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HPS 1145 BOOSEY (cj HAWKES HPS 1145 IGOR STRAVINSKY PULCINELLA BALLET IN ONE ACT FOR SMALL ORCHESTRA WITHTHREE SOLO VOICES AFTER GIAMBATTISTA PERGOLESI REVISED EDITION 1965, BOOSEY (cf HAWKES Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Limited www This ballet “= ‘irst:performed on ISth May 1920 at the Thédtre de l'Opéra, Paris, by the Ballets Russes, conducted by Ernest Ansermet, with choreography by Léonide Massine, and décor and costumes by Pablo Picasso. Argument The subject of Pulcinella is taken from a manuscript found at Naples, dating from 1700, containing a number of comedies portraying the traditional character of the popular Neapolitan stage. The particular episode selected for the story of this ballet is the one entitled Quartre Polichinelles semblables (Four identical Pulcinellas”) Al the young girls of the neighbourhood love Pulcinella, while the young men, consumed with jealousy, seek to kill him. As soon as an opportunity of achieving their intention occurs. they disguise themselves as Pulcinellas with the idea of impressing their loved-ones. But Pulcinella, craftily, has changed places with a double, who pretends to die under the blows of his enemies. Pulcinella himself, di. d as a magician, comes to bring his do” “back to life”. Just as the young men think they are finaly rid of him, the real Pulcinella appears and arranges all their marriages. He himself weds Pimpinella, with the blessing of his double (Fourbo), who in his turn assumes the character of the magician Instrumentation 2 Flutes (2nd doubling Piccolo) 2 Oboes 2 Bassoons 2. Horns in F Trumpet in C Trombone Concertino Strings ( Ripieno Strings ( Soprano Tenor | soles Bass Duration: 35 minutes Al right of henna rato nd tleviion performance, mechanical reproduction in any form whaionver Cicuding im) ofthe comple ballet, or parts thee, re sry eserves IMPORTANT NOTICE The unauthorised copying| PULCINELLA of the whole or any part of] this publication is illegal OUVERTURE ‘egro moderato, J-40 5 a coed | 7 sf 1 cura Fu | u Violino I Violino soLo Viola Violoncello Contrabasso Violini 1 Violiai 1 Viole ORCHESTRA Violoncelti Conteubassi (© Copytight 1925 by Hawkes & Son (London) Led Revised Version © Copyright 1966 by Hawkes & Son (London) Ld a Msn vieht naw amee Sv. 10 SERENATA Largheto, 00 1 Bl fengmegmpegetgenegegege 5 ©. 2 v0.1 inet vant Bow aH, 19882 13 Stempre © non arf 5 wembre of (eee) vente Moceaio.¢see0, ma meno forte Sua. viaht va. ov. ™ SSS tans deyer ie fom wae RAH, 19062 na v va. SCHERZINO Allegro, = 14 Poca Allegro, 4 = 106 Ba H.s0082 I ostt0 meno f to sam Lt T Pid. Povo cree. @ a vee. 2 ‘| ‘| Ren snaee 23 ii vivo, @) wore 25 26 BB) Autegro, 4-09 viata Eve ou 28 g eu. 8.10868 Tegeiore Ptace by a Hamas fr Be. sonae 33 .-d (meno mosso) dese loves E vee. 34 Andantino, Jess ndantino, d68 P viso.1 Be tones wi eet ee Peress (oun) lp erase a7 38 BB) Attegro, e120 Attegro, J-120 Siar ay (won arte toee 9 dohgts) gum. 40 a s9ne2 Prcace om 42 veo. vu. 5 aH. snnee vient DOP OP DP Dp > pla Dlnea la wD fiomere) aH. 19362 48 ‘atace loggers stace.leggiero ne. Bue. co 50» atempo 45 3) Ellag 2 tempo 5 Sa a e Foo isp Bee See fm 48 rm, YP non ores oP y? an sosea 48 octane se aoe t Sum. 3 Few. via. (feeoht hp _aitaché ‘wmpre poco of a [Gi] Ancora poco meno, ds Ancora poco meno, J.88 Bae 10802 oo. Eg SS IaSEE tee > we lereee Wwe al mle 8 vist Ev. o on «ten « toferane Yh west tel PSs fe = detail amor mie, fee ams BAH. s9862 on PS ae ar . Wt vo GRE gu. PRES & —F ‘wn ope . es wt o. 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TARANTELLA > =o > |, subito mens Fre stace subito meno 7 #sace abito meno Pe stae 3 [ue ~mpitarcaties. |p 8 fn of na Hisee 47 118, Sv. vit 2 it,__axo ea Ba Has rg ogegete 4 = cemen tea ein = gama 124 ret fa fils mente Cin-ganeaae, la Gl - mete Vine ganemar, —Bel- tk wos a8 i om eee Seva sender, o ' fm BH, 98e 125 Me egligwecmicaifi—eon-el-glo io pet me ton se-gaicsh Men yerschd a fn ou Ba H. 0362 ; Fe Atego deo stp BL po te sn partes oF 9 Aten 128 Allegro 4-120 cA Allegro 4-120 8.4 Hane nt Ba a0862 aH. 10962 ZA GAVOTTA con due variaziont [£58] Attegro mod: ferato, d = 50-88 Ba 1.19302 a doltesimo (accompagnando) 135 Variazione 12 Allegretto, 4-100 Variazione 11 Allegro pit tosto moderato, 4 49 sun sonttite 137 o> aap ti mlm, ‘marcato prin ‘enpre si wish sempre ‘empre sim 138 § ve. 139 iw" jr | mere or molto forts iitacke) Pi oF sonore I Ba Hons M0 "poco menof nth aah; Ba Hse > aecetin ee [FD Tempo dt minuetto 2s a8 Mato modorato 79) te di minuetto 2. dancets 3m = mt ‘nF ta on so00 aaa a fect mec 8a W362 a om ‘Pie F| coat ertpre tim, Ba Htnes § vm. 5 om patil pile tp 145 148 on Alero asai dent, . = wind Brea Saticte Allegro assai d 166 vial ae 8 simile pane De tetsin 9 viao.t 150 vist Ba Htoa8e 151 simile pif lee Buf 182 Bg He 153 p00 of oor [fomatmarcaticsimo) pocoy poo 154 aH, 182 Bjataceapie hips. v fesaiana 158 Vieo.t Bene ar tar sempre site lempre simile lemore smite lempre site sempre simile lempre simile mite imate 159 Viet simile

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