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• Beneficence – doing good,

Organizational Leadership: Its Definition

and Nature • Nonmalificence- doing no harm

 Leadership versus Management • Justice –treating people equally and

process of influence • Fidelity- keeping one’s promise or word
can influence one ore more people
reciprocal relationship • Veracity- obligation to tell the truth
• good
communication between leader and • Respect for othters-highest principle,
followers acknowledges the rights of people to
Management make their own decisions and live with
• systematic process of achieving goals it.
in an organization
• planning
• organizing  Transactional Leadership versus
• directing Transformational Leadership
• controlling
Transactional Transformational
 Management and Leadership • Contract for mutual • Both L and F work
Behavior benefits and together
contingent rewards • Sense of
Leader Manager • Reward for expected empowerment
• With vision, passion, • Particular with performance • Optimism
integrity,flexibility, process • Day to day operation • Cooperation
intelligence, support • Do things right • L develops F
• Do right things • Make people • Mutual trust
• Drive others to do do what they
something do not want to  Psychodynamic Theory and
• More on patient care do Transactional Analysis
• Acts on
functions in Psychodynamic Theory- by freud
org • Infancy (0-18mos)
- ORAL stage
- Basic needs

Theories of Human Behavior Related to Leadership • Toddler (18-3yo)

- ANAL stage
 The Situational Leadership Theory: - Muscle and social control
Its Component
-based on the situation and maturity of the • Preschool (3-6yo)
followers - PHALLIC stage
- Established sexual identity
Lead. Style Maturity (M)-
(S) followers
1 Selling -no experience • School age (6-12yo)
2 Telling -little experience - LATENCY stage
3Participating -w/ exp but no - Est. same sex relationship
4Delegating -can be trusted • Adolescence (12-18yo)
- GENDER stage
 Ethics - Rel. with opposite sex and finds
• Autonomy- freedom of choice, right gratifying work.
to delf determination
 Mc Gregor’s X, Y Theory
Other Leadership Theories
X- (negative) Y- (matured)
• Traditional • L supports  Traits Theory of Leadership
• L directs and control • F self- disciplined, -traits are inherited, can be learned and can
F good responsibility be affected by experiences
• F has no ambition, • With incentives
sense of Leadership traits:
• Great
responsibility, no More intelligent
opportunities to F
participation With initiative
• decentralization
• May cause failure Creative
• L cannot discover Emotional maturity with integrity
potentials of F Perceptive thoughts
With social activities
 Servant-Based Leadership
-L acts on holistic approach, “serving first”, shared  Contingency and Situational Theories of
decision making Leadership

Characteristics: Contingency:
• Listening - effectiveness of L style is based on
• Empathy situation
- 3 structure
• Healing
1. leader and member situation
• Awareness
2. task structure
• Persuasion 3. position power
• commitment
Situational :
-bases on varying situations, personalities,
Theories of Motivation: Its Link to attitudes and expectations
Organizational Leadership
 Path-Goal Theories of Leadership
 Leadership and Follower Motivation -leader has structured activities which will
help in the productivity of F.
Maslows heirachy of needs:
• Physiologic  Theories of Charismatic and Visionary
• Safety Leadership
• Love and belongingness
• Self-esteem Charismatic:
• Self-actualization -inspirational quality- makes people feel
Skinner’s (positive reinforcement) -increases emotional commitment
-if positive – strengthens F -increases enthusiasm and loyalty
-if nega- weakens F
 Leadership and Organizational
Affected by:
• Political
• Economic
• Social
• Technological

 Leadership and Job Design

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