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1.0 Background Of The Study
Corruption has becomes an impediment to the enjoyment of dividend of democracy in
Nigeria. The returned of democratic rule after several years was marked by much
suffering and wanton corruption and infrastructural decay. It is a cankerworm that has
eaten deep into the fabric of the Nigerian political and socio-economic system to the
extent that institutional capacities of government are disregarded, resources are
siphoned off and public offices are bought and sold.
Similarly, Agbu (2003) highlights four serious implications of corruption as follow;
one, corruption affects adversely the quality of governance and social structure in
Nigeria; two, corruption has eroded government’s ability to provide the needed social
amenities like water, sanitation, healthcare, education etcetera; three, it retards
economic development and precipitates deterioration of public infrastructure and
amenities (roads, refineries, dams, plants, telecommunication networks); four, at the
political level, untamed corruption in the polity entrenches bad governance in Nigeria
despite the various legislations promulgated to check this despicable phenomenon.
The summation these implications contributed substantially to the under realization of
national and individual potential as well as bringing needed development.
Upon the realization of the implications of corruption on nation, the democratic
government at its inception in 1999 came up with measures to fight corruption in the
The anti corruption measures range from the setting up of Independent Corrupt
Practices and other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) and the Economic and
Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) with constitutional power to arrest and
prosecute. Despite this step, corruption has continued to grow like flamed of fire
(Yusuf, 2013). The Transparency International rates Nigeria to be one of the most
corrupt countries in the world. For more than a decade, Nigeria consistently maintains
lower point in the CPI scale. It is as a result of this, Onayiekan (2007) posits that
“whether one agrees with their criteria or not, the fact remains that we really have little

to be proud about as a nation in terms of honesty and integrity in our land”. But what
is important is that all these measures seem incapable of addressing the incidence of
corruption in the country.
Since transparency and accountability are missing from local government service
commission, dictionary couple with weak institutional legal framework to fight
corruption. These provide well fertilized ground for corruption to thrive and boom
(Adenugba and Omolawal, 2014).
The law that gave birth to institutions like the ICPC and EFCC right from day one had
been compromised to the extent that the moral cost and the legal cost of corruption in
Nigeria equals zero (Omilusi, 2013:318). Morality in the Nigerian state is at its lowest
ebb, and this constitutes an impediment to the fight against corruption. Corrupt
individuals are celebrated and given titles instead of being rejected in the society, in
the end they give out handouts from the proceeds of their corruption to those who are
ready to celebrate and defend them. The level of moral decadence cut across all strata
in the society. This was further made clear by the Nigerian Vice-President “the
government is receiving pressures from Nigerian elites to slow down the ongoing fight
against graft” (Osinbajo, 2016). And this elites cut across religious and tribal divides.
Maduagwu (1996) is of opinion that “No Nigerian will be ashamed, let alone
condemned by his people, because he or she is accused of being corrupt”. The
punishment prescribed by law for a common man that stole a goat that cost less than a
thousand naira, for instance, is stiffer than the punishment meted to public officer that
stole Billions of naira.
This culture of corruption which is rampant at national level constitutes a threatening
force to development at grass roots level. It has been a significant factor leading to the
general failure of local government as well as an excuse for suspending representative
institution (Humes and Ola, N.D:104). Corrupt practices have been deleterious not
only because they divert funds from public purposes to private purses but also they
undermine the vitality of local government (Ibid). With various corrupt practices
happening in the local government without the proper check and balance that is

expected from the local government service commission, this research will look into
the impact of anti-corruption policies and programs in public service, as a synopsis
for sustainable development, in Jigawa state Local Government Service Commission.

1.1 Aim and Objective of the study

This research work aimed to access the impact of anti-corruption policies and
programs in public service, a synopsis for sustainable development, a case study of
Jigawa state Local Government Service Commission.
The objective of the study are as follows
1.To examine the existing initiatives of the local government service commission to
reduce and prevent corruption.
2.To examine effort of the local government service commission checkmating its the
financial issues.
3. To examine if the local government service commission work with the anti-
corruption agencies in Nigeria.

1.2 Research Question

1. What are the existing initiatives of the local government service commission to
reduce and prevent corruption.
2. Why is the local government service commission checkmating the local
government administration on financial issues.
3. How is the local government service commission working with the anti-corruption
agencies in Nigeria.

1.3 Significance of the study
This study will be of significant to the the civil service commission as it will gear it up
to the their role as the one who appoint; exercise disciplinary control; remove from
office or approve retirement; and select candidates for the award of scholarships or
other similar privileges
The research is also of benefit to the local government as it serves as a means of
looking in to the performance of their commission.
The study is also of importance to the state and the federal government at large as it
help to know about the action of the anti-corruption policies on the local government
service commission.

1.6 Scope and limitation of the study

This study is carried out to access the impact of anti-corruption policies and programs
in public service, as a synopsis for sustainable development in Jigawa state Local
Government Service Commission.
Therefore, the investigations in this study will be restricted to the Dutse local
government therefore the result of the study cannot be generalized. Other constrain
that are encountered during the course of this study are:-
Financial constraint:- insufficient funding tends to impede the efficiency of the
researcher in sourcing for relevant materials, literature or information and in the
process of data collection.
Time constrains: - the researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other
academic work this consequently will cut down on time devoted for the research work

1.7 Historical Background of the study

Jigawa state Local Government Service Commission was established Basically to
oversee the affairs of the Local Government Councils with a view to ensuring that
they perform their constitutional functions, efficiently and effectively. Equally, the
Ministry ensures the co-ordination as well as the implementation of State Government

Policies as they affect Local Government Council’s Vision:- Ensure Social, Economic
and Rural Transformation in the near future.
The mission of the commission is To have in place a well co-coordinated and viable
system of Local Government based on a democratic culture of transparency, probity
accountability and efficient management of resources. Coordinating all Technical
activities related with other Governmental Agencies.Making all departmental
correspondence with 27 Local Government Councils on behalf of the Ministry.Taking
charge of all Technical services of the Ministry and supervising the 27 Local
Government Councils capital projects, these includes the following:-Building,
construction and maintenance works of the Ministry. Mechanical/Electrical
maintenance pertaining to vehicles, power generating machines and all Electrical
Appliances at the Ministry.Road designs and quantification for 27 Local Governments
Capital projects. Capital project designs and quantification of Bridges, Drainages and
Culverts in all the 27 Local Governments, these include supervision of project
execution. Designing/setting out of plans of residential, Commercial and Industrial
Layouts, in the 27 Local Governments. Estimating/setting out of Electrical projects,
including supervision of execution of capital works. Estimating/setting out of water
projects which include, Hand pumps, boreholes, water bone system and open well in
the 27 Local Government Areas. Monitoring/Evaluation of progress of the approved
capital project in all the 27 Local Government Areas. Signing of certificates of
assessed projects in progress for subsequent pay in all the 27 Local Government
Areas. Vetting and advice of estimate bill of quantities prepared by the Local
Government works department.

1.8 Definition of terms

Local Government :- Local government refers collectively to administrative
authorities over areas that are smaller than a state.
Corruption:- Corruption is defined as abuse of official powers for personal interests.

Public Service

2. driveto root corruption out
3. checkmating and combating this scourge of

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