Energy and Respiration MS

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A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon

Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

Energy and Respiration

process major products

pyruvate ;
reduced NAD ;

Krebs cycle reduced NAD / reduced FAD ;
CO2 ;

oxidative ATP ;
phosphorylation water ;

R NADP throughout [8 max]

2 (a) 1 provides, H+ / protons / protons and electrons ; A hydrogen R H2 R produce H+

2 forms, reduced NAD / reduced FAD ; A NAD / FAD, accepts H+
3 passed to ETC / cytochromes ;
4 oxidative phosphorylation ;
5 cytochrome oxidase ;
6 forms water (with oxygen) ;
[3 max]

(b) (i) (initial) steep rise up to 40 (µmol) Al ;

2 paired figs ;
ref. plateau above 40 (µmol) Al ;
(ii) (initially) Al is, activator / cofactor / coenzyme ;
detail of shape change of enzyme ;
enzyme / substrate, limiting, after 40 (µmol) Al / high conc Al ; A end product
inhibition after 40 (µmol) Al
[2 max]

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
3 (a) 1 reduced, NAD / FAD ;
2 passed to ETC ;
3 inner membrane / cristae ;
4 hydrogen released (from reduced, NAD / FAD) ; R H2
5 split into electrons and protons ;
6 protons in matrix ;
7 electrons pass along, carriers / cytochromes ;
8 ref. redox reactions ;
9 ref. energy gradient ;
10 energy released ; R produced
11 protons (pumped) into intermembrane space ;
12 proton gradient ;
13 protons pass through (protein) channels ;
14 ATP synthase / stalked particles ;
15 ATP produced ;
16 chemiosmosis ;
17 electron transferred to oxygen ;
18 addition of proton (to oxygen) to form water / (oxygen) reduced to water ; [9 max]

if candidate mistakenly writes about photosynthesis only allow

marking points 7, 8, 9, 10 and 15 to 5 max

(b) in cytoplasm
19 NAD, becomes reduced / accepts H ;
20 during glycolysis ;

in plants
21 pyruvate converted to ethanal ;
22 ethanal reduced ;
23 by reduced NAD ;
24 ethanol formed ;

in animals
25 pyruvate converted to lactate ;
26 by reduced NAD ;
27 in, liver / muscles ;
28 allows glycolysis to continue ; [6 max]

allow either 23 or 26

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

4 (a) (i) adenine ;

(ii) ribose ; R pentose

(b) 1
energy is released when it is hydrolysed ; A equation A joules for
easily hydrolysed ;
(energy) used in, processes / reactions ; A named process
rapid turnover ;
links catabolic and anabolic reactions / AW ;
found in, most cells / all organisms ;
soluble so easily moved (within cell) ;
ATP produced from variety of reactions ; A named reactions [4 max]

(c) 1 ETC / inner mitochondrial membrane / crista / stalked particles ;

2 grana / thylakoids / inner

chloroplast membrane ;
3 cytoplasm / cytosol ;

4 mitochondrial matrix ; [2 max]

5 (a) (i) 18 ; [1]

(ii) 0.72 ; [1]

allow ecf from (i)

(b) 1 RQ value falls steeply, initially / 40–80 min ;

2 then, very little change / AW ;

3 sugar / carbohydrate, metabolised at start ; A named carbohydrate

4 then fat metabolised ;

[4 max]
5 (due to) fasting / carbohydrate running out ;

(c) 1 increase in rate of respiration ;

2 kinetic energy increases / more enzyme-substrate complexes / enzyme activity increases ;

3 effects of too high a rise in temperature ; e.g. denaturation of enzymes

4 AVP ; e.g. Q10 = 2 [2 max]

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

6 (a) 1 (glucose) phosphorylated by ATP ;

2 raises energy level / overcomes activation energy ;

3 hexose bisphosphate ;

4 lysis / splitting, of, glucose / hexose ; R sugar splitting

5 breaks down to two TP ; A GALP / GADP / G3P / PGAL

6 6C → 2 x 3C ;

7 dehydrogenation / description ;

8 2 NAD reduced formed (from each TP to pyruvate formed) ;

9 4 ATP produced / net gain of 2 ATP ;

10 pyruvate produced ;

11 reduced NAD → oxidative phosphorylation / redox ;

accept flow diagram [7 max]

(b) 12 nucleotide ;

13 adenine + ribose / pentose + three phosphates ;

14 loss of phosphate leads to energy release / hydrolysis releases

30.5 kJ ;

15 ADP + Pi ↔ ATP (reversible reaction) ;

16 synthesised during, glycolysis / Krebs cycle / substrate level

phosphorylation ;

17 synthesised, using electron carriers / oxidative phosphorylation /

photophosphorylation ;

18 in, mitochondria / chloroplasts ;

19 ATP synthase / ATP synthetase ;

20 chemiosmosis / description;

21 used by cells as immediate energy donor ;

22 link between energy yielding and energy requiring reactions / AW ;

23 active transport / muscle contraction / Calvin cycle / protein synthesis ; [8 max]

[Total: 15]

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

7 (a) 1 acetyl CoA combines with oxaloacetate ;

2 to form citrate ;

3 4C to 6C ;

4 decarboxylation / CO2 released ;

5 dehydrogenation / oxidation / release of hydrogen ;

6 reduced NAD produced / NAD accepts hydrogen ;

7 reduced FAD produced / FAD accepts hydrogen ;

8 ATP produced ;

9 substrate level phosphorylation ;

10 series of, steps / intermediates ; A many named steps off a diagram

11 enzyme catalysed reactions ;

12 oxaloacaetate regenerated ;

13 occurs in mitochondrial matrix ; [9 max]

accept diagram

(b) 14 coenzyme ;

15 for dehydrogenase ;

16 reduced ;

17 carries, electrons and protons / hydrogen / NAD

18 from Krebs cycle ;

19 and glycolysis ;

20 to ETC / electron carrier chain / oxidation ;

21 reoxidised / regenerated hydrogen removed ;

22 ATP produced ; [6 max]

[Total: 15]

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

8 (a) (i) glycolysis ; [1]

(ii) cytoplasm/cytosol ; [1]

(iii) 4 ; A4 –2=2 [1]

(b) (i) inner membrane/cristae/stalked particles ; [1]

(ii) 1 reduced, NAD/FAD ;

2 dehydrogenase enzymes ;

3 release hydrogen ; A H R H2/H+

4 hydrogen splits into proton and electron ;

5 electrons flow down, ETC/AW ;

6 energy released ;

7 protons pumped (across inner membrane/from matrix) ;

8 into intermembrane space ;

9 proton gradient ;

10 protons pass through, ATP synthase/stalked particle ;

11 oxygen final, hydrogen/proton, acceptor ; [5 max]

(c) (i) nuclei and ribosomes ; [1]

(ii) 1 glycolysis, does not occur in mitochondrion/only occurs in cytosol or cytoplasm ;

2 pyruvate produced in glycolysis ;

3 pyruvate can enter mitochondrion/glucose cannot enter mitochondrion ;

