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we need to recognize “Special Education in order to understand the learning needs and procedure

and to play an important role in the expansion and advancement of learning needs of special children.
Recognizing special education, we will become responsible enough so that the students could be able to
achieve excellence irrespective of their disabilities. Having the knowledge about special education,
provides a special platform to the children having special needs along with the driving of their learning
issues which can make their life success. The special education aims at providing training without leaving
any gap in between. Recognizing special education also helps in making training before considering the
importance of job responsibilities. A person or a student with any kind of disability can easily conquer
the world by their hard-work and skills. For this, they should be given special opportunities without any
terms and conditions.

We need to set objectives in Special Education in order to help the exceptional children to learn and
acquire necessary skills for their self-help, independent living and leading future life as properly as
possible. To help them to acquire necessary social skills, emotional literacy to live and participate in
school, home and community life as properly as possible. Special education is instruction that is specially
designed to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. This means education that is developed to
address that child’s specific needs in order to achieve his or her highest learning potential. Since each
child is unique, it is difficult to give a sweeping example of special education. It is individualized for each
child. we need to set objectives in Special Education to provide the child an opportunity to learn in the
least restrictive environment so they can ultimately thrive to the best of their ability when transitioned
into adulthood. 

We help other people with special needs when we realize people with disabilities should be treated the
same as everyone else. The most important part of interacting with someone who has a disability is
seeing that person for whom he or she is, and not what disability that person has. Common ground is the
base of all human connections once we’ve found something in common, then we can deal with the
differences. For example, a person in a wheelchair may use a wheelchair lift and hand controls to
transport into a car and drive. Instead of thinking about how you and this person drive differently, focus
on the commonality, which is both of you drive. In this instance, the difference doesn’t matter. For me, it
can be a big help treating someone with a disability or special needs just how we would want to be
treated. Everyone appreciates respect and etiquette, not just people with special needs.

Do you have an idea how to help them.

A person with disabilities should have full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental
freedoms on an equal basis with other people like having the right to free and appropriate
education and to be treated fairly and given access to all of the services and supports to
which a person is entitled

A person with disabilities must have an environment that is free from discrimination. Many
people with disabilities are capable of caring for themselves without any assistance, they understand what
they’re capable of and what their limitations are
A person with disabilities must be treated with dignity and respect. We should not
consider them useless and objects of pity with no chance for a life of dignity. We
should see life from their eyes, realize their potential, and provide them with

Every person has strengths so as people with disabilities, it’s more important for us to focus
on what a person can do, their abilities, rather than their disability. We can use these
abilities to assist the areas that they have the most challenges with and provide them what
they need.

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