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Dynamical Decoupling of Open Quantum Systems

Lorenza Viola1 , Emanuel Knill2 , and Seth Lloyd1 ∗

d’Arbeloff Laboratory for Information Systems and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545
We propose a novel dynamical method for beating decoherence and dissipation in open quantum
systems. We demonstrate the possibility of filtering out the effects of unwanted (not necessarily
known) system-environment interactions and show that the noise-suppression procedure can be
combined with the capability of retaining control over the effective dynamical evolution of the open
quantum system. Implications for quantum information processing are discussed.

03.65.-w, 03.67.-a, 05.30.-d

arXiv:quant-ph/9809071v2 11 Feb 1999

All real world quantum systems interact with their sur- decoherence-suppression schemes as first identified in [9]
rounding environment to a greater or lesser extent. Such and subsequently implemented by various authors un-
systems are said to be open. No matter how weak the der specific assumptions [10], but, in contrast to previ-
coupling that prevents the system from being isolated, ous proposals, it also points out a general criterion for
the evolution of an open quantum system is eventually engineering effective open-system evolutions that are, in
plagued by nonunitary features like decoherence and dis- principle, immune to noise and decoherence. More pre-
sipation [1]. Quantum decoherence, in particular, is a cisely, we find that one can effectively control the system
purely quantum-mechanical effect whereby the system to undergo a wide range of dynamical behavior while still
loses its ability to exhibit coherent behavior by getting eliminating the effects of the environment. The allowable
entangled with the ambient degrees of freedom. Deco- dynamics are generated by a subgroup of the possible
herence stands as a serious obstacle common to all appli- system tranformations. This has potentially important
cations relying on the capability of maintaining and ex- consequences for quantum control and quantum compu-
ploiting quantum coherence. These encompass quantum tation, in that it can be regarded as a strategy for per-
state engineering [2], quantum interferometry [3], macro- forming fault-tolerant control. Even though the effects of
scopic quantum mechanics [4] and, notably, the whole the environment make it impossible to retain control over
emerging field of quantum information processing [5]. arbitrary unitary evolutions of a quantum system, an ef-
fective dynamics can be still reliably constructed over a
Recently, considerable effort has been devoted to de-
sign strategies able to counteract the effects of environ- restricted set of transformations.
mental couplings in open-system evolutions. In partic- The starting point of the method consists in recog-
ular, the theory of quantum error correction has been nizing that no relaxation process can take place instan-
developed to meet this challenge [6]. From a physical taneously. Accordingly, one should be able to inter-
point of view, the general underlying question can be fere with the associated dynamics by inducing motions
stated in terms of attaining quantum noise control. Un- into the systems, which are faster than the shortest
like the closed-system limit, where the active manipu- time scale accessible to the reservoir degrees of freedom.
lation of unitary dynamics is currently realized to be a The usage of tailored time-dependent perturbations as a
problem of quantum control theory [7], the possibility of tool to improve system performances has a long history
directly exploiting control techniques to influence open- within high-resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spec-
system properties has not been fully explored yet. Exist- troscopy, where versatile decoupling techniques are avail-
ing approaches mainly rely on feedback (or closed-loop) able to manipulate the overall spin Hamiltonian [11]. De-
control configurations [8]. In fact, conventional quan- spite this enlighting similarity, the construction of analo-
tum error correction protocols can be regarded, in their gous procedures for open quantum systems faces an im-
essence, as a form of quantum feedback control imple- portant conceptual difference, for we assume that any
mented on a redundant physical system. decoupling action can be exerted only on the system vari-
ables, the environment being contributed by a huge num-
In this Letter, we formulate a model for decoupling
a generic open quantum system from any environmen- ber of uncontrollable quantum degrees of freedom.
tal interaction through simpler so-called open-loop con- We consider a quantum system S coupled to an arbi-
trol techniques. We show that the resulting descrip- trary bath B, which together form a closed system de-
tion not only provides a comprehensive framework for fined on the Hilbert space H = HS ⊗ HB , HS and HB

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denoting S and B Hilbert spaces respectively. The over- time-ordered exponential defining the cycle propagator
all Hamiltonian can be written in a concise form as Utot (Tc ) = exp (−iHTc ),
X Z Tc
H0 = HS ⊗ 11B + 11S ⊗ HB + HSB = Sα ⊗ Bα , (1)
(0) (1)