4 carbon dioxide produced/decarboxylation, in, Krebs/link reaction ; [3 max]

(iii) 1 cyanide, inhibits cytochrome oxidase is a non-competitive inhibitor ;

2 reduced NAD not oxidised/AW ;

3 Krebs cycle stops ;

4 alternative H acceptor needed/pyruvate is H acceptor/pyruvate is reduced ; R H+

5 lactate produced in cytoplasm ;

6 by anaerobic respiration ; [3 max]

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

9 (a) (i) removal of, carbon dioxide/carboxyl group ; [2]

removal of hydrogen ;
(ii) P and Q ;

(b) (i) 3 ;

(ii) 1 inner mitochondrial membrane/cristae ;

2 dehydrogenase enzymes ;

3 release hydrogen ;

4 hydrogen splits into protons and electrons ;

5 electrons flow down, ETC/Electron Transfer Chain/AW ;

6 energy released ;

7 protons pumped across (inner membrane) ;

8 into intermembrane space ;

9 proton gradient ;

10 protons pass through, ATP synthase/stalked particles ;

11 ATP formed ; linked to 10

max 4 [5 max]
12 oxygen (final), hydrogen/proton and electron, acceptor ;

(c) 1 pyruvate converted to ethanal ;

2 ethanal reduced ;

3 by reduced NAD ;

4 NAD, oxidised/regenerated ;

5 allows glycolysis to continue ;

6 ethanal dehydrogenase ;

7 ethanol formed ;

8 prevents H+ from lowering pH ; [4 max]

(d) 1 no, decarboxylation/carbon dioxide removed ; A ora

2 single step ;
[3 max]
3 lactate dehydrogenase ;

4 reversible ;

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
10 (a)
1 ATP as universal energy currency ;

2 light energy needed for photosynthesis ;

3 ATP used conversion of GP to TP ;

4 ATP used to regenerate RuBP ;

5 (energy needed for) anabolic reactions ;

6 protein synthesis / starch formation / triglyceride formation ;

7 activation energy ;

8 (activate) glucose in glycolysis ;

9 active transport ;

10 example ; e.g. sodium / potassium pump

11 movement / locomotion ;

12 example ; e.g. muscle contraction / cilia beating

[9 max]
13 endocytosis / exocytosis / pinocytosis / bulk transport ;
14 temperature regulation ;

(b) 15 idea of lipid > protein > carbohydrate / AW ; A lipid has more energy than
either protein or carbohydrate

16 comparative figures ; e.g. 39.4, 17.0 and 15.8

accept any two
17 kJ g / per unit mass ;

18 more hydrogen atoms in molecule, more energy ;

19 lipid have more, hydrogen atoms / C-H bonds ;

20 (most) energy comes from oxidation of hydrogen to water ;

21 using reduced, NAD / FAD ;

22 in ETC ;

23 detail of ETC ; [6 max]

24 ATP production

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

11 (a) 1 nucleotide ;

2 adenine + ribose / pentose + three phosphates ;

3 loss of phosphate leads to energy release / hydrolysis releases 30.5 kJ ;

4 ADP + Pi ATP (reversible reaction) ;

5 small packets of energy ;

6 small / water soluble, so can move around cell ;

7 used by cells as immediate energy donor ;

8 link between energy yielding and energy requiring reactions / AW ;

9 high turnover ;

10 two examples of use ; ; e.g. active transport / muscle contraction /

Calvin cycle /
protein synthesis [8 max]

(b) 12 Pyruvate, cannot enter mitochondrion / remains in the cytoplasm ;

13 becomes, hydrogen acceptor / reduced ;

14 by reduced NAD ;

15 from glycolysis ;

16 converted to lactate ;

17 lactate dehydrogenase ;

18 allows glycolysis to continue ;

19 no, decarboxylation / CO2 removed ;

20 single step ;

21 reversible reaction / converted back to pyruvate ;

22 by oxidation ;

23 ref. oxygen debt ;

24 ethanol produced ;

accept ora for marking points 19–23 [7 max]

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
12 (a) active transport ;
ribose ; [5]
water ;
hydrolysis ; A dephosphorylation
heat ;

(b) (i) (converted to) glycogen / lipid ;

[1 max]
(used in) glycolysis / respiration ;

(ii) anaerobic
1. less ATP / only 2 ATP ;
2. per mol glucose ;
3. lactate still contains energy / only glycolysis involved / stages other than glycolysis
not involved ;
4. not sustainable / cannot go on indefinitely / AW ; [2 max]

process precise location
glycolysis cytoplasm / cytosol ;
link reaction mitochondrial matrix ;
Krebs cycle mitochondrial matrix ;
oxidative phosphorylation inner mitochondrial membrane / cristae ;

(iv) 1. cannot pass through phospholipid bilayer ;

2. too big to fit through (glucose’s) protein channel ;
3. no specific transport protein ;
4. AVP ; e.g. used up as soon as it is made [2 max]

(v) oxygen debt ; [1]


13 (a) (i) decarboxylation ; [1]

(ii) dehydrogenation / oxidation ; [1]
(iii) substrate level phosphorylation [1]

(b) K -- reduced NAD ; A NADH etc

L -- oxaloacetate ; [2]

(c) 1. hydrogens split into protons and electrons;

2. electrons pass along ETC ;
3. energy released used to pump protons ;
4. (from matrix) to intermembrane space ;
5. inner membrane permeable to protons ;
6. proton gradient forms ;
7. protons move down gradient ;
8. through ATP synthase / ATP synthetase ; R ATPase
9. enzyme rotates ;
10. ATP produced [5 max]

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

14 (a) (i) phosphorylation ; [1]

(ii) lysis ; [1]

(iii) dehydrogenation / oxidation ; ignore reduction of NAD [1]

(b) provides activation energy / AW ; [2]

for it to split / AW ;

(c) 1. decarboxylated / carbon dioxide given off ;

2. ethanal produced ;
3. ethanal reduced ;
4. by reduced NAD ;
5. to ethanol ; [4 max]
6. dehydrogenase ;

15 (a)


(b) in mammals
1. lactate produced / no ethanol produced ;
2. no, decarboxylation / carbon dioxide released ;
3. single step ;
4. lactate dehydrogenase ;
5. reversible ;
[3 max]
(c) in anaerobic respiration
1. only glycolysis occurs / Krebs cycle stops / link reaction stops ;
2. glucose, not fully broken down / still contains energy ;
3. pyruvate does not enter mitochondrion ;
4. (no oxygen) so no final electron acceptor (in ETC) ; [3 max]
5. ETC stops ;
6. no oxidative phosphorylation ;

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
16 (a) 1. reduced, NAD / FAD ;

2. passed to ETC ;

3. inner membrane / cristae ;

4. hydrogen released (from reduced, NAD / FAD) ; R H2

5. split into electrons and protons ;

6. electrons pass along, carriers / cytochromes ;

7. ref. energy gradient ;

8. energy released pumps protons into intermembrane space ;

9. proton gradient ;

10. protons pass through (protein) channels ;

