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Outline – Baby Car Seats

1. Introduction
a. Infants still have poor balance and coordination; this becomes a safety issue when travelling
in a car. Car baby seats are specifically designed to solve this. It serves as a separate seat for
your infant and keeps your baby safer and makes sure they are secure yet comfortable.
b. It goes without saying, when driving, safety should always be your number one priority.
Although cars follow strict safety standards, it is better to be on the safest side. There’s no
need to wonder what to look for and even which car baby seats are best. We have that all
covered. Read on so you can choose the best car baby seat online.
2. How to Choose the Best Baby Car Seats – Buying Guide
a. Here in the Philippines, the use of a baby car seat has recently been required by statute.
Although its implementation has been postponed, why wait for law before giving your baby
the safest ride possible. Below we give you important considerations to make before buying
a baby car seat.
3. Consider the Size of the Baby Seat
a. Before choosing the size you want, consider how much space you have in the backseat.
Sedans tend to have a smaller area in the rear passenger area compared to SUVs or vans.
b. For the available space in the back, don’t forget to consider the space the driver needs. Car
seats move back and forth, as well as recline; this can take up more or less space depending
on the driver.
c. Upright car seats are better suited for babies that can already hold their heads up. Lying car
seats are best for newborns. The best option is to choose a convertible or reclineable baby
car seat.
4. Choose Between a Rear-Facing and a Front-Facing Seat
a. Before, rear-facing infant car seats were the default choice because they gave more security
to a child in the event of a crash. They were less prone to be thrown from their baby seat in
a front impact accident.
b. However, this is not the case anymore. Front and rear facing baby car seats are in equal
standing in terms of innovations on safety.
c. Front-facing seats helps you keep an eye on your baby better. It makes it easier to see them
while driving by simply glancing at the rear view mirror. You can easily see if they are
holding or putting in their mouths things that they should not.
5. Opt for the Best Safety Mechanisms
a. A five-point harness offers the best security to your child. It secures the baby through five
straps: two at the shoulders, two at the hips and one at the crotch, all connected through a
buckle release mechanism. There are also other options such as three and two-point
b. You should only choose a padded baby car seat. The quality of the paddings will differ, some
will be thick and soft, thin and dense or any other combination of these characteristics.
c. You also must consider where the paddings are placed. Make sure they cover the basics:
neck, back, and legs. For a safer and more comfortable baby, opt for one with lateral
headrests and padded side wings. This makes them protected even upon impact or sudden
jerking movements.
d. Pitch control system, basically it is a bowl-shaped seat that prevents your child from sliding
forward especially if you live in a mountainous region where a steep descent will cause your
child to slide.
6. Always Choose the Better Material
a. Don’t compromise your child’s safety to save a few thousands. Only pick what’s better or
b. For the crash safety paddings, Expanded Polystyrene foam or EPS is great material. These
are the same types of foam you find in bicycle and motorcycle helmets. It has a more
modern variant, Expanded Polypropylene foam or EPP that is more durable and flexible.
Both function to absorb energy in the event of a crash, therefore, providing cushion and
lessening the force absorbed by the body.
c. For the main pads that are in contact with the body, memory foam is the best choice. It
distributes weight evenly. It conforms to the natural body shape. It also provides allergen
protection as its density prevents allergen build-up in the foam.
d. Last is the material of the fabric cover, choose one that will keep your baby cool or warm
depending on the need. Mesh covers are your best choice for keeping cool; they allow air to
flow through the cover and do not trap heat or moisture. For colder climates, cotton fabrics
trap body heat better.
7. Tips – How to Child Proof Your Car
8. Related Links – More Baby Care Products
9. Summary
a. Buying a baby car seat should be seen as a whole lot more than just complying with the law.
Although there is an understandable uproar against the sudden and seemingly poorly
studied creation and implementation of Republic Act No. 11229 or the Child Safety in Motor
Vehicles Act, at least it has caused most of us to review and appreciate the importance of an
infant car seat.
b. You are now steps ahead of most vehicle owners and baby-carers because you now know
what to look for to give your baby the best protection they can get and you can drive worry-
free because you know that you chose the right one for your

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