this part of the play? The beginning of
the plot is already visible where the characters, Lily and Mother, are
introduced and the other element such as the setting of the play which is in
their small and bare room at near midnight. Also, the dialogue is already
present because of the conversation between Lily and mother. Furthermore,
based on the surroundings and lightings as stated in the introduction, the
atmosphere here is poor so as the condition of the family. What about this.

Lily: (with a happy and lively demeanor) Mom, wake up. It‘s weekend. I already prepare our breakfast.

Mother: (smiling) Good morning, Lily. I should be the one cooking our breakfast. (yawning and
stretching her arms). What a lovely day!

Lily: (still smiling). It‘s alright mom besides sunny side up and hotdogs are not that difficult to
cook. (both are giggling). I also prepare 2 pales of water for your bath. By the way, your face mask
is already good as new. I washed it last night after sewing.

Mother: Oh, you‘re so sweet dear. (Almost crying and hugging Lily). Thank you so much.

Lily: You‘re welcome, Mom. I love you. That‘s the only way I can help you. Come on, Mom you only
have an hour to prepare. You will be late in your volunteering job in the Mobile Kitchen for our
front liners.

What element is prominent in this part? We can say that Lily is a

loving and sweet daughter to her mother. She is also helpful at home by
doing chores for her mother and she is happy doing it. The mother is very
thankful to Lily. We can also tell that the mother is hardworking because
aside from her job she also has time to do volunteer work for the community
in the Mobile Kitchen. In this part we are able to characterize or describe the
characters in the play. Let‘s see this one.

Since the town is in total lockdown because of pandemic, mother walks from their small rental
room to the location of the Mobile Kitchen near the hospital. As a street sweeper she can be considered
as front liner and she never hesitates to volunteer in the Mobile Kitchen to provide food for the other
front liners in the hospital. However, front liners’ job is very difficult during this time. They are prone to
catch the disease and mother is not an exemption.

Nurse: Mother, I am sorry. The result of your swab test is positive. You will be put in the quarantine
facility right away. You are not allowed to go home the ambulance is ready to fetch you.

Mother: (Feeling nervous and afraid). Are you… sure? I don‘t have any symptoms. (crying) what about
Lily? Oh my… my daughter. She‘ll be alone at home. What about her?

Nurse: Don‘t worry Medics will fetch your child for testing. If she is also positive of the disease, she
will be put in the same quarantine facility with you. However, if the finding is negative, she will stay
at home. But still she is not allowed to go out.

Mother: (crying so hard, talking to herself). My poor Lily. What will happen to us? Why is this
happening to us…. (crying so loud). What will happen to her alone at home? (thinking about Lily‘s
happy face) Will it be ok if…. Oh my … no…no. It‘s better if it is only me suffering from this. What am
I thinking?

What analysis can you give from this scene? The conflict arises when
the nurse reveals the result of the test to mother. She becomes worried
about the situation Lily may encounter. She begins to question herself. She
even feels horrified when she thinks of Lily being positive like her but deny
the idea immediately. As we have observed, from the start of the play to this
scene, this is the turning point in the plot structure. We can feel so much
emotion especially to the part of the mother. We can also feel a bit of
suspense to the mere fact that Lily is just 10 years old who is left alone at
home as well as the possibility that she is contaminated with the disease.
What is the theme that can be drawn in the play? The love of a mother to
her child and vice versa.
This is how we analyze a one- act play using its elements. It gives us a
clear view of what the play is all about and how we can perform the play by

Activity 1. Answer the crossword puzzle.

Across Down

1. It is the process of creating 1. These are the persons, creatures,

believable character by exploring the entities with specific and distinguishing
character‘s physical, social and attributes portrayed by the actors in a
psychological aspects of the role. play.
2. It is also known as the dramatic
2. It is the sequence or ordered
structure of a play as the action structure of a story, novel or script
progresses through the story. includes the events that make up the
idea of the writing.
6. It is the situation in the play 3. It is created by the set, lighting,
that rouses the concerns for the furnishings etc., including the growing
welfare of the character which can tension in the plot.
be created in many ways. 4. It is the oppositions of persons or
forces giving rise to dramatic action.
5. It is the conversation between and
among characters in a play. The
dialogue need not be abrupt, but must
be concise and full of meaning.
7. It is the place and time where the
events of the drama take place.
8. It is the basic idea of the play; the point of view
or perception that binds together a work of art.
1 1
Activity 2

Analyze the script below. Then write a short analysis about it using the
elements of one- act play.

