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The birthday party pag1

Palabra Pronunciación Significado

to celebrate to celebray celebrar
to be (yeas old) similar ser (si viejo)
to blow out to blow au soplar
to sing to sin cantar
to make a wish to meik a wesh para pedir un deseo
to slice to slais cortar en rodajas
to eat to it comer
to drink similar beber
to set the table to set the teibol poner la mesa
to sit to set sentarse
to wrap similar envolver
to unwrap to anwrap desenvolver
to try to tray interntar
birthday party birthday pary fiesta de cumpleaños
cake queik pastel
cookie coki galleta
candle quendol vela
present, gift similar regalo
gift wrapping similar envoltorio de regalo
paper peiper papel
ribbon riben cinta
age eich edad
family femily familia
grandfather grendfather abuelo
grandmother grendmother abuela
grandparents grendperents abuelos/as
father similar padre
mother mather madre
parents perents padres/madres
son san hijo
daughter dader hija
brother similar hermano
sister similar hermana
child chaild niño/a
children similar niños/as
water similar agua
chair cheir silla
braid breid trenza
coffee similar café
coffe pot similar cafetera
tea tii te
milk similar leche
wine wain vino
meal mel comida
cup cap taza
saucer sacer platillo
knife naif cuchillo
fork similar tenedor
spoon spuun cuchara
napkin napken servilleta
older similar mas viejo/a
table teibol mesa
sideboard, buffet saidboart, boffer aparador, buffet
flower flawer flor
candlestick quendolstick candelero
necklace necles collar
tie taii corbata
custom castom personalizado/a
name neim nombre
next to similar a lado de
happy japy contento/a
dear dir estimado/a
vacant;empty veicant;empty vacante; vacia
in the middle of in de medol of en el medio de
only; only one one=oan solamente; solo uno
at the same time at de seim taim al mismo tiempo
whose juss de quien
Talking on the telephone pag2
Palabra Pronunciación Significado
to telephone to telefon telefonear
to call similar llamar
to make a call to meik a call hacer una llamada
to pick up the similar para recoger en
receicer riciber receptor
to dial a number to dayal a namber marcar un numero
to wait to weit esperar
to hear to hier oir
to cup off similar cortar
to hang up to heng ap colgar
to make a long distance call to meik a long distans call llamada a distancia
to call collect similar llamada por cobrar
to accept the charges to axept the charyes aceptar los cargos
to receive to resiv recibir
to use to iyus usar
telephone-pone similar telefono
receiver reciver receptor
wire-cord wayer-cord cable
dial tone dayal ton tono de llamada
telephone similar telefono
number namber numero
telephone book similar guia telefonica
hello jelow hola
contents similar contenido
telephone bill similar factura telefonica
telephone booth telephon buuth cabina telefonica
pay telephone pey telephone llamda por cobrar
public telephone similar telefono publico
switchboard suichboord tablero de comunicadores
long distanse call long distans call llamda a larga distancia
telephone call similar llamada telefonica
emergency emeryenci emergencia
long distanse call similar llamda local
collect call similar llamada por cobrar
party line pardy lain linea compartira
private line praivet lain linea privada
system similar sistema
table teibol mesa
lamp similar lampara
family similar familia
hand jand mano
office offes oficina
problem similar problema
the line is busy de lain is bicy la linea est ocupada
wrong number wrong namber numero equivocado
Roommates (Male) pag3
Palabra Pronunciacion Significado
to listen to licen escuchar
to play similar jugar
to study to stady estudiar
to smoke to smouk fumar
to ski to ski esquivar
to get along with to guet along wit llevarse bien
to break to breik romper
roommates romeits compañeros/as de cuarto
room rum habitacion
person similar persona
dormitory dormitori dormitorio
wall similar pared
window similar ventana
glass similar vidrio
window sill similar alferizar de la ventana
bed similar cama
desk similar escritorio
bookcase bookkeis librería
lamp similar lampara
light laight ligera
day similar día
night naight noche
poster pouster póster
key similar llve
key ring ki rin llavero
cigarrete cigarred cigarrillo
cigarrete butt cigarred batt colilla de cigarrillo
package paquech paquete
(cigarrete) lighter cigarre laighter (cigarrillo mas ligero)
ashtray ashtrey cenicero
notebook noutboouk computadora portatil
radio program ridio program programa de radio
pencil similar lapiz
watch bottle watch bottlel botella de reloj
guitar similar guitarra
ski similar esqui
winter winter invierno
snow snow nieve
The Family pag4
Palabra Pronunciacion Significado
to sleep dormir
to fall asleep quedarse dormido
to watch ver
television televisión
nephew sobrino
evening noche
ideal ideal
member of the miembro de
family familia
relative relativo
husband marido
lap regazo
wife esposa
cousin prima
parent padre
son hijo
daughter hija
to change cambiar
to hope a la esperanza
to visit visitar
brother hermano
sister hermana
uncle tío
aunt auntch tía
while wayal mientras
house, home jous, jom casa Hogar
living room simiar sala de estar
plece of furniture plis of fornichur conjunto de muebles
niece nis sobrina
grandparent grentperents abuelo
transistor radio transistior reidiou radio de transistores
