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Mortal — Today at 1:24 AM

Have they?
Serenity's Grace — Today at 1:25 AM
tbh I assume its been round for a whilst
but the new dynamic lighting has a bunch of nice features
night vision, cone of vision light emission etc
like if I want I can give you limited night vision for humans natural kinetic
senses then give you a sight cone for actual light
then if you grab a flash light I can set that too

heres a token with 120 degree cone of light exagerated for example
then a radial night vision
of one meter
the light is 5 meters bright five dim
if you look closely you can see that you can barely see the token of semthing
directly to the right of the token because its within one meter
if I rotate the token around

Nothing revolutionary I know but I've never really bothered with it
I just love this shit

its like those when you see it you'll shit bricks pics
Mortal — Today at 8:32 AM
That's actually really cool
I can't wait to have you abuse me with it
Serenity's Grace — Today at 8:35 AM
what do you think the odds are that woody runs today?
Mortal — Today at 8:54 AM
Serenity's Grace — Today at 8:54 AM
solid odds... wanna do something if he doesn't or are you busy?
Mortal — Today at 8:56 AM
Sure, maybe
I've been with my family in a luxury hotel since yesterday, but other than eating
the food, I haven't really enjoyed any of the activities offered here
Serenity's Grace — Today at 8:57 AM
I used to hate being dragged out on vacations
Mortal — Today at 8:57 AM
I still do
Mortal — Today at 9:06 AM
So you don't anymore?
Serenity's Grace — Today at 9:07 AM
oh I fucking hate it
I just don't live with my family
thus I don't get dragged on trips
my brother hates trips as much as me
Mortal — Today at 9:08 AM
So it's just the parents that just force everybody to go with you
Serenity's Grace — Today at 9:09 AM
Mortal — Today at 3:28 PM
Have you heard anything from Woody?
Serenity's Grace — Today at 3:28 PM
I can give it a shot
yes we are doing a thing today
if you want we can try afterwards or before
but I have to finish my 365 words first
Mortal — Today at 3:30 PM
If I didn't pass out, sure maybe
Serenity's Grace — Today at 3:30 PM
Mortal — Today at 3:30 PM
365 words?
Serenity's Grace — Today at 3:31 PM
I'm attempting and failing to write a book to fill the time working on my system
used to take
365 words a day times 365 days is ~130k words which is enough for a decent fantasy
figured it was as good a goal as any
Mortal — Today at 3:33 PM
What's the story about

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