T exp − i du H̃(u) = e−i[ H +H +... ] Tc , (5)
where 11 is the identity operator and the bath operators where the various contributions collect terms of equal or-
Bα are supposed to be linearly independent. Being H0 der in the transformed Hamiltonian. In particular,
Hermitian, the linear space spanned by the system op-
erators Sα is a self-adjoint subspace in the vector space (0) 1
Z Tc
B(HS ) of bounded operators acting on HS . We shall H = du H̃(u) . (6)
Tc 0
assume that the unwanted noise-inducing Hamiltonian
HSB is only contributed by a finite subset of open-system We shall say that kth-order decoupling is achieved if
couplings. We call interaction space IS ⊆ B(HS ) the the control field H1 (t) can be devised so that contribu-
corresponding finite dimensional subspace. The second tions mixing S and B degrees of freedom are no longer
ingredient we introduce is the control algebra, CS , which (0)
present in H and the first nonvanishing correction
is generated by the repertoire of Hamiltonians we can (k)
turn on for S to implement decoupling. We allow for arises from H , k ≥ 1. Owing to the fact that the cycle
possibilities where IS 6= CS . time Tc enters the Magnus series as a controllable ex-
If ρtot (0) = ρS (0)⊗ρB (0) is the initial state over H, the pansion parameter, we examine the limit of fast control,
open-system evolution of S is the coarse-grained dynam- where the lowest-order terms are expected to provide an
ics ρS (0) 7→ ρS (t) = TrB {ρtot (t)}, TrB denoting partial accurate description (first-order decoupling). Formally,
trace over HB [1]. The relaxation dynamics for ρS (t), for a finite evolution time T , this requires considering
which involves a combination of quantum decoherence Tc = T /N in the limit as N → ∞. The Magnus series
and dissipation mechanisms depending on the nature of defining evolution over a single cycle converges for suffi-
the coupling operators, may display a complicate time de- ciently large N whenever H = O(Tcr ) = O(1/N 2 ) for
pendence. In the simplest case, the off-diagonal matrix r ≥ 2. As a result, in the limit of arbitrarily fast control,
elements of ρS (t) behave like exp(−t/τrel ), τrel indicat- contributions higher than zeroth-order are negligible in
ing the time scale for significant departure from unitarity (5) and we can focus on the problem of designing the
and irreversible loss of quantum coherence. effective Hamiltonian H .
In order to protect the evolution of S against the effect (0)
We now show that the time average defining H can
of the interaction HSB , we start by seeking a perturba- be made identical to a group-theoretical averaging pro-
tion H1 (t) ∈ CS to be added to H0 as a suitable decou- cedure [12]. Since we can apply any Hamiltonian in the
pling interaction, H(t) = H0 + H1 (t) ⊗ 11B . We restrict control algebra, full control of the decoupling propaga-
here to situations where the control field is cyclic, i.e., as- tor U1 (t) is available over the associated set of unitary
sociated to a decoupling operator U1 (t) that is periodic transformations. Let G be any finite group of unitary
over some cycle time Tc > 0: operators that generates CS , G ≡ {gj }, j = 0, . . . , |G| − 1,
 Z t  |G| ≡ ord(G). Then the map
U1 (t) ≡ T exp − i du H1 (u) = U1 (t + Tc ) . (2)
1 X †
S 7→ S ≡ ΠC (S) = gj S gj , S ∈ B(HS ) , (7)
In the interaction representation associated with H1 (t), gj ∈G