11. ATP synthase / stalked particles ;

12. (ATP produced from) ADP and inorganic phosphate ;

13. electron transferred to oxygen ;

14. addition of proton (to oxygen) to form water / (oxygen) reduced to water ; [8 max]

(b) 15. organisms need energy, to stay alive / for metabolism / AW ;

16. ATP as, (universal) energy currency / described ;

17. light energy for photosynthesis ; A light dependent stage

18. light-dependent stage detail ;

19. light-independent stage detail ;

20. chemical energy ;

21. for anabolic reactions ;

22. named reaction; e.g. protein synthesis / starch formation

23. activation of glucose in glycolysis / described ;

24. active transport ;

25. detail; e.g. sodium - potassium pump /movement against a concentration gradient

26. mechanical energy / movement ;

27. detail ; e.g. muscle contraction / spindle

28. temperature regulation ; [7 max]

29. AVP ; e.g. bioluminescence / electrical discharge

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
17 (a) Active transport or anabolic reactions

1. ATP provides energy (linked to either) ; ignore ref. to energy currency alone

active transport
2. movement against concentration gradient ;

3. carrier / transport, protein (in membrane) ; ignore pump

4. binds to (specific) ion ;

5. protein changes shape ;

anabolic reactions
6. synthesis of complex substances from simpler ones ;

7. starch / cellulose / glycogen, from, monosaccharides / named monosaccharides / named

sugar ;

8. glycosidic bonds ;

9. lipid / triglyceride, from fatty acids and glycerol ;

10. ester bonds ;

11. polypeptides / proteins, from amino acids ;

12. peptide bonds ;

13. other named polymer from suitable monomer ;

14. appropriate named bond ; 5 max

(b) general
15. reduced NAD produced in glycolysis ; A glycolysis described

16. small amount of ATP produced in glycolysis ;

in yeast cells
17. pyruvate converted to ethanal ;

18. carbon dioxide released / decarboxylation ;

19. ethanal, reduced / accepts H ;

20. by reduced NAD ;

21. ethanol formed ;

in mammalian cells
22. pyruvate converted to lactate ;
23. by reduced NAD ;
24. in, liver / muscle, cells ;
25. AVP ;;
26. e.g. reversible in mammal / irreversible in yeast / single step in mammal / more than 1
in yeast / reoxidised NAD allows glycolysis to continue / named enzyme

only award either mp19 or mp23 [8 max]

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

18 (a) X = crista(e) / inner membrane ;

Y = matrix ; [2]

(b) (i) raise chemical PE of glucose / provide activation energy / AW ; [1]

(ii) removes hydrogen / hydrogen carrier / coenzyme ; [1]

(iii) 4 ; A net 2 [1]

(iv) dehydrogenation ; A oxidation

decarboxylation ;
accept ‘oxidative decarboxylation’ for two marks [2]

(v) matrix ; [1]

(vi) 1. accepted by NAD ;

2. passed to ETC ;
3. for oxidative phosphorylation ;
4. ref. proton pump / chemiosmosis ; [2 max]

(c) 1. found in all organisms ;

2 . loss of phosphate / hydrolysis, leads to, energy release /
release of 30.5 kJ (per mole) ;
3. ADP + Pi ATP / reversible reaction ;
4. small packets of energy ;
5. small / water soluble, so can move around cell ;
6. (used by cells as) immediate energy donor ;
7. link between energy yielding and energy requiring reactions / AW ;
8. high turnover ;
9. example of use ; e.g. active transport / muscle contraction / Calvin cycle /
protein synthesis [5 max]

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

19 (a) (i) cytoplasm / cytosol ; [1]

(ii) 1 NAD regenerated ;

2 so glycolysis can continue ;
3 to produce ATP ; [2 max]

(iii) lactate dehydrogenase ; [1]

(iv) reaction - condensation / polymerisation ;

bond - glycosidic ; [2]

(b) in yeast
1 decarboxylation / CO2 removed ;
2 ethanal (as intermediate step) ;
3 ethanol produced ;
4 two steps (from pyruvate) ;
5 ethanol dehydrogenase ;
6 not a reversible reaction / ethanol cannot be converted back to pyruvate ;
7 idea of process less energy efficient ;
allow ora for mp1, mp4, mp5, mp6 and mp7 [4 max]

(c) (i) carbon dioxide produced divided by oxygen consumed ;

volume / number of moles (of both gases) ; [2]

(ii) carbohydrate = 1.0 ;

lipid = 0.7 ; [2]

(iii) increase / go above one / infinity ; [1]

20 (a) (i) 1. ATP is made, in the electron transport chain/by

oxidative phosphorylation;

2. oxygen is the final electron acceptor;

3. in the, inner membrane of the mitochondrion/cristae;

4. transfer of electron (between electron carriers) provides energy;

5. energy used to pump hydrogen ions (into intermembrane space);

6. creates proton gradient;

7. diffusion of hydrogen ions down their electrochemical gradient

causes ATP to be synthesised;

8. ref. chemiosmosis/ATP synthase/stalked particles; [max 4]

9. idea that if less oxygen (consumed/available) then fewer electrons

transferred along the chain;

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

(ii) 1. at high temperatures, reactions/enzyme activity/metabolism, faster;

2. because, molecules/enzymes/substrates, have more kinetic energy;

3. more frequent collisions;

4. therefore, respiration/Krebs cycle/electron transport chain/production

of reduced NAD, take place at a faster rate;

5. idea of increase in rate of anabolic reactions (requiring more ATP); [max 3]

(b) (i) 1. oxygen consumed = oxygen inhaled – oxygen exhaled;

2. measure oxygen consumption at rest (x) and after exercise stops (y);

3. extra oxygen consumed/oxygen debt = y – x;

4. measure mass of lizard; [max 2]

(ii) 1. less (oxygen debt )(for Varanus); ora

2. difference is greater at higher temperatures;

3. any two comparative figures at one temperature including units;

A 102.0 cm3 O2 kg-1 at 30oC and 40oC [3]

(iii) 1. Varanus uses, less anaerobic/more aerobic, respiration (when


2. more ATP produced per glucose molecule;

3. able to run for long time;

4. good chance of catching prey; [max 3]

(iv) assume Varanus throughout

1. larger surface area, in lungs/for gas exchange;

2. more oxygen absorbed into blood (per unit time)/faster rate of gas

3. more oxygen supplied to muscles ( so oxygen debt lower);

[max 2]

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

21 (a) (i) inner membrane / crista(e); [1]

(ii) 1. (electron comes from) hydrogen (atom); R H+ / H2

2. (from) reduced NAD / reduced FAD;

3. (from) dehydrogenation / oxidation, reactions;

4. (from substances in) Krebs cycle / link reaction / glycolysis;

5. in, matrix of mitochondrion / cytoplasm; [max 3]

(iii) 1. final electron acceptor / accepts electron from last carrier;

2. so carrier can be reduced again;

3. so electrons can keep flowing (along ETC) / so ETC can continue to work;

4. (oxygen) combines with H+ to form water; [2 max]