―The Perfect Partnership‖

By: Shelby Deglan

At rise. A sunny day on a sidewalk near a park. A bench is center stage

with foliage in the background. Upstage right there is a small table with a
telephone on it, representing PENELOPE‘S house. There is a separate spotlight
to distinguish that part of the stage from the rest. STEPHEN enters, walking
down the sidewalk and holding a puppy. He has his phone to his ear.

STEPHEN: Penelope? Penelope? Come on, please pick up the phone. I‘m so
sorry about what happened earlier, but I‘ve got the puppy now and I‘m on my
way to taking him back to the shelter right now. Penelope? …All right, this is
just getting ridiculous. Pick up the phone. I know you‘re there… I mean, unless
you‘re not. Look, if you‘re not home, just call me back when you get this, okay?
I love you. Penelope—
Lights on PENELOPE, upstage right with the telephone table. PENELOPE picks
up the phone. She has a tissue in her hand.
PENELOPE: (Sneezes)
Hello? STEPHEN: Penelope,
you‘re there! PENELOPE:
STEPHEN: Like I said, I am so sorry. When I get back, I will clean everything
up, all the hair and slobber, your whole house. There will be absolutely no
traces of puppy left, I swear.
PENELOPE: There better not be. Stephen, you knew I was allergic to
puppies— STEPHEN: —I didn‘t!
PENELOPE: —But still you bring it to my home, let it rummage through my
closet. My favorite pair of shoes are ruined now, Stephen. Ruined!
STEPHEN: Well in about ten minutes the puppy will be out of your life forever, I promise. … Aw,
poor guy.
PENELOPE: Excuse me?
STEPHEN: …And poor you, Penelope. Have your sinuses clear up yet? PENELOPE sneezes.

Activity 3

Write a short one- act play using the elements which is consists of 2 scenes
about any member of your family who wants to be a volunteer in the
quarantine facility of your community despite the pandemic. Follow the
rubric below.

Criteria 5 3 Score

Content The content follows the The content somewhat
topic in the instruction follows the instruction
and it has 2 scenes. but it has only one
Presence of 7 to 10 elements of one- 6 and below elements
Elements act play are present. of one- act play are
Mechanics and The script has no errors The script has many
Grammar in grammar, spelling, errors in grammar,
punctuations and spelling, punctuations
capitalizations. and capitalizations.


Identify the elements of 0ne- act play that the sentences refer to.
1. It is the situation in the play that rouses the concerns for the
welfare of the character which can be created in many ways.
2. These are the persons, creatures, entities with
specific and distinguishing attributes portrayed by the actors
in a play.
3. It is the process of creating believable character by exploring the
character‘s physical, social and psychological aspects of the role.
4. It is the basic idea of the play; the point of view or perception that
binds together a work of art.
5. It is also known as the dramatic structure of a story, novel or
script includes the events that make up the idea of the writing.
6. It is the sequence or ordered structure of a play as the action
progresses through the story.
7. It is the oppositions of persons or forces giving rise to dramatic action.
8. It is the conversation between and among characters in a play.
9. It is created by the set, lighting, furnishings etc., including the
growing tension in the plot.
10. It is the place and time where the events of the drama take place.


Brgy. 5, San Francisco, Agusandel Sur
Quarter 3 Week 7
Directions: Read and understand the play very carefully. Then answer the questions that


by Winthrop Parkhurst

[A chamber in the palace overlooks a courtyard. The season is midsummer. The windows of the
palace are open, and from a distance there comes the sound of a man's voice crying for bread.][THE
KING sits in a golden chair. A golden crown is on his head, and he holds in his hand a scepter which
is also of gold. A SERVANT stands by his side, fanning him with an enormous fan of peacock

THE BEGGAR: (outside) Bread. Bread. Bread. Give me some bread.

