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An Assignment

Report Summary

Submitted to
Abdullah Al- Towfiq Hasan
Assistant professor
Depts. Of Marketing
Faculty of Business Administration and Management

Submitted by
Sujan Chandra Garami
Reg no: 05496
Faculty of Post-Graduation Studies

Date of submission: 1 August 2021

Patuakhali Science and Technology University

Dumki, Patuakhali
CRM systems and organizational learning: An exploration of the relationship
between CRM effectiveness and the customer information orientation of the firm in
industrial markets

Customer relationship management is an essential factor of a firm for a knowledge management

function. It provides information to help managers in the development of the firm’s value

Purpose of the study:

The purpose of study is the operationalization and testing of the hypothetical construct as relates
to the customer knowledge orientation in the business-to-business case and relationship between
customer relationship management use and firm performance.

Conceptual framework:
This table showed that customer relationship management and customer knowledge orientation
are linked with internal & external organizational alignment and each other. And these all are
related to the use of CRM systems in business-to-business markets.


This research paper uses a multi method approach where used group depth interview for
organizational management teams and large sample CRM user and non-user surveys., We know
the group depth interview works as exploratory research that make the more effective to design
the research problems. In this study the group depth interview conducted on seven selected firms
and the time duration about 2 to 3 hours and exchanged emails to justify their comments. The
interview was open ended and arranged the meeting to raise key factor to make complete large-
scale surveys. For large scale survey, the respondent was 206, from them 107 firms did not use
CRM system and 99 uses CRM system. This survey data collect form a non-profit organization
which works for business-to-business market development known as Vendor Compliance
Federation (VCF).
In this paper Cronbach’s Alpha used to evaluate reliability and factor analysis used to find out
latent variables and to determine the relationship between every item to their posted underlying
structure. Principal factor analysis used to verify the dimensionality of the measures and
independent sample t-test used to determine the association of set of independent variables, to
determine the relationship of CRM implementation with firm performance analysis of variance
(ANOVA) used.


After analyzing the data, study finds that all the hypothesis are significant that means there have
all hypothesis are positive relationship to each other.
An exploratory study of
implementation of customer
relationship management strategy

Purpose of the study

This paper tries to find out the insights on main components of CRM strategy and its implication
on the CRM strategy.
In this paper multiple data collection method used including face to face interview, open ended
interview and telephone interview with key informants. The study collects data from 29 employees
at both strategic and operational level who have proper knowledge about CRM components and
CRM implication, have positioned to provide adequate information.
Research Framework
This research designed to link the core components of CRM strategy with the key dimensions of
its implication. As core components the paper used following these;
1.Emphasis on Quality
2.Measure customer satisfaction but manage customer service
3.Invest in people
4.Maintaining dialogue with customer
5.Setting realistic target and assessing performance
6.Relationship based interfaces
These components criteria used as core components of CRM strategy and CRM implication
The research result represents different relationships with CRM components which are not tactical.
This also shows that implementing sustainable CRM strategy needs endorsement and commitment
from top level management and arrange training programmed for employee to maintain customer
Organizational characteristics and the CRM adoption process

Purpose of the study

There are two purposes of the study; 1) identify the status of customer relation management
adoption of the Korean fashion industry by examining firms’ perceptions of CRM benefits,
adoption of a CRM strategy, implementation levels of CRM technologies, 2) examine the main
factors influencing CRM adoption such as firm characteristics, product characteristics and CEO
Research framework
The research framework of this study was developed based on innovation decision process and
designed 5 hypotheses to test the proposed framework.

Conceptual framework
In this study to test hypothesis used survey method identifying the CRM current status and some
related influencing factors which engaged with CRM adoption process. Sample are selected
randomly to improve the validity of the study where sample are starfield equally in two groups;(
firm size and product category). Before conduct the survey, the questionnaire was pilot tested for
content validity and instrument and the revised questionnaire are to CRM managers/ the brand
marketing manager. Their response rate was 39.2%.
Descriptive statistics, t-test, discriminant analysis, ANOVA, bivariate regression and multiple
regression were used to analysis the data testing the statistical significance of the hypothesized

After completing the data analysis and testing the significance of the hypotheses, all the hypotheses
were partially supported and there has positive relationship with CRM adoption influencing
Exploring the role of customer relationship management (CRM) systems in customer
knowledge creation

Purpose of the study

This study explores how customer relationship management (CRM) systems support customer
knowledge creation processes, including socialization, externalization, combination and internali
zation. This paper also tries to make a dashboard that provides insights about customer knowledge
gap where lack of customer knowledge exists.
Study also finds out some challenge that organization face for using CRM systems for the purpose
of customer knowledge creation

As this study explores how customer system support customer knowledge, there are four stages to
create and expand knowledge. Each class of CRM system (operational, analytical, collaborative)
provides a range of applications that facilitate different knowledge creation process.
To gain more insights a small survey was conducted on nine IS and Marketing Professors and six
PhD students.
The study found that operational CRM systems such as POS and customer database can help
organization capture and externalize knowledge about customers. Operational systems strongly
support socialization with customers and by this system organizations provides information to the
customers. Collaborative CRM systems facilitate as communication channels with customers.
Some collaborative systems provide learning opportunities that facilitate to individual employees
for knowledge internalization.
A multi-layered approach to CRM implementation:
An integration perspective

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to explore how organizations can successfully develop a CRM strategy
and they propose a multi-layered framework for mapping and understandings of interrelation
between CRM complex variables to its implementation.
Conceptual Framework
Considering two related research projects on systems integration strategy from a business
perspective a multilayered conceptual framework approach was developed to CRM
implementation. The first one is a longitudinal comparative study that has explored CRM
implementation from knowledge integration perspective to a contemporary situation. The second
one is an in-depth, longitudinal study that investigated enterprise systems in a large
telecommunication company, from its conception to strategy implementation.