22 (a) adenine / nitrogen(ous) base / purine ; R adenosine

ribose / pentose ;

(b) 1. (cell uses) ATP as source of energy ;

2. ATP broken down ;

3. (so) cell must regenerate ATP ;

4. from ADP and Pi ;

[max 2]
5. ref. ADP / AMP, must be synthesised in the cell ;

(c) (i) 1. palmitic acid has more, hydrogens / C-H bonds ;

2. per mole ;

3. hydrogens needed for, ATP production / chemiosmosis / oxidative phosphorylation ;

[max 2]

(ii) alanine – starvation / lack of fat or carbohydrate ;

lactate – after anaerobic respiration ; [2]

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

23 (b)
1. 0.5–1.0 µm, diameter / width ;

2. double membrane ;

3. inner membrane folded / cristae ;

4. hold, stalked particles / ATP synthase / ATP synthetase ;

5. site of ETC ;

6. ref. H+ and intermembrane space ;

7. ATP production ;

8. oxidative phosphorylation / chemiosmosis ;

9. matrix is site of, link reaction / Krebs cycle ;

10. enzymes in matrix ;

[max 8]
11. 70S ribosomes ;

12. (mitochondrial) DNA ;

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

24 (a) 1. oxidative phosphorylation ;

2. oxygen is final electron acceptor ;

3. reduced to water / accepts hydrogen ion to form water ; A equation

4. so electron transport chain can continue ; ora

[max 3]
5. increases ATP production ; ora

6. in absence of oxygen only glycolysis continues ;

(b) (i) 1. lipid releases most energy ;

2. because it has more, hydrogens / C-H bonds ;

3. per unit mass ; [max 3]

4. hydrogens needed for, ATP production / chemiosmosis ;

(ii) many more hydrogens available to, reduce / convert, oxygen to water ; [1]

25 (a) (DNA for) transcription / codes for mRNA ;

(ribosomes for) translation ; [max 3]

synthesis of, respiratory enzymes / named enzyme / inner membrane proteins ;

correct order letter of stage

1 V

2 S

3 U

4 W

5 R

6 Q

7 X

8 T [4]

S U W all above R ;
S U W in correct order ;

Q X T all below R ;
Q X T in correct order ;

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
(c) hydrolysis / dephosphorylation / exothermic / exergonic ; [1]

(d) anaerobic respiration ;

substrate level phosphorylation (in glycolysis);

at triose phosphate pyruvate step ;

(net) gain of 2ATP (per glucose) ; A 2 used and 4 produced

pyruvate, reduced / gains hydrogens (from reduced NAD) ;

[max 5]
forming lactate ;
NAD regenerated / NADH2 re-oxidised ;

this allows glycolysis to continue ;

I ethanol pathway

26 (a) contains ribose (not deoxyribose) ; [2]

has three phosphate groups (not one) ;

(b) (i) anaerobic – accept ora for aerobic

1 idea that glucose not completely, broken down / oxidised

only glycolysis occurs ;

2 pyruvate / lactate / ethanol, still contains energy ;

3 ETC stops ;

4 (because) no oxygen to act as (final) electron acceptor ;

5 (so) no, Krebs cycle / link reaction / oxidative phosphorylation /

chemiosmosis ; [max 3]

(ii) 1 lipid contains (relatively) more, hydrogen atoms / C-H ;

2 detail ; e.g. molecular formula of glucose and a lipid given

3 more reduced, NAD / FAD, produced ;

4 more electrons passed along ETC ;

5 more hydrogen ions pumped across inner mitochondrial membrane /

more hydrogen ions pumped into intermembrane space / steeper proton [max 3]
gradient ;

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

27 (a) ignore ref. to energy currency

1 idea of synthesis of complex substances or synthesis of named large

molecule / anabolic reactions;

2 transport of substances against concentration gradient / active transport ;

3 movement qualified ; e.g. muscle contraction / cilia movement / locomotion

4 AVP ; e.g bioluminescence, electrical discharge, temperature regulation [max 2]

(b) (i) both answers required for one mark

A adenine R adenosine

B ribose / pentose ;

(ii) 1 small ;

2 water soluble ;

3 easily transported around the cell ;

[max 3]
4 easily hydrolysed (to release energy) ;

5 (so) relatively large quantity of energy released / 30.5 kJ mol–1 ;

6 idea of, rapid turnover / small cellular ATP content is sufficient for cell's
requirements ;

(c) (i) 1 less / decreased (aerobic respiration) ;

2 oxygen, is the final electron acceptor / needed for ETC ;

[max 2]
3 oxidative phosphorylation decreased / chemiosmosis decreased ;

4 regeneration of NAD / Kreb’s cycle / link reaction, decreased ;

5 ATP synthesis decreases / ATP synthetase activity decreased ;

(ii) more ATP produced (for population growth) ; [1]

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

(d) (i) 1 HB8 always does better than mutant HB8 ;

2 HB8 and mutant HB8 both do better in aerobic than in anaerobic

conditions ;

3 data quote to support ;

for mp1
[950 × 106 per cm3 v 900 × 106 per cm3] and [490 × 106 per cm3 v 410 × 106
per cm3] or manipulated figures
[max 2]
for mp2
[950 × 106 per cm3 v 490 × 106 per cm3] and [900 × 106 per cm3 v 410 × 106
per cm3] or manipulated figures

(ii) 1 both grow better in aerobic compared to anaerobic ;

2 ref. to significant difference found in mutant HB8 (aerobic compared to

anaerobic) ;

3 data quote to support ;

for mp1
[880 × 106 per cm3 v 460 × 106 per cm3] and [840 × 106 per cm3 v 50 × 106
per cm3] or manipulated figures
[max 2]
for mp2
[840 × 106 per cm3 v 50 × 106 per cm3] or [460 × 106 per cm3 v 50 × 106 per
cm3] or manipulated figures

(iii) idea that HB8 is a better competitor than mutant HB8 ; ora
[max 1]
in mutant HB8 activity of, enzyme / nitrate reductase, is reduced ;

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

28 (a) 1 glucose phosphorylated by ATP ;

2 (forms) hexose / fructose, bisphosphate ;

3 raises energy level of / activates, glucose / sugar

lowers activation energy of reaction ;

4 breaks down to two TP ;

5 6C  2 × 3C ;

6 hydrogen (atoms) removed / dehydrogenated / oxidised ;

7 2 reduced NAD formed ; A NADH / NADH2

8 ref. to 4 ATP produced / net gain of 2 ATP ;

9 pyruvate produced ;

10 AVP ; e.g. ref. to substrate level phosphorylation / dehydrogenase /

phosphofructokinase / hexokinase [max 6]

substrate level oxidative
phosphorylation phosphorylation

enzymes are

occurs in cytoplasm   ;

occurs in
  ; [3]

channel proteins are


(c) seeds soaked in water

1 little / no, oxygen (in water) ;

2 (mostly) anaerobic respiration ;

seeds after 12 hours in the soil

3 (more) aerobic respiration / less anaerobic respiration ;