THE KING: (languidly) Who is that crying in the street for bread?
THE SERVANT: (fanning) O king, it is a beggar.
THE KING: Why does he cry for bread?
THE SERVANT: O king, he cries for bread in order that he may fill his belly.
THE KING: I do not like the sound of his voice. It annoys me very much. Send him away.
THE SERVANT: (bowing) O king, he has been sent away.
THE KING: If that is so, then why do I hear his voice?
THE SERVANT: O king, he has been sent away many times, yet each time that he is sent away he
returns again, crying louder than he did before.
THE KING: He is very unwise to annoy me on such a warm day. He must be punished for his
impudence. Use the lash on him.
THE SERVANT: O king, it has been done.

1. What is the setting of the play?

A. In the palace court yard, fall season
B. A chamber in the palace, midsummer
C. In the palace, wild summer

2. How do you describe the King?

A. He is an honorable king for he protects the palace against their enemies.
B. He is a heartless king for he wants the beggar to be punished for begging.
C. He is a kind king for he helps his kinsmen.

3. Why does the king want the beggar to be sent away?

A. Because the sound of his voice annoys him
B. Because the sound of his voice is music to his ears
C. Because the sound of his voice reminds him of someone

4. Why does the beggar keep on coming back even if he has been sent away?
A. Because he is always hungry
B. Because he wants to be noticed and be invited in the palace
C. Because he wants the king to notice the plea of his people for help

5. What is the conflict in the play?
A. The king is annoyed to the servant because he disobeys his orders.
B. The servant stopped the fanning to the king so the king gets mad.
C. The beggar keeps coming back and begging even louder for bread whichannoys the king.

Prepared by:

Norberto Cullantes, SST-III

Joydeliza P. Sanchez, SST-III
Elyn M. Aranda, SST-I
Richard Daginotan, SST-I
Meraflor A. Gasque, SST-I
Lenny S. Mendez, SST-I
Reynard V. Pangan, SST-I

English 9
Quarter 3 Week 8
Self-Learning Module15
Explaining the Contribution of the Elements Specific
to One-Act Play to the Development of its Theme.

1. Do not mark/write anything on the module;
2. Write your answers in a yellow pad paper;
3. Read and understand the instructions of the activities. Contact your advisers/subject teachers or ask
assistance to your parents if you have questions.
In this part of the module, you will
MONDAY ENGLISH 9 be able to:  Send outputs
Explaining the to Google
9:00 A.M. Contribution of  enumerate the elements of classroom
12:00 P.M. the Elements one-act play; account
Specific to One-  identify and discuss themes provided by the
Act Play to the commonly used in one-act teachers or any
Development of plays; other platform
its Theme.  explain how elements recommended
(EN9LT-IIIb- specific to one-act play by the school.
20.1) contribute to the
development of its theme.  Have the
parent hand-in
1.Pre-Test outputs to the
Identify the theme depicted in the
given passages: Choose your assigned
answer from the pool. Write the teachers.
letter of your answer on the blank
provided before each number.
2. Recap
3. Lesson
Activity 1. Complete the definition
of one-act play by giving the right
answer as suggested by the
jumbled words. Read the given
clue for each item.

4. Wrap Up- Word Hunt

Important terms related to drama
and one-act play are hidden in the
grid. Find and encircle at least five
elements of one-act play.
repared by:
orberto Cullantes, SST-III
oydeliza P. Sanchez, SST-III
lyn M. Aranda, SST-I
ichard Daginotan, SST-I
Meraflor A. Gasque, SST-I
enny S. Mendez, SST-I
eynard V. Pangan, SST-I


This is your self-instructional module in English 9. All the activities

provided in this lesson will help you learn and understand: Explaining the
Contribution of the Elements Specific to One-act Play to the
Development of its Theme.

Specifically you will be able to:

1. enumerate the elements of one-act play.

2. identify and discuss themes commonly used in one-act plays.
3. explain how elements specific to one-act play contribute to the
development of its theme.