To test and elaborate multi-layered framework of CRM strategy implementation, the authors of
the paper researched on three medium sized companies over a period of two year and they took
help of senior managers who were engaged with CRM strategy and research team. Every research
team was taken interview who were relating to the CRM projects. The interview duration about
one hour.

The findings of case 1 suggested that albeit the company people were its critical resource, they
were heavily reliant on their processes and technology. They capable to deliver to a high-quality
service to customers to maintain strong brand position.
Case 2 revealed that people were in the driving seat of business and the CEO was very influential
in technology decision making and there have two area for improvement; 1) current IS systems 2)
the production process and management information systems.
Case 3 suggested that company was managing the technical aspects of CRM applications rather
than managing customer relationships.
Critical factors of hospital adoption on CRM system: Organizational and information
system perspectives

Purpose of the study

The purpose of study is to propose an integrated research model that incorporates both
organizational and system related factors from the customer perspective as primary determiners of
customer relationship management system (CRMS) adoption in hospitals.

Research Model

Characteristics of organization, characteristics of CRMS are used as independent variable where

adoption of CRMS use as dependent variable to explore the related factors of primary determiners
of CRMS adoption.
To collect the data, a survey was conducted in Taiwan with three level of health institutions;
To identify the influencing factors adoption of CRMS, this study took 6 hypotheses and to test the
hypotheses, the researcher sent questionnaire to 508 hospitals from them 99 are responded but 2
are eliminated due to incomplete questionnaire. To analyze the data Cronbach alpha, Discriminant
analysis, t-test, KMO, Pearson correlation matrix, Reliability analysis are used.

This study found that hospital size, IS capabilities of staff, knowledge management capabilities
and relative advantage have significant influence on the CRMS adoption.
Effect of Customer Relationship Management on Customer

Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is to check the effectiveness of customer relationship management
(CRM) in retaining and satisfying customers with the reference of Shell Pakistan.

Conceptual Framework
To complete the study, customer relationship management CRM used as independent variable and
customer satisfaction used as dependent to measure the effect of CRM on job performance.

This paper is qualitative and primary data base. To collect data, researcher conducted a survey on
100 employee of different banking institutions especially two sectors f-10, f-11 of Islamabad in
Pakistan. To measure the effectiveness of CRM four hypothesis designed and these hypotheses
tested by regression analysis.

The findings of study show that CRM plays crucial role in increasing the customer satisfaction and
influencing the profitability by reducing the cost of approaching the customers. At the same time,
it increases customer size and it will help to get competitive advantage.
Why build a customer relationship
management capability?

Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is why organization build customer relationship management (CRM)

Drawing on field interview and a survey, this research data was collected. Four hundred and fifty
companies randomly drawn from the commercially available database based on seven industries.
100 executives responded on questionnaire that is yielding 22% from them finally 91
questionnaires selected. For analyzing the collect data, Cronbach alpha, descriptive statistics,
correlation matrix and average variance extracted (AVE) are used.

The findings of the report reveal that CRM capability is stronger on proactive market orientation
than it is on reactive market orientation .it also found that the positive mediating affect on the
proactive market orientation.
The priority factor model for customer relationship
management system success

Purpose of the study

The object of the study is to develop of CRM success model and examine the full range of variables
that have been identified in prior studies and test the completeness of the model.
The study identifies the success factors that have the priority for CRM implementation and have
managerial and technological implications.

Research model
This research paper was focused on the causal relationships among 3 CRM initiatives (process fit,
customer information quality, system support), intrinsic CRM success (efficiency and customer
satisfaction) and extrinsic CRM success (profitability). This paper examines the relationship
among these constructs and develop the research hypothesis.
In this study 253 survey questionnaires were gathered from 14 organizations (7 life insurance firm
and 7 property and causality insurance firm) which have implemented and are operating CRM
strategy in Korea. To complete the research analysis, Reliability analysis, Confirmatory factor
loading analysis, Chi-square, Degree of freedom, GFI, RMR, AFGI, CFI, PGFI are used.

The findings of this study discovered multidimensional measures of factors that influence
profitability through CRM that are intuitively appealing and reliable. The analysis of the
measurement model indicates that the proposed metrics have a relatively high degree of validity
and reliability.
Understanding success and failure in customer relationship management

Purpose of the study

The aim of the study is to understand the factors that have influence on success and failure in
customer relationship management.
Conceptual Framework
The result of paper found that initial values for the CSF variables in the simulation model. Using
these initial values and other established parameters, the simulation can be rolled forward in time
in order to explore different scenarios and the consequences of different decisions. This will
provide managers with a new and powerful tool with which to exploit the potential of CRM for
organizational success.

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