4 mixture of substrates ; e.g. 2 of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids

seedlings after 21 days

5 aerobic respiration ;
[max 6]
6 substrate is, glucose / carbohydrate ;
7 ref. to presence of leaves / photosynthesis ;

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
29 (a) (i) adenine ; [1]

(ii) ribose ; [1]

(b) 1 loss of phosphate / hydrolysis, leads to energy release ;

2 small packets of energy ;

3 small / water-soluble, so can move around cell ;

4 immediate energy donor ;

5 link between energy-yielding and energy-requiring reactions / AW ;

6 high turnover ; [max 3]

stage products

glycolysis pyruvate

reduced NAD

Krebs cycle reduced NAD

reduced FAD

carbon dioxide / CO2

oxidative NAD

water / H2O
6 correct = 3 marks
4/5 correct = 2 marks [3]
2/3 correct = 1 mark

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A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
(d) lipids
1 more C-H bonds / more reduced / more hydrogen ;

2 produces more reduced NAD ;

3 produces more ATP per, gram / unit mass ;

4 more, aerobic respiration / oxidative phosphorylation / chemiosmosis ;

5 fats only broken down aerobically ; [max 2]

(e) (i) CO2 produced divided by O2 consumed / ratio of CO2 produced to O2 consumed;

ref. to volume / number of molecules / moles, of, CO2 / O2 ;

in the same time / per unit time ; [max 2]

(ii) carbohydrate = 1.0 ; [2]

lipid = 0.7 ;
(iii) becomes greater than 1 ; [1]

30 (a) ATP ;
pyruvate ; [4]
ATP synthase ;

(b) (i) 1980 ; ;

Allow one mark for
5.2 − 0.25 4.95 [2]
(× 100) or (× 100)
0.25 0.25

(ii) ethanol evaporated ;

other microorganism metabolises ethanol ; [max 1]

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A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

31 (a) (i) W = ethanal ; A acetaldehyde / C2H4O

X = carbon dioxide ; A CO2

Y = reduced NAD ; A NADH / NADH2 / NADH+ + H+ [3]

(ii) in yeast cells – ora for muscle cells

1 ethanol produced as opposed to, lactate / lactic acid ;

2 irreversible ;

3 different dehydrogenases involved /

reduction of ethanal instead of pyruvate / AW ;

4 two steps / two enzymes involved / decarboxylation /

ref. to (pyruvate) decarboxylase / CO2 production ; [max 2]

(b) fewer ATP molecules produced

no / fewer, protons / H+, move through, ATP synth(et)ase / stalked particles
less steep, proton / H+, gradient ; I chemiosmosis

more heat energy released

H+ gradient / electron flow / ETC, energy converted to, heat / thermal energy;

constant oxygen uptake

ETC still works / oxygen acts as final electron acceptor ;
I oxidative phosphorylation still works [3]

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A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

32 (a) (i) S ;
R; [3]

(ii) has genes that code for:

mitochondrial proteins ;
mitochondrial enzymes ;
mitochondrial replication ; [max 1]
rRNA ; A ribosomes A tRNA R mRNA

substance that enters substance that leaves
the mitochondria the mitochondria

oxygen carbon dioxide

pyruvate ATP

ADP water

phosphate / Pi

fatty acids

mark first answer in each box ; ; ;

6 boxes correct = 3 marks
4 / 5 boxes correct = 2 marks [max 3]
2 / 3 boxes correct = 1 mark

(c) max 3 from mp1–mp5

1 ETC / electron transport chain, stops ;
2 Krebs cycle / link reaction, stops ;
3 no proton gradient set up ;
4 no proton flow through ATP synthase ;
5 less / no, ATP produced ;
[max 4]
6 named muscle fails to contract ; e.g. heart / intercostals

(d) (i) 0.70 ; ;

allow one mark for working 102 ÷ 145

(ii) 1 respire aerobically ;

[max 2]
2 mixture of substrates / named mixture ;
3 different tissues respire different substrates ;

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A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

33 (a) both have ribose (sugars) ; R ribulose

ATP has 1, ribose / pentose / sugar, NAD has 2 ; I ref. to additional hexose
both have, adenine / purine (base) ; I adenosine
NAD has, nicotinamide / pyrimidine (base) ;
ATP has 3 phosphates, NAD has 2 ; [max 3]

(b) accept synthesise / produce / convert to, for ‘make’ for all mp
make (named), protein / polypeptide / peptides ; A protein synthesis / translation
make (named), disaccharide / oligosaccharide / polysaccharide / glycogen ; R non-
mammalian examples such as starch or cellulose
make (named), triglycerides / lipids / phospholipids / steroids / cholesterol ;
A glycogenesis
make, nucleotide / polynucleotide / nucleic acid / DNA / RNA ;
A transcription / DNA replication
AVP ; e.g. named example of, polymerisation / condensation
A phosphorylation example [max 2]

(c) substrate-linked / substrate-level, phosphorylation ; I condensation reaction [1]

(d) hydrogen, carrier / acceptor ; A gets reduced or gains H / H+ and electrons

I donates R H2 / hydrogen molecules
(acts as a) coenzyme ; A enables dehydrogenases to work
ref. to glycolysis / respiration in anaerobic conditions ; A anaerobic respiration
I aerobic [max 2]

(e) ‘more’ needed once plus implied for second mp

1 more, C-H bonds / hydrogen(s) / reduced ; I C-C bonds
R more hydrogen bonds R hydrocarbons

accept produces / gives / results in for ‘makes’ in mp 2 and mp3

2 (makes) more reduced NAD ;
3 makes more ATP per, gram / molecule / mole / unit mass ;
A releases / results in / gives, more energy per, g / etc.
4 more, aerobic respiration / electron transport chain (ETC) / oxidative
phosphorylation / chemiosmosis ; A higher rate of for ‘more’ [max 2]

[Total: 10]

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Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

34 (a) accept proton / hydrogen ion / H+ / H ion as equivalent throughout

1 reduced, NAD / FAD ; A NADH / NADH2 / NADH + H+ for reduced NAD
2 passed to ETC ;
3 inner membrane / cristae ;
4 hydrogen released (from reduced, NAD / FAD) ; R H2
5 split into electrons and protons ; A released as electron and proton
6 electrons pass along, carriers / cytochromes ; A electrons pass along
proteins of, ETC / carrier chain
7 energy released pumps protons into intermembrane space ;
8 proton gradient is set up ; A concentration gradient of protons is created
A full description
9 protons diffuse, (back) through membrane / down gradient ;
A protons diffuse into matrix
10 ATP synthase / stalked particles / protein channels ;
A ATP synthetase R ATPase
11 (ATP produced from) ADP and (inorganic) phosphate ; A context for ‘final’
12 idea of oxygen as final electron acceptor ;
13 addition of proton (to oxygen) to form water / (oxygen) reduced to water ; [max 8]
(b) 1 pyruvate formed by glycolysis ;
2 reduced NAD formed by glycolysis ;
3 pyruvate decarboxylated / AW ;
4 ethanal produced ;
5 pyruvate decarboxylase ;
6 ethanal is, hydrogen acceptor / reduced ; A gains H or gains H+ and e–
7 from / by, reduced NAD ;
8 ethanol formed ;
9 ethanol / alcohol, dehydrogenase ;
10not reversible reaction ;
11NAD, regenerated / can now accept hydrogen atoms ;
A reduced NAD oxidised
12 so glycolysis can continue ; [max 7]