Identify the theme depicted in each of the following passages: Choose

your answer from the pool below. Write the letter of your answer on the blank
provided before each number.
A. racial discrimination B. sacrifice C. good vs. evil D. courage
E. kindness

1. Magnum opus, follows four siblings who pass into an entirely new
world, in which they encounter characters both good and evil.
(From ―The Chronicles of Narnia”, by C.S. Lewis)
2. A young boy fighting to survive after a shipwreck in the middle of
the Atlantic Ocean. (From ―Life of Pi‖, by Yann Martel)
3. Every day, a middle- aged woman wakes up early to sell her home-
made pastries and feed the hungry street dwellers.
4. Della, not having enough money, cuts her hair, her most precious
possession, to buy Jim a gift. (From ―The Gift of the Magi‖, by O. Henry)
5. While excitedly packing for their move, a white representative of the
"welcoming committee" in their new neighbourhood visited and revealed that
the residents wanted to buy back the house at a financial gain to the Youngers
to prevent integrating the community. (From ―A Raisin in the Sun‖, by
Lorraine Hansberry).


In your previous lesson, you have learned that the elements of one-act
play include setting, character and characterization, plot, conflict, dialogue,
stage directions, theme and atmosphere.


Drama is a literature that is meant to be performed for an audience in
a form of a play. One-act play is a complete drama within one-act. It is brief,
condensed, and single in effect. The unity of time, place and action must be
observed.One situation or episode is presented, permitting no minor plots or
side actions that may distract attention for the single purpose and effect being
Theme is the central idea of a story, or the general idea about life that
the story reveals. It is a message about life or human nature that is conveyed
in the work of literature. A wide variety of themes can be used in one-act
plays. Themes commonly used and explored in one-act plays as well as other
forms of literature include love, death, good vs. evil, coming of age, power
and corruption, heroism, prejudice, individual vs. society, survival,
courage and war.

How Elements of a Play Contribute to the Development of its Theme.

Recall and analyze the famous play ―Romeo and Juliet‖, by

William Shakespeare. The play explored many themes but try to focus on its
most dominant and important theme, the forcefulness of love.

1. Setting. By giving details about time and place, setting of a play can provide
important clues to the theme of the story.
The play was set in Verona, a city in Italy, sometime in the 14 th
century. In Shakespeare‘s time, it was associated with a pair of ill-fated young
lovers named Romeo Montecchi and Giulietta Cappelletti. These are the
protagonists of a 1530 story by the Italian writer Luigi da Porto concerning
two Veronese lovers caught on either side of a family feud. In the 1560s Arthur
Brooke penned a popular translated da Porto‘s story into English, which
quickly went through several editions. By the time Shakespeare adapted the
popular story for the stage, Verona would already have been well-known in
England as a site of tragedy. Also, in Shakespeare‘s day, many people shared

the popular belief that hot climates induced passionate behaviors. In this
sense, the Italian setting reinforces the play‘s overarching theme that the
lovers cannot escape their fate.
2. Character and characterization. Characters are carefully crafted to
represent aspects of the theme. The theme of any story can be understood by
reflecting upon what happens to the main character/s. The way a character
in a story grows or changes is often a key to the theme.
Romeo Montague. He was portrayed as a sensitive, witty and
intelligent individual, with passion as his tragic flaw. Romeo‘s authentic love
for Juliet is his redeeming grace.
Juliet Capulet. She was initially portrayed as a naïve, impressionable
young girl, Juliet undergoes considerable evolution during the course of the
play. In many ways, the depth of her love for Romeo, contributes to her
newfound maturity and insight. Her most endearing trait in Juliet‘s character
is her fierce determination and unwavering loyalty to Romeo.
3. Plot. This refers to the chain of events that take place in a story. Since the
characters‘ actions drive the plot, the decision they make, including the
outcomes of those decisions, often expresses a theme
In the play, both Romeo and Juliet struggled against their respective
families and opted for individual fulfilment. They defied unbelievable
problems to be married, to consummate their marriage and live united for
4. Conflict. Refers to a struggle between two opposing forces. It can be
external or internal. How the character/s react or resolve the conflict can
express the play‘s theme.
The most prevalent conflict in the play is individual vs. society .Much
of Romeo and Juliet involves the lovers‘ struggles against public and social
institutions that either explicitly or implicitly oppose the existence of their
love. In the end, the conflict (family feud) was resolved when the young lovers
succeeded in committing suicide.
5. Dialogue. Each line must be crafted carefully to focus on the theme, the
incident and character of the protagonist.
Romeo: ―I fear too early, for my mind misgives;
Some consequence, yet hanging in the stars,
Shall bitterly begin. ―
In here, Romeo agrees to attend the Capulets‘ ball, but he fears his
decision may set off a chain of events that will end in tragedy. When Romeo
says that the consequences of his decision are ―hanging in the stars,‖ he
reminds the audience that the ―star-crossed‖ lovers of the Prologue are
doomed to die.
6. Stage Directions. These are sets of instructions that explain where and
how actors should move and speak. They may also be about the scenery,