sofa sófa sofá
magazine magasin revista
armchair similar Sillón
glasses similar vasos
slipper similar zapatilla
furniture fornichur muebles
to knit to nit tejer
television set similar set de televisión
channel similar canal
old similar viejo
young yang joven
comfortabl comfortabul confortable
at home similar en casa
at night at night Por la noche
relationship relayshonship relación
The Lecture Hall pag5
Palabra Pronunciacion Significado
to lecture to lecchur dar una coferencia
to take notes to teik nouts tomar notas
to teach to tichs enseñar
to take a course to teic a cours tomar un curso
to study similar estudiar
to pass similar aprobar
to fail to feil reprobar
to interest similar interesar
lecture hall leccjur hall sala de conferencias
professor profesór profésor
teacher ticher profesor
quality similar calidad/qualidad
collage cillech facultad
university iuniverciti univercidad
high school jais cool secundaria
course cours curso
classroom similar salon
blackboard similar
chalk chok
bench similar
building bilding edificio
model madl modelo
right handed
left handed
The Kitchen pag6
Palabra Pronunciacion Significado
to be hungry estar hambriento
basket cesta
oven horno
food fuud comida, general
oil aceite
windowsill antepecho
casserole cazuela
ladle cucharón
tuna (fish) atún)
to place poner
plate, dish plato, plato
pitcher lanzador
apron delantal
traditional tradicional
salt solt sal
to cook cocinar
bread breed pan
sink simk lavaplatos
cocinar cocinar
ventilation ventileyshon ventilacion
flowerpot maceta
handle resolver
,wife waif esposa
noodle nudull fideos
coffee pot cafi pat cafetera
to prepare, to fix to preper, to fix preparar, arreglar
cold similar frio
back burner quemador trasero
lünch comida
péppér. pimienta.
to eat to it comer
roll rollo
fan admirador
salad bowl ensaladera
refrigerator, refriyereytor rerigerador
fridge frich heladera
lettuce ledes lechuga
cupboard capbord alacena
coffee cofi café
napkin similar servilleta
meal mil comida, espesifica
kitchen kichen cocina
saucer pan saser pan sarten
front burner front norner hornero casero
dinner, 'supper dinner, sapper cena
vinegar vinigar vinagre
to drink to drink beber
salad salad ensalada
to slice to slais rebanar
to wash dishes to wash dishes plato favorito
to scold to scold regañar
cucumber kiucumber pepino
to stay tu stay quedarse
ingredient ingridient ingrediente
bunner barner hornilla
breakfast brek fast desayuno
frying pan fring pan fridora
The Bathroom pag7
Palabra Pronunciacion Significado
to turn to tourn girar
to turn on the water tu tourn on the woder abrir el grifo
to run the water tu ron de woder correr el agua
to take a bath tu teik a bat tomar un baño
to take a shower tu teik a shower tomar una ducha
to wash (up) tu wash (ap) lavarse
shelf shelfs estante
to splash tu splash salpicadura
to brush one's tu brosh uan tiith cepillarse los dientes
to shave (oneself) tu sheiv afeitarse
to designs tu esain diseñar/planificar
bathroom bathruum cuarto de baño
bathtub bathtap bañera
bathrobe bathroub bata de baño
towel rack similar toallero
sink similar lava manos
counter caunter ensimera
to dry (off) tu dry oof secar
soap soup jabón
brush(hair-tooth) brash cepillo (pelo-diente)
toothpaste toodpeist pasta dental
electric razor electric reizor afeitadora eléctrica
safety razor seifty reizor maquinilla de afeitar
Straight razor estreik reizor Navaja de afeitar
shaving cream sheivin crein crema de afeitar
end eand fin
(electrical) plug placg enchufe eléctrico
(electrlcal) outlet outlet toma corriente
faucet faced grifo
bottle batlell botella
nail polish nel polish esmalte de uñas
mirror miror espejo
tissue tishu pañuelo
box bax caja
ceiling ciling techo
floor floor suelo
shower shawer ducha
shower curtain shawer cordan cortina de la ducha
cord cord cable
pajamas piyamas pijama
rug racg alfombra
ventilator, fan ventilaydor, fan ventilador, ventilador
old fashioned old fashond Anticuado
alone alon solo
The Beach pag8
Palabra Pronunciacion Significado
to attribute atribuir
condition condición
calf (calves) becerro (terneros)
palm palma
knuckle nudillo
nose no sé
to run correr
unhealthy insalubre
bone hueso
middle finger dedo medio
fat, heavy büilf büilf gordo y pesado
young joven
artery artería
vein vena
waist cintura
back espalda
ideal ideal
leg pierna
elbow codo
eyelid párpado
connect conectar
nationality Nacionalidad
ankle tobillo
foot(feet) pie pies)
finger dedo
cheek mejilla
to stay quedarse
tall alto
joint articulación
body cuerpo
face cara
head cabeza
mårrJed mårrJed
heart corazón
lung pulmón
skull cráneo
arm brazo
rat rata
condition condición
wrist muñeca
eyelash pestaña
to transport para transportar
to breath. respirar.
.human (bbdyj .humano (bbdyj
toe dedo del pie
thumb pulgar
.temple .templar
to remajti remajti
mouth boca
little' finger dedo meñique
tongue lengua
Qooth(teeth) Qooth (dientes)
chin barbilla
forehead frente
single soltero
/ hip / cadera
stomach estómago
hair cabello
evident evidente
knee rodilla
ha•nd mano
eyebrow ceja
ear oreja
to bend para doblar
healthy saludable
toenail uña del dedo del pie
index finger dedo índice
jaw mandíbula
ring finger dedo anular
circulation circulación
blood sangre
fingernail uña
fist puño
neck cuello
muscle músculo

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