[Total: 15]

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A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

35 (a) (i) three phosphates ;

ribose / pentose ;
adenine ; I nitrogenous base [max 2]

(ii) combines with, acetyl group / acetate ;

ref. to link reaction ;
(delivers, acetyl group / acetate) to the Krebs cycle ;
(acetyl group / acetate) combines with oxaloacetate ;
R Acetyl CoA combines with oxaloacetate
[max 3]

(b) (i) muscle / liver ;
(ii) facilitated diffusion ; [1]

(iii) F – condensation / polymerisation / anabolic / glycogenesis / dephosphorylation ;

G – hydrolysis / catabolic / glycogenolysis / phosphorylation ; [2]

(iv) glycolysis / respiration / lipid synthesis ; [1]

[Total: 10]

36 (a) 1 lysis / splitting / break down, of glucose ; R sugar splitting

2 (glucose) phosphorylated by ATP ;
3 raises energy level / to activate the reaction / reduces activation energy /
to make it reactive ;
4 fructose (1,6) bisphosphate ;
5 (breaks down to) two, triose phosphate / TP ;
6 hydrogen removed by NAD ; A triose phosphate oxidised by NAD
7 reduced NAD formed ;
8 pyruvate produced ;
9 small yield of ATP ; [max 6]

(b) 1 oxaloacetate accepts, acetate / acetyl group / 2C fragment ;

2 to form citrate ;
3 4C to 6C ;
4 decarboxylation ;
5 CO2 released ;
6 dehydrogenation / oxidation ;
7 reduced NAD produced ;
8 reduced FAD produced ;
9 ATP produced ;
10 substrate-linked / substrate-level, phosphorylation ;
11 ref. to intermediate compounds ;
12 enzyme-catalysed reactions ;
13 oxaloacetate regenerated ; [max 9]

[Total: 15]

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Paper 4 A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
Question Answer Mark

37 (a) gibberellin ; 1

(b)(i) absorbs carbon dioxide ; 1

(b)(ii) three from 3

1 used in, oxidative phosphorylation / ETC ;
2 final electron acceptor ;

3 proton acceptor ;

4 forms water ;

5 allows ETC to continue


6 ref. to ATP produced ;

(c)(i) equilibration / acclimatising / adjusting ; 1

Question Answer Mark

(c)(ii) two from 2

1 act as a control ;

2 idea of control eliminates effects of variables other than, the independent variable / temperature ;

3 (changes in A and C are) due to, seeds / respiration ; ora

(c)(iii) 0.087 ; ; 2

allow one mark for

1.7 − 0.4 1.3 1.3 1.7 − 0.4
15 15 20 − 5 20 − 5

(c)(iv) at 25°C (ora for 10°C) 2

two from
1 increased kinetic energy ;

2 enzymes involved ;

3 idea of more ESCs ;

(c)(v) enzymes denatured ; 2

detail ; e.g. change in active site (shape) / H bonds break

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Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
Question Answer Mark Guidance

38 (a)(i) potassium hydroxide / sodium hydroxide (solution) ; 1 A KOH / NaOH

I limewater, calcium hydroxide, soda lime, (sodium)
bicarbonate or hydrogen carbonate

38 (a)(ii) one from 1 A high temperature / 30 °C or over, could,

must not raise temperature too high for animals harm / kill / distress, woodlice
; woodlice, movement / activity ;

38 (a)(iii) oxidative phosphorylation ; 1 A electron transport chain / ETC

Question Answer Mark Guidance

38(b)(i) 2
rate of
temperature difference oxygen
/ ºC / cm uptake
3 -1
/ cm min

A 0.01
15 0.18 0.012 ;
A 0.03

0.42 0.028 ;

38(b)(ii) at 25 °C (ora for 15 °C) 3 I optimum temperature

three from
1 increased kinetic energy ;
2 enzymes / substrates / molecules, move faster ; A rate of collisions, higher / faster
3 more collisions (between enzyme and substrate) ;
4 more ESCs formed ;
5 AVP ; Q10 = 2

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Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

Question Answer Mark Guidance

38(c) five from 5

similarities A NADH / NADH2
1 reduced NAD (used) in both; R reduced NAD produced
2 NAD regenerated / glycolysis can continue, in both; A NAD regenerated
A (NADH) re-oxidised to NAD / NAD

yeast / ethanol
tissue / lactate

3 decarboxylation or no decarboxylation ; A CO2 released (yeast) or not (mammals)

4 irreversible or reversible ;
A description of two steps
two steps / one step / A pyruvic acid / lactic acid
5 and ;
pyruvate → ethanal → ethanol pyruvate → lactate
+ –
A ethanol and pyruvate, reduced / gain H and e
6 ethanal accepts H and pyruvate accepts H ; R they are dehydrogenated

lactate A alcohol dehydrogenase

7 ethanol dehydrogenase and ; R lactase dehydrogenase

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Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Question Answer Marks
39(a)(i) 4 correct = 2 marks 2
2 / 3 correct = 1 mark

1 cytoplasm / cytosol / sarcoplasm ;

link reaction:
2 mitochondrial matrix ;

Krebs cycle:
3 mitochondrial matrix ;

oxidative phosphorylation:
4 inner (mitochondrial) membrane / cristae ;

39(a)(ii) two from: 2 max

1 too big to pass through (membrane / glucose’s protein channel) ;

2 polar / AW ;

3 no specific, transport / carrier / channel, protein (for phosphorylated glucose) ;

Question Answer Marks

2(b) five from: 5 max
in anaerobic conditions:
1 only, glycolysis / conversion of glucose into pyruvate, occurs ;

2 (only) produces 2 molecules of ATP (net) ;

3 (only) substrate-linked phosphorylation (occurs) ;

4 pyruvate converted to lactate ;

5 lactate is energy-rich / AW ;

6 oxygen not available as final electron acceptor ;

7 electron transport chain / chemiosmosis / oxidative phosphorylation, does not occur ;

8 most ATP is produced (in aerobic conditions) in, electron transport chain / chemiosmosis / oxidative phosphorylation ;
2(c) three from: 3 max
1 reference oxygen debt ;

2 converts lactate to, pyruvate / glucose ;

3 in liver (cells) ;

4 re-oxygenate, haemoglobin / myoglobin ;

5 meet demands of continued increased metabolic rate / AW ;

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Paper 4 A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
Question Answer Marks

40(a) 2
stage of respiration ATP used ATP produced
glycolysis yes yes
link reaction no no
Krebs cycle no yes
oxidative phosphorylation no yes
4 correct = 2 marks, 2 or 3 rows correct = 1 mark
If ticks and crosses used need all 4 correct for maximum 1 mark