props, lighting, costume, music, or sound effects. With the appropriate stage
directions, theme will be highlighted, otherwise, an entirely different message
might be conveyed.
In the play‘s Act 4 Scene 3, after Juliet drunk the poison after her
Poison Monologue the stage direction goes like this: [She falls upon her bed,
within the curtains]. The direction clearly emphasized the effect of the poison
to Juliet, which contributed to the play‘s theme.
7. Atmosphere. Refers to the literary technique the writers use to give
readers/audience a certain type of feeling based on the details from the story
such as setting, backgrounds objects and foreshadowing. Mood can be used
in establishing atmosphere.
In the play, a contrast of moods is presented. The mood created by the
love between Romeo and Juliet is bright, happy, and romantic while that of
Verona is ugly, harsh, and cruel, as evidenced in the needless conflict between
the Capulets and Montagues and the action of those touched by the conflict.
The death of Romeo and Juliet creates a mood of tragedy and despair. All of
these contributed to the development of the play‘s theme.
Guided Practice:

A. Theme Analysis. From the options given, choose the theme that is clearly
expressed in each of the following passages.

A. power and corruption B. war C. coming of age

D. individual vs. society E. courage

1. From “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy. Napoleon's invasion of Russia

and its impact on five Russian families.
Based from the descriptions given on the passage, the theme should
be ―war‖. Assuming that the story‘s message would be about war and its
effect to people.
2. A group of unemployed people in a support group trying to keep each
other‘s spirit up while their desperation level rises up.
The theme here is ―courage‖. The passage gives a positive
characterization to characters who are under a negative situation.
3. Huckleberry Finn finds it hard to fit into society, so runs away from home
to have his own adventures.
The theme conveyed here is ―individual vs. society‖. The passage talks
about a character who finds it hard to fit into the society.
4. Shakespeare's ―Macbeth‖ is the tragic tale of the title character seeking
power for its own sake, and dealing with the consequences of his own

Based on the passage, Macbeth‘s message would be about the negative
effects of power and greediness to it. The appropriate theme here is ―power
and corruption‖.
5. Holden Caulfield, a sixteen-year-old boy dealing with teenage angst and
rebellion in the 1950s. (From ‗The Catcher in the Rye‖, by J.D. Salinger)
The correct answer here is C, coming of age. The passage talks about
a young boy and how he deals with his angst and rebellion as part of growing-
up and maturity.
B. Elementals. Identify what element of one-act play is emphasized in the
following passages. Unscramble the letters given before each to reveal the
correct answers.

TLOP 1. A young man hoping to get his slot in that famous TV

contest which he considers will be his stepping stone towards his dream of
becoming a famous singer.
The element emphasized here is PLOT. This can be a climax of a play
which can be used to underscore a theme on courage.
CILTFNOC 2. Kyla was supposed to be hired but the company suffered
financial losses due to COVID19 and closed.
The element of a play here is CONFLICT. This can be used to develop a
play with a theme that centres on ingenuity.
TERRACHAC 3. Mrs. Stevenson is an invalid confined to her bed and her
only life-line was the telephone.
The description of the CHARACTER, Mrs. Stevenson contributed to the
development of the theme of isolation in the play, ―Sorry, Wrong Number‖.
HERESOMATP 4. During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the
autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I
had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of
country, and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on,
within view of the melancholy House of Usher.‖ (From ―The Fall of the House
of Usher‖ by Edgar Allen Poe)
An atmosphere of darkness and melancholy is used to emphasize the
theme of madness and insanity.
GATES RECDITION 5. Romeo and Juliet Balcony Scene: [Enter Romeo to
courtyard. Lights on in the Capulet‘s window.](Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare)
This is a sample STAGE DIRECTION used in ―Romeo and Juliet‖ which
helped to highlight the theme of love in the play.


