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Serenity's Grace — 09/10/2021

I value you more than a thousand shit roll20 applicants

Mortal — 09/10/2021
To sabotage something you care about
Serenity's Grace — 09/10/2021
I gave up o nthe system
I just run cypher now
Mortal — 09/10/2021
You shouldn't
Serenity's Grace — 09/10/2021
and I'm doing D&D5e but thats mostly against my will
Mortal — 09/10/2021
It's a great system
And one that you put alot of effort into
It's a thousand times more fun than DnD
Or fucking Cypher
I spent hours every day making characters using your system
Because it's so fun
Mortal — 09/10/2021
I realized yesterday that you and I haven't chatted or played together in a while.
And I didn't like that. I enjoyed my time with you, I want to stay your friend. But
I also don't want to hang out with you if you became malicious like Goma. All I
wanted is an apology and to know that you're not acting with malice. I know I can
be difficult to deal with most of the time. After years of taking shit from Goma,
and my own shitty irl life. I just gave in to the role of the annoying little shit.
At least that way, I could get some measure of revenge towards their abuse by
annoying them. I'm sorry that that carried over to my relationship with you. But I
really saw you as a friend. And I know that you know how much roleplay games mean
to me, they're the one and only good thing going on in my life. You, Ken, Woody.
You're the only good things going on in my life. And I was under the impression we
were trying to be serious that game. I felt bad for Blacky constantly not being
taken seriously when he's trying to get into GMing. I understood his struggles, and
saw that he really wanted to tell stories just like I tried and failed with my own.
So I genuinely tried to make a serious and fully fleshed out character.
And then I had that character, that I actually put effort into, in my one and only
hobby that I like, be humiliated by one of the few people I trusted. And with
Blacky also allowing it and going through with it. I was upset
Serenity's Grace — 09/10/2021
I don't see jokingly attacking your character's balls as disrespect towards you. I
don't mind that throw shade or shit my way whether its in fun or the occasional
serious arguement. I'm friend with you partially because you know me well enough
(so I thought) to know when I'm joking and that I mean no harm. and after all the
games we've played together you should know that even the most serious of campaigns
divert for the humorous.
Kens games for instance often got derailed by players joking and fucking around
I cut a guy's dick off
I flashed my tits to pass the hunter exam
you speant a large amount of a campaign calling someone boob girl
its all fun and games
thats the point
for what its worth I'm sorry that I ended up offending you but I can't promise I
wouldn't do something similar in the future because thats what our friendship has
That said there is nothing more dry and boring than a ttrpg where people are taking
themselves too seriously

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