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Ellie & Georgia Presenter Script

 Good afternoon
 Before we get started, here’s a riddle
 “A father and son get in a car crash and are rushed to the hospital. The father dies. The boy is
taken to the operating room and the surgeon says, “I can’t operate on this boy, because he’s my
son.” How is this possible?
 Ask audience – and tell people who already know riddle not to answer
 40-75% of people can’t solve this riddle because they’re unable to imagine the surgeon is a
woman. The surgeon is the boy’s mother.
 Why is this?
 Play video on YouTube
 Explain briefly the normative way women are portrayed in the media leading to unconscious
 Say that is changing – positive note
 Welcome to our Ada Lovelace Day Assembly
 We acknowledge the obstacles and struggles that women pursuing STEM in that past and
present have encountered, and celebrate their achievements, made all the more inspiring and
exceptional. We also celebrate the growing gender diversity of the people who study STEM, and
the changing statistics in most countries, where the proportion of women studying STEM are
massively growing in number every year
 Let’s welcome Beatrice and Dasha, doing a presentation on the fantastic Margaret Hamilton

 Did you hear that Oxygen went on a date with Potassium? It went OK
 Enjoy the quiz which Archisha, Lyana and Sofya have made

 Congratulations to those who got almost all correct!

 To celebrate your success, we have a joke
 How do astronomers organize a party? They planet
 Next up is Lieuwe and Maxine, presenting the fabulous Hazel Hill
 I hope Maxine does the presentation to her max

 Excellent
 Up next is Taddeo and Julian, who are super eager to tell you about the brilliant Katherine
 I just want to say, I think Taddeo may have gone a ‘tad’ overboard on the PowerPoint

 Julian’s knowledge truly shown like a jewel during that – wow

 Coming up is an Ada Lovelace skit
 Why are atoms Catholic? Because they have mass.
 Please welcome Leonnie, Alessia, Sofia and Mira

 Our final presentation is on Emmy Noether – who in my opinion is just on ‘another’ level
 Please welcome the two A’s – Amna and Anna

 Lovely – a joke to round off all presentations

 What did one ion say to the other? I’ve got my ion you!
 Here is a video created by loads of different students and staff
 Finally, students interested in pursuing STEM subjects and wanting to go further than the
curriculum can do the extra STEM special tasks available on Team

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