Theme is one of the most important elements of one-act play. Other

elements of one-act play namely; setting, character and characterization, plot,
conflict, dialogue, stage directions and atmosphere can effectively contribute to
its development. .


Activity 1
Complete the definition of one-act play by giving the right word suggested by
the jumbled words below. Read the given clue for each item.
A one-act play is a play with only one ((tac) 1. An is a part
of a (pyla) 2. defined by (lementes) 3. such as plot,
(racchater) 4. and (logiuead) (5) .

1. a division or unit of drama
2. a dramatic performance
3. the simplest or the essential parts
4. one who plays a major or minor role in a play
5. the lines delivered by the characters
( Almonte, Liza R., et.al, A Journey through Anglo American Literature 9 (Philippines: Vibal Group, 2014), .350.)



Word Hunt. Important terms related to drama and one-act play are hidden
in the grid below. Find and encircle at least five elements of one-act play.


― It is more blessed to Contemplate on the meaning of the given

give than to receive.‖ verse and try to elaborate it in 5 sentence
paragraph by answering the question
Do you think this popular verse is
applicable in this time of COVID19
Acts 20:35



Brgy. 5, San Francisco, Agusandel Sur


Quarter 3 Week 8

A. Matching Type: Match each sentence in column A with the appropriate

pairof one-act play element and theme in column B. Write the letter of
your answer on the blank provided for each number.

1. All throughout the play, we could
feel a sense of happiness among the A. character/characterization
members of the family. (From ―Death of a - friendship
Salesman”, by Arthur Miller).
2. The conflict happened between the
girl and the waitress wherein the waitress B. atmosphere- love among
confronted the girl, exposing her duplicity family members
to the young man. (From ―While the Auto
Waits”, by O. Henry)
3. Daisy and Hoke‘s relationship gets
off to a rocky start but they gradually form
a close friendship over the years, one that C. conflict- pretensions
transcends racial prejudices and social
conventions. (From ―Driving Miss Daisy”,
Alfred Uhry)

4. Romeo: O, she doth teach the

torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs

upon the cheek of night. Like a rich jewel in D. setting – violence

an Ethiope‘s ear; Beauty too rich for use, for
earth too dear! (From ―Romeo and Juliet”,
William Shakespeare)
5. ―Tessie Hutckinson was in the
center of a cleared space by now, and she
held her hands out desperately as the E. dialogue – love
villagers moved in on her. ― It isn‘t fair…‘‖
she said. A stone hit her on the side of the
head. (From ―The Lottery”, by Shirley

B. The following are taken from the radio play “Sorry, Wrong Number” by Lucille
Fletche. Arrange the events and use letters A-E to form a logical summary of the
play. Write your answers on the blanks provided before eachnumber.
6. Her conversation with Sgt Duffy made her realize the
description ofthe crime scene and victim.

7. She accidentally overheard a conversation between two men

planning a murder.
8. Desperate to prevent the crime, she began a series of calls to
the operator, to the police and others.
9. Mrs. Stevenson is an invalid confined to her bed and her
only life-line was the telephone.

10. One night, while she was waiting for her husband to return
home,she picked up the phone and called his office.

C. Read each statement and write the correct elements of a play it

defines. Choose your answer from the word pool. Write the letter of the
correct answer.

a. Plot b. theme c. play d. setting

e. character f. conflict g. dialogue h. stage direction.

_______11. It refers to the struggle between two opposing forces. It

can be external or internal.
_______12. This refers to the chain of events that take place in a
_______13. These are the sets of instructions that explain where and
how actors should move and speak. They may also be about the
scenery, props, lightning, costume, music, and sound effects.

_______14. It gives details about time and place, it can also provide
important clues to the theme of the story.
_______15. It is the central idea of the story, or the general idea about
life that the story reveals.

Prepared by:

Norberto Cullantes, SST-III

Joydeliza P. Sanchez, SST-III
Elyn M. Aranda, SST-I
Richard Daginotan, SST-I
Meraflor A. Gasque, SST-I
Lenny S. Mendez, SST-I
Reynard V. Pangan, SST-I

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