Question Answer Marks

40(b) max 5 of: 5

group A (accept ora for group B throughout) accept ‘they’ = group A

1 higher ratio ;

2 larger / more, inner membrane / cristae (than B) ;

3 more, ETCs / cytochromes / ATP synth(et)ase / stalked particles ; I ATPase

4 oxidative phosphorylation ;

5 more ATP produced ;

6 muscles can contract for, longer / more time / without getting tired ; I exercise longer I muscles contract faster

7 AVP ; e.g. chemiosmosis or detail thereof:

H+ move, down gradient / through ATP synth(et)ase I ATPase

If B and A switched round penalise once only

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
Question Answer Marks

41(a)(i) R – pyruvate ; 2

S – carbon dioxide ;

41(a)(ii) idea that, hydrogen(s) / protons and electrons, are released ; 2

A (reduced NAD), oxidised / dehydrogenated

at ETC / (for) oxidative phosphorylation ;

41(b) 1. lactate (produced) ; A lactic acid max 5

2. (lactate) taken to liver ;

3. converted to pyruvate ;

4. (pyruvate) converted to, glucose / glycogen ;

5. carbon dioxide (produced) ;

6. ref. to carbon dioxide / pH, receptors ;

7. (carbon dioxide) goes into alveoli ;

8. increased breathing (rate) ;

9. ref. to haemoglobin acts as a buffer for carbon dioxide ;

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
Question Answer Marks

42(a) 1 inorganic phosphate added to ADP / ADP + Pi ; 2

2 ref. to (named) phosphorylated compound ;

42(b)(i) ester ; 1

42(b)(ii) carrier of, 2C (unit) / acetyl group / acetate, to, the Krebs cycle / oxaloacetate ; 1

42(b)(iii) two from: 2

1 more C–H (bonds) / more reduced / more hydrogen ;

2 produces more reduced NAD ;

3 more, aerobic respiration / oxidative phosphorylation / chemiosmosis ;

4 produces more ATP per, gram / unit mass ;

42(c)(i) 17 ; 1

42(c)(ii) 0.71 ;; 2
one mark for 12 ÷ 17
allow ecf from (i) for one mark

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Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
Question Answer Marks

43(a) eight from: 8

1 double membrane ;

inner membrane
2 folded / cristae ;

3 increased / large, surface area ;

4 has, ATP synthase / stalked particles ;

5 has, carrier (proteins) / cytochromes ;

6 (site of) ETC / oxidative phosphorylation / chemiosmosis ;

intermembrane space
7 has low pH / high concentration of protons ;

8 accepts protons from ETC / AW ;

9 proton gradient between intermembrane space and matrix

protons move from intermembrane space to matrix ;

10 ref. to ATP synthesis ;

11 contains enzymes ;

12 site of, link reaction / the Krebs cycle ;

outer membrane
13 presence of carriers for, pyruvate / reduced NAD ;

14 AVP ; e.g. ribosomes / DNA, plus function

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Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
Question Answer Marks

43(b) seven from: 7

liver cells (max 6)

1 only glycolysis occurs ;

2 pyruvate, cannot enter mitochondrion / remains in the cytoplasm ;

3 (pyruvate) becomes, hydrogen acceptor / reduced ;

4 by reduced NAD (from glycolysis) ;

5 lactate produced ;

6 lactate dehydrogenase ;

7 production of, 4 ATP / 2 ATP / small amount of ATP ;

8 allows glycolysis to continue ;

yeast cells
9 decarboxylation / CO2 removed ;

10 ethanal becomes, hydrogen acceptor / reduced ;

11 two steps (instead of one) ;

12 irreversible reaction (instead of reversible) ;

13 ethanol dehydrogenase ;

14 ethanol produced ;

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A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
Question Answer Marks

44(a) 2
contents of dishes ATP produced
mitochondria + ADP + Pi + acetyl CoA
+ oxygen
mitochondria + ADP + Pi + acetyl CoA 8
mitochondria + ADP + Pi + low
concentration of protons (H+)
mitochondria + ADP + Pi + high
concentration of protons (H+)

2 or 3 correct = 1 mark
4 correct = 2 marks

44(b) two from: 2

water enters (mitochondrion / matrix) ;

by osmosis / down the water potential gradient ;

membranes ruptured / mitochondrion bursts ;

44(c) final electron (and proton) acceptor (in ETC) ; 1

44(d) ATP synth(et)ase ; 1

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Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
Question Answer Marks

44(e) four from: 4

1 (site of) electron transport chain ;

2 moves / pumps, protons / H+, to inter-membrane space ;

3 electrochemical / proton / H+, gradient ;

4 protons / H+, diffuse to matrix ;

5 through, stalked particles / ATP synth(et)ase ;

6 ADP + Pi Æ ATP ;

7 oxidative phosphorylation ;

Question Answer Marks

45 7; 6


9 / 4 ;


10 ;


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A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
Question Answer Marks

46(a) 3
compound or structure location
ATP synthase
acetyl CoA
phospholipid bilayer
Q ;;;

46(b)(i) 16(.00) × 10–3 ; 1

46(b)(ii) any two from: 2

mitochondria / respiration, produce(s) ATP ;

heart / cardiac muscle (cell), is more active OR needs more, energy / ATP ;

heart / cardiac muscle, (cell) contracts ; ora

46(b)(iii) mitochondria vary, in size / in surface area of inner membrane ; 1

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
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Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
Question Answer Marks

47 any six from: 6

1 (short-term) store of energy ;
2 (energy derived) from, food / respiration / photophosphorylation / chemiosmosis ;
3 transfers energy (to) / (immediate) energy donor (to) ;
4 in all, cells / organisms ;
5 hydrolysis / phosphate loss, releases, energy / 30.5 kJ (per mole) ;

6 reversible reaction / (AMP and) ADP recycled to ATP ;

7 small (molecule) / water soluble, so can move within, cell / cytoplasm ;
8 links energy yielding and energy requiring reactions ;
9 high turnover (rate) ;

and any two uses up to question total of 6 from:

10 active transport / action potential / electrical discharge ;
11 muscle contraction ;
12 anabolic reactions / condensation reactions / transcription / translation / DNA replication / Calvin cycle / phosphorylation
reactions ;
13 exocytosis / endocytosis / intracellular transport ;
14 bioluminescence ;

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Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
Question Answer Marks

47(b) any nine from: 9

anaerobic respiration in, mammalian cells / lactic fermentation (M):

1 pyruvate, is reduced / accepts H / accepts H+ + electron ;

2 (process uses) reduced NAD ;

3 from glycolysis ;
4 converted to, lactate / lactic acid ;
5 ref. to lactate dehydrogenase ;
6 regeneration of NAD allows glycolysis to continue ;
7 small energy yield / 2 ATP, (from glycolysis) ;

difference to, yeast cells / alcoholic fermentation (Y): accept ora mps 8–11
8 M no, decarboxylation / CO2 removed (to form ethanal) ;
9 M single / one, step / enzyme or Y two, steps / enzymes ;

