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SAMIPLING AND ANALYSIS OF COMMERCIAL FATS AND OILS AOCS& AOCS Official Method Ce 13)-97 Color DEFINITION ‘This method determines color of refined and refined-bleached-deodorized (RBD) oils and washed-dried filered and deodorized tallow, providing no turbidiey is prevene in the test sample, Automaced method giving results in the AOCS-Tintometer Color (Wesson method) or the Lovibond Clot Scales, SCOPE ‘This method has heen developed for use on refined oils only. APPARATUS 1. Automated colorimeter—eapable of measuring AOC’ 2, Reference standards—one set of thece (See Notes, 1), 3. 135.5 mmm (5.25 in.) and 25.4 mm (1 in.) optical ells 4. Sofelint-fiee wipes 5. Glass cleaner, 6. Routine laboratory equipment. “Tintometer Color and Lovibond color PROCEDURE 1. Crude, aw and refined oil text samples must be treated with 0.5 of distomaccous carth (filter aid) per 300 g of oil. Add the dlatomaccous earth co the oil and agitate for 2,5 min at 250 pra at room temperature (or at no more than 10°C above the melting poinc of the test sample), ad filter the cet sample through an appropeiate filer papet. Oils that have been bleached inthe laborarary in accordance with AOCS Official Methods Ce 81-52, Ce 8b-52 of Ce 8d-55 normally are sufliicnly clear for che color determination, Suspended material, even iFof colloidal sas, wil cause light scatcring. If the text pordion isnot absolutely clear, eeat with diatomaceous cart (ite a), and filter before procecling with the color deermestion 2. Tum on the colorimeter and perform the required set-up (sce O&M manval for details) 5. See color scale to that for AOCS-Tintometer Color. Sct ehe path lengch as required (normally 133.5 mm (5.25 inj). Set beater program to 30°C and swiceh heater on, Clean all sample ells with glass cleaner and sol, linttee wipes leore cach 4. Adjust the temperature of che test portion to 30°C, and fill the 193.5 mom (5.25 in.) cell three-quartes fall, Similarly with the 2544 mm (1 in) cell when required. Ide vest portion isnot completely liquid at 25~35°C, heat co a temperate oF not ee than 10°C above te melting point of the test portion and maintain that temperature during measuectnes 5. Follow manufacturers instructions to obtain readings, 6, For alternate values, switch to the Lovibonid Color sea and recond readings, 7. When any color result is reported, itis usually assumed that cll path length used to measure the eolor of the test portion was 133.5 mm (5.25 in). Therefore, ifthe color ofa test portion is deteemined using a ell si other than 133.5 mip (5.25 in.), the cll path lenggh muse be reported with the color ¥alue PRECISION This method was developed by comparing the performance of the Lovibond PEX990 wich the visual methods of color deermi- nation Ce 13b-45 (Wesson method) and Ce 13e-92 Lovibond method). fa an internatinal collaborative study om oil calor 18 fest samples of oil were analyze by 30 laboratories from 14 counties, A summary of «i scudy is published (References, 2). A ‘camplete copy ofthe final report titled: *1996 International Collaborative Study-—Oll Color Automated Method vers Visacl Measurements” may be purchased from the AOCS Technical Department in Champaign IL. Precision data fem the study are summarized in Tables 14 NoTEs 1. The following automatic colorimeters have been found suitable: Lovibond PFX990 or PEX995 (heated version). For auroe sated measurement of AOCS-Tintomerer Color or Lovibond color the Lovibond PFX880 series hav alse heen found suitable. 