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Disruptive Technology

Machine Learning in Project Management

How subsets of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be implemented to optimise performance

Disruptive Technology: Machine Learning in Project Management
Ryan Gillespie LinkedIn Profile

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a subset of machine learning that aims to teach a
machine how to recognise and understand language and text, in this case evaluating project task
commentary submitted via email and automatically assigning a RAG status. It has been used in a
variety of domains, where NLP serves as a link between artificial intelligence and humans,
integrating languages, computer science and automation. As the field of Deep Learning NLP has
advanced, it is now appropriate for use in project management reporting, making it a valuable tool
for process improvement immune to cognitive biases and misclassification. This article examines
how this technology can be used to automate project risk classification by employing a trained DL
NLP model to review, comprehend, and assign risk classification based on commentary
submitted to the project manager or project management office in conjunction with office

Machine learning, as opposed to intelligence programming, is the process by which a program

learns on its own with the help of data and statistics. As more data is fed into the model, it learns
to implement the most logical outcome. Large data sets, years of successful and unsuccessful
project scenarios, such as inputs and outputs relating to risk, can be analysed by ML models to
learn which input scenario will result in which output with the greatest degree of certainty.

Evolution of RISK classification

An industrial automated control system includes a human–machine interface. Consider

programmable logic in automated industrial systems that use a defined sequential logic as an
example. If A and B occur, C is triggered, and conditions are realised based on predetermined,
proven factors. The system is optimised to produce the desired output in the most efficient way

The human machine interface is only used when intervention and control are required by design.
We can now use the same logical framework based on textual commentary NLP models, instead
of digital and binary conditions or mechanical gates we can utilise contextual data. Deep learning
NLP models can be trained on large data sets containing years of project RISK data. Not only
can the NLP models understand and associate textual inputs with outputs, but they can also
understand context to analyse and classify textual scenarios based on historical knowledge.

In this example, the Project Manager serves as the Human Machine Interface, with NLP serving
as the automated process for project risk classification reporting and escalation. As in the
previous example, the HMI/PM should not be required to intervene unless required as an output
of logic, such as a RISK classification or an unacceptable threshold of uncertainty, which would
then trigger a subsequent sequence of controlling events forcing intervention.

The slow data transfer from human to machine, to human, and back to machine is the bottleneck
in the preceding example. The risk of cognitive bias and misclassification in data transfer is high.
By automating various processes, the Project Manager or PMO will be able to shift away from
cognitive reasoning, which is susceptible to human error, within specific areas of the project
management framework and instead function as an overarching, strategic controlling mind,
essentially an optimised project manager.

Disruptive Technology: Machine Learning in Project Management
Ryan Gillespie logic
conditional LinkedIn Profile
could be stated as follows: A machine switches on if either of two start
switches are closed and all of three stop switches are closed. The conditions could be
The future

As we move towards the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” Artificial Intelligence can be used more
extensively at a basic level to optimise project risk classification and mitigation, resource
scheduling and utilisation analysis, project performance reporting with advanced projections,
and KPI analysis.

From the ground up, we investigated the fundamental implementations of a single subset of
Artificial Intelligence that is process driven. The array of possibilities presented by this
fundamental deep learning concept should have opened your eyes to the change
transformation that is on the horizon.

Taking a more strategic and scalable approach, let us now investigate how Artificial Intelligence
can have a strategic impact on the project management industry from the top down. How will it
affect the industry from an organisational standpoint, and will we establish new methodologies,
processes, and frameworks as a result? Will AI create a unified toolbox of tools and utilities to
assist a project manager or PMO? The impact of AI in project management will be truly
disruptive on a large scale across all industries, fundamentally redefining project management

Risk analysis, mitigation, and forecasting are generally practices that accumulate as a project
progresses, with the risk register being somewhat predefined to a minimalist level and updated
reactively. RISK is inherently uncertain, and without the ability to predict the future with 100
percent accuracy, this will remain the case.

Nobody can guarantee project completion on time, within budget, within scope, and with
agreed-upon quality; it is not yet possible. Risk, on the other hand, can be modeled on an
endless application of historic data, machines can learn to calculate and forecast risk with
incredible accuracy more so than any human counterpart. Building this function into the project
management industry as standard will be a core evolutionary step. Learning is essential;
however, the industry is failing to learn from previous projects and processes, adopting what
worked and avoiding steps to failure.

This process must be implemented on a regulatory level so that Artificial Intelligence can model
all industry data to provide a standardised risk, management, and control index that learns and
evolves, allowing for better project management practice that is automated, controlled,
optimised, and risk averse. The next evolutionary step is for Artificial Intelligence to be used to
address critical industry flaws; projects should be integrated not independent.

Disruptive Technology: Machine Learning in Project Management
Ryan Gillespie LinkedIn Profile

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