10 M pyruvate is H acceptor and in Y ethanal is H acceptor ;

11 M reversible / lactate is (later) converted back to pyruvate or Y irreversible or ethanal / ethanol, cannot be converted back
to pyruvate ;

12 M needs oxygen / by oxidation / ref. to oxygen debt ;

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Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
Question Answer Marks

48(a) link reaction ; 5

matrix of mitochondrion ;

2 and 3 ;

substrate–linked phosphorylation ; A substrate-level phosphorylation

(Q =) NAD and (R=) FAD ;

48(b) reduced, NAD / FAD, to ETC ; A description 2

ref. to oxidative phosphorylation / chemiosmosis ; A description

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Paper 4 A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
Question Answer Marks

49(a)(i) two from: 2

glycolysis ;
link reaction ;
Krebs cycle ;

49(a)(ii) two from: 2

1 splits H into electrons and H+ ;

2 ref. to electrons along, ETC / carriers, provides energy ;
3 (energy) used to pump H+ into intermembrane space ;

Question Answer Marks

49(a)(iii) Y oxygen ; 2
Z ATP synthase / ATP synthetase ;
A stalked particle
R ATPase

49(b) two from: 2

increase in surface area ;

more, carriers / ATP synthase / ETCs ;
more ATP (produced) ;

Question Answer Marks

50(a)(i) cytoplasm ; 1

50(a)(ii) phosphorylation: 1 (and) 3 ; 3

oxidation: 5;
reaction in step 5: substrate-linked phosphorylation ;

50(b) any two from 2

cancer cells
1 need / use, more glucose ;
2 need / use, less oxygen ;
3 get, little energy / 2 ATP / small amount of ATP, per glucose (molecule) / from glycolysis ;

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Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
Question Answer Marks

51(a) any six from 6

1 different substrates have different numbers of, hydrogens / C-H bonds ;
2 lipids have (relatively) more, hydrogens / C-H bonds (than carbohydrates or proteins) ;
3 hydrogens / C-H bonds, located in fatty acid (tails of lipids) ;
4 breakdown / oxidation, of substrate provides hydrogen (atoms) ;
5 for reduction of, NAD / FAD ;
6 (reduced, NAD / FAD) provides / releases, hydrogen to ETC ;
7 hydrogen (dissociates) into protons and electrons ;
8 ref. energy used to set up proton gradient ;
9 chemiosmosis / oxidative phosphorylation / AW ;
10 (so) more, ATP / energy, from lipids per unit mass (than, carbohydrates / proteins) or lipids, more energy dense / have
higher (relative) energy value ;

51(b) RQ 9
1 (ratio of) carbon dioxide given out divided by oxygen taken in ;
2 ref. volume / moles ;
R amount
3 per unit time ;

any eight from

4 use respirometer ;
5 seeds placed on, mesh / gauze ;
6 KOH / NaOH / sodalime, to absorb carbon dioxide ;
7 manometer / capillary tube / syringe ;
8 movement of fluid (in manometer / capillary tube / syringe) = uptake of oxygen ;
9 keep, temperature / air pressure, constant ;
10 measure oxygen uptake after certain time ;
11 repeat without KOH / NaOH / sodalime ;
12 difference in manometer readings due to carbon dioxide given out ;

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Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration

Question Answer Marks

52(a)(i) any three from: 3

1 because there is a faster rate of (aerobic) respiration (than in phase A) ;

2 (because) in phase B, ADP is present so oxygen concentration decreases faster ;

3 ADP is needed for ATP synthesis ;

4 oxygen used, as final electron acceptor / for oxidative phosphorylation / for aerobic respiration ;

52(a)(ii) ADP / Pi / oxygen / pyruvate, becomes limiting / runs out ; 1

Question Answer Marks

52(b) any five from: 5

1 low concentration of oxygen in water ;

2 ref. to aerenchyma / description ;

3 gases diffuses (through aerenchyma) down to root cells ;

4 allows aerobic respiration ;

5 some leaves trap air underwater due to ridges on leaves ;

6 ethanol produced from respiration under anaerobic conditions ;

A alcoholic fermentation

7 (root cells) can tolerate ethanol ;

8 (root cells) produce, alcohol / ethanol, dehydrogenase (to break down ethanol) ;

9 some varieties of rice have high rate of respiration under anaerobic conditions to generate more ATP ;

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Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
Question Answer Marks

54(a) 4
correct order letter of stage

1 E

2 H

3 A

4 I

5 F

6 B

7 C

8 G

9 D

E and H in correct position ;

A and I in correct position ;

B and C in correct position ;

G and D in correct position ;

Question Answer Marks

54(b) any five from: 5

in yeast
1 only glycolysis occurs ;

2 (net) 2 ATP produced ;

3 no oxygen as (final) electron acceptor ;

4 (so) pyruvate does not enter mitochondria ;

5 ETC / chemiosmosis / oxidative phosphorylation / Krebs cycle / link reaction, does not occur ;

6 (ETC / chemiosmosis / oxidative phosphorylation) produce most ATP ;

7 pyruvate / ethanal, converted to ethanol ;

8 ethanol still energy-rich / AW ;

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A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
Question Answer Marks

53(a) 4
correct order letter of stage

1 V

2 S

3 U

4 W

5 R

6 Q

7 X

8 T

6 correct = 4 marks
4/5 correct = 3 marks
2/3 correct = 2 marks
1 correct = 1 mark ;;;;

53(b) ATP synthase - cristae / inner membrane ; 5

Krebs cycle - matrix ;

electron transport chain - cristae / inner membrane ;

coenzyme A - matrix ;

pyruvate - matrix ;

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
Question Answer Marks

55(a) any eight from: 8

1 reduced, NAD / FAD ;

2 passed to ETC ;

3 inner membrane / cristae ;

4 hydrogen released (from reduced, NAD / FAD) ;

5 split into electrons and protons ;

6 electrons pass along, ETC / carriers / cytochromes ;

7 energy released pumps protons into intermembrane space ;

8 proton gradient is set up ;

9 protons diffuse, (back) through membrane / down gradient ;

10 ATP synthase / stalked particles / protein channels ;

11 (ATP produced from) ADP and (inorganic) phosphate ;

12 idea of oxygen as final electron acceptor ;

13 addition of proton (to oxygen) to form water / (oxygen) reduced to water ;

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

A Level Biology by Sir Umar Memon
Paper 4
Topic#1 Energy & Respiration
Question Answer Marks

55(b) any seven from: 7

1 detail of placing larvae in respirometer ; e.g. on gauze / use spoon

2 use and role of, KOH / AW;

3 water bath / maintain temperature ;

4 choose 4 different temperatures ;

5 mark initial position of liquid drop ;

6 leave for set time ;

7 measure distance moved by drop (in set time) ;

8 (use tap to) reset respirometer ;

9 (at least 3) replicates ;

10 calculate mean values ;

11 calculate rate as distance ÷ time ;

12 plot graph of rate v temperature ;

Topical Past Paper Questions Prepared by Sir Umar Memon

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