2. Reference and calibration standards are available for different color ranges. They ae recommended for routine operation of Lovibond automatic colorimeters and may be required to permic laboratories co conform to their requirements of GLP and Iso 9001 3. For supplier deals, contact: The Tintometer Led, Wacerloo Road, Salisbury, SPI 2J¥, UK. Tel: +44 1722 327242; Fan: +44 1722412322 E-mail: saexe@intomescrcam SRAPING AND aNAISS OF COMMERTAL FAS AND OE Cc 139-97 * Color REFERENCES Fit: Po and D.R. Pakatinen, Am. Oil Chem. Soe. 72455458 (1995), 2 Wan. Pla TW, Hurl 0. Guy. and D.L. Bees. Am. Oe Chem. Soe 4 (6):731-738(1997 Table ‘Least square linear regression for red color: Y= intercept + slope (X). Dependent variable ~ ¥ Tadependsne variable x Resquate wetespt__Standarderor__ Slope Stanatd error or efind ole AOCS.NAE Viaual-NA 0983 -o.s74 asi 1305 0.070 Lovibond-EU' Visual-EU 0.986 0.266 0377 ot 050 Vis EU Viswil-NA 097s 0216 tas 003. 0.066 AOCS-EU AOCS-NA 987 0484 0.384 0.900 nose Lovibond-EU Lovibond-NA\ 0.965 1.695 0373 0.363 0.068 Lovtbond-FU AOCS-NA 0.982 0984 0578 0779 8.06 VesuskNA AOCSANA + EU) os 0320 0216 or ozs Views EU Lovibon-(NA + EU) 0.946 0279 0.463 oss 0.056 For tefined, Meached, dendorized ls (RAD)! AOCS-NA, Visuil-NA os 0557 0.135 ost0 ous? LovibondsEU Vial BU 0986 029 0.087 hss 0.052 Viwus-BU ViswlNA 0975 nso 0.083 ost 0.053 AOCS-EU AOCS-NA 0.994 0023 0.055 Lois 8.029 Loviboad-EU Levibond-NA 0996 “0.129 9.052 097 0028 Lovibomd-FU AOCS.NA 0982 “015 407 Lov 0.056 suakNA, AOCS-(NA« EU) 0.933 “0.479 0130 020 0.068 Visual EU Lovibond-(NA + EU) 0.983 01054 0.056 ows 0.029 For scfined oils and refined, bleached, dsodorzed els comincd AOCS.NA VialNA 0984 ois 0.208 135 061 Lowhond-EU VisuslEU 0992 0218 030 cos 0.024 Vink EU Visual-NA 0.985 0213 0.163 Loot 0.032 AOCS-EU AOCS.NA 991 0.230 0.45 0931 0023 Loviboc-EU Lovibond-NA 0978 307 0208 0.901 0.038 Louihond-EU AOCS-NA, 0974 0.462 0.825 035 Visual-NA AOCS-(NA + EU) 988 0.046 0.100 0.825 one Vesual- BU LowhondhiNA + FU) 0970 noo a.t6s 0309 028 For srandaud cor glasses AOCS.NA VisualNA 0999 0.255 oats 0984 028 VisualNA Known-NA 1.000 028 0043 Lost 0.10 AOCS.NA Koown-NA 1.000 0.015 oat 1034 org Lovibond- 20 Visual EU ‘900 0.028 nos Loy oto Vial: Known-FU 1.000 hoas 0.040 oss 0.010 Lovibond-EU Kaown-EU Loo 6.000 oss Lomo oz Viswl-EU Visual-Na 1.000 0229 0.000 11.903 0.000 AOCS-EU AOCS.NA 000 6.007 9.039 1017 0.003 Lowibond EU Lovibond-NA 1000-9018 not L034 0.000 Loviboad-£U AOCS-NA, Lon nasi 083 0.999 org ‘ec tlor data of refined canol oi were excluded fo thse wgenon anaes, NA, boratoris fiom North Americ "EU, laboracories outside of North Americ, “Tefen EUR and Vinal EU-Ra for RED sufowe oi ted by bs ude of Noh Amica wee ‘excided fom the vegrasion analysis forthe vaables wich sufi of EU due to unreasonably nee devin Page 2 of "ENWPING AND ANAD OF COMMERTIAL FS AND OWS Ce 13}-97 * Color Table2 Least square linear regression for yellow color: = intercept +slope (x). Dependent variable Independenc variable y x RSguace wereept___Standarderor Slope __Suandatd enor For tefined oil AOCS.NAE VisualNA 0.506 40.864 0.468 0.167 Lovibond- BU" Visa EU 0722 i357 0761 0178 Visual EU VisualNA 0.463 37.193, aay 0174 AOCS-EU AOCS.NA 1.000 “1679 03s: 6.008 Vevibond-EU Lewihond-NA 0.985 4536 0 050 Lovibond-EU AOCSNA 08a 78s 0.885 04s Visual-NA AOCS-(NA¥ EU) 0.504 “1.675 Ls 0276 Visual EU Lovibond(NA+EU) 0.723 4231 oso 0152 For tfined, bleached, deodorzed oils (RBD) AOCS.NA Visusl.NA 0973 “1.6 11 1405 ‘ona Lovibond- BU Visual BU, 0.999 1338 0.291 1186 outs Visual EU Visul NA 961 0367 Lint un 0.097 AOCS-EU AOCS.NA 0.999 “0354 0.250 L017 oor Lovibond-EU Lovibond-NA 0995 <0? nso 0.960 1.026 Lovibond-FU AOCS.NA 0997 0.164 0482 1079 0.024 Visual NA AOCS-(NA + EU) 0.968 1.750 0640 0.685 ogi Viswl EU Lovibond(NA+FU) 0,996 1.090 0279 ons oni For refined oils and refined, Bleached, deodorzed oils combined AOCS-NA Visual a oa 627 4.480 Lon oan Lovibond- EU ViswaEU 0.969 oss 2137 106s 0088 VisabEU Visual-NA 0.836 7218 4176 0.937 08 AOCS-EU AOCS.NA 1.000 1285 0.192 L004 004 Lostbond Ptr LovibondsNA oy “0672 1.608 vou 0012 LovibondeEU AOCS.NA 0.996 1370 0738 0.988 0015 VisualNA AOCS-INA + ED) oat ony 2904 oats 6.061 Vioual-EU Lovibond(NA+EU) 0.968 035 1394 0.309 028 For sandatd color gases AOCS.NA, Visa 0.990 “1157 2402 ses 099 Visual-NA KaowaNa 0.992 Lasa 2.102 has 0.093 AOCS.NA KaowaNa 1.000 “0173, 0234 1.030 oo Lovin EU VisuahEU 0399 “0777 0977 Loa 0.033 ViswshEU Kown-EU 1.000 “1367 0.443 1.995 ors Loubond-EU Known-EU p98 aL149 14s Lose 0.047 Viswl EU Visual-NA 0987 =1896 3.668 L230 0.131 AOCS-EU. AOCS.NA 1.000 0.000 000 1.000 8.000 Lovibond.EU Lovibond-8A 1.000 0.000 0.000 ‘L000 8.000 Lovibond FU AOCS.NA 0998 1207 1518 1362 0.065 ‘Yellow color of refined oils was near or exceed the maximum scale Theta, NA, laboratories from North America EU, laboratories outede of North Americ. ‘he corelations for this group are poor and meaninglo. Page 3 of SANPUNG AND ANAISS OF COMMERCIAL FAS AND ONS Ce 13}-97 * Color Tables ‘Means of red values—1996 International Oil Color Study. Refined or Aucomated Automated Auromated Automated Ollene RBDoil? _AOCS-EU!_AOCS-NA’ Lavibond-EU Lovibond-NAVinwl-EU ViwubNA EU Canola Refined 84 102 78 95 me AT Cow Refined 110 tos 104 102 96 89 Cortunseed Refined 152 173 bo 159 nya Palmolein Refined 32 31 3H 3 31 28 Peanue Refined 29 2 Bu 31 29 27 Soybean Refined 104 103 38 95. 100 30 Soybean— Refined 104 103 39 97 too 30 duplicate Sunflower Refined 47 34 35 35 27 29 Tallow Wash dey fend 1.9 1 is Ls 14 1s Canola BD 13 bs 2 12 09 os Corn RBD Ls 7 19 19 1s 2 Cononseed RB 33 32 35 32 29 29 Palen BD. 29 30 31 30. 28 29 Pea RAD Lo Lo 09 08 09. 06 Soybean RBD oe) 09 09 09 os 05 Sojbeum— RED 09 09 09) 09 07 as Aluplicte Suailower RD 09) Lo 09) 10 os 06 Tallow Deodrized 23 23 24 24 1s 13 Glass candied 05 os us 05 os 03 05 os lac sendd2 38 37 33 35. 33 343335 Gls seandatd 3 67. 66 56 64 61 656264 “RBD, refiaed, bleached, deodovzed “EU, laboratories ouside of Noch Ameria SNA, hlboratois fom Nowth Artin Page 4065 TAMPIING AND ANAT OF COMMERCIALS AND OWS Ce13}-97 # Color Tables ‘Means of yellow values—1996 International Oil Color Study. Know Refined or Automated Automated Automated Automated yellow values Oi ope RBD oil __AOCS-EU'_AOCS-NA' Lovibond-EU_Lovibond:NAViswl-EU VisualNA EU NA anole Refined 700 700 mu 700 550 ar Coma Refined 700 700 700. 700 5324576 Gortomsesd Refined 70 yoo. 707 70.0 Ro ms Pm olin Refined 500 498 sa 539) 92 ws Peanut Refined 700 700 m0 ws oA 33 Seybean Refined 700 700 0 700. m2 718 Seybean— Refined 700 700 70.0 700 oom uplicare Sunflower Refined yoo 70 68 704 A304 Tallow Wash dry Bleed 337 49 374 404 M5 oe Canola RED 8 94 104 4 95 86 Coen RBD us n4 B3 132 B20 at Cononseed BD. 342 350 358 401 319286 Palen RBD 467 455 307, sto. $3 302 ean RBD 4 43 47 49 48 40 Soybean RED. 33 33 a 63 6a 54 Soybem— BD 33 32 6 60 61 50 Alpe Sunflower RED 42 46 48 34 om ar Tallow Deoderzed Sa 37 63 or 66 45 Glass standard 10 10 i ut 12 09 13 10 Glass scanaed-2 130 B90. Is ist Wl 16ST aa Glass seandand-3 380. 380 Sh 510 494 387500370 “RD, refined, Bleached, deodorined. #20, laboraroves outside of Noch America. NA, Laboratories fam North Americ, Page 5 of 5

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