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Of Mice and Men, Author Notes

Directions: Write one quiz-style question for each section on the left side of the page, and then highlight the words
in the notes that would answer the question.

John Steinbeck
Background influenced his writing


Did John Steinbeck usually make his characters have a ▪ Grew up in Salinas Valley, Monterey, CA—This is the
luxurious or hard life? setting for most of his works
▪ Came from a working-class background—Most of his
characters struggle to make a living
▪ Early works conceived during the Great Depression of the
1930s—Poverty & rootlessness was rampant—Many of his
characters are displaced from their homes

Previous Occupations ▪ He worked with union members and migrant workers—

These people were the focus of his most important works
Question: ▪ Worked as a Marine Biologist. Shows love for nature and
science.—The relationship between George and Lennie is
For a while was he a mathematician that worked as an symbiosis: they need each other to live.
engineer? If not explain what he was.

Paradise Lost—by John Milton.

▪ Uses Milton for George’s last name. The story is about
the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, the downfall of
mankind…etc., a more sympathetic retelling
Works that influenced his writings Le Morte d’ Arthur—tells the story of King Arthur
▪ Parallels the search for the Holy Grail with the search
Question: for the American Dream in the novel—Grail is sought
but never possessed
The Bible—King James version
▪ Uses Curley and his wife as an “Adam and Eve” type:
the woman leads to the ultimate downfall of man.
Also, they represent man’s fall from grace.
▪ George and Lennie are paralleled with Cain and Abel.
Ironically, George is “his brother’s keeper.” (See
Genesis 4:9 and Ezekiel 25:17 to get the allusion)
▪ Many of the characters’ names begin with “C”—they
are all descendants of Cain…doomed to live in isolation
in a fallen world.
“To a Mouse”—by Robert Burns
● “The best-laid plans of mice and men/ Often go awry”

e Characters
ections: Highlight each character’s name. Then highlight the ONE most important word in EACH bullet point.
George ▪ Is helpful, friendly, and loves to gossip
▪ Is the main protagonist of the story ▪ Is afraid of being fired when he gets too old to work
▪ Is small and quick, with sharp features and restless eyes ▪ Plans to help George and Lennie buy the farm they dream of
▪ Is an intelligent man with a short temper and live there
▪ Has high moral standards and a great deal of compassion ▪ Is willing to contribute all his money to further the dream
▪ Is an itinerant ranch worker ▪ Loves his dog
▪ Dreams of owning a small farm of his own with Lennie
▪ Takes care of Lennie in every way
▪ Remains loyal to Lennie, whatever the obstacle the two men Carlson
confront ▪ Is a ranch worker
▪ Tries to make his and Lennie’s dream come true ▪ Is powerfully built and has a big belly
Lennie ▪ Is cruel, does not notice or care about other people’s feelings
▪ Is the other major protagonist of the story ▪ Focuses on actions and things
▪ Shares his friend George’s dream of having a small farm (with ▪ Very practical and down to earth
▪ Is mentally handicap
▪ Is large, with shapeless features and sloping shoulders Curley
▪ Is exceptionally strong ▪ Is the ranch boss’s son
▪ Tries hard to obey George, but often fails ▪ Is small and quick
▪ Becomes terrified when George is displeased with him ▪ Is a former welterweight boxer
▪ Likes to pet soft things, bring his comfort ▪ Is hot-tempered and belligerent
▪ Is incapable of remembering most things ▪ Tries repeatedly to pick fights with other men
▪ Does not want to hurt any person or animal ▪ Is jealous and possessive of his new wife
▪ Remains loyal to George as his limitations permit ▪ Does not love his wife
▪ Tries to follow his and George’s dream, but often does things
that keep it from becoming a reality
Slim Curley’s Wife
▪ Is a master skinner, or mule driver, at the ranch ▪ Is never given a name
▪ Is quiet, grave, dignified, and perceptive ▪ Wears loud clothing and heavy make-up
▪ Accepts people as they are ▪ Flirts with the ranch workers
▪ Invites, but does not demand, confidences ▪ Is treated with hostility by most of the men
▪ Has high moral standards ▪ Is bored and disappointed with her new husband
▪ Is greatly respected for his skill and authority ▪ Knows Curley is mean
▪ Offers advice and friendship to George ▪ Receives the blame for many things
▪ Respects Lennie’s hard work

▪ Is an old ranch worker who has lost one hand
▪ Is the black stable hand on the ranch
▪ Is proud and aloof
▪ Lives by himself in the harness room
▪ Reads books to try to alleviate loneliness
▪ Endures pain from a crooked spine
▪ Is beaten down by years of racism
▪ Yearns to join George, Lennie, and Candy on the small farm they dream of owning

Watch Of Mice and Men, in Context Part 1 &2 and write down the most important facts from each video:
Part 1,
1. takes place in the 1920s

2. spent alot of his time reading books

3. Most people were unemployed and went to California to find jobs

4. The dustbowl made most of the southwest land useless and people had to leave

Part 2,
1. A lot of people went west
2. immigrants went with them

3. there were people who went 12 working outside

4. people would get hit with barbed wire as labor

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