defined by ρtot (t) = U1 (t)ρ̃tot (t)U1† (t) on H, time evolu- is the unique operation projecting on the so-called cen-
tion is ruled by a transformed time-varying Hamiltonian, tralizer of G. Equivalently, since averaged operators S
Xh † i commute with every gj , they belong to the so-called
H̃(t) = U1† (t)H0 U1 (t) = U1 (t)Sα U1 (t) ⊗ Bα . (3) commutant C of the control algebra. Notice that C is
α closed under commutation. The map (7) is implemented
through a simple piecewise constant decoupling operator:
Since U1 (Tc ) = 11S , the evolution in the original
Schrödinger representation can be easily derived. One U1 (t) ≡ gj , j ∆t ≤ t < (j + 1) ∆t , (8)
can prove that after N cycles, TN = N Tc ,
corresponding to a partition of the cycle time Tc into |G|
Utot (TN ) = e−iHTN , (4) intervals of equal length ∆t ≡ Tc /|G|. Then, by (3),
where the motion of the system under the time- (0) X
H = ΠC (H0 ) = S α ⊗ Bα , (9)
dependent field H1 (t) has been replaced by a strobo- α
scopic development under an effective so-called average
Hamiltonian H [11]. The calculation of H is performed which, by virtue of the quantum operation (7), displays
on the basis of a standard Magnus expansion of the well-defined symmetry properties.

The decoupling prescription (8) requires the capabil- the projected Hamiltonian H S = ΠC (HS ) only consist-
ity of instantaneously changing the evolution operator ing of operators belonging to C. Equivalently, the set of
from gj to gj+1 over successive subintervals, implying ar- operators in the commutant of CS determines the reliable
bitrarily strong “kicks” of control field. Such impulsive manipulations left available for effective system control.
full-power control configurations correspond to so-called For a given IS , the identification of a minimal group G
quantum bang-bang controls as introduced in [9]. In fact, able to produce decoupling is nontrivial. We provide an
this method can be seen to provide an explicit control illustrative example.
implementation of an abstract unitary symmetrization Let us discuss a K-qubits dissipative quantum register
procedure recently proposed by Zanardi [13]. [5]. The maximum possible complexity of error gener-
Two different situations arise depending on the knowl- ation arises in the presence of so-called total decoher-
edge available on the system-bath interaction HSB . Let ence, whereby combined errors can occur to any num-
us first suppose that no knowledge is assumed, in which ber of qubits. In this case, IS = B(HS ) ≃ (C2 )⊗K
case the environmental coupling is completely arbitrary and maximal averaging is demanded to decouple the
and IS = B(HS ). We can prove the following: register from quantum noise. Since an error basis on
Theorem. Let S be a finite dimensional system and C2 ⊗K is generated via the tensor product of the stan-
let the interaction with the environment be arbitrary, dard Pauli bit/sign-flip error basis [14], a possible choice
IS = B(HS ). Then, in the limit of arbitrarily fast control (i)
is G = {11S , σα }⊗K , α = x, y, z, i = 1, . . . , K. Thus, a
rate, the evolution of observables in the control algebra number of |G| = 4K steps is required for minimal length
can be suppressed arbitrarily well: decoupling sequences. A more efficient averaging is pos-
sible if the relevant register-bath coupling is known to be
lim TrS {A ρS (T = N Tc )} = TrS {A ρS (0)} . (10) P (i) (i)
N →∞ linear in single-qubit operators, HSB = i,α σα ⊗ Bα .
Under that condition, which is met for both independent
If, in addition, the control algebra is maximal, CS =
decoherence (dim(IS ) = 3K) and collective decoherence
B(HS ), then complete first-order decoupling is achiev-
(dim(IS ) = 3), selective averaging suffices to decouple
able through system manipulations alone:
from errors. One can show that the tensor power of the
lim ρS (T = N Tc ) = ρS (0) . (11) Pauli group, G = {11S , ⊗K i=1 σα }, α = x, y, z, |G| = 4,
N →∞ represents a minimal choice. In terms of the control field
Proof. Let A ∈ CS . The first statement follows by Eq. H1 (t), decoupling is then enacted by cycling the qubits in
(4) with Hamiltonian (9) and the fact that [A, S α ] = 0 the register through sequences of collective π-pulses along
for every α. If CS consist of all operators, then the com- two axes, e.g., ∆t − πx − ∆t − π−z − ∆t − π−x − ∆t − π−z ,
mutant C only contains c-numbers, S α = λα 11S in (9) ∆t = Tc /4. In the special case of a purely decohering cou-
P (i) (i)
and the result follows. 2 pling, HSB = i σz ⊗ Bz , the scheme can be further
The group able to average system operators into the simplified by taking G = {11S , ⊗K i=1 σx }, |G| = 2, which
commutant of CS can be chosen as a set of linearly in- reproduces the situation analyzed in [9] for K = 1. In
dependent unitary operators realizing a so-called unitary the decoupling regime, the register effectively behaves as
error basis on HS [14]. Such subgroups always exist for a noiseless quantum memory, which is an essential ingre-
finite dimension. Within the class of piecewise constant dient for various quantum cryptographic and communi-
decoupling sequences as considered above, it can then be cation schemes [5,15]. In addition, one can now perform
shown that at least dim(CS ) = |G| steps are needed in in a fault-tolerant way any logical operation belonging to
a cycle to attain decoupling. Since the effective system the commutant of the tensor power Pauli group, which is
evolution is completely quenched by the decoupling pro- generated through commutation by matrices of the form
(i) (j)
cedure, we call this configuration maximal averaging. σα σα , i, j ∈ {1, . . . , K}, α = x, y, z.
When some knowledge is available on the coupling The results discussed so far show that decoherence and
HSB , this information can be exploited to engineer decay can be completely suppressed in the limit of in-
shorter decoupling sequences fulfilling specific symmetry finitesimally short control time scale ∆t → 0. In order to
constraints. For a given (known) interaction space IS , convert this mathematical limit into a physically mean-
the goal is to devise a control algebra able to selectively ingful condition, we recall that complete information
averaging out IS , ΠC (IS ) = 0, while leaving invariant about the fluctuation-dissipation properties of a macro-
the sector in the operator space of the system contain- scopic bath is encapsulated in the spectral density func-
ing some useful dynamics. This requires that the error- tion J(ω), measuring the density of modes at frequency
inducing and the desired system operators in (1) trans- ω multiplied by the square of the system-mode coupling
form according to different irreducible representations of −1
strength. Quite generally, relaxation rates γ = τrel arise
G. By using (9), the effective open-system evolution over from an integration over the reservoir modes of the ef-
time T is then governed by fects due to thermal and vacuum fluctuations, weighted
with J(ω). This integration does not extend to arbitrar-
lim ρS (T = N Tc ) = e−iH S T ρS (0) e+iH S T , (12) ily large frequencies. For every physical spectral density
N →∞

function, a finite ultraviolet cut-off frequency ωc always resources are still a stringent practical requirement, de-
exists, such that J(ω) → 0 for ω > ωc . The characteristic coupling techniques could be valuable compared to con-
memory time τc ∼ ωc−1 , which is often set to be zero as a ventional error-correction networks in the field of NMR,
part of Markov approximation [1], determines the fastest ion-trap or solid state quantum computation.
time scale accessible to reservoir correlations. The con- In summary, we showed how to manipulate the irre-
dition ∆t ≪ τc replaces, in a realistic scenario, the ideal versible component of open-system evolutions through
limit ∆t → 0. Thus, the physical requirement for decou- the application of external controllable interactions.
pling is ∆t . τc or ωc ∆t . 1, i.e., the motion induced Maximal and selective decoupling were introduced within
by the decoupling field needs to be faster than the fastest a common group-theoretical framework and their rele-
time scale characterizing the unwanted interactions. vance to the issue of designing controlled effective open-
In the presence of a small but finite decoupling time system evolutions elucidated. In the spirit of weaken-
scale ∆t, the representation of the average Hamiltonian ing the decoupling requirements as much as possible, the
H in terms of the lowest-order contribution H is ap- main question raised by the present analysis concerns the
proximate due to the higher-order terms. Consequently, characterization of fault-tolerant decoupling schemes or,
decoupling is imperfect and relaxation dynamics still oc- equivalently, the degree of decoupling attainable in the
curs even in the presence of control. For first-order de- presence of power-limited and imperfect control opera-
coupling, the leading correction is due to H
and the tions. Work in ongoing along these directions.
key observation to estimate the decoupling accuracy as This work was supported by ONR, AFOSR, and
a function of ∆t is that the overall coupling strength to DARPA/ARO under the Quantum Information and
the bath has been renormalized by a factor of the order Computation initiative and the NMR Quantum Comput-
ωc ∆t. Since the spectral density depends quadratically ing initiative. E. K. received support from the NSA.
upon the interaction strength, all the relevant relaxation
effects tend to be suppressed by a factor of the order
(ωc ∆t)2 . For a generic kth-order decoupling scheme, the
controlled relaxation rate is able